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Material Handling involves the movement of material, manually or mechanically in batches or

one item at a time within the Plant. The movement may be horizontal, vertical or combination of
horizontal or vertical. Material Handling is the movement, storage, control and protection of
materials, goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing, distribution, consumption
and disposal. The focus is on the methods, mechanical equipment, systems and related controls
used to achieve these functions. Briefly, material handling is the moving of materials from the raw
stage through production to ultimate customer with the least expenditure of time and effort so as to
produce maximum productive efficiency at the lowest material handling cost.

Material Handling is concerned with motion, time, quantity and space. Material Handling
Institute describes this as follows:

A. Material Handling is MOTION. Parts, material and finished products must be moved from store
to location. Material Handling is concerned with moving them in the most efficient manner.
B. Material Handling is TIME. Each step in any manufacturing process requires that it supplies are
on hand the moment it needs them. Material Handling must assure that no production process
or customer need will be hampered by moving material arranged of location too late or too
C. Material Handling is QUANTITY. Rate of demand varies between steps in the manufacturing
process. Material Handling has the responsibility of being sure that each location continually
receives the correct quantity of parts.
D. Material Handling is SPACE. Storage space, both active and dormant, is a major consideration in
any building as space costs money. Space requirement are greatly influenced by the Material
Handling flow pattern.

1.1 Definitions of Material handling

Materials handling may be defined as the art and science of movement, handling and
storage of materials during different stages of manufacturing considered as material flow into,
through and away from the plant. It is in fact, the technique of getting the right goods safely, to
the right place, at the right time and at the right cost.
Material Handling is the art of implementing movement-economically and safely. In the
classic sense, Material Handling is the act of creating Time and Place utility, as distinct from
Manufacturing, which creates form utility. The proper application of Material Handling
knowledge will result in the smooth integration of all the process in an enterprise into one
efficient Production Machine.

1.2 Functions of Material Handling
Material handling embraces three functions namely;
A. Moving: It includes movement between machines or workstations, between department,
between buildings, the loading and unloading of carrier’s, as well as much of more handling
done at work place.
B. Storage: It includes storage of material and tools and supplies between and around all of the
above location, including finishing good, warehousing, and the other storage related
activities that lie between the producer and consumer.
C. Selection:
 To choose production machinery and assist in plant layout so as to eliminate as far as
possible the need of material handling; and
 To choose most appropriate material handling equipment which is safe and can fulfill
material handling requirement at the minimum possible overall cost.


All tangible and intangible benefits can be reduced to four major objectives. The application of material
handling methods and equipment to be of greatest benefits should be governed by the following:
2.1 Reduced Costs:
Cost-Reduction programs have two broad goals; either to reduce the cost of Material
Handling or to reduce total production cost; by improved handling procedures. The latter
concept net reduction in total manufacturing costs. The Ways in which cost reductions are
realized through improved material handling are;
A. Reducing material handling labour.
B.` Reducing the Material handling work done by direct labour. High-skill and high-cost
labour should not be assigned low-skill and low-cost labour.
C. Reducing indirect labour associated with material handling activities, such as shipping,
production control personnel, inspectors, etc.
D. Reducing waste and damaged materials through more careful handling.
E. Reducing paper work and associated clerical help through handling systems that
minimizes control requirements.
F. Reducing the amount of material in the system by faster through-put and less in-process
G. Reducing the amount of subsidiary materials such as packaging materials and other
protective devices such as trays, racks and special containers.

2.2 Increased Capacity

Material handling improvements can increase capacity in the following ways,
 Better space utilization: Modern storage systems make use of “AIR RIGHTS” by means of
racks or containers that stack upon each other when full and nest completely when
empty, e.g. handling systems, particularly cranes and conveyor can operate in unused
space above production activities. They can be arranged to operate outside buildings in

unnecessary stairways, through underground passage-ways, or other unusable space.
This can release prime space for production and storage. The net result is a great
increase in space utilization and handling efficiency.
 Improving the layout to reduce travel or excessive waste of spaces : By analyzing the
flow of materials between operations, the volume involved in the flow paths and the
timing of material movement, it is usually possible to reduce travel time and space
needs. Rearranging equipment and providing handling systems that reduces the
distance material must travel are usual practices.
 Higher equipment utilization: Many pieces of expensive production equipment do not
operate at their potential capacity because are limited by the rate at which materials are
supplied to, or removed from, the equipment or the work area. A proper handling
system, or efficient control of an existing handling system can greatly increase
production equipment utilization.
 Faster loading and discharge of common carriers: The adaptation of portable conveyor
systems & cranes to the loading of motor carriers greatly reduces loading time. Thus the
transportation unit can spend more time moving and less time sitting the loading dock.
This not only lowers operating cost but reduces the number of docks or terminal spaces
required, with a corresponding reduction in loading crews (workers) and of supervision.

2.3 Improved Working Condition

 Safety to men, materials and associate equipment : These may be enhanced by a proper
material handling system. Insurance cost. Accident cost, lost time associated with
accidents, etc. is all reduced by proper material handling. Material and equipment
damage are also greatly reduced.
 Easier jobs: When heavy objects must be handled, the rate of output may be
significantly affected by the physical ability and condition of the operators. Moreover,
heavy work can only be done by men, and often only by young men. Many handling
system have been justified in part, by the fact that they have taken the high effort out of
the task, resulting in a steadier flow of work throughout the day and in higher
production. It also may mean lower employee turnover, less training on replacement
workers and better morale in the work force.
 Lighter Work: If the work is physically lighter, it may be possible to use operators at
different job classification i.e. at lower wage rate.
 Fool proof operation: In some activities it is also too easy for an operator to become
confused and to direct material to a wrong location, to use the wrong amount, to
mishandle or damage materials, or to otherwise disrupt production operation. Handling
systems are sometimes installed to insure that such errors will not happen. In the mixing
of fertilizers, foods, and other bulk products that are formulated to order, this may be
very attractive benefit.

