Final Media Plan

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Sydney Blount, Hailey De La
Torre, Ryan O’Toole
Table of Contents
Final Media Plan Overview......................................................................3
Online Radio................................................................................................6
Display Ads/Programmatic.....................................................................7
Publisher Direct..........................................................................................8
Social Media + Influencers......................................................................9
Retail + OOH..............................................................................................12

Trade up to Gain Flings Media Plan

Sydney Blount, Hailey De La Torre, Ryan O’Toole

Campaign Name: Trade Up to Gain Flings

Campaign Objective: [Get who to by] All mothers who don’t know how to get the bad scent
out of their laundry need to use Gain Flings for a one-time wash for a better, long-lasting

Business Objective: Develop a media plan to build awareness and grow the share of Gain
Flings in the Laundry category by 5% in top US Markets.

Media Objective: Exceed the reach goal of 80 and frequency of 3.

Campaign Timing: Refer to Excel spreadsheet

Media Audience: Millennials and Gen X who use Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Who
watches TV on CBS, Fox, CNN, Peacock, YouTube, and local networks. Uses websites like
Google and Amazon.
Demographics: millennials/Gen X, middle-class families, moms
Psychographics: people who participate in outdoor activities and workout classes
Geographic: National

Budget: $1,300,000

Media Summary:

Plan Details:
Place one 30-second video advertisement on ABC’s Americas Funniest Home Videos three a week Monday, on
Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7 pm for the 4 weeks of the campaign. 1 in 5 millennials use cable TV,
making ABC an efficient way to reach those watching cable TV in the evening (IPSOS, 2021).

Place three 30-second video advertisements on ESPN Saturdays and Sundays at 7 pm each week during the 4
weeks span campaign, but place 4 ads on Sunday during the first week. A report reveals that 43% of Gen Z and
32% of millennials prefer to watch sports at home, making ESPN a beneficial channel to reach Gen Z and
millennials who watch sports (Swns, 2023).

ABC America’s Funniest Home VideosAmerica's Funniest Home Videos is a show on ABC where amateur
videographers submit videos of their friends, family, and pets in embarrassing situations. Placing three 30-
second advertisements weekly at 7 p.m. throughout the campaign will help us reach our target audience. In
2022, America's Funniest Home Videos had a rating of 0.6 with 4.58 million viewers aged 18-49 (Rosario, A. D,
Millennials widely use cable TV, so it is a great way to get our target audience to see the product. 1 in 5
millennials use cable TV, making ABC an effective way to reach those watching cable TV in the evening (IPSOS,

ESPN ESPN primetime at 7 p.m. on the weekends is heavily watched by our target audience. This would
primarily be placed during football games during that time or whatever sport is in season. Placing three
advertisements each Saturday and Sunday during those times, and four on the first Sunday will allow us to
reach the target audience. ESPN is a very beneficial channel to use to reach Millennials and Gen Z. A report
revealed that 43% of Gen Z and 32% of Millennials prefer to watch sports at home (Swns, 2023)

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

National TV 25% of American adults viewed ABC is a very credible and reliable source as of February 2022.
(Statistica, 2022)
For the ninth year in a row, ESPN is the number one cable network for prime time among all key adult demos.
(ESPN Press Room, 2022)

Plan Details:
Place one 30-second video advertisement on Peacock Monday at 9 pm when the show The Last of Us is
released. Of all currently airing shows, The Last of Us is now Gen Z and millennials’ favorite overall, making it
the best-fit show to share Gains’ advertisement (Ypulse, 2023).

Place two 30-second video advertisements on YouTube TV for the third week of the campaign on a
Saturday.80% of connected TV watchers aged 18-34 are watching streaming for at least one hour a week,
making it an ideal platform to reach the most viewers in a single day (Karrer, 2023).

Placing an advertisement on Peacock will allow us to reach our targeted audience. By placing it at 9 p.m. it will
get the most views.
Six percent of people aged 18-44 use Peacock at least once per day (Stoll, J., 2023). This will allow the
members of the target audience to view the advertisement, considering that Monday night is the most viewed
night. Just one advertisement on the first Monday could prove to be a very beneficial placement. This is
because there is a large number of users viewing the advertisement during the chosen time.

