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Peer Review 3

1. Did they make the subject of their research clear from the Introduction? Did
they identify the problem, or the gap in information they are addressing using
a type of rhetorical analysis and/or framework to do so?
Yes, the introduction clearly indicated that the study was going to be on Juul's
usage of vape advertising and how it has reached a younger audience
2. Does the information on the Background and Significance and/or
Literature Review add context to their research, and help you understand
the subject the author is choosing to analyze?Yes, the Literature Review
section helps tie in six elements of visual rhetoric to analyze how Juul
advertisements could be catered towards a younger audience.
3. Does their Research Design and Methods section tell you what you would
need to know to replicate their process? Does it make sure not to incorporate
an analysis just yet?
Yes, it was stated that the author collected seven texts (six peer reviewed
academic articles and one popular source) that focused on rhetorical
elements, advertising, and its effects. The author also made sure not to
include an analysis in this section yet.
4. Does their Preliminary Suppositions and Implications section indicate what
they plan to find in their analysis? Does it show they have clearly defined
what the research is meant to analyze, and the possible results that may
come out of it?
Yes, this section states that the author is looking to find what caused the
dramatic increase in the amount of Juul users through advertising, and what
rhetorical elements caused the younger audience to be exposed to it.
5. Are they following APA or MLA formatting throughout the draft? Did they add
a title page, page numbers, and other formatting requirements?MLA format is
being followed throughout the paper. All of the formatting requirements are
being followed such as including a title page, page numbers, last name,
double spacing, 12pt font and Times New Roman.
6. Do they incorporate in-text citations, even when not directly citing sources?In
text citations were included throughout the article.
7. Are there any other aspects of their draft they can improve on? Elaborate if
so.I thought that the paper was very clear and concise. From reading it, it
seems as if all of the criteria was followed and met, and the information given
was really good and tied into the framework nicely, Good job!

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