2.4 Value Addition to Products

Handling systems often enhance the value of a product to the customer. The adaptation
of such handling system may make the difference in the customer’s decision to use one vendor
instead of another. This may be accomplished by the following means.
 Speed of service: If the handling procedure can provide goods or materials promptly,
accordingly to the customer’s desire, or with a significant time advantage over competitors,
it may be the prime reason that business is obtained or retained.
 Helping customers cut costs: The development of the unit load has enabled vendors to help
customer cut there of cost since they need not handle individual items or undertake the
expense of palletizing on their own docks. The reduction in packaging or packing materials
and their cost is sometimes obtained through unit load techniques. This may enable the
vendor to cut his cost to the customer. Also, the use of materials by the purchaser may be
simplified by proper unit load design thereby reducing the cost of unpacking and disposing
of the packaging material. Unitizing by the vendor may be done at the end of his assembly
lines, or other final operations.
 Sales value of an outstanding installation : While it might be hard to prove that a handling
system is justified in promotional value alone, a tremendous amount of publicity can accrue
to a truly outstanding system. Several managers have been heard to argue vigorously that
by taking prospective customers through their new factories, the visitors have become so
impressed that an order was obtained because of the impression of efficiency, quality and
service conveyed by the installation. An outstanding plant is admired by employees as well
as customers.

In brief, the primary objectives of Material Handling are;

a. To save money
b. To save time
c. To save men


The principles presented here represent an accumulation of experience equivalent to untold
years of practice. They are adapted from those stated in the literature, with certain changes made
for clarification and with several new one added to round out the coverage of the field. In reviewing
the principles it will be found that nearly every one applies to several aspects of Material Handling
and aids in accomplishing one or more objectives.
3.1 Principle of Planning:
All Handling activities should be planned.

Description: If there is one principle on which all should agree, it is that handling activities
should be planned, and not left to chance. Remember, Handling may account for 25 to 80
percent of all the productive activity. Management most certainly deserves to have this sizable
portion of total activity planned – not left to chance.

Suggestions for carrying out the Planning Principle:

 Avoid placing material directly on the floor, without a pallet or other support underneath.
 Assure adequate storage space at the workplace for the proper amount of material, both
ahead of and following the operation being planned.
 Plan to use the same container throughout the system; avoid frequent changes of
 Consider floor Load capacities, ceiling heights, truss capacities, column spacing, etc.
 Apply the principle of Motion Economy
 Provide necessary clearances in and around each work place – for proper handling of
materials and for maneuvering handling equipment.
 Arrange for instruction for each operator in the correct method.
 Plan for correct location of material supply and disposal in work in work area.
 Provide adequate means for scheduled scrap removal.
 Plan for productive operations and inspections to be done during material movement.
 Combine operation to eliminate intermediate handlings.
 Do make judicious use of Manual Handling.
 Plan to minimize walking.

3.2 Systems Principle:

Plan a system integrating as many Handling activities as is possible and coordinating the full
scope of operations (receiving, storage, production, inspection packaging, warehousing,
shipping, and transportation.)

Description: Each Handling activity should be considered a portion of the whole Handling
system, and planned as an integral part of the system.

Suggestions for carrying out the Systems Principle:

 Consider the entire scope of the handling activity, i.e., beyond the area under immediate
 Plan flow between work areas.
 Integrate operations into the handling system, such as : processing , inspection , packaging ,
 Arrange for alternative Handling Methods – in case of emergency.
 Move material directly to production whenever practical, rather than an intermediate
storage area- to avoid re-handling.
 Work closely with suppliers, customers and carriers.
 Be aware of future requirement changes in product, process, volume, etc. and allow for
necessary flexibility.

3.3 Principle of Material-Flow

Plan an operation sequence and equipment arrangement to optimize material flow.

Description: The Material-flow pattern is actually the backbone of most production facilities, and
one of the first steps in Planning a Material Handling systems is the design of the Material- flow
pattern. This may be largely determined by operation sequence, which in turn will determine
the pattern of equipment arrangement.

Suggestions for carrying out the Material-Flow Principle:

 Avoid crowded conditions.
 Eliminate obstacles from Material flow.
 Carefully observe building and carrier restrictions.
 Plan movement in direct path.(Avoid backtracking, zigzag flow, crooked paths.)
 Arrange for alternate path, in case of difficulty.
 Be aware of cross traffic and take necessary precautions. Avoid traffic Jams.
 Keep related work areas close together.
 Use Product-type layout when possible
 Plan proper location of sub assembly and feeder lines.
 Combine operations to eliminate handling between times.
 Plan for definite pickup and delivery locations.
 Minimize moves between Floors, Buildings.

3.4 Principle of Simplification

Reduce, combine, or eliminate unnecessary movements and /or equipment.

Description: Simplification is one of the by-words of efficiency, motion economy, and many
other aspects of industrial operation. It should likewise be a goal in Material Handling. As used
here, it implies, primarily, the reduction or elimination of moves as well as the elimination or
reduction of equipment that is not being properly utilized.

Suggestions for carrying out the Simplification Principle:

 Apply the principle of motion economy.
 Reduce or eliminate long or complicated Moves.
 Plan direct moves.
 Deliver materials to correct location (spot) the first time.
 Avoid unnecessary Handling.
 Eliminate re-handling.
 Plan to use materials out of original container.
 Minimize number of moves per process.
 Minimize walking.
 Avoid use of variety of equipment types and / or makes.
 Provide proper number of containers.
 Plan for adequate equipment capacity.

 Do not mechanize for the sake of mechanization.

3.5 Principle of Gravity

Utilize gravity to move material whenever practicable.

