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Learning Objectives
1.Give the meaning and benefits of
2.Name the core values expected of
volunteers; and
3.Explore volunteer opportunities that
one may engage in.
➢ Is the act, practice, or principle of contributing one’s time, talents and
resources freely to worthwhile purposes without tangible compensation.
➢ It is considered the most fundamental act in the society.
➢ It is geared toward good causes that help alleviate the suffering of others.
➢ It promotes peace, solidarity, and trust among citizens.
Moore (2002) describes a volunteer as:
● a person who is light to others, giving witness in a mixed-up age, doing
well and willingly the tasks at hand, namely, being aware of another’s
need and doing something about it.
● is a person who strives to make other people happy, who takes the
loneliness out of the alone by talking to them, who is concerned when
others are unconcerned, who has the courage to be blessing and to say the
things that have to be said for the good of all.
● Is a person whose charity is fidelity, who is faithful in an unfaithful
world, grateful in an ungrateful world, giving when all are grasping,
listening when others need to tell about their fears and problems.
Benefits of
●Community development
●Development of the skills of volunteers
●Peace, solidarity, and trust among citizens
●Career opportunities for volunteers
●Friendship among citizens
●Experience and self-esteem gained by volunteers
Values expected of
➢ Commitment
➢ Professionalism
➢ Creativity
➢ Unity
Community Service
- is identified by the Higher Educational Institution
(HEI) in consultation with the local government,
community-based organizations, and non-governmental
organizations as designed to improve the quality of life
of community residents.
Community Service
●First aid training or health care, preschool storytelling, social welfare, social
services, trauma counseling, group dynamics, crime prevention, recreation, street
cleaning, and community improvement.
●Serving in the youth corps as defined in the NSTP Act of 2001.
●Assisting students with disabilities.
●Tutoring, supporting educational and recreational activities, and counseling,
including career counseling.
Thank you!!!
Any Clarifications,

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