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Holiday to Yogyakarta

On Wednesday, my friends and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Aston Hotel which was mot far from

The next day, we visited the temple of Prambanan. There were three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa
and Wisnu temple. They were really amazing. Then, we visited Borobudur. We arrived there at 4 p.m.
but at 5 p.m we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

In the evening, we left for Jakarta by Bus.

1. The purpose of the text is to ….

A. Tell past events

B. Entertain the readers

C. Describe Borobudur

D. Inform the readers about event of the day

2. What are the big temples in Prambanan?

A. Paria, Brahmana, and temples

B. Brahmana, syiwa and wisnu temple

C. Wisnu, syiwa and Borobudur temples

D. Borobudur, syiwa and brahmana temples

3. When did the go home?

A. On Saturday morning

B. On Friday evening

C. On Thursday evening
D. On Saturday evening

4, Alexa ….. to Surabaya with her family yesterday.

A. Went

B. Go

C. Going

D. Goed

5, I …. sad when my brother left me yesterday.

A. Am

B. Was

C. Were

D. Did

6,… he read the book last night?

A. Do

B. Did

C. Done

D. Are

Text soal no 7- 11

Last week, my dad and I went to the store. We went there to buy some candies. The candies looked so
good. My dad said I could only have three. I paid for the candies. As we went home, I ate one of the
candies. It was yummy.

7. What kind of text is it?

A. Report

B. Narrative
C. Recount

D. Descriptive

8. The generic structure of the text is ………

A. Description – Identification

B. Identification – Description

C. Orientation – Events – Reorientation

D. Reorientation – events – orientation

9. Who went to the store?

A. I and my dad

B. The writer

C. My dad

D. The writer and his dad

10. Why did the go to the store?

A. The writer wanted some candies

B. The writer liked candies

C. they knew the owner well

D. The candies looked good

11. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were …….

A. Bad

B. Delicious

C. Good
D. The best

12. Arrange the sentences

A. 1-2-3-4-5

B. 1-3-4-5-2

C. 1-5-2-4-3

D. 1-4-3-2-5

13. He …. always study hard when he was a student.

A. Did not

B. Does not

C. Do not

D. Did

14. My mother … fried rice last night.

A. Cooked

B. Cook

C. Cooking

D. Cooks

15. The generic structure of narrative text is …….

A. Orientation – Events – Reorientation

B. Orientation – Complication – Resolution – Reorientation

C. General classification – Description

D. Newsworthy events – background events – sources

Text soal nomer 16-20

16. Who are the characters of the story above?

A. The ant

B. The ant and the dove

C. The ant, the dove and the hunter

D. The ant and the hunter

17. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. The hunter caught the dove

B. The ant killed the hunter

C. The dove didn’t help the ant

D. The ant and the dove were safe

18. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Entertain the readers

B. Describe the ant

C. Explain how to hunt the dove

D. Describe the hunter

19. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked ….. (paragraph 2). The synonym of the
underlined word is …

A. Problem

B. Solution

C. Safety

D. Protection
20. What happened to the ant when she was making he way up?

A. She slipped from the grass

B. Fell into the water

C. She slipped and fell into the water

D. She drowned in the water

TEXT No 21-25

21. What did the grasshopper do in the summer?

A. Sung and danced

B. Collected food

C. Gathered grains

D. Worked during summer

22. Who worked in the summer?

A. The grasshopper

B. The dove

C. The ant

D. The winter

23. What happened when the winter came?

A. There were no food

B. There were much food

C. The grasshopper was cheerful

D. The ants were hungry

24. What is the message of the story?

A. We must sing all day

B. We can sing and dance every day

C. We can ignore the future

D. We must prepare for the future

25. One summer, a grasshopper spent his days merrily singing and dancing (paragraph 1) What is the
synonym of the underlined words?