We are placing two 30-second advertisements on YouTube TV on the third Saturday of the campaign.
Connected TV is very popular among those in Gen Z and Millennials.
In a report, 80% of connected TV watchers aged 18-34 are watching streaming for at least one hour a week,
making it an ideal platform to reach the most viewers in a single day (Karrer, 2023).
The placement of an advertisement on a Saturday will be very effective. And 70% of viewers bought from a
brand after seeing content on YouTube (Rettke, N., 2020).

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

Peacock’s all-inclusive subscription is 22% cheaper than Netflix and 33% cheaper than HBO Max’s monthly
price. (Zippia, 2023)
30% of people subscribed to YoutubeTV for being able to watch the streaming service on the go whenever
they wanted. (Statistica, 2023)

Online Radio
Plan Details:
Place one 15-second audio advertisement on comedy-related podcast once a week over the campaign's 4
weeks. Comedy is the number one type of content Gen Z and millennials are watching weekly, making it an
efficient way to reach those who listen to podcasts weekly (Ypulse, 2022).

Place one visual advertisement between Instagram stories on the last Monday of the 4 weeks span
campaign.60% of millennials use Instagram stories making it the most popular platform to share stories on.
This is a way of guaranteeing people will see it between viewing other stories (Truelist, 2023).

We are placing a 15-second audio advertisement once a week for the four-week campaign. The “SmartLess”
podcast is #1 on the iTunes comedy podcast chart (Top 40).
Comedy podcast is the top type of content that Gen Z is consuming weekly, making it an efficient way to reach
those who listen to podcasts weekly (Ypulse, 2022). This is also a good strategic decision because the audience
believes in the authenticity of the podcast host when given an advertisement.

Instagram is very popular with our demographic of millennials and Gen Z. We will target story postings for this
ad placement.
According to a study, 54% of millennials bought products after seeing them on Instagram (Schaffer, B., 2023).
Instagram also has the best interaction rates among platforms.
Also, 60% of millennials use Instagram stories making it the most popular platform to share stories on (Truelist,

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

It is estimated that 424 million people listen to podcasts wordwide. (Riverside, 2023)
Reasearch has shown that Instagram users use the app for at least 30 minutes a day. (Sprout Social, 2023)

Display Ads/Programmatic
Plan Details:
We are placing online video advertisements that will gain 937,500 impressions on 9/5/2023. These are very beneficial to the
campaign because smartphones are the most used device for digital videos in the U.S. at 68% (Video Advertising, 2023).

We are placing a native advertisement gaining 900,000 impressions on 8/19/2024. This is an effective placement because
native advertisements receive 53% more views than traditional display ads (Neely, P.)

There will be mobile display advertisements that will be placed on 8/31/2024 that will gain 500,000 impressions. Mobile
advertisements are effective because the average time spent per mobile user worldwide with 80% screen cover was 6.6
seconds (Mobile Advertising, 2023).

We’re placing a desktop display advertisement programmatically that will get 1,000,000 impressions on 8/14/2024. For
’Regular Laundry Brand/Total Users’ around 46% were exposed to Digital Display advertisements in the past 30 days (MRI-
Simmons Gain Flings Report).

Plan Details:
Desktop banner ads are included as a part of our media strategy because computers are used in everyday life in this day in
age so it would be difficult for a banner ad to unnoticed therefore increasing revenue and views.
Desktop advertising provides the luxury of space, and placement should be a strong consideration. Above-the-fold
placement ensures the ad instantly catches the consumers' attention. (Bannerflow, 2023) We will be providing a desktop
banner ad on Amazon because it would reach our target audience and allow for easy purchases through Amazon as well.

Mobile banner ads are set to grow from $162.6 in 2018 to $384.9 billion, worldwide, in 2023 according to eMarketer
research. (Bannerflow, 2023)
As mobile ads become more and more prevalent, mobile banner ads will be a part of our media strategy because they are
the most beneficial tool to reach audiences across the board. Mobile ads have the biggest growing market which we will also
benefit from.

