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1 [R – X] + [Nu]  Product Rate

[RX] [Nu]
I. 0.10 0.50 1.2 × 10– 2
II. 0.20 0.50 2.4 × 10– 2
III. 0.10 1.00 1.2 × 10– 2
Observing the experimental values, predict that for which of the following Nu (nucleophile),
rate of reaction be observed maximum.
(A) I– (B) CN
(C) HS  (D) almost same in all case

1. (D) Data suggests SN1 reaction and SN1 reaction rate is independent of [Nu–] and the
nature of nucleophile.

2. Which statement is incorrect about the following reaction H NaI
I   Product

(A) The rate of each of these reactions depended on both [R – I] and [131I]
(B) Loss of optical activity was exactly twice as fast as gain of radioactivity
(C) Each molecule undergoing substitution suffers inversion of configuration
(D) Final solution has radioactive iodine only

2. (D)

3. Among the given pairs, in which, first has lower nucleophilic character ?
  
(A) CH3S and CH3OH (B) CH3CH2O and CH3 CH O

(C) N and CH3  N  CH3 (D) PH3 and NH3


3. (C) due to steric hindrence

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4. Which of the following compounds will not exhibit enolization ?

(A) CH2  C  H (B) CH3  C  CH3

(C) (D) Ph  C  CH3

4. (C) Absence of alpha H

5. The most stable resonating structure is :


(A) (B) (C) (D)

C C C  C

5. (C) Negetive charge on electronegetive element

6. Among the following which is most stabilised cation :

:NH2 :NH2 :NH2 :NH2
(A) +
(B) +
(C) + (D)

6. (C) Resonance stabilized

7. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of acidity

R CH2 N  R  S CH3 (C6H5)3CH R  C CH3

(P) (Q) (R) (S)

(A) P > Q > R > S (B) Q > P > S > R

(C) P > Q > S > R (D) R > S > P > Q

7. (B) Q is maximum acidic

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8. Consider the following pairs of compounds :
C6H5 C6H5
(I) (II)

Which among the following statement is correct ?

1. Both are enantiomers 2. Both are in threo form
3. Both are diastereomers 4. Both are in erythro form
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1, 2 and 3 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 3 and 4

8. (A)

9. Which type of isomerism is observed between I and II ?

O Br O

CH3  CH  S  O CH3  CH  O  S

Br O O

(A) Functional isomerism (B) Metamerism

(C) Enantiomerism (D) Geometrical isomerism

9. (B)

10. Which one of the following is the most stabilised conformer of 1, 4-cyclohexane diol ?


(A) (B)


(C) HO (D)


10. (B) Hydrogen bonding

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11. Rank the following substances in order of decreasing heat of combustion
(maximum  minimum).

1 3
2 4

(A) 1 > 2 > 4 > 5 (B) 3 > 4 > 2 > 1 (C) 2 > 4 > 1 > 3 (D) 1 > 3 > 2 > 4

11. (C) Heat of combustion   No.' C' atoms in molecule
stability of molecule

12. How many degrees of unsaturation are there in the following compound ?



(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 10 (D) 11

12. (D)


The stability of the product can be explained by

(A) F– is better leaving group than other group “X”
(B) This is a redox reaction
(C) Product stabilises by aromatisation
(D) Above reaction is not possible

13. (C)

14. The orbital angular momentum of 3p electron is :

(A) 3 h (B) 6 h (C) zero (D) 2

14. (D) Orbital angular momentum = 1(1  1) ; 1 = 1 for p-orbital

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15. A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that P.E. = – mkr2, where k is a
constant and r is the distance of the particle from origin. Assuming Bohr’s model of
quantization of angular momentum and circular orbit, r is directly proportional to :
(A) n 2 (B) n (C) n (D) None of these

15. (C)   P.E.  K .E
1 1  1 nh
    mkr 2   mv 2 , mvr  ,
2 2  2 2

n 2h2 n 2h2
v2  ; r 4
 or r  n
4 2 m 2r 2 4 2 m 2r 2

16. For the complexation reaction : Ag+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) [Ag(NH3)2]+(aq). The rates of

forward and reverse reactions are given by :

