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Headline: Kamala Harris Criticizes the Curriculum Includes “Enslaved People

Benefited from Slavery”

Vice President Kamala Harris criticized that the new middle school black history curriculum
of Sunshine State of Florida includes lessons saying “enslaved people benefited from
slavery.” And on the following Tuesday, Kamala Harris was accused by Florida Gov. Ron

Here is the comprehensive summary of the American Poet Javon Wilson’s story in the
curriculum that is currently on the argument.
‘When Javon Wilson suffered because of the slavery, he acquired English to understand
slaveholder’s sayings. If he didn’t understand them, the slaveholder would hit and whip him.
To avoid harsh abuses and mistreatments, he had no choice but to acquire English. After the
emancipation of slavery, Javon became a famous poet utilizing his English skill that he
learned while being a slave.’

Harris argued “The English that he learned during the slavery was to survive, and it is clear
that those languages for survival wouldn’t be the languages for poetry.” And she also pointed
out that “The curriculum inheres a high possibility to manipulate people to think slavery
positively, by making people to think slavery helped Javon’s usage of poetic language, while
it is a definite fact that the English which he learned during slavery was just a small part of
his outstanding english skill.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis replied to Kamala Harris’s claim by saying “It is just the truth, And
they(the curriculum) talk in gory detail a lot of the bad things in American history.”

The governor added that it is a political attack against Harris and other Democrats in the
Biden administration in the run-up to next year’s presidential election.

While Dr. William Allen, the former chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights who
helped create the new curriculum replied in this situation by “I was never said that slavery
was beneficial to Africans,” but also “Affricans were able to develop skills and aptitudes
which served to their benefit while enslaved,” DeSantis keeps arguing Kamala Harris’s
criticism is just a “perpetuate a hoax.”

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