Tuesday - 3 19 Lesson Plan

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Unit: Lesson 21 - The Worlds of North and South

Unit Overview In this unit, students are learning about the main differences
between two sections of the United States in the 1800’s, the North
and the South. The main categories that are highlighted for both
regions are geography, economy, transportation, and society. The
main purpose of students delving into these differences is to notice
how these changes were getting more significant over time, leading
the country to the Civil War.

Unit Goal I can list the main differences between the North and South based
on geography, economy, transportation, and society.

Learning Goal Rank the inventions from the 1800’s based on their impact.

Standards Met

HLTP(s) - EMC - I will be giving subsequent instruction on material from days

prior. This material will go with the formative assessment students
took on Friday. The purpose of this instruction is to clear up
misconceptions that students may have about the differences
between the economy and society of the North and South.

I will be going over the answers from the station’s activity at the
beginning of class. In this, we will review the answers from the
stations and discuss the relevance to the unit on the North and

Subsequent Assessment - Students will complete a short, one

question assessment on the differences between the society of the
North and the society of the South.

Formative Assessment - Students will be expected to rank the

inventions discussed the day prior and provide rationale for their
decisions. These rankings will be done in order to show which
inventions they think had the most positive impact.
- Students may not be able to finish this assessment, but
they will have time to work on it the following day.
Launch To launch the class, students will complete a bell work question on
Padlet that asks, “Identify one main difference between the North
and South’s economy”. This question is meant for students to recall
the information learned days prior.

I will also recap the information we discussed the day before with
our station's activity.

Visuals I will make a chart on the white board to display the differences
between the North and South’s economy and society. In this visual,
I will also define the two words, economy and society, to help
students identify the differences between each category. This will
help with the subsequent instruction of the formative material. I will
also be using images of inventions to go over the students’ station
activity from the day before.

Analogies The analogy I plan to use in my instruction is relating everyday

inventions that they are familiar with to those that were invented
back in the 1800’s. The point of this is for students to understand
how much these inventions impacted life for the people living in
America at the time.

Progress Checks To check for student progress, I will ask for student participation
during subsequent instruction of the past material and while
reviewing the stations. Students will be randomly chosen to hold
them accountable for the work done. I will also be providing
students with a brief formative after subsequent instruction to
monitor the effectiveness of my teaching and student progress.

Conclusion To conclude the lesson, I will recap how creation of these machines
impacted many parts of American life in the 1800’s. I will also apply
this information to the unit, recapping how these inventions and
machines had a huge impact on the economy and society for both
the North and the South.

I will also briefly introduce the invention ranking sheet which will act
as their formative assessment for the stations.

Anticipated The main challenge I anticipate is helping students who are

Challenges struggling to rank these inventions. To curb this challenge, I will
explain to students that there is no wrong answer, it is an opinion
based on what we read and examined during the stations.

Adaptations/ To assist special populations, I will create an alternate version of

Modifications for formative assessment in Spanish to assist students who do not
Special Populations speak English. I will also provide paper copies of the formative for
students who want to write the information instead of typing it.

To modify my second assessment for special populations, I added

bold words within the text to help students with the directions. With
this, I eliminated one of the questions to help students answer the
prompt effectively within the time allotted. Lastly, I added the
definition of society in my prompt to assist students.

Assessment To assess student understanding, students will be creating a rating

sheet after completing their inventions stations. With this, students
will be expected to recount the inventions they learned about in
their stations by ranking them by which they thought had the most
positive impact to the least positive. In this, students will have to
provide rationale to explain why they put each invention in each
slot. This invention will also assess students' ability to collect
evidence and come up with their own conclusions based on what
they know.

To assess student understanding after subsequent instruction of

previous material (economy and society of the North and South),
students will be asked to answer one question: “List two
differences between society in the North and society in the South.
For reference, society is how people live together in a region”.

Inventions Stations Worksheet

Formative Ranking Sheet

Image of Formative Assessment

Previous Day’s On Monday, 3/18, students completed stations based on inventions

Lesson Plan in the 1800’s. During these stations, students were expected to list
(Summary only) what these inventions were and what their impact was on

Next Day’s Lesson

Plan (Summary)

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