(rate)f = 1.0 × 106 L2 mol–2 s–1[Ag+][NH3]2
(rate)r = 2.0 × 10–2 s–1 [Ag(NH3)(2)]+
The instability constant of the complex is :
(A) 5.0 × 109 (B) 2.5 × 10–4 (C) 2.0 × 10–4 (D) 2.0 × 10–8

16. (D) Ag+(aq) + 2NH3(aq) [Ag(NH3)2]+(aq)

K b 2.0  10 2 –8
Instability constant = (1 / formation constant) =  6 = 2.0 × 10
Kf 1.0  10

17. pH of 0.5 M Ba(CN)2 solution (pKb of CN– = 9.30) is :

(A) 8.35 (B) 3.35 (C) 9.35 (D) 9.50

17. (C) [CN–] = 2 × 0.5 = 1.0 M

pH = (1 / 2) (pKw + pKa + log[CN–])= (1 / 2) [(14 + (14 – pKb) + log1)] = pKb) + log1]
= (1/2) [28 – 9.30] = 9.35

18. In the titration of a monoacid weak base with a strong acid, pH at half of the equivalence
point is
(A) pK b (B) 14 – pKb (C) 7 – pKb (D) 7 + pKb

18. (B) At the half neutralization of weak base B, [BH+] = [B]

[BH  ]
pOH = pKb + log = pKb ; pH = 14 – pOH = 14 – pKb

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19. NH3 gas is liquefied more easily than N2. Hence :
(A) Van der Waals’ constant a and b of NH3 > that of N2
(B) Van der Waals’ constant a and b of NH3 < that of N2
(C) a(NH3) > a(N2) but b (NH3) < b(N2)
(D) a(NH3) < a(N2) but b (NH3) > b(N2)

19. (C) Higher is van der Waals’ constant for attraction, easier is liquefaction.
Also b(NH3) < b(N2)

20. The temperature at which the second virial coefficient of a real gas is zero, is called :
(A) Critical temperature (B) Eutectic point
(C) Boiling point (D) Boyle’s temperature

 B 
20. (D) The virial equation for gaseous state is PV =  A  V  ..... . At Boyle’s temperature,
 

gas shows ideal gas behaviour, i.e., PV = RT which is possible only when A = RT
and B = 0.

21. For an ideal gas, the correct relation is :

 δE   δE   δE 
(A)  δT   0 (B)  δT   0 (C)  δT   0 (D) All of these
 T  P  V

21. (A) Energy of ideal gas is directly proportional to its temperature and not to its volume.

22. The correct order of temperature for a real gas is :

Boyl temp., Critical temp., Inversion temp.
(I) (II) (III)
(A) III > I > II (B) I > II > III (C) II > I > III (D) I > III > II

22. (A) Ti  2a ,Tc  8a ,Tb  a

Rb 27Rb Rb

23. A gas obeys the equation of state P(V – b) = RT (The parameter b is a constant). The slope
for an isochor will be :
(A) Negative (B) Zero (C) R / (V – b) (D) R / P

RT  R 
23. (C) P(V – b) = RT P  (V  b ) , P   T  0
 (V  b ) 
Y = mx + c(Y = P and X = T for isochore)

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24. The van der Waals’ parameters for gases W, X, Y and Z are :
Gas a(litre2 – atom / mol2) b(litre/mol)
W 4.0 0.027
X 8.0 0.030
Y 6.0 0.032
Z 12.0 0.027
Which one of these gases has the highest critical temperature?
(A) W (B) X (C) Y (D) Z

24. (D) Critical temperature Tc =

25. A certain weak acid has a dissociation constant 1.0 × 10–4. The equilibrium constant for
its reaction with a strong base is :
(A) 1.0 × 10–4 (B) 1.0 × 10–10 (C) 1 × 1010 (D) 1.0 × 1014

25. (C) HA H+ + A–
[H  ][ A  ]
Ka  .... (i)
Also HA + B+ + OH–  B+ + A– + H2O
[H 2O][ A ]
K eq .  .... (ii)
[HA][OH ]

eq . K 1 1 Ka 104
By eqs. (i) and (ii), K  [H  ][OH  ]  K  Keq.    1010
a w Kw 1014

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26. If f (x) = | 4 – x | + § (4 + x) § where § x § denotes the least integer greater than or equal
to x. At x = 4, f (x) is / has
(A) differentiable (B) continuous but not differentiable
(C) removable discontinuity (D) non-removable discontinuity

26. (D) LHL = Lim h  0 | 4 – (4 – h) | + § (4 + 4 – h) § = Lim h  0 h + 8 = 8;

RHL = Lim h  0 | 4 – (4 + h) | + § (4 + 4 + h) § = Lim h  0 h + 9 = 9.
As LHL  RHL, non-removable discontinuity.