Description: This is certainly a very obvious principle- but one that is all too frequently
overlooked because of its simplicity. Many material moves can be made efficiently by proper
application of the Law of gravity.

Suggestions for carrying out the Gravity Principle:

 Use Roller or wheel conveyors, slides chutes, etc., between operations.
 Use ramps between varying work or floor levels.
 Sloping floors (slight) can be utilized where considerable hand truck movement is in one
 Use chutes to connect conveyors at different levels.
 Use spiral chutes to connect conveyors between floors.

3.6 Principle of Space-Utilization

Make optimum utilization of building cube.

Description: Factory and warehouse space are expensive. Therefore, wasted space is wasted
money. Inherent in this principle is that both square feet and cubic feet are to be given
consideration. One square foot contains as many cubic feet as “clear” height will permit
items to be stacked.

Suggestions for carrying out the Space-Utilization Principle:

 Move equipment and operations closer together (not too close)
 Eliminate or condense “temporary” storage piles of materials
 Stack material to use full cube available.
 Use racks to permit higher stacking.
 Use stacking containers to permit stacking without racks.
 Analyze space utilization to “find” additional square or cubic feet.
 Check on economic order quantities and economic lot sizes for possibilities of reducing
amount of material required on hand.
 Clean out storage areas and dispose of obsolete or useless materials.
 Use narrow-aisle handling equipment to permit reduction of aisle widths.
 Use Handling equipment not requiring fixed floor space , i.e., mobile or overhead
 Don’t pile materials directly on floor – use pallets, skids , etc., to permit stacking.
 Consider reinforcing floors to permit heavier floor loads and stacking to greater heights.
 Use collapsible container to save space required by empties.

 Consider possibility of nesting parts products, containers.
 Review possibility of increasing inventory turnover.
 Design Pallets etc. to effectively utilize space between columns.

3.7 Principle of Unit-Size

Increase quantity, size, weight of load handled.

Description: Wherever practical, individual items should gathered and made up into loads.

Suggestions for carrying out the Unit-Size Principle:

 Examine every move of one item for possibility of making up unit loads.
 Purchase materials in unit loads.
 Work with vendors towards design of larger unit loads.
 Use containers to consolidate items.
 Use uniform, standardized containers.
 Design pallet pattern to efficiently utilize pallets and storage space.

3.8 Principle of Safety:

Provide for safe handling methods and equipment.

Description: It should be obvious that all handling activities in operations or being planned –
should be safe, since an objective of material handling is to improve working conditions by
providing safer work situations. A high proportion of all industrial accidents is in the material
handling aspects of the production activity.

General causes of Industrial Accidents:

I) Unsafe Conditions, Environmental Causes.
a. Inadequate guarding ( of Conveyors, Trucks, etc )
b. Unguarded (equipment.)
c. Defective condition (of equipment).
d. Hazardous arrangement (stacks of material, pallet loads, arrangement of trucks,
II) Unsafe Acts of Persons.
a. Operating without authority (trucks, etc.)
b. Operating at unsafe speed.
c. Making safety devices inoperative (governors, etc.)
d. Using unsafe equipment (needing repairs)
e. Unsafe loading (machines, conveyors, cranes, trucks, etc.)
f. Taking unsafe position or posture (in stacking, in trucks, etc)

g. Working on moving equipment (trucks, conveyors, etc.)
III) Unsafe Personal Causes
a. Improper attitude (taking chances, disregarding instructions)
b. Lack of knowledge (poor instructions, new man, unskilled)

Suggestions for carrying out the Safety Principles:

 Install adequate guards and safety devices on handling equipment.
 Keep handling equipment in good operating condition.
 Furnish mechanical handling equipment for difficult, hard, hazardous handling activities
and to handle dangerous materials.
 Do not permit handling equipment or devices to be overload or operated over rated
 Keep aisles clear and uncluttered .
 Install adequate lighting.
 Maintain floor in good condition.
 Avoid crowded conditions.
 Provide good house-keeping.
 Stacks material carefully.
 Be sure operation are properly instructed in method and / or use of equipment.
 Provide mechanized part feeding and removal devices,
 Plan for removal of undesirable dust fumes, smoke, etc.
 Isolate inherently dangerous equipment, operations etc.
 Allow Liberal factor of safety.

3.9 Principle of Mechanization/Automation

Use mechanized or automated handling equipment when practicable.

Description: Used judiciously, mechanized or automated handling devices and equipment

can be of extreme value in increasing material handling efficiency. However, handling
operations should not be mechanized for the sake of, mechanization alone, nor should they
be over – mechanized in terms of the function to be performed.

Suggestions for carrying out the Mechanization/Automation Principles:

 Consider use of mechanization for:
 Large quantities or volume of materials
 Frequent , repetitive moves, even though short Long moves
 High – effort, hazardous, difficult moves.
 Two – man lifting/moving tasks.
 Replacing excess manual handling
 Moving heavy containers.
 Handling and done by direct labour.

 Scrap removal.
 Do not over mechanize.
 Design or select containers suitable for Mechanical Handling.
 Use equipment that is self controlled and self programmed when practicable .
 Consider mechanization of people flow and equipment movement as well as material
 Mechanize communication to facilitate material movement.
 Utilize automatic couplings, switches transfer, etc.

3.10 Principle of Equipment Selection

In selecting Handling equipment, consider all aspects of the MATERIAL to be handled, the
MOVE to be made, and the METHOD(s) to be utilized.

Description: This principle is primarily a reminder to be extremely careful in selecting &

specifying handling equipment by being sure that all phases of the problem are thoroughly

Suggestions for carrying out the Equipment Selection Principle:

 Select versatile equipment to carry out a variety of tasks and adjust to changing
 Select standardized equipment to avoid a multiplicity of makes and models – and to
minimize inventory of repair parts.
 Prove that the move is necessary.
 Compare cost on the basis of dollars per unit handled,
 Consider indirect or intangible factors in justifying investments.