Native ads will be very proactive for our media plan because they expose readers to promotional content without sticking
out like a sore thumb. (Outbrain) This type of content will be used in the best way as a promotional tool as “recommended
By using native ads, we will be able to appeal to our audiences as a “recommendation” which will be less of an annoyance.
It will allow for a more subtle way to promote Gain. This will also bring brand awareness to our strategy.

Online video has been shown to reach over 3 billion internet users watching or downloading video at least once per month
in 2022. (Social Shepard) Online video will be crucial to our media strategy because it will reach our target audience most
effectively. Any video-related ad automatically will stand out more to promote our brand and increase the number of GI’’s

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

Ad spending in the banner advertising market is projected to reach $161.80 bn in 2023 (Banner Advertising, 2023).
The average ad spending per internet user in the Banner Advertising market is projected to amount to $30.35 in 2023
(Banner Advertising, 2023).
22% of people spend 3-4 hours on average on their phone daily. Mobile advertising helps your brand reach audiences
where they already are and through the devices they’re using (Stewart & Small, 2023).
Mobile banner ads have a widespread use of mobile devices to reach users in various contexts such as while using
apps, browsing websites, or engaging with content (Mobile Banner Ads, 2023).
Native ads are more compelling, registering an 18 percent lift in purchase intent compared to banner ads (Law, 2023).
Consumers look at native ads 53% more frequently than display ads (Law, 2023).

Publisher Direct

Plan Details:
The agreement between the advertisers and the publisher will be very useful for our ad spend. This will provide us with
lucrative opportunities to promote gain flings.

The publisher's direct advertisements are taking up the majority of our budget, but they are supposed to gross 8,337,500
across ESPN and Health (8/16/2024-8/30/2024) respectively. We will be targeting a diverse set of ads through everything
ESPN offers, the same with Health. With 20% of our audience being heavy on television and 14% through social media (MRI-
Simmons Gain Flings Report), those will be the most effective placements.

Media Strategy:

Podcasts are the fastest-growing platforms and will reach a revenue of $3.46 billion by 2023. It is anticipated to grow
annually at a rate of 9.77% from 2023 to 2027, reaching a market volume of $5.03 billion by 2027. (Influencer Marketing
Hub, 2023)
By using podcasts as a part of our media strategy we will be able to grow in our shares and GIs. 62% of consumers listen to
podcasts regularly. (IHM, 2023)

Instagram is a widely known and popular enjoyment for a daily consumer. In just over a decade, the app has expanded its
network into one of the top 5 largest social networks worldwide. (Statista, 2023)
Our strategy is to place the ads on Instagram because that will enlarge our target audience being moms, young adults, and
anyone who looks to find the best-smelling clothes.

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

Podcast listeners are highly engaged with podcast content. Podcast ads have a 71% aided recall rate (Advertising on
Podcast, 2023).
Podcast advertising is projected to be 3.46b in 2023. Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 9.81%
(Podcast Advertising, 2023).
Instagram ads generate an average click-through rate of 0.58% (Vind, 2023).
Research has shown that mobile-shot Instagram stories outperform more professional-looking ads (Superside, 2023).
In direct deals, with a 36% increase in click-through rates in Q1 2023, and a 14% increase in average cost per thousand
impressions (Suri).

Social Media + Influencers

Plan Details:
Partner with macro influencers Jason Kelce (athlete) and Cecily Bauchmann (mother). Jason Kelce will develop
2-Instagram posts to post on 8/17/2024 and 8/25/2024. Cecily Bauchmann will develop 3-Facebook feed posts
to post on 8/20/2024, 8/29/2024, and 9/4/2024

Jason Kelce will be placing 2-Instagram Posts that will gain 210,000 gross impressions over 8/17/2024 and
8/25/2024 showcasing his post-game wash routine. This will allow mothers and families alike to view how Gain
Flings works in the real world. The post either through a picture or an Instagram Reel will provide a longer
lasting advertisement to reach the audience.