27. The normal at point P of parabola y2 = 4ax meets the axis in G and the tangent at its
vertex A in H. If the rectangle AGBH is completed, then the locus of B is

(A) x3 = a (2y2 + x2) (B) y3 = 2a (x2 + 2y2)

(C) x3 = a (y2 + 2x2) (D) y3 = 2a (y2 + 2x2)

27. (C) Normal y + tx = 2at + at3 gives xB = xI = 2a + at2, yB = yI = 2at + at3.

 x = 2a + a (y / x)2. x3 = a (y2 + 2x2).

28. If ln (x + y) = 2xy, then (dy / dx)x = 0 =

(A) – 1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 2

28. (C) (1 + y’) / (x + y) = 2 (xy’ + y). At x = 0, y = 1, y’ = 1.

29. If the roots of x3 – x2 + ax + b = 0 are in arithmetic progression, then the line ax + by = 2 will
necessarily pass through
(A) (2, 8) (B) (– 2, 8) (C) (9, 27) (D) (9, 18)

29. (C) As sum of roots is 1, middle root is (1 / 3). Substituting, (– 2 / 27) + (a / 3) + b = 0

or 9a + 27b = 2. Thus ax + by = 2 through (9, 27).

30. Lim x  – 1 (0.5 – (cos–1 x)0.5) / (x + 1)0.5 =

(A) 1 / 2 (B) 1 /  (C) 1 (D) 0

30. (A) With cos–1 x =  – 2y, L = Lim y 0 (0.5 – ( – 2y)0.5) / (2 sin2 y)0.5
= Lim y 0 (2y) / ((20.5 sin y) (2 0.5) = 1 / 2

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31. If f (x) = 5x – 4 for x  1 and f (x) = 4x2 + 3kx for x > 1 is continuous everywhere, then
f ’(k) – k =
(A) 13 / 3 (B) 4 (C) 16 / 3 (D) 6

31. (D) f (1–) = f (1) = 1, f (1+) = 4 + 3k.  k = – 1 and f ’(k) = 5.

32. The range of f (x) = 3 / (32x – 3x + 1) is

(A) (0, 3) (B) (3, ) (C) [4, ) (D) (0, 4]

32. (D) 3 / f (x) = (3x – 0.5)2 + 0.75  0.75. 0 < f (x)4.

33. Let g(a, b) = log a b. If f (x) = g(x2, ln x), then f ’(x) at x = e is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 1 / e (D) 1 / 2e

33. (D) (2 ln x) f (x) = ln ln x.  f (e) = 0. (2 / x) f (x) + (2 ln x) f ’(x) = 1 / (x ln x).

 f ’(e) = 1 / 2e.

34. Cubic equation p(x) = 0 has distinct, positive roots a, b, c such that b is the harmonic
mean of the roots of p’(x) = 0.
(A) a–1 + c–1 = 2 b–1 (B) a + c = 2 b
(C) a2 + c2 = 2 b2 (D) ac = b2

34. (D) p(x) = (x – a) (x – b) (x – c); p’(x) = 3x2 – (2a + 2b + 2c) x + (ab + bc + ca).
As b = (ab + bc + ca) / (a + b + c), b2 = ac.

35. Lim x  0 (ex – e–x – 2x) / (x – sin x) =

(A) 1 (B) – 1 (C) 2 (D) 0

35. (C) L = Lim x  0 (ex + e–x – 2) / (1 – cos x)= Lim x  0 (ex – e–x) / sin x
= Lim x  0 (ex + e–x) / (cos x) = 2.

36. Let y = (u2 + u – 2)–1 and u = (x – 1)–1. The complete set of values of x not in the
domain of y = f (x) is
(A) {1, 2} (B) {1, – 2} (C) {1 / 2, 1, 2} (D) {1, 1 / 2}

36. (C) u is undefined at x = 1. y is undefined at u = – 2, u = 1 i.e. x = 1 / 2, x = 2.

 {1, 1 / 2, 2}.

