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Scenario 1: Direct and Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment

Hilaria works at a clothing factory in San Francisco. Bill, her supervisor, frequently attempts to touch her
under pretext. For instance, last week, he tried to touch the upper area of her chest under the guise that
he saw a bug. This week, he attempted to hold her waist. Hilaria is uncomfortable with his action, and
her factory colleagues mock her for their supervisor’s special attention.

The physical touching by Bill is an unwelcome regular occurrence. The pervasiveness of the touching
makes her want to stay home from work. She reported the matter to the owner of the company, who
defended the supervisor and took no action to change his behavior. This constitutes a hostile work
environment, and she likely has a strong sexual harassment claim.

Scenario 2: Female to Male Sexual Harassment

Marty and Marlene work at the same organization. Marlene can’t stop looking at Marty all day. She
really has eyes for him, and everyone can clearly tell. Every time Marty gets up to go to the break room,
Marlene gets up and follows him so they can be alone. When alone, she asks probing questions about
his personal life and attempts to make plans outside of work with him. Marty isn’t interested in
Marlene’s advances at all. Her behavior becomes intolerable for him as he feels Marlene is invading his

Sexual harassment isn’t just limited to female victims and male harassers. Many people associate sexual
harassment with a male employee making advances on a female, but this is not always the case. A victim
can be anyone, so never wait to seek legal help even if you feel you are not a traditional victim of

Scenario 3: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Tammy has recently started working as a personal assistant to the managing director, Brett. Near the
end of her probation period, Brett asks Tammy out for a drink after work. He then tells her that if she
wants a permanent position with the company, she needs to have sex with him. Tammy refuses but
knows that if she wants to stay employed at the firm, she must comply with Bretts’s demand. She
reports Brett’s inappropriate request to the firm’s human resources department.

Because this constitutes quid pro quo harassment, the employer can be liable even if it did not have an
opportunity to stop the conduct.

Scenario 4: Non-Co-Worker Workplace Sexual Harassment

Jackie and Adam meet at a work convention. They don’t work for the same company but collaborate on
projects in the same industry. They exchange emails so they can communicate regarding shared
assignments. After a few emails, Adam quickly changes the subject from work to compliments. He tells
Jackie about how attractive and good-looking she is. She tries to bring the subject back to work-related
questions. Still, Adam continues sending Jackie emails daily, professing how in love he is with her.

Jackie informs her supervisor, who then reaches out to Adam’s supervisor to inform him. She tells him
that employees should refrain from making inappropriate comments and advances that make another
professional uncomfortable, even if they don’t share the same workplace. If the harassment continues
and the employer refuses to change Jackie’s collaborative work with her harasser, she can take action
for sexual harassment.

Scenario 5: Direct Sexual Harassment

Kendra, a female receptionist, sees Curt, a male local delivery driver, every other day when he delivers
packages to her office. She simply does her job by receiving and signing the deliveries, but Curt keeps
asking her out and trying to flirt with her. Kendra respectfully declines and politely tells Curt that she
isn’t interested. Curt is persistent and proceeds to visit her and brings her gifts and flowers in hopes she
will change her mind. However, Kendra remains uninterested.

In this scenario, the receptionist said she wasn’t interested in Curt. The driver’s repeated advances can
be sexual harassment if she reports this incident to the human resources department or her supervisor.
The HR department or her superior can speak with the driver and explain that his advances are
unwelcome and make Kendra feel uncomfortable. If the department takes inadequate action, it violates
Kendra’s right to be free of harassment at work.

Scenario 6: General Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment

A team of unruly employees at work often makes crude or inappropriate statements and jokes that
other employees can overhear in the same department. Other employees feel uncomfortable and
shaken by the behavior and comments, especially when their banter becomes quite graphic or
absolutely inappropriate.

This is an example of a hostile working environment. Though the group did not direct their comments
and jokes to other workers or anyone in particular, they still created an uncomfortable workplace for
others. By not taking action in this instance, managers and employees can set their businesses up for a
Employers and HR departments need to talk to their employees about this type of behavior or start an
individual or group session regarding these actions in the workplace. They should also lay out the
consequences of insubordination and the persistence of their conduct.

Scenario 7: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Tom, a supervisor, begins to develop feelings for his subordinate, Caroline. Tom suggests a relationship
with Caroline and promises work benefits such as a window office, bonuses, and promotions. Caroline
isn’t interested in pursuing a relationship with Tom. Still, she worries that her chances of getting a
promotion will end if she refuses to reciprocate her superior’s feelings.

This is also quid pro quo sexual harassment. It’s one of the two main types of sexual harassment, which
involves an employer asking for unwanted favors from a subordinate as a condition for a promotion or
another job benefit.

Everyone in the workplace should know that quid pro quo sexual harassment is unlawful, and they
should report it immediately. If this happens to you, you have the right to file a lawsuit.

Scenario 8: Personal Computer Materials

A coworker, Don, checks his personal email at work, and occasionally opens his email and looks at
pornographic images and videos. Not everyone in the office notices, but those who do, don’t complain
or tell anyone. You observe him doing this regularly and begin to feel uncomfortable when he does this.

In these circumstances, you can advise the person to refrain from looking at inappropriate pictures or
videos while at work. If he does not stop and continues to expose you to what he is viewing, you should
report it to your employer immediately. If your employer does not take action, you may file a sexual
harassment claim, even if the conduct was not directed toward you.

Scenario 9: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Harper is a young team leader at an advertising firm. One evening, Harper decides to stay after work
with her manager, Steven, to work on an important team presentation. Steven offers to buy Harper
dinner and later gives her a ride back home since her vehicle is in the shop.

After dinner, Steven cleverly tells Harper that he would love nothing more than to spend the night with
her. Harper politely but firmly turns down his request and takes an Uber home. The next evening,
Steven tries his luck again, but once again, Harper refuses to give in to his advances. Upon Harper’s
refusal, Steven becomes rather angry. He threatens to tell everyone in the office that she made passes
at him and threatens her job.

Steven’s threat to Harper that if she doesn’t accept his request for a sexual favor, he’ll ruin her
reputation at the office constitutes another example of quid pro quo sexual harassment. Steven’s
actions involve sexual advances, an ultimatum, and can hurt Harper’s career. The employer can be liable
for his harassment in this context.

Scenario 10: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Sandy works as a domestic helper at the Morris residence. Most days, Ms. Morris leaves home very early
in the morning for work. Therefore, Sandy often works in the company of an older family member.
Sandy finds that the older man repetitively smirks at her in a lewd manner and walks around the house
in nothing but his underwear, making her very uncomfortable.

One day while she was working, he tried to fondle her breast. When she told him that she planned to
report his actions to Ms. Morris, he threatened to accuse her of theft, telling her that he would ensure
she lost her job there.

In this scenario, the older male household member also commits quid pro quo sexual harassment by
threatening Sandy to keep silent about the unwelcome sexual advances if she wants to maintain her
employment. It’s also a good example of how sexual harassment does not have to occur in a formal
office setting but can happen in any work environment.

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