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ASSIGNMENT Chapter 3 Critical Thinking

Name: Maria Araúz Núñez ID: 4-813-938 Date: 04/10/2024

1- Develop No. 1 and No.2 on page 59.
Which of the four causes of poor listening discussed in this chapter do you
consider the most important? Choose a specific case of poor listening in
which you were involved. Explain what went wrong.

I consider that the most important is not concentrating, because it is the one
that usually happens to me, in today's class I was trying to pay attention to
the speech and I was understanding the subject but suddenly I got distracted
for a moment and some thoughts came to my head, I was thinking about the
tasks I had and how I would divide my time for them, because lately I have
had many and I got lost for a moment until I reminded myself that I should
pay attention but when this happened I had already lost part of the subject.

2. Using the Listening Self-Evaluation Worksheet on page 52, undertake a candid

evaluation of your major strengths and weaknesses as a listener.
Explain what steps you need to take to become a better listener.
To become a better listener, I need to:

• Take listening seriously: I need to work on learning to listen effectively.

• Be an active listener: listening to music and doing another activity allows us
to concentrate on both things at the same time and helps reduce distraction
when listening to speeches because we can focus more easily.
• Resist distractions: I must resist distractions, not be distracted by the
speaker's appearance or manner of speaking and suspend judgment until I
have heard the speaker.
In the listening self-evaluation I got 78 of score, so it means that I listen well, but a
have a lot of things to improve. I need to avoid mental and physical distractions, don’t
try to recall everything a speaker says, I need to pay attention even if I don’t like the
topic because when I hear about it, I might become interested in it and also I need
to pay attention to the evidence is important because I am going to learn with facts,
all these things can help me to become a better listener.

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