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Title: “Factors Affecting Mental Health in Grade 11 STEM Students at AMA East Rizal
2. Purpose of the Study:
o The mental health of students is a critical concern that has gained significant
attention in recent years. For Grade 11 STEM students at AMA East Rizal
Campus, understanding the factors that impact their mental well-being is essential
for fostering a supportive educational environment.
3. Relevant Literature Review:
o Numerous studies have explored mental health issues among students. These
investigations have highlighted several key factors:
1. Childhood Trauma: Early life experiences can significantly influence
mental health outcomes.
2. Identity Issues: Adolescents often grapple with identity formation, which
can impact their psychological well-being.
3. Social Support Networks: The presence of strong social connections can
mitigate mental health challenges.
4. Academic Pressures: The demands of coursework, exams, and
expectations contribute to stress.
5. Transition to Higher Education: Moving from high school to college
involves significant changes in support structures and coping mechanisms.
4. Significance of the Study:
o This research builds upon existing knowledge by focusing specifically on Grade
11 STEM students at AMA East Rizal Campus. By understanding the unique
challenges faced by this group, we can tailor interventions and support systems
o Our study aims to contribute to the field by shedding light on the interactions of
these factors and their impact on mental health. Improved mental health outcomes
can enhance overall well-being and academic success.
5. Objectives:
1. Identify Prevalent Mental Health Issues: We will explore the most
common mental health concerns among Grade 11 STEM students during
the academic year 2023-2024.
2. Evaluate Academic Workload Impact: We’ll assess how academic
demands affect students’ mental health by the end of the second semester
in 2024.
3. Uncover Barriers to Seeking Support: Understanding why students
hesitate to seek mental health assistance is crucial for designing effective

our study titled “Factors Affecting Mental Health in Grade 11 STEM Students at AMA East Rizal
Campus” highlights the critical importance of understanding mental well-being among students. We
explore factors such as childhood trauma, identity issues, social support networks, and academic
pressures. By focusing on Grade 11 STEM students, we aim to contribute insights that can enhance
mental health outcomes within our educational context. Our research objectives include identifying
prevalent mental health issues, evaluating academic workload impact, and uncovering barriers to seeking

1. Title: The research title is “The Impact of Online Classes on Grade 11 STEM Students at
AMA East Rizal Campus, 2024.”
2. Purpose: The study aims to understand the effects of online classes on Grade 11 STEM
students. As online education becomes more prevalent, it’s crucial to explore how this
shift impacts students’ learning experiences and academic performance.
3. Relevant Literature Review:
1. Numerous studies have explored the impact of online education on student
learning experiences. These investigations have highlighted both advantages and
2. Existing research emphasizes the need to understand how students adapt to online
learning environments, the effects on academic performance, and the evolving
dynamics of education.
4. Significance of the Study:
1. The study is significant because it addresses the following:
1. Educational Transformation: It sheds light on the evolving nature of
education in the digital age.
2. Student Experience: By examining Grade 11 STEM students’
experiences, it contributes to our understanding of online learning
3. Academic Performance: The investigation evaluates how online classes
impact academic outcomes.
4. Educational Policy: Insights from this study can inform educators and
policymakers in enhancing online education.
5. Research Objectives:
1. Adaptation to Online Learning: Investigate how Grade 11 STEM students at
AMA Computer College East Rizal Branch adapt to online learning
2. Academic Performance Assessment: Evaluate the academic performance of
these students before and after the transition to online classes.
3. Challenges Faced: Explore the challenges faced by Grade 11 STEM students
during online classes.


1. Title: The research title is “The Negative Effect of Gaming as a Stress Relief Mechanism
Among G11 Students in AMA Computer College East Rizal Branch.”
2. Purpose of the Study: The study aims to investigate the impact of gaming as a stress
relief method among Grade 11 students at AMA Computer College East Rizal. While
gaming is commonly used to alleviate stress, it’s essential to understand any potential
negative consequences associated with its use.
3. Relevant Literature Review:
1. Existing research acknowledges that students often turn to gaming as a way to
alleviate stress. However, this practice can have both positive and negative
2. Some studies highlight the positive aspects, such as improved mood and
relaxation, while others emphasize potential drawbacks, including addiction and
impaired academic performance.
3. Despite this literature, there remains a gap in understanding the specific negative
effects of gaming on students’ well-being.
4. Significance of the Study:
1. This research is significant because it sheds light on the less explored side of
gaming as a stress relief tool.
2. By identifying potential negative consequences, we contribute to a more
comprehensive understanding of how gaming impacts students’ lives.
3. Our findings may inform educational institutions, parents, and students
themselves about responsible gaming practices.
5. Research Objectives:
1. Investigate the convenience of gaming as a stress relief tool among G11 STEM
students at AMA Computer College East Rizal.
2. Explore the psychological impacts of using gaming for stress relief, including
changes in mood and behavior.
3. Identify any potential negative consequences, such as addiction or social isolation,
resulting from using games as a stress relief mechanism among G11 STEM

this study aims to bridge the gap in knowledge regarding the effects of gaming on student well-being. By
understanding the negative aspects, we can develop informed strategies for stress management and
promote healthier gaming habits. The subsequent methodology section will delve into our research
approach and data collection methods

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