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37. P() & Q( + 0.5 ) are two points on the ellipse (x2 / a2) + (y2 / b2) = 1. The locus of
the midpoint of PQ is (x2 / a2) + (y2 / b2) = k where k =
(A) 1 (B) 1 / 2 (C) 2 (D) 1 / 4

37. (B) x = (a / 2) (cos + sin ), y = (b / 2) (sin – cos ).
 (x2 / a2) + (y2 / b2) = (1 / 4) (2 cos2 + 2 sin2 ) = 1 / 2.

38. If (1 – x2) + (1 – y2) = a (x – y), then (dy / dx) = (1 – x2)k / (1 – y2)k where k =
(A) 1 / 2 (B) – 1 / 2 (C) 1 (D) – 1

38. (B) By x = sin , y = sin ; cot ½( – ) = a.  sin–1 x – sin–1 y = c.

 (1 – x2)–½ = y’ (1 – y2)–½.  k = – ½.

39. If tan  – 20.5 sec  = 30.5, then the general value of  satisfies 12 ( / ) =
(A) 12n + 4 (– 1)n + 3 (B) 12n + 4 (– 1)n – 3
(C) 12n + 3 (– 1)n – 4 (D) 12n + 3 (– 1)n + 4

39. (D) sin  – 3 cos = 2 sin (– ( / 3)) = sin ( / 4)

 – ( / 3) = n + (– 1)n ( / 4).  12 ( / ) = 4 + 12n + 3 (– 1)n.

40. Let g(x, y) = x2y (y2 – (y – x2)2) and h(x, y) = ((8x2y – 24x4) + (8x2y))3. Then
Lim y  4 (Lim x  0 (h(x, y) / g(x, y))) =
(A) 29 (B) 27 (C) 25 (D) 23

40. (B) Lim x  0 g(x, y) / x3 = Lim x  0 x3y (2y – x2) / x3 = 20.5 y3.
Lim x  0 h(x, y) / x3 = Lim x  0 ((8y – 24x2) + (8y))3 = (2 · 80.5)1.5 y3 = 27.5 y3.
 L = Lim y  4 27 = 27.

41. Let y = f (x) where | y | = 5x – 2y. Of the statements : f (x) is differentiable for all real x;
f (x) is continuous for all real x; domain of f (x) is all real x; the number of correct
statements is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

41. (C) For y  0, y = 5x / 3 and for y < 0, y = 5x. Thus domain is all real, continuous for
all real; but not differentiable at x = 0 as LHD = 5 while RHD = 5 / 3.

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42. Let g(x) = 1 / (x12 – x9 + x4 – x + 1). The domain of definition of g(x) is
(A) (– , – 1) (B) (– 1, 1) (C) (1, ) (D) (– ,)

42. (D) Defined when x12 – x9 + x4 – x + 1 > 0. For x < 0, all terms positive.
For 0  x  1, (1 – x) + x4 (1 – x5) + x12 > 0.
For 1 < x, x9 (x3 – 1) + x (x3 – 1) + 1 > 0.  Domain is all real i.e. (– ,).

43. Let y2 = p(x), a third degree polynomial. Then(d / dx) (2y3 (d2y / dx2)) =
(A) p’”(x) + p’(x) (B) p”(x) p’”(x) (C) p(x) p’”(x) (D) p’”(x) p’(x)

43. (C) 2y y’ = p’ 2y3 y’ = pp’ 2y3 y” + 6y2 (y’)2 = pp” + (p’)2

2y3 y” = p p” – ½ (p’)2 Expr = p p’” + p’ p” – p’ p” = p p’”.

44. The circle with centre (3, – 1) and making intercept of 6 units on 2x = 5y – 18 passes
through (8, k). Here k can be
(A) 13 – 1 (B) 11 – 1 (C) 7 – 1 (D) 5 – 1

44. (A) dcentre-line = (6 + 5 + 18) / 29 = 29. So r2 = 29 + 9.  (x – 3)2 + (y + 1)2 = 38.

(8, k) satisfies for k = – 1 ± 13.

45. Lim x  0+ (1 + tan2 x)(1 / 2x) =

(A) e (B) e1 / 2 (C) e1 / 4 (D) e– 1 / 2

45. (B) L = ek where k = Lim x  0+ (tan2 x) / 2x = Lim x  0+ (x)2 / 2x = 1 / 2.

