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Let Us Try

1. Which of the following belongs to a non-state institution?

2. Which of the following statement is true about non-state institutions?
b. Corporations, cooperatives, and trade unions are examples of non-state institutions.
3. The following are forms of non-state institution EXCEPT:
d. Local Government Units (LGUs)
4. Which of the following prompted workers to form trade unions?
d. All are correct
5. This form of the non-state institution concerns negotiating better working conditions and
giving general advice and support to workers.
c. Labor Unions
6. What non-state institution whose goal is to help, develop, and support economic growth
within a specified city or region by providing necessary resources and assistance?
a. Developmental Agencies
7. Which of the following is NOT a function of a cooperative?
d. It represents its members to negotiate agreements with employers on payments and
8. What non-state institution concerned in providing short-term working capital and medium- and
long-term financing to businesses engaged in agriculture, services, industry, and housing?
c. Central Bank
9. Which of the following banks below can be labeled as Commercial Bank?
a. Banco De Oro
10. The statements below show the impact of cooperatives on the community EXCEPT:
b. Cooperatives promote gender equality through their financial loans given regardless
of gender and membership.
11. Which international organization was created to promote peace and cooperation throughout
the world?
a. United Nations
12. Which of the following is the best explanation of a nongovernmental organization?
c. A non-profit private organization relatively independent from government whose
purpose is to advance the public good
13. Which of the International Organization below aims to help the children cope with poverty
around the world?
c. Save the Children
14. Mr. Ben is a worker in a banana plantation. He has been working for longer hours every day
yet receives only a minimum salary without overtime pay. To which of the following non-
government agency below he could ask for help to petition for overtime payment to his employer
of the hours he rendered?
a. Workers Union
15. The following are the impacts of Non-government institutions and organizations, EXCEPT:
d. none of the above

Let Us Study / Task 1

1. United Nation 4. Petron
2. Land Bank 5. Smart Communications
3. Metrobank 6. Davao Light

Guide Question
A. What do you think are the kinds of institutions presented above?
The kind of institutions presented above are non-state institutions.
B. Do you think these are helpful to the people or to our society? Why?
Absolutely yes, because these institutions provide services to the people and help its
members of the society for their progress. Usually, these institutions target the poor to give them

Let Us Remember
1. I have learned that non-state institutions are institutions that are independent of any state,
although, they usually collaborate with the government in implementing projects. These
institutions help the members of society in terms of their welfare, financial, promote human right,
etc. They have different functions and focus on a specific objective.

2. Non-state institutions have different forms, and these are intended to promote to promote the
country’s economy which are banks, corporations, cooperatives, and labor/trade unions. On the
other hand, transnational advocacy groups and international organizations are the
3. Non state institutions impact the local and international community through projects and
platform they have implemented. They develop certain services that will probably needed by
members of the society for their progress.
4. Banks and cooperatives specifically help in undertaking savings and lending services to
individuals. However, cooperatives generate a shared pool of funds to provide financial
assistance and other related financial services to its members.
5. Trade unions are important institutions because it negotiates agreements with employers on
their wage and working conditions, take collective action to enforce the agreed terms with
employers, and provide legal and financial provisions for members.
6. There are different international organizations such as: International Governmental
Organizations or IGOs and International Nongovernmental Organizations or INGOs/NGOs.

Let Us Assess
1. These institutions are used by external support agencies as channels for projects intended to
benefit the poor.
d. Non-state institutions
2. It is the bank that has the sole authority to oversee the banking systems in the Philippines.
a. Central Bank of the Philippines
3. This is a form of a non-state institution whose primary concern is to create an organization for
the benefit of workers of a particular company or workplace by protecting and upholding their
rights and privileges.
c. Labor Unions
4. Which of the following is the best explanation of a cooperative?
d. A business owned by people who work for it or are served by it
5. Which of the following is an example of a rural or cooperative Bank?
b. One Network Bank
6. This type of cooperative is concerned with engaging in savings and credit services and other
financial services:
b. Financial Service Cooperative

7. Which of the following is NOT a function of a trade union as a non- state institution?
c. Promotes financial literacy and grants its members loans to startup a business.
8. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and
World Health Organization (WHO) are examples of what institution?
a. IGO
9. Which of the following is the focus of transnational advocacy groups?
b. Give voice to the vulnerable members of the community in domestic and international
lawmaking bodies.
10. It helps poor and middle-income countries get money to build improvements, reduce
poverty, and make loans to poorer countries.
c. World Health Organization (WHO)
11. Which of the following international organizations aims to prevent another world war from
happening, which also spearhead efforts on eradicating poverty, hunger, terrorism, and the like?
b. UN
12. Which of the statement below is NOT an impact of a non-state institution?
d. None of the above
13. If you wish to build your own sari-sari store business but you have no capital to realize it, to
what institution you can be able to ask for help to finance your business?
b. Radiowealth Lending Finance Company
14. A group of farmers can create their own association and cooperate to avail government and
non-government subsidies for crop production and distribution.
a. True
15. Which of the following prompted workers to form trade unions?
d. All are correct

Let Us Reflect
● Non-state institutions have taken part in effecting change in the country through projects and
platform they have implemented. They develop certain services that will probably needed by
members of the society for their progress. And particularly these projects are intended to
benefit the poor.

● If given a chance to join a transnational group, I wish to join NGOs because there is a
particular organization that will save the children from hunger and poverty. And if I have
money to support them, I would probably join that institution because seeing them without
shelter and no food to eat break my heart and I want to help them no matter what.

● If I will create a non-state organization, my advocacy will be Help the children, Help them

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