Cecily Bauchmanm will be placing 3-Facebook feed posts over 8/20/2024, 8/29/2024, and 9/4/2024
showcasing a mother’s wash routine. This will show her audience made up of mothers in our targeted
demographic to view a wash routine with Gain Flings.

You can create ads directly from Instagram. Once you convert to a professional account, you can boost feed
post, reels, and stories (Ads on Instagram, 2023). The target audience is Millennials/Gen X, middle class
families and moms. 43% of Gen Z and 52% of millennials use Instagram daily (YPulse, 2023).
Instagram targeting strategy: Men and Women 18-54 who live in DFW, Miami, Scottsdale, Atlanta. Interest:
hiking, healthy trends, reading, outdoor activities, cleaning.

Posting on Facebook gives you the ability to boost content and amplify the message. Once the influencer tags
an advertiser, the advertiser will have the ability to boost that tagged post directly from their ads manager
(Defero, 2023). Facebook is the best place for business influencers to connect authentically with people and
reach new audiences (Meta for Media, 2023).
69% of Millennials use Facebook more often than other social media platforms, and 37% of Gen Z use
Facebook (TrueList, 2023).

Instagram and Facebook targeting strategy: Men and Women 18-54 who live in DFW, Miami, Scottsdale,
Atlanta. Interest: hiking, healthy trends, reading, outdoor activities, cleaning.

Instagram: Jason Kelce
Jason Kelce is an American athlete who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles. He is the other brother of Travis
Kelce who is dating Taylor swift. These three are gaining social media attention because of each other’s
followers. The target audience connects with Jason because he’s an NFL athlete.

Jason Kelce has 1.2M followers on Instagram. He uploads photos and reels frequently and has high
engagement on each post.

His bio is, “Authenticity is hard to find, come get your dose of real. Post are indicative of my values, opinion,
and stories.” This is great because it will assure our target audience that Gain is actually a good product since
Jason Kelce is promoting it.

He will catch our target audience’s attention because he’s funny. Laundry detergent ads can be boring and
easy to scroll past but not with Jason Kelce. He recently did a tide promotion which got 12,600 likes and 445

Since he has done a tide promotion that received good engagement, he could to a Gain ad for his football
uniform after playing a dirty game. He would be able to show people that with just one wash you can get rid of
tough stains and odors.

Facebook: Cecily Bauchman

Cecily is a mother and digital creator who post routines, recipes, and her style as a mom of 4. The target
audience will connect with Cecily because she real content that is unedited. She shares a lot of links on her
post and stories because people trust what products she likes.

She has 223K followers on Facebook and 441K on Instagram. She is considered a macro influencer because of
her large following.

She posts videos of her morning routines, cleaning the house, cooking, and taking care of 4 kids. She doesn’t
try to make it look easy. She’s very real and authentic.

Our target audience will engage with her post because they’re real and easier to connect with. They make you
feel like you’re not alone or “poor” because you don’t have these fabulous/perfect routines.

She has 4 young children who are contently getting messy so she could post a video of her being able to clean
all her kids’ clothes with just one wash. She can also highlight the convenience of Gain Flings being easy to use.

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

Social Media Advertising – Instagram
Users spend an average of 12 hours per month or 30 minutes a day on Instagram globally, as of 2022
(Social Pilot, 2022).
More than 100 million people watch Instagram Live every day (Social Pilot, 2022).
50% of users become more interested in a brand after they see an ad for it on Instagram (Sprout Social,

Social Media Advertising – Facebook

36.7% of the world’s population uses Facebook monthly (Hoot Suite, 2023).
Facebook had 2.989 billion monthly active users in April 2023, placing it 1st in our ranking of the world’s
most ‘active’ social media platforms (Data Reportal, 2023).
Facebook is the favorite social platform of the 35-44 demographic (Hoot Suite, 2023).

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing spending will rise roughly 3.5 times faster in 2023 then social ad spending will (Social
Media Today, 2023).
Since 2019, the global influencer marketing value has more than doubled, at 21.2 billion U.S. dollars as of
2023 (Statistica, 2023).
31% of social users discover new products through influencers (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2023).