 L = e 1 / 2.

46. Let f (x) = x + (1 + x)–1 x + (1 + x)–2 x + (1 + x)–3 x + .... At x = 0, f (x) is / has

(A) differentiable (B) continuous but not differentiable
(C) removable discontinuity (D) non-removable discontinuity

46. (C) For x  0, f (x) = x / (1 – (1 + x)–1)= 1 + x. f (0) = 0.

As LHL = RHL = 1 f (0), removable discontinuity.

47. A circle cuts two perpendicular lines so that the length of each intercept is of (different)
given length. Then the locus of the centre of the circle is
(A) circle (B) parabola (C) ellipse (D) hyperbola

47. (D) r2 – x2 = (½ Ly)2 and r2 – y2 = (½ Lx)2. So y2 – x2 = c : hyperbola.

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48. Let y = (x + (y + (x + (y + ...)))). At x = 0, y = k > 0, (dy / dx) =
(A) k4 (B) k4 / 3 (C) k2 (D) k2 / 3

48. (D) y2 – x = (2y) gives 2yy’ – 1 = y’ / (2y). As k4 = 2k, k = 21 / 3.  k4 y’ – 1 = y’ / k2

or y’ = k2 / (k6 – 1) = k2 / 3.

49. Let pq be the roots of 4x2 – 16x + k = 0, k  N such that p (1, 2) and q (2, 3). The
sum of all the possible values of k is
(A) 0 (B) 6 (C) 42 (D) 70

49. (C) As f (1) > 0, f (2) < 0, f (3) > 0; k > 12, k < 16, k > 12. k = 13, 14 or 15.

50. Let [·] denote greatest integer. Lim x  0 ([1000 x cosec x] – [999 x–1 sin x]) =

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) does not exist

50. (C) As x  0, (sin x) / x  1– and x / (sin x)  1+

L = [1000+] – [999–] = 1000 – 998 = 2.

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51. A uniform rod of length L, hinged at the lower end and free to rotate in the vertical plane,
is released from rest from the vertical position. Its angular acceleration when it makes
45o with the horizontal is (g / L) where 2 =
(A) 9 / 8 (B) 18 (C) 2 (D) 4

51. (A) weight = Ipivot .  mg (L / 2) (1 / 2) = (mL2 / 3)  or 2 = 9 / 8.

52. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump with diameter 3.0 cm, has at one end 30 fine holes
each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 2.0 m min–1, the speed of
ejection of the liquid in ms–1 through the holes is
(A) 60 (B) 20 (C) 2 (D) 1

52. (A) As A1v1 = A2v2,302 · (2 / 60) = 30 · 12 · v2 orv2 = 1.0 ms–1.

53. 4 point masses of m each are kept at the 4 vertices of a square centered at (a, a) with
one vertex at the origin O. Consider the circle S : x2 + y2 = a2. If the mass at (2a, 0) is
removed, then the centre of mass of the remaining system is
(A) on S
(B) inside S closer to O as compared to S
(C) outside S
(D) inside S but further from O as compared to S

53. (C) As masses at (0, 0), (0, 2a), (2a, 2a), centre of mass at (2a / 3, 4a / 3) which is
outside S.

54. With only two identical ideal springs and a block, using the springs singly or jointly in
different ways, the ratio of the maximum to the minimum time period is
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 22 : 1 (D) 4 : 1

54. (A) Tseries = 2(M / ½k), Tparallel = 2(M / 2k) with Tseries : Tparallel = 2 : 1.

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55. A uniform sphere of mass M and radius R exerts a gravitational force F on a small mass
m situated at a distance of 2R from the centre O of the sphere. A spherical portion of
diameter R which is closest to m is cut out from the sphere. The force of attraction
between the remaining part of the sphere and the mass m now will be
(A) 7F / 9 (B) 2F / 3 (C) 4F / 9 (D) F / 3

55. (A) (F – Fnow) / F = Fremoved / F = (1 / 8) / (3 / 4)2 = 2 / 9.  Fnow = 7F / 9.