The efficiency of material handling could be judged by the following principles:
4.1 “Equipment built for motion should be kept in motion; idle equipment should be kept
4.2 ”Continuous material movement is most economical”
This principle states that materials handling efficiency is greatest when it approaches a
steady flow of materials, in as straight as possible, with minimum interpretations and minimum
backtracking and where movements approach continues rather than intermittent flow. It is not;
always possible, in practice, to completely achieve the objective of this rule. However, it is the
target towards which we aim our thinking. Conveyors systems, both overhead and floor types,
are excellent examples of the application of this idea.
4.3 “Materials’ handling economy is generally directly proportional to the size of load handled”
We all recognize, however, that as the load size increases there is a point reached
beyond which it becomes more costly, and less practical. From this, it is also logical to conclude

another important axiom: “there is a definite ideal load size in a given material handling
operation “.
4.4 “Storage space is best measured in terms of cubic content”
The “space saving” rule states that equipment should be selected so as to allow
utilization of cubical space for temporary and permanent storage.
4.5 “Material handling operations are only as good as the physical layout of the plant will permit”
Good layout of machinery, fixed equipment and aisle areas are fundamental to good
product handling. Where you are erecting a new building, you have unlimited opportunities to
layout the various areas allowing proper aisle widths, sufficient storage areas, and erect your
plant with material movement in mind.
4.6 ”Standardization of methods, types of equipment and sizes of equipment is desirable for good
material handling efficiency”
The most efficient system is generally that which is simplest. It is not hard to understand
why standardization is important, because it permits interchangeability of equipment between
department and plants; it allows stocking of fewer replacement parts; It simplifies employee
training in the equipment. In addition, it-enables management to shift equipment from
department to department depending on the production load changes. Another aspect of
standardization for the sake of economy in that of choosing equipment that is considered
“standard” by the material handling equipment manufacturer.
Standardization does not require that only one size container, for example, is
permissible; rather it implies the fewest number possible. In some instances it would be
impossible to standardize on one size container especially where a large number of Different
parts are handled. Repeat in standardization does not mean one it means the fewest number.
4.7 “The value of equipment is directly proportional to its flexibility”
The greater the variety of uses and applications to which a piece of equipment can be
put, the greater is its flexibility, and the more valuable it becomes from a material handling
standpoint. Flexibility in equipment offers the distinct advantage that It is readily adaptable to
any unforeseeable changes that comes up from time to time in any progressive organization
methods and equipment and constantly in the state of change and improvement. Flexible
machinery takes these changes in stride, and does not have to be scuttled before its completed.
4.8 ” The use of mechanized equipment instead of manpower generally increases efficiency and
economy in handling.”
By the use of mechanized equipment instead of manpower, efficiency and economy in
material handling is obtained. Mechanized equipment must, of course, be able to justify Itself on
a peso- and- basis, like any investment management may make. Some of the advantage of
mechanized equipment is as follows, to both management and labor;
 Over all safety is increased
 Workers are less fatigue at the end of the day
 Work done by power is generally cheaper
 Larger volume of work handled per operator is accomplished

 Greater speed of handling is obtained, resulting in less Idle time for skilled workers, better
production control, a larger volume of goods manufactured and displaced workers put on
other jobs in the plant.
4.9 “Productivity increases as working conditions become safer”.
Unless mechanized equipment makes given handling job safer for the plant personnel, it
will costlier in the last analysis. In material handing there is an old axiom, “if it is safe, it is not
worth it “
4.10 ” The ratio of dead weight to payload must be kept minimum.”
Mechanical handling equipment which is unencumbered by excessively unnecessary
dead weight can perform at top efficiency. For example, an aluminum conveyor is now being
substituted in many instances for heavier metal (steel) conveyors where operations require
moving the handling conveyor. Another good example is the reduction in weight of highway
trailers and unit load containers, pallets and skids to eliminate the necessity for hauling excess


It is bad engineering and worse management practice to look only at benefits and to ignore
limitations. Handling systems, at times, have consequences that may be distinctly negative. These
too, should be evaluated before the changes are adopted. Some such possible disadvantages are

5.1 Additional capital investment:

It must be verified that the cost of the handling system is more attractively invested in
the system under consideration than in any other part of the business. It should be assured
that the gains expected are not based upon a more mechanized system v/s present practice,
but rather the proposed new system v/s the best version of present practice.
5.2 Loss of flexibility
Proposed system must be flexible enough to be economically and quickly adapted to the
likely range of changes in the product or production techniques. If not, change over cost and
time loss must be included in the evaluation, or it must be shown that the investment will
be satisfactorily recovered before the proposed handling system will require modification.
5.3 Vulnerability to downtime;
Since a handling system is a composite of mechanical and electrical machinery and
controls, it must be recognized that it may break down at any times. What happens than
how long will it take to get back to service and what will be done when repairs are being
made. If this is serious-, the handling system must be re-design to provide for better
reliability, for alternate handling techniques in event of breakdown or for in-process-
storage that can feed subsequent operations while be system is being repaired. All of these
can result in additional costs that must be charged against the handling system.

5.4 Maintenance

If it is planned to install additional handling mechanization, almost surely it will be
necessary to take on more maintenance. This may mean the addition of new maintenance
skills, or a provision for obtaining them when needed. It may be that extra pieces of
handling equipment should be provided for use during downtime or breakdowns. It may be
necessary to plan for periodic overhauls by skilled technicians. It may be necessary to carry a
large supply of repairs parts, or a new or enlarged maintenance facility and staff may be
5.5 Auxiliary equipment costs
Frequently a new handling system carries with it requirements that involve hidden or
unrecognized costs for auxiliary equipment or service, e.g. adopting a fork lift truck means
more than taking on the mobile equipment, its power supply, and its maintenance. The
point of identifying this drawback is neither to discourage nor disparage the adaptation of
modern handling methods, but to emphasize that a careful balance of the total benefits and
limitations is required before wise decisions can be reached.