Retail + OOH

Plan Details:
In-Store: Install Gain Fling shelf blades in New York and Dallas/Ft. Worth Targets from 8/19/2024 to
8/25/2024. These blades will include imagery to promote sales of the gain flings and will be placed by the Gain
Flings product.

Retail Media: Place Gain Flings retail media advertisements on from 9/2/2024 to 9/8/2024, to
drive attention to Gain Flings. These advertisements would include pop-up advertisements when on laundry
related pages. There will also be banners placed on laundry-related pages on

DOOH: Place Gain Flings Digital OOH advertisement on 32 displays in the New York City DMAs from 8/17/2024
and 100 displays in the Dallas/Ft. Worth DMAs from 8/26/2024 to 9/1/2024. These will both be placed through
billboards on highways in Dallas/Ft. Worth and on digital downtown billboards in New York City.

- Dallas is a majority minority city with 41.7% residents identifying as Hispanics and 24.1% identifying
as Black (City of Dallas, 2023).
- 1.2 million millennials and 2 million Gen X live in New York City (Marshall, 2023).
- Place digital billboards around the city where majority of millennials and Gen X live so they’re exposed
to the ads more often. By placing them closer to where these groups live it ensures they see the message
- Place a still image of Gain Flings on digital billboard. Follow a postmodern style that is eye-catching yet
simple and doesn’t look out of place in the city. Use simple font that is easy to read and have a call to
action written on the advertisement. For example, “Shop Gain Flings at a Target near you”. However, as
Gain, you could not write this on every single billboard because it would hurt competing stores, but for
the purpose of this project we’re using Target.
- Provide a 10% off QR code on a shelf blade in front of Gain products. People will be able to scan this
QR code with their phone and redeem the coupon at check out.
- Shoppers are more likely to purchase a product/service if it’s on sale because they’ll save money. This
can also get shoppers to purchase more (Yec, 2023).
Retail Media & Retail Destination:
- Place sponsored product ads on and the Target Circle app that highlight Gain Flings when
consumers search products relation to laundry, tough stains, odor, etc.

- Make the laundry detergent tab on the Target Circle app a picture of Gain Flings. Emphasize Gain
Flings ability to get rid of tough stains and odors in one wash.
- Place display ads on and the Target Circle app that will be shown to millennials or Gen X
who shop on the Target website or app. Show this product to people who are searching for cleaning
products, outdoor accessories, sporting goods, and children supplies.
- Offering coupons for Gain Flings will encourage more people to purchase the items because they will
feel as if they’re saving money. Discounts attract customers because they create a sense of happiness by
releasing oxytocin, generating excitement, and making them feel smarter because they got a deal and
saved money (OptiOffer, 2023).

Media Usage and Ad Spending Trends:

New York City is the #1 U.S. media market for ad spending and is known for its different outlets to be able
to communicate/ advertise all around the city because of the way people can commute through, walking,
driving, or taking the subway. (Clear Channel)
Dallas-Ft. Worth is the fifth largest media market and is a great way to reach our target audience because
of the metroplex which includes a lot of commuters and public transportation access. (Clear Channel)

Shelf blades are double-sided retail signage that mounts to store shelves. They serve the purpose of is to
allow consumers' eyes to be drawn to the advertisement being presented. It also helps to point to the
consumer exactly where the product is for easy access. (DilCo)

Retail Media & Retail Destination:

Target is one of the most advertised brands in the U.S. and its advertising costs worldwide amounted to
1.5 billion U.S. dollars. Their main consumers are between the ages of 18 and 29 which aligns with our
target audience. (Statista)

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70+ Instagram statistics marketers need to know in 2023. SocialPilot. (2023, October 19).

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Facebook users, stats, data, trends, and more - datareportal – global digital insights. DataReportal. (2023, May 11).

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traditional ads. Social Media Today.

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Santora, J. (2023, November 6). 17 key influencer marketing statistics to fuel your strategy. Influencer Marketing Hub.

Zote, J. (2023, October 18). Instagram statistics you need to know for 2023. Sprout Social.

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30 vital video marketing statistics you need to know in 2023. The Social Shepherd. (n.d.).

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