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• Booking confirmation Xác nhận đặt phòng

• Reconfirm the booking Xác nhận lại việc đặt phòng
• Cancel the reservation Hủy đặt phòng
• Paid-out Khoản tiền tạm ứng
• Non-guaranteed reservation đặt phòng không đảm bảo
• Credit card guarantee Đảm bảo bằng thẻ tín dụng
• Guaranteed reservation đặt phòng có đảm bảo

+ The month of the year.

+ The ordinal number: indicates the position or order of something in relation to other numbers
Uses of ordinal numbers:

 Dates: Her birthday is on 29th.

 Centuries: Shakespeare was born in the 16th century.
 Sequence/ order: My team came second in the game
 Floors of a building: His office is on the tenth floor.

1. Guest: Could I have a ……………. at 7 a.m tomorrow?

Receptionist: Of course, 7. Would you like a newspaper?
A. back up call B. wake-up call C. booking call D. phone call
2. Sarah: What ………..… of room did you book for us?
Mary: One double room for 2 nights on the lower floor.
A. Kind B. size C. number D. floor
3. Choose the right way to say the time 2.40:
A. Two fourty o’clock B. Two fourteen C. Two fourty D. Two forty
4. Choose the right way to say the time 11.30.
A. Eleven thirty o’clock B. Eleven o’clock thirty
C. Half past eleven D. Eleven half past
5. "Don't worry sir. I'll ask housekeeping to clean your room …………………! "
A. as quick as possible B. as soon possible
C. as fastly as possible D. as quickly as possible
6. "Hi, Mr. Dennis. I call to notice you that I've ………… your double-room reservation on
Monday, August 21st for you. Now, when would you like to reserve a new one, sir?"
A. cancelled B. cancel C. book D. booked
7. "Hi, Ms. Jenny. I am sorry but I must notice you that you've cancelled ………………… the
cancellation deadlines. That means we couldn't repay your deposit. However, we may
change your reservation to another day. "
A. outside B. within C. nearly D. beside

8. Would you like me to send you a …………………… ?

- Yes, that’s necessary. I need everything to be clear.
A. confirmation email B. card C. confirmation D. charge

9. What is your ……………………? – Well, it’s MH345XY for 2 nights.

A. Code B. reservation number C. arriving day D. within

10. What is the rack rate?

B. A. The promotional price that a hotel charges for a room
C. B. The rate is lower than the published rate
D. C. The rate of the house D. The walk-up rate

UNIT 19 .2.
〜 Hotel room types

+ Non-smoking room Phòng không hút thuốc

+ Adjoining room Phòng liền kề
+ Handicapped room phòng cho người khuyết tật
+ Upgrade the room bố trí phòng tốt hơn khách đã đặt mà không thu phí chênh lệch
+ F.O.C (free of charge) phòng khuyến mãi

〜 Guest types

• VIP guest khách quan trọng

• Long-term guest/ long staying guest khách ở dài hạn
• G.I.T (group of independent travelers) khách đoàn
• F.I.T (Free Independent travelers) khách DL tự do
• Walk-in guest khách vãng lai

+ Rack rate = standard price = published rate = the run of the house = walk-up rate
+ Post code (Brit english) = zip code (Amer english)
A cabana (room) is a small, or portable changing room near a swimming pool or beach.
An adjoining room is a room that is located next to another and is connected by a locked door
between them.
〜 Half board includes two meals. One is breakfast. The other is lunch or dinner.
〜 Full board includes all meals at a hotel
〜 All-inclusive: includes all related things
〜 To open/ start a tab - means that you do not pay for every drink, the bar will write down what
you have. You will pay totally in the end.


be short of: not having enough of something

Plumber /ˈplʌmə(r)/ : a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply,
sanitation, or heating systems.
Electrician /ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn/: Repair and maintain outside landscape lighting fixtures, pole lights &
building up lighting.
Security /sɪˈkjʊərəti/ is responsible for safeguarding hotel property, assets, guests, visitors and
Horticulture /´hɔ:tikʌltʃə/ is responsible for growing garden plants


11. 1Could I have a room ……………………?