56. An air bubble of diameter D rises steadily through a liquid of density d with constant
speed v. Ignoring density of air, viscosity coefficient of the liquid is
(A) 2D2gd / 9v (B) D2gd / 6v (C) D2gd / 18v (D) 2D2gd / 3v

56. (C) 3Dv = (D3 / 6) gd or  = D2gd / 18v


57. A light rigid rod AB of length L carries two point masses of m each, one at B and other
at the midpoint of AB. It can rotate in the vertical plane around a hinge at A. With the rod
in the stable equilibrium position, the minimum velocity to be imparted to B horizontally
for it to complete vertical circular motion is (kgL) where k =
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 24 / 5 (D) 24 / 7

57. (C) ½ m (v2 + (½ v)2) = mg (2L + L).  v2 = 4.8 gL.

58. 2 particles perform simple harmonic motion on the x-axis about the origin with amplitude
A & 2A and same angular frequency. When the first particle is at a distance (A / 2) from
the origin and going toward the mean position, the other particle is at the extreme position
on the other side. The phase difference between the two particles is
(A) 45o (B) 90o (C) 135o (D) 180o

58. (C) 1 = – ¼, 2 = ½ . = ¾ = 135º.

59. The end of a uniform rope of mass m and length L that is piled in a heap on a platform is
lifted vertically with a constant velocity v by a variable force F. The value of F as a
function of the lifted length x of the rope is
(A) (m / L) (gx + v2) (B) (m / L) (gx + 2v2)
(C) (m / 2L) (2gx + v2) (D) (m / 2L) (2gx + 3v2)

59. (A) F – (mx / L) g = dm v / dt = (m dx / L) v / dt = mv2 / L or F = (m / L) (gx + v2).

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60. A 5 m thick, very large block of ice ( = 0.9 g cm–3) floating in the middle of a lake has
a vertical hole drilled through it. The minimum length of the rope required to scoop up a
bucket of water through the hole is
(A) 5.5 m (B) 5.0 m (C) 4.5 m (D) 0.5 m

60. (D) L = habove-water = h – (ice / water) h = 0.5 m.

61. For a particular projectile, R is the range and h is the maximum height. The maximum
horizontal range for the same speed of projection is
(A) 2h (B) (R2 / 8h) (C) 2R + (h2 / 8R) (D) 2h + (R2 / 8h)

61. (D) From Rg = u2 sin 2 and2hg = u2 sin2 , R2 / 8h = u2 cos2  / g.

Rmax = u2 / g = (u2 sin2  + u2 cos2 ) / g = 2h + (R2 / 8h).

62. A small 2 kg block resting on a horizontal smooth turntable is connected by a light

spring to the centre of the table. The relaxed length of the spring is 35 cm. When the
turntable is rotated with angular frequency 10 rad s–1, the length of the spring becomes
40 cm. The force constant of the spring in kN m–1 is
(A) 1.2 (B) 1.6 (C) 2.0 (D) 2.4

62. (B) K L = m 2 Lf gives K = 1.6 kN m–1.

63. A particle moving along a straight line with uniform acceleration is at distances b, c, d
from a point on the line in the same direction at t = n, t = 2n, t = 3n. The acceleration a
satisfies 36n2a =
(A) 36 (b – 2c + d) (B) 18 (2b – 3c + d)
(C) 4 (3b – 4c + d) (D) 36 (b – c + d)

63. (A) c – b = un + ½ an2,d – b = u (2n) + ½ a (2n)2 = 2 (c – b) + an2.

 an2 = d + b – 2c.

64. When two identical liquid (surface tension S) drops of radius r each combine, the
surface energy released is µr2S where µ
(A) 2 (B) 1.65 (C) 3.3 (D) 3

64. (B) µ = 2 (4) – 4 (R / r)2 where 2r3 = R3. Thus µ = 4 (2 – 41 / 3)  1.65.

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65. A particle of mass m moves in a circular path of constant radius r such that its centripetal
acceleration aC varies with time t as aC = K2rt2 where K is a constant. The power
delivered to the particle by the forces acting on it is
(A) 0.5 mK2r2t (B) mK2r2t (C) 2 mK2r2t (D) 3 mK2r2t

65. (B) As aC = v2 / r, v = Krt. P = mv (dv / dt) = mK2r2t.

