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Education Research and Evaluation

Cues Notes

 A good title should have the ff properties:

1. very specific in nature
2. Should have the expressive power to show the entire scale of the research study
3. It should tell the total nature of the subject
4. Very definite and clear
5. Attractive and interesting

 Standards in writing the title:

1. The title must be concise. It contains only the words enough to hint the content of the

Omit phrases like;

1. A study of
2. The Implications of
3. A Comprehensive Study of
4. An Assessment of
5. An Analysis of
6. Inquiry
7. Investigation

2. The title must be stated in declarative form, not interrogative form.

3. If the title exceeds beyond one line, it must be stated like V-form. No title shall be
written in excess of three lines regardless the number of words.

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