The scope of materials handling activity within an organization depends on the type of product
manufactured, the size of organization, the value of the product and the value of the activity being
performed and the relative importance of materials handling to the enterprise.

There are three perspectives about materials handling viz:

a) The traditional point of view.
b) Plant wide – concern for overall flow of materials.
c) The system point of view.

In the traditional point of view of materials handling, the emphasis is on the movement of
materials from one location to another within the confines of the individual plant. The concern is to
find the best way to move the materials from one place to another within the plant.
Plant wide concern focuses the attention on the overall flow of materials in the plant. The main
concern is to hinder relationship between all the handling problems and the possibility of
establishing an overall materials handling plan.
The systems point of view of material handling requires visualization of material handling
problems, the physical distribution activities, and all closely related functions as one, an all –
encompassing system. This point of view involves a much broader considerations of materials
handling activities involving the movement of material from all sources of supply (vendors), all
handling activities within and around the plant and the activities involved in the distribution of
finished goods to all customers of thru firm.


7.1 Efficient materials handling is important to manufacturing operations. Materials sent by
vendors must be unloaded, moved through inspections and production operations to stores

and finally to the shipping departments. This movements do not add value to the product
but, they do add to the cost.
7.2 Materials handling analysis is a subset to plant layout and materials handling are all part of
design of a production facility and can hardly be treated as separate. Materials handling
system and plant, enhance effectiveness of each other. A good plant layout enables an
operation to use the most effective handling method. Efficient operation of appropriate
materials handling methods reduces costs and enables maximum capabilities to be derived
from a given production facility.
The costs of materials handling arise from two sources:
1. the cost of owning and maintaining equipment.
2. the cost of operating the system.
While the costs of owning the equipment are generally known since entries are available in the
books of accounts, the cost of operating the handling system are hard to pin down as records are
not generally maintained.
Every effort has to be made to reduce materials handling costs, particularly because they do not
add any value to a product. The product will not be worth any more toi the consumer simply
because it was moved, but it will still cost the consumer more.

8.1 How to reduce handling costs?

There are three fundamental ways of minimizing the costs:

a) eliminating the handling itself whenever and wherever possible.
b) Mechanizing, largely by conveyors and power driven trucks, whatever handling still
c) Making the necessary handling more efficient.
Primary requisite for any action to be taken towards minimizing handling costs
is to have a record maintained for them. It is here that majority of the companies are
not doing the right thing.

8.2 Factors affecting the selection of materials handling equipments

The selection of materials handling equipments requires consideration of and attaining

of proper balance between the following factors:
i. Production problem.
a. Volume of the production t obe attained.
b. Class of materials to be handled.
c. The layout of plant and building facilities.

For example: the handling equipment which can be economically

justified for the manufacture of 1000 TV sets per day would be entirely different
from the handling equipment needed in a plant manufacturing 20 steam turbine

generators I na year as the production rate, weight and class of materials
needed are different.

ii. The capabilities of the handling equipment available.

a. Adaptability: The load carrying and movement characteristics of the
equipment should fit the material-handling problem.
b. Flexibility: Wherever possible, the equipment should have the flexibility to
handle more than one material, class or size.
c. Load Capacity: Equipment selected should have enough load-carrying
characteristics to do the job effectively.
d. Power: The equipment should have enough power available to do this job.
e. Speed: The speed of movement of the handling equipment should be as
high as possible, within the limits of production process and plant safety.
f. Space Requirements: The required to install or operate materials handling
equipment is also an important consideration.
g. Supervision required: The degree of automation in the handling equipment
decides the amount of supervision required.
h. Ease of maintenance: Equipment selected should be capable of easy
maintenance at reasonable cost.
i. Environment: Equipment selected must conform to any environmental
j. Cost: The cost of the equipment (capital investment) is an obvious factor in
the selection.

The various kinds of costs to be considered in addition to the initial purchase

price of the handling equipment are:
a. Operating Costs
b. Installation Costs
c. Maintenance Costs
d. Power Requirements
e. Insurance Requirements
f. Space Cost
g. Depreciation Cost
h. Salvage Value
i. Time Value of money invested
j. Opportunity Cost

iii. The human element involved.

a. The capabilities of the available manpower to operate the equipment.
b. Safety of personnel (those who operate it or come in contact with it)

The ultimate aim is to arrive at the lowest cost per unit of materials handled.


The materials handling systems can be classified according to the type of handling equipment used,
type of material handled and the methods, need or functions performed.

The Classifications are:

1. Equipment oriented systems depending upon the type of equipment used. They are:
a) Overhead Systems
b) Conveyor Systems
c) Tractor Transfer Systems
d) Fork-lift Truck and Pallet Truck Systems
e) Industrial Truck Systems
f) Underground Systems

2. Material oriented systems consisting of the following types:

a) Unit handling Systems
b) Bulk Handling Systems
c) Liquid handling Systems

3. Method oriented systems can be of the following types:

a) Manual Systems
b) Mechanized or automated Systems
c) Job-Shop Handling Systems
d) Mass Production Handling Systems

4. Function oriented Systems:

a) Transportation systems
b) Conveying Systems
c) Transferring Systems
d) Elevating Systems

The materials handling equipments are classified into four basic types, viz. conveyors, cranes and
hoists, trucks and auxiliary equipment.


These are gravity or powered devices, commonly used for moving loads from point to
point over fixed paths. The various types of conveyors are:
a) Belt Conveyor: Motor driven belt, usually made of rubberized fabric or metal
fabric on a rigid frame.
b) Chain Conveyor: Motor driven chain that drags materials along a metal slide
c) Roller conveyor: Boxes, large parts or unit lands roll on top of a series of rollers
mounted on a rigid frame.
d) Pneumatic Conveyor: high volume of air flows through a tube, carrying materials
along with the airflow.