66. To a horizontal spring with one end fixed, a mass m is connected at the other end.
Another mass m is kept in contact with m and the system released with the blocks
compressing the spring by d. The amplitude of oscillation of m subsequently is A where
A2 : d2 =
(A) 1 : (1 + ) (B) 4 : (1 + ) (C) (1 + ) : 1 (D) (1 + ) : 4

66. (A) ½ kd2 = ½ (1 + ) mv2 & v2 = A2 (k / m).  A2 : d2 = 1 : (1 + ).

67. A uniform cylinder, mass M, radius r is pulled on a horizontal plane by a horizontal

force F acting through its centre of mass. Assuming rolling without slipping, the angular
acceleration of the cylinder is
(A) 2F /3Mr (B) 3F /2Mr (C) F / 3Mr (D) F / 2Mr

67. (A) f / F = ICM / IICOR = 1 / 3. As F – f = Ma = Mr,  = 2F / 3Mr.

68. A solid cylinder of height 4h, mass m floats vertically in a liquid of density 4 with a
height h above the liquid level. It is released inside a liquid of density  contained in a
vessel accelerating down with 3a. If the cylinder sinks with relative acceleration a with
respect to the vessel, g : a =
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 9 : 2 (C) 3 : 2 (D) 2 : 1

68. (B) s = 3. As arel = (1 – (L / s)) g’, a = (1 – (1 / 3)) (g – 3a) or g : a = 9 : 2.

69. A block of mass m is placed on a block of mass M (> m) which is on a horizontal

surface. The coefficient of friction between the blocks is µ1 and that between M and the
horizontal surface is µ2 (> µ1). The maximum horizontal force that can be applied to M
so that the two blocks move without separation is
(A) (M + m) (µ2 – µ1) g (B) (M – m) (µ2 – µ1) g
(C) (M – m) (µ2 + µ1) g (D) (M + m) (µ2 + µ1) g

69. (D) amax = µ1g, Fmax – µ2 (M + m) g = (M + m) amax. Thus Fmax = (M + m) (µ2 + µ1) g.
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70. A particle oscillates in simple harmonic motion with amplitude A and time period T. The
least time needed to cover a distance A is
(A) T / 6 (B) T / 4 (C) T / 2 (D) T

70. (A) Least time for (– A / 2) to (A / 2).  t = (2 / ) sin–1 0.5 = T / 6.

71. A missile, intended to be a communication satellite, missed its target and went into an
orbit round the earth at a mean radius twice the radius of the original parking orbit. The
period of revolution of the missile in days is
(A) 22 (B) 2 (C) 64 (D) 16

71. (A) Since T2  R3, (1)2 / R3 = T2 / (2R)3  T = 22 days.

72. Water is poured into a large cylinder at a constant rate of 1 litre s–1. A small 2 cm2 hole is

at the cylinder bottom. After a long time, the water height in the cylinder is
(A) 2.5 m (B) 1.25 m (C) 0.75 m (D) 0.5 m

72. (B) Qin = Avss gives vss = 5 ms–1. Since vss2 = 2ghss, hss = 1.25 m.

73. Two spheres, of the same mass m, moving along the same horizontal line in the same
direction with velocities 4u & 2u respectively, have a collision with coefficient of restitution
0.5. The loss in kinetic energy in the collision is
(A) (3 / 8) mu2 (B) (1 / 2) mu2 (C) (3 / 4) mu2 (D) (5 / 4) mu2

73. (C) m (4u + 2u) = mv + m (v + u).  v = 2.5u. KE = (mu2 / 2) (42 + 22 – 2.52 – 3.52)
= (3 / 4) mu2.

74. A mass m falls from rest through a height h and sticks to a massless pan hung from a
spring of constant k. If mg = nkh, the amplitude of vibration of the pan is bh where
n2 + 2n =
(A) b 2 (B) (b + n)2 (C) (b – n)2 (D) b2 + 2b

74. (A) v2 = 2gh, 2 = k / m, x = mg / k.  A2 = x2 + (v / )2 = h2 (n2 + 2n).

 b2 = n2 + 2n.

75. A thick uniform rubber rope of density 1.5 g cm–3 and Young’s modulus 5  106 Nm–2
has length 8 m. When hung from the ceiling of a room, the increase in length of the rope
due to its own weight is
(A) 9.6 cm (B) 19.2 cm (C) 9.6 mm (D) 19.2 mm

75. (A) L = ½ mgL / AY = gL2 / 2Y = 9.6 cm.

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