A. on the 2 floor B. in the second floor C. on lower floor D. on a lower floor
12. We use …………….…… after Mr, Ms, Miss and Mrs.
A. first name B. middle name C. last name D. full name
13. Would you like ……………? – Yes, please. At 5.30 a.m.
A. wake up B. waking up C. a wake up call D. a wake-up call
14. Could you ………….….. this form, please?
A. put in B. fill in C. pill in D. make full
15. 1What is your ………………….? – We are Spanish and Belgium.
A. nationalities B. nations C. countries D. signatures
16. What is the ……………… of Vietnam? - It’s +84 (Area code).
A. post code B. post office C. country code D. registration card
17. I’m afraid we don’t have any ……………………… this evening. All rooms are full.
A. check-in B. rare C. free D. vacancies
18. What time do we have to …………………… tomorrow? - Our usual check-out time is 11 o’clock.
A. check out B. check-out C. check in D. arrive

19. I have the reservation ………. the name of Brown.

A. At B. in C. on D. of

20. I feel tired now, so I want to ………………. and get changed before my meeting.
A. sleeping B. bath C. asleep D. freshen up
21. Our ………………. check-in time is from 2 pm.
A. normal B. normally C. often D. usually
22. We would be glad to …………. your luggage while you are waiting.
A. keeping B. store C. collect D. A + B
23. When your room is …………….., I’ll come and get you.
A. appreciate B. ready C. free D. finishes

24. The coffee shop is just …………… the corner to your right.
A. next B. outside C. around D. to

25. Sorry, you are too early to ……………. because the room is not available now.
A. check out B. be C. prepare D. check in

26. A: Could you ………………….. that, please? -

B: Oh, It’s C-A-R-R-O-T.
A. spell B. change C. lent D. say

27. It’s room 73 on the ……………………

A. seven floor B. seventh floor C. floor D. lift
28. The sheets …………. …………. every day.
A. changes B. change C. is change D. are changed

29. Let’s find a seat. Oh, there’s a desk by the window, with two very ………………. chairs.
A. Terrible B. comfortable C. tough D. quiet
30. Porter: Can I help you with your………….., madam?
Guest: Yes, please. Those two red suitcases are mine.
A. Coat B. luggages C. object D. luggage
31. Which sentence does the porter say?
A. Shall I take the small green bag? B. Can you help me?
C. What can you help me? D. Please take the green bag.
32. …………………. does the restaurant open? - At 6 a.m.
A. How B. What C. What time D. When is

33. Room service is …………….. until 10.30 pm.

A. frozen B. available C. close D. found
34. The fitness and sauna service…………………. at 10 pm and we can’t use it.
A. opens B. close C. closes D. closed
35. We have a fully ………………. business center with Internet access.
A. equipment B. equip C. equipped D. Internet
36. Just let us know …………………. and we can arrange everything.
A. right now B. in advance C. later D. now
7. You’ll find all the exercise ……………….. you need in our hotel.
A. equipment B. equipments C. tool D. things

38. The restaurant can ……………. nearly 400 guests.


39. What is the best rate you can …………….?

A. offered B. recommend C. want C. tell
40. Hello. I would like to ……………. two rooms for two nights.
A. reserved B. booked C. reserve D. have
41. Our ………………. weekend rate is 50 dollars per night.
A. promotional B. due date C. cancellation D. within
42. What is the room rate for a guest without a reservation here?
- Yes, sir. Our …………………. is € 150 per night for a double room.
A. reservation B. rack rate C. negotiation D. pounds

43. Which word is American English?

A. Post code B. zip code
44. When does the hotel ……………………..? – Between 7.00 and 10.30.
A. wake up B. confirm C. serve breakfast D. call female guests

45. ………………..……. our check-in is from 2 pm.

