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Angular Assessment : 1

1.You are tasked with designing a user profile component for a social
media platform using Angular. The user profile component should
display the following information:

User's profile picture

User's name
User's bio
User's follower count
User's following count
Button to follow/unfollow the user (with dynamic text based on
whether the user is already followed or not)
Design a reusable Angular component named UserProfileComponent
to fulfill this requirement. Your solution should demonstrate the use
of Angular concepts such as data binding, input properties, and event
Note :Don't Use event emitter
2.Generate these below pages in angular 16 with proper use of
component,services and directives with routing concept.

After Login:
In the above page you have to add the element using Bootstrap form
and after adding it it will be show case in above format.(Note: data
can’t be saved as you are doing in client side architecture)
N:B – Create a element instance through which you have to navigate
to the below form(Creation will requires your own interest area).

After Clicking on itinerary button :

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