The other types of conveyors are bucket conveyor, screw conveyor, pipeline
conveyor, vibratory conveyor, trolley conveyor, and chute or gravity conveyors.
Advantages of conveyors are that they do not require operators, will move a
large volume of products and inexpensive to operate.


These are overloaded devices used for moving various loads intermittently
between points within an area, fixed by supporting and binding rails.

a) Cranes are devices mounted on overhead rails or ground level wheels or rails.
They lift, swing and transport large and heavy materials. Examples are Gantry
Crane, Jib Crane and Electrically Operated Overhead Crane (EOTC).
b) Elevators are a type of cranes that lift materials usually between floors of
c) Hoists are devices, which move materials vertically and horizontally in a limited

Examples are Air Hoists, electric hoists and chain hoists.


These devices are used for moving mixed or uniform loads intermittently over
variable paths. They are electric, diesel, gasoline or liquefied petroleum, gas powered
vehicles equipped with beds, forks, arms or other holding devices. Examples are forklift
trucks, pallet trucks, tractor with trailers, hand trucks and power trolleys.

These are devices or attachments used with handling equipment to make their
use more effective and versatile. Examples are ramps, positioners, pallets, containers
and turn-tables.


1. Pipe Lines , which are closed tubes that transport liquids by means of pumps or gravity.
2. Automatic transfer devices , which automatically grasp materials, hold them firmly while
operations are being performed and move them to other locations.
3. Automated guided vehicle (AGV) Systems: These devices do not require operations and provide
a great deal of flexibility in the paths they travel and the functions they perform and the AGVs
are controlled by signals sent through the wires embedded in the floor or inductive tape on the
floor surface. A remote control computer is needed to control the movement of AGVs.
4. Industrial Robots: a robot is a mechanism that has a movable arm like projection with a gripper
on the end that can perform a variety of functions with the control that can be reprogrammed
and hence they are very versatile.
The process design and the principles of efficient materials handling provide the
framework for selecting specific materials handling devices as the core of the materials handling
system. Each of the handling devices has its own unique characteristics and advantages and


Material handling equipment (MHE) is used for the movement and storage of material within a
facility or at a site. MHE can be classified into the following five major categories:

I. Transport Equipment. Equipment used to move material from one location to another
(e.g., between workplaces, between a loading dock and a storage area, etc.). The major
subcategories of transport equipment are conveyors, cranes, and industrial trucks.
Material can also be transported manually using no equipment.
II. Positioning Equipment. Equipment used to handle material at a single location so that it
is in the correct position for subsequent handling, machining, transport, or storage.
Unlike transport equipment, positioning equipment is usually used for handling at a
single workplace. Material can also be positioned manually using no equipment.
III. Unit Load Formation Equipment. Equipment used to restrict materials so that they
maintain their integrity when handled a single load during transport and for storage. If
materials are self-restraining (e.g., a single part or interlocking parts), then they can be
formed into a unit load with no equipment.
IV. Storage Equipment. Equipment used for holding or buffering materials over a period of
time. Some storage equipment may include the transport of materials (e.g., the S/R

machines of an AS/RS, or storage carousels). If materials are block stacked directly on
the floor, then no storage equipment is required.
V. Identification and Control Equipment. Equipment used to collect and communicate the
information that is used to coordinate the flow of materials within a facility and
between a facility and its suppliers and customers. The identification of materials and
associated control can be performed manually with no specialized equipment.


Transport equipment is used to move material from one location to another (e.g., between
workplaces, between a loading dock and a storage area, etc.) within a facility or at a site.

The major subcategories of transport equipment are:

A. Conveyors. Equipment used to move materials over a fixed path between specific points.
B. Cranes. Equipment used to move materials over variable paths within a restricted area.
C. Industrial Trucks. Equipment used to move materials over variable paths, with no
restrictions on the area covered by the movement (i.e., unrestricted area).
D. No Equipment. Material can also be transported manually using no equipment.

Conveyors are used:
A. When material is to be moved frequently between specific points
B. To move materials over a fixed path
C. When there is a sufficient flow volume to justify the fixed conveyor investment

Conveyors can be classified in different ways:

A. Type of product being handled: unit load or bulk load
B. Location of the conveyor: overhead, on-floor, or in-floor
C. Whether or not loads can accumulate on the conveyor

Conveyors are used to move materials over a fixed path. The major types of conveyors

14.1 Chute Conveyor

14.2 Wheel Conveyor

14.3 Roller Conveyor

Unit + On-Floor + Accumulate

May be powered (or live) or nonpowered (or gravity)
Materials must have a rigid riding surface
Minimum of three rollers must support smallest loads at all times
Tapered rollers on curves used to maintain load orientation

14.4 Chain Conveyor

14.5 Slat Conveyor

14.6 Flat Belt Conveyor

14.7 Magnetic Belt Conveyor

14.8 Troughed Belt Conveyor

14.9 Bucket Conveyor

14.10 Vibrating Conveyor

14.11 Screw Conveyor

14.12 Pneumatic Conveyor

Bulk/Unit + Overhead
Can be used for both bulk and unit movement of materials
Air pressure is used to convey materials through a system of vertical and horizontal
Major advantages are that material is completely enclosed and it is easy to implement
turns and vertical moves

14.13 Vertical Conveyor

Unit + On-Floor + No Accumulate

Used for low-frequency intermittent vertical transfers (cf. vertical chain conveyor can be
used for continuous high-frequency vertical transfers

14.14 Cart-On-Track Conveyor

14.15 Tow Conveyor

14.16 Trolley Conveyor

14.17 Power-and-Free Conveyor

14.18 Monorail

14.19 Sortation Conveyor


General characteristics of cranes:

A. Used to move loads over variable (horizontal and vertical) paths within a restricted area
B. Used when there is insufficient (or intermittent) flow volume such that the use of a
conveyor cannot be justified
C. Provide more flexibility in movement than conveyors
D. Provide less flexibility in movement than industrial trucks
E. Loads handled are more varied with respect to their shape and weight than those handled
by a conveyor
F. Most cranes utilize hoists for vertical movement, although manipulators can be used if
precise positioning of the load is required

Cranes are used to move materials over variable paths within a restricted area. The major types
of cranes are:

15.1 Jib Crane

15.2 Bridge Crane

15.3 Gantry Crane

15.4 Stacker Crane


Industrial trucks:
A. Used to move materials over variable (horizontal) paths with no restrictions on the area
covered (i.e., unrestricted area)
B. Provide vertical movement if the truck has lifting capabilities
C. Used when there is insufficient (or intermittent) flow volume such that the use of a
conveyor cannot be justified
D. Provide more flexibility in movement than conveyors and cranes
E. Not licensed to travel on public roads—"commercial trucks" are licensed to travel on public

A. Pallet/Non-Pallet: Does the truck have forks for handling pallets, or does the truck have a
flat surface on which to place loads. Non-Pallet => (usually) other means required to load
B. Manual/Powered: Does the truck have manual or powered vertical (lifting) and/or
horizontal (travel) movement capabilities. Manual => walk => operator provides the force
needed for lifting loads and/or pushing the vehicle. Powered => on-board power source
(e.g., batteries) used for lifting and/or travel.
C. Walk/Ride: For non-automated trucks, can the operator ride on the truck (in either a
standing or sitting position) or is the operator required to walk with the truck during travel.
Walk => manual or powered travel possible => powered travel speed limited to a normal
walking pace. Ride => powered => travel speed can be faster than a walking pace.

D. Stack/No Stack: Can the truck be used to lift loads for stacking purposes. Stack => can also
be used as no stack => more expensive to add stacking capability. No Stack may lift a load a
few inches to clear the floor for subsequent travel (e.g., pallet jack), but the loads cannot be
stacked on top of each other or on shelves.
E. Narrow Aisle: Is the lift truck designed to have a small turning radius or does it not have to
turn at all in an aisle when loading/unloading. Narrow Aisle => greater cost and (usually)
standing operator => less aisle space required. Counterbalance and/or straddle used for
load support. Small turning radius => load support via straddle or reaching capabilities. No
turning required => even narrower aisle => only one-side loading (sideloaders) or the
capability to rotate the load (turret truck).
F. Automated: Is the truck automated so that it can transport loads without requiring an
operator. Non-Automated => direct labor cost of operator is by far the largest cost to
operate a non-automated truck. Semi-Automated => operator used to control
loading/unloading, but automated transport control (e.g., the S/R machine of a Man-
onboard AS/RS). Automated => Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) => no direct labor cost,
but higher equipment costs.

Industrial trucks are used to move materials over variable paths, with no restrictions on the area
covered by the movement. The major types of industrial trucks are:

16.1 Hand Truck

Non-pallet + manual + no stack

16.2 Pallet Jack
Pallet + walk + no stack
Front wheels are mounted inside the end of the forks and extend to the floor as the
pallet is only lifted enough to clear the floor for subsequent travel Pallet restrictions:
reversible pallets cannot be used, double-faced non-reversible pallets cannot have
deckboards where the front wheels extend to the floor, and enables only two-way entry
into a four-way notched-stringer pallet because the forks cannot be inserted into the

16.3 Walkie Stacker
Pallet + walk + stack

16.4 Pallet Truck

16.5 Platform Truck

Non-pallet + powered + no stack
Platform used to provide support for nonpalletized loads.
Used for skid handling; platform can lift skid several inches to allow it to clear the floor.
Greater lifting capacity compared to fork trucks because the platform provides a greater
lifting surface to support a load.

16.6 Counterbalanced (CB) Lift Truck
Pallet + ride + stack
Also referred to as fork truck.
Weight of vehicle (and operator) behind the front wheels of truck counterbalances
weight of the load (and weight of vehicle beyond front wheels); front wheels act as
fulcrum or pivot point.
Rated capacity reduced for load centers greater than 24 in. and lift heights greater than
13 ft.
Workhorses of material handling because of their flexibility: indoor/outdoor operation
over a variety of different surfaces; variety of load capacities available; and variety of
attachments available—fork attachments can replace the forks (e.g., carton clamps) or
enhance the capabilities of the forks (e.g., blades for slipsheets).

16.7 Narrow-Aisle (NA) Straddle Truck

16.8 Narrow-Aisle (NA) Reach Truck

16.9 Turret Truck
Greater stacking height compared to other narrow-aisle trucks (40 ft. vs. 25 ft.), but
greater investment cost.
Forks rotate to allow for side loading and, since truck itself does not rotate during
stacking, the body of the truck can be longer to increase its counterbalance capability
and to allow the operator to sit.
Can function like a sideloader for transporting greater-than-pallet-size load.