A. normal B. normally C. often D. usually
46. I’ve just checked in and I don’t have any ……………………. Is there an ATM in the hotel?
A. Moneys B. local currency C. dollar D. withdraw
47. May I ……………. you have a drink in the bar while you are waiting?
A. offer B. ask C. like D. suggest
48. The phone’s ringing, but no one ……………… the phone.
A. answering B. is answering C. answered D. answers
49. Somewhere to take out some money is a/ an ………………………….
A. Wall B. cash C. cash machine D. at the corner
50. Let take this ……………. and you can go around the city without getting lost.
A. wallet B. map C. traffic lights D. Maple street
51. Choose a different word
A. Automated Teller Machine B. Cash machine
C. Cashpoint/ cash dispenser D. Money withdrawal
52. The street is about five minutes away from here.
A. It’s about five minutes walk away.
B. It’s about five minutes’ walk away.
C. It’s about 5 minutes’ walk away.
53. Let me ………….. where we are on this map for you.
A. show B. ask C. pleasure D. circle
54. I’ll ………………… you taxi for a quarter to ten. What’s your room number, please?
A. called B. order C. take D. welcome
55. There are three computers …………………….. in the lobby.
A. connect Internet access B. Internet connection
C. Internet access D. with Internet access
56. I’m expecting a fax, so when it arrvies, can you ……………….. to my room, please?
- Certainly. We’ll do that as soon as it arrives.
A. give it out B. bring it up C. take it out D. take it over
57. Please tell the taxi driver I’ll be down ………… ten minutes.
A. at B. on C. up D. in
58. I’d like to check …………….. for later this year because I need two double rooms.
A. available B. availability C. expiry date D. expiration date
59. We need your credit card to pay for the reservation as a ………………….
A. walk-up rate B. walk-in guest C. guarantee D. VIP guest
60. If an extra bed is needed, there will be ………………..
A. additional charge B. occupation C. top up my phone
61. Sorry, when does your credit card ……………..? I can’t use it.
A. Due B. expiry C. expire D. out of date
62. We look forward to ……………. from you soon.
A. hear B. heard C. listening D. hearing
63. When is the deadline for cancelling reservations free of charge?
- Within 48-hour cancellation deadline
64. Hello. This is room 43. I’d like to reserve a table for dinner at 8 pm, please.
- Certainly, I’ll …………………….. the restaurant.
A. connect you to B. put you through to C. ask the receptionist
65. Please ……………. why I put you through to the Reservations.
A. hold the line B. keep the phone C. hold the phone
66. I’m afraid I can’t ……………. our guests’ information because it’s our policy.
A. send up B. bring out C. give off D. give out
67. Would you like to …………….. to Mr Hamas because he’s out.
A. take a message B. leave a message C. handle a message
68. How do you say this room – 409?
A. Four hundred and nine B. Four oh nine C. Four and nine
69. I didn’t quite …………… the last two letters. It’s a very bad line. Can you repeat them?
A. understand B. have C. catch D. write
70. Would you mind …………….. your reservation number?
A. repeating B. to repeat C. repeat D. repeated
71. Some guests ……………. the No Smoking signs.
A. distract B. forget C. ignore D. doesn’t care
72. This is Sara from Reservations. Please ……………… the guest’s luggage and move her to Room 1002.
She says the room smells of smoke. We also send up a bottle of water to her.
A. store B. took C. keep D. collect

73. I’m sorry. Reservations seems to be busy. No one’s ………………

A. saying B. call C. put you through to D. answering
74. Good morning. I’m calling to ……………… a reservation but I’ve lost my reservation number.
A. telling you B. reconfirm C. stated D. leave a message
75. Please accept this bottle of wine with the compliments of the hotel. I hope you enjoy the rest of
your stay.
A. as an excuse B. as a gift C. apologies D. wrong ideas
76. Good morning. Your breakfast is …………….. over there. Feel free to help yourselves.

A. on the buffet B. in the buffet C. at the buffet /ˈbʌfeɪ/

77. White, brown and wholemeal are types of ………………

A. milk B. cheese C. toast D. cake
78. Server: Good morning. Would you like anything form the ……………..?
Guest: - Yes, please. I’ll have scrambled eggs and pancakes.
A. Order B. menu C. list D. board
79. Guest: Waiter! Waiter! I want something to drink from the menu.
Server: One moment please. I’ll come and ……………….
A. give you the menu B. take the menus C. take your orders
80. People who know a lot about beer think that draught beer is better than …………… or tinned beer.
A. bottled B. bottling C. bottle D. wholemeal
81. Beer stored and served from a large container or a barrel is ……………. with a tap on it.
A. wheat B. draught C. fresh D. faucet (vòi nước)
82. Would you like to pay for the drinks now or shall I start a ……………… for you?
A. a bill B. device C. tab D. money
83. I can’t drink out of this water because there’s lipstick around the ……………of the glass. It’s
A. side B. mouth C. handle D. edge
84. Guest: I need a Coke and a soda.
Server: …………………?
Guest: Yes, my room is 102 and I will pay later.
A. Can I charge it to your room? C. Can you pay now?
B. Can you put it on a tab?

unit 11

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