A. Happily

B. Sadly

C. Poorly

D. Regrettably

26. What is the topic of the text?

A. Vacation to Surabaya

D. Vacation to foreign country

B. Vacation with family

C. Vacation with friends

27. What did the writer and her friends do when the bus stopped in Lamongan?

A. The writer bought some souvenirs

B. The writer drank ginger tea

C. Her friends drank cold lemonade

D. The writer went to the toilet

28. What did the writer feel when the bus was not there..
A. Sad

B. Angry

C. Shocked

D. Confused

29. After several minutes, my wish came true. The synonym of wish is .

A. Hop

B. Dream

C. Hate

D, Unwillingness

30, Why did the writer’s face turn red?

A. Because she cried

B. Because everyone looked at her

C. Because she walked to her seat

D. Because all of the people in the bus stared at her

31. When did the writer and her friends go to Surabaya?

A. On holiday

B. On the weekend

C. Last holiday

D. Last week

32. She said that the bus departed about five.The antonym of departed is …
A. Arrive

B. Stay

C. Leave

D. Go away

33. .A huge animal museum. The bold word in the dialog above has similar meaning with…..


B. Small

C. Mini

D. Big

Text no 34-38

Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom. There are many things I can see in the
traditional market. The seller, butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stalls, groceries, fashion shops and
street vendors. There are lots of vehicles in the parking lot, such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedi
cabs. My mom usually buys vegetables such as; carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, spinach. Fruits such as
mango, apple, banana, watermelon, and melon. She also buys daily needs at one of the grocery in
traditional market such as; 20kg rice, 1kg of eggs, milk, tea, coffee, sugar and butter. I like shopping in
traditional market. It is complete and the price is cheaper than the price in the supermarket. I can
bargain the price but there is one thing I dislike. There is few trashcans in the traditional market. It’s a
little bit dirty, stinky and wet during the rainy season.

34.Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom The underlined word refers to…

A. The seller

B. The reader

C. The writer

D. The Butcher

35.When does the writer usually go to traditional market?

A.Every day
B. Every morning

C. Every afternoon

D. Every weekend

36.What does the writer’s mother buy in the traditional market?

A. Vegetables, Fruits and daily needs

B. Vehicles, vegetables, fruits and daily needs

C. Butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stall

D. Fashion, vegetables, fruits and daily needs

37.Which statement is not true according to the text above?

A.The price is cheap

B.The buyer can bargain the price

C. The price is fixed price ( the buyer cannot bargain the price)

D.Sometime uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bed, a bit dirty and wet.

38. It’s little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainyseason. The word “stinky” means…


B. Large

C. Smells bad

D. Fragrance

For no. 39 fill the blank space using the best answer!

Zidan : … Don’t be lazy. Get up and have some exercise outside

Aldi : Okay, a little bit more, Wait a minute, please..

A. What are you doing?

B. May I go with you?

C. Aldi, Let’s go out

D. Aldi, will you go?

For no. 40 fill the blank space using the best answer!

Mrs. Siti : Ayu, have a seat. Go back to your group!

Ayu : Sorry, Maam. … return this dictionary to the library?

A. can you

B. May I

C.Will you

D. Let’s

Snow Blue

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow Blue. She lived with her aunt and uncle because
her parents were dead.

One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow Blue in the castle because they both
wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow Blue.

Snow Blue didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a
little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow Blue sleeping.
Then Snow Blue woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said, “What is your name?” Snow Blue said, “My name is Snow Blue.” Then, Snow Blue told
the dwarfs the whole story. The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.” Snow Blue
answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.”

Finally, Snow Blue and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

B. Jawablah Pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan baik dan benar !

1 When did Snow Blue run away to the woods?

2 Where did Snow Blue live after she ran away to the woods?

3 Why did Snow Blue live with her uncle and aunt?

4 The organization of the text above is ...

5 “She was very tired and ...” (Last paragraph)

The underlined word has opposite meaning with ...

(20 Points)

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