16.10 Order Picker

16.11 Sideloader

16.12 Tractor-Trailer

16.13 Personnel and Burden Carrier

16.14 Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV)

AGVs do not require an operator.
Good for high labor cost, hazardous, or environmentally sensitive conditions (e.g.,
Also termed "automated" guided vehicle.
AGVs good for low-to-medium volume medium-to-long distance random material flow
operations (e.g., transport between work cells in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS)

Two means of guidance can be used for AGV systems:

Fixed path: Physical guidepath (e.g., wire, tape, paint) on the floor used for guidance
Free-ranging: No physical guidepath, thus easier to change vehicle path (in software),
but absolute position estimates (from, e.g., lasers) are needed to correct dead-reckoning

17.0 Positioning Equipment
Positioning equipment is used to handle material at a single location so that the material is in
the correct position for subsequent handling, machining, transport, or storage. Unlike transport
equipment, positioning equipment is usually used for handling at a single workplace. Material
can also be positioned manually using no equipment.
As compared to manual handling, the use of positioning equipment can provide the
following benefits [Modern Materials Handling, Sept. 1993]:
A. raise the productivity of each worker when the frequency of handling is high,
B. improve product quality and limit damage to materials and equipment when the item
handled is heavy or awkward to hold and damage is likely through human error or
inattention, and
C. reduce fatigue and injuries when the environment is hazardous or inaccessible.

The major types of positioning equipment are:

17.1 Manual (No Equipment)

Material can be positioned manually using no equipment.
Under ideal circumstances, maximum recommended weight for manual lifting to avoid
back injuries is 51 lbs.
Recommendation based on NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health) 1994 Lifting Equation, which uses six multipliers to reduce maximum
recommended weight for less than ideal lifting tasks.

17.2 Lift/Tilt/Turn Table

17.3 Dock Leveler

17.4 Ball Transfer Table

17.5 Rotary Index Table

17.6 Parts Feeder

17.7 Air Film Device

17.8 Hoist

17.9 Balancer

17.10 Manipulator

Used for vertical and horizontal translation and rotation of loads.

Acting as "muscle multipliers," manipulators counterbalance the weight of a load so that
an operator lifts a small portion (1%) of the load’s weight.
Can be powered manually, electrically, or pneumatically.
Manipulator’s end-effector can be equipped with mechanical grippers, vacuum grippers,
electromechanical grippers, or other tooling.

Manipulators fill the gap between hoists and industrial robots: they can be used for a
wider range of positioning tasks than hoists and are more flexible than industrial robots
due to their use of manual control.

17.11 Industrial Robot


Unit load formation equipment used to restrict materials so that they maintain their integrity
when handled a single load during transport and for storage.

Advantages of unit loads:

A. More items can be handled at the same time, thereby reducing the number of trips required
and, potentially, reducing handling costs, loading and unloading times, and product damage.
B. Enables the use of standardized material handling equipment.

Disadvantages of unit loads:

A. Time spent forming and breaking down the unit load.
B. Cost of containers/pallets and other load restraining materials used in the unit load
C. Empty containers/pallets may need to be returned to their point of origin.

The major types of unit load formation equipment are:

18.1 Self-Restraining (No Equipment)

One or more items that can maintain their integrity when handled as a single item (e.g.,
a single part or interlocking parts)

18.2 Pallets

18.3 Skids

18.4 Slipsheets

18.5 Tote Pans

18.6 Pallet Boxes/Skid Boxes

18.7 Bins/Baskets/Racks
Storage equipment that also can be used to unitize and protect loose discrete items.

18.8 Cartons

18.9 Bags

18.10 Bulk Loads Containers

18.11 Crates

18.12 Intermodal Containers

It is not as common to use intermodal containers for airfreight transport

because of aircraft shape and weight restrictions.
The standard outside dimensions of intermodal containers are: 20 or 40 ft. in
length; 8 ft. in width; and 8, 8.5, or 9.5 ft. in height; less 8 in. of length, 5 in. of width,
and 9.5 in. of height to determine the inside dimensions. Typical sea transport costs per
40-ft container are: $3000–4000 from Japan to the US west coast, $4000–5000 from
Singapore to the US west coast, and $2500–3500 from Europe to the US east coast;
transport costs for a 20-ft. container is 70% of the costs of a 40-ft. Container.

18.13 Strapping/Tape/Glue

18.14 Shrink-Wrap/Stretch-Wrap

18.15 Palletizers
Used for load formation.
Three general methods of building (or "palletizing") unit loads:

19.0 Storage Equipment
Storage equipment used for holding or buffering materials over a period of time.

The most common reason for storing a product allows the other elements of production
to operate more efficiently on a per-unit basis because the fixed costs associated with utilizing
the element can be spread over more products; e.g., storing up to a truckload of product in a
facility reduces the per-unit costs of shipping; and buffering or storage of WIP enables batch
production which reduces the per-unit setup costs.
Other potential reasons for storage include: time bridging—allows product to be
available when it is needed (e.g., storing spare machine parts at the facility); processing—for
some products (e.g., wine), storage can be considered as a processing operation because the
product undergoes a required change during storage; and securing—e.g., nuclear waste storage.

The major types of storage equipment are:

19.1 Block Stacking (No Equipment)

Bulk storage using block stacking can result in the minimum cost of storage since cube
utilization is high and no storage medium is required, but material accessibility is low
since only the top of the front stack is accessible and loads at bottom of a stack must not
require support.

Storage racks are used when support and/or material accessibility is required.

19.2 Selective Pallet Rack

19.3 Drive-Through Rack

19.4 Drive-In Rack

19.5 Flow-Through Rack

19.6 Push-Back Rack

19.7 Sliding Rack

19.8 Cantilever Rack

19.9 Stacking Frame

19.10 Shelves/Bins/Drawers

19.11 Storage Carousel

19.12 Automatic Storage/Retrieval Systems (AS/RS)
Consists of an integrated computer-controlled system that combines the storage
medium, transport mechanism, and controls with various levels of automation for fast
and accurate random storage of products and materials.
Storage/retrieval (S/R) machine in an AS/RS operates in narrow aisle, serving rack slots
on both sides of aisle; can travel in horizontal (along the aisle) and vertical (up and down
a rack) directions at same time Advantages: fewer material handlers, better material
control (including security), and more efficient use of storage space.
Disadvantages: high capital and maintenance costs, and difficult to modify.

19.13 Split-Case Order Picking System

19.14 Mezzanine

- End -


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