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Exploring the efficacy of antagonistic rhizobacteria as native biocontrol

agents against tomato plant diseases

Article in 3 Biotech · July 2020

DOI: 10.1007/s13205-020-02306-1


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3 authors, including:

Sherin Varghese Jisha Shanavas

Mahatma Gandhi University Mahatma Gandhi University


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3 Biotech (2020) 10:320


Exploring the efficacy of antagonistic rhizobacteria as native

biocontrol agents against tomato plant diseases
S. Karthika1 · Sherin Varghese1 · M. S. Jisha1

Received: 7 February 2020 / Accepted: 15 June 2020

© King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 2020

As the environmental and health concerns alert the necessity to move towards a sustainable agriculture system, biologi-
cal approach using indigenous plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) gains a strong impetus in the field of plant
disease control. In this context, the present review article addresses the usage of rhizospheric antagonistic bacteria as a
suitable alternative to control tomato fungal diseases namely Fusarium wilt and early blight disease. Biological control has
been considered to be an eco-friendly, safe and effective method for disease management. The inherent traits of PGPR to
antagonize a pathogen through various mechanisms has been investigated extensively to utilize them as potent biocontrol
agents (BCA). Hence, the article provides a detailed account on different biocontrol mechanisms displayed by BCA. It is
also suggested that the use of bacterial consortium ensures consistent performance by BCA in field conditions. Likewise,
this review also deals with the opportunities and obstacles faced during commercialization of these antagonistic bacteria as
biocontrol agents in the market.

Keywords Tomato diseases · Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria · Biocontrol · Bioformulation

Introduction and scientists tend to emphasize sustainable and biological

agricultural production (Syed et al. 2018). One of the major
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), a dicotyledonous plant constraints faced during their cultivation is the assault of
belonging to Solanaceae family, is considered as the ances- pathogens both in fields as well as greenhouse condition
tor of cultivated tomatoes. It is a short duration crop and (Sanoubar and Lorenzo 2017; He et al. 2020).
re-enumerative vegetable, appreciated with high nutritive The crop is affected by various pathogenic diseases lead-
esteem and antioxidant curative and therapeutic properties ing to a decrease in its nutritional contents and the over-
(Nour et al. 2018; Azeez et al. 2019). Hence, it is a versatile all economy (Danish et al. 2014). Late blight induced by
vegetable in the Indian culinary tradition. It exerts several Phytophthora infestans is one of the damaging ailments
beneficial effects on health as it is rich in vitamin A, B and of tomato bringing about huge financial loss (Singh et al.
C, minerals, organic acids and a considerable amount of total 2017). Sclerotinia rot brought about by Sclerotinia sclerotio-
sugar (Salim et al. 2017). Moreover, it is also used commer- rum, is another significant infection influencing the tomato
cially to produce various food products, such as ketchup, crop profitability. Several studies on wilt, crown and root rot
soup, paste and powder (Paul and Kehinde 2012; Manivan- diseases in tomato caused by Fusarium species have been
nan and Tholkappian 2013). Therefore, it leads to increased reported (Laurence et al. 2014; McGovern 2015). Root knot
demand in improved quality, high yield, better storage dura- caused by the nematode Meloidogyne sp. is another destruc-
bility and promising disease and pest management system tive and widespread disease in tomato (Zhou et al. 2016). It
for tomato plants. In order to keep a balance between crop not only influences the crop yield directly but also makes
production and demographic food demand, the growers the plants increasingly prone to fungal and bacterial infec-
tions (Ashraf and Khan 2010). Bacterial leaf spot is a com-
* M. S. Jisha mon bacterial ailment of tomato caused by Xanthomonas campestris. It is exceptionally ruinous in both greenhouses
as well as in field conditions, causing 10–50% yield loss
School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, (Singh et al. 2017). Ralstonia solanacearum is a soil-borne
Kottayam, Kerala 686560, India

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plant pathogen that causes bacterial wilt in tomatoes and their formulations could successfully control the wilt and
hampers their yield (Huang et al. 2013). Clavibacter michi- canker disease of tomato caused by Clavibacter michigan-
ganensis infection systemically causes wilting and canker ensis subsp. michiganensis, in vitro and under greenhouse
on the stem, while blister-like spots are developed in locally conditions. Attia et al. (2020) investigated a new strategy by
infected leaves causing a substantial economic loss (Agrawal using PGPR in the induction of systemic resistance of plants
et al. 2012). Among the fungal diseases encountered by diseases. They were confirmed to be efficient in the reduc-
tomato plants, wilt disease and early blight disease caused tion of early blight disease-causing A. solani which infected
by Fusarium oxysporum. f. lycopersici (FOL) and Alternaria tomato plants following the assessment of invitro antago-
solani (AS), respectively, are known to be the most deleteri- nistic activity. The isolated bacterial strains namely Bacillus
ous ones (Pawar et al. 2016). subtilis SBMP4, Lysinibacillus fusiformis NBRC15717 and
Mere cultural sanitation is not much effective since the Achromobacter xylosoxidans NBRC15126 could increase
pathogens are pandemic. Although current agricultural prac- the induction of systemic resistance in the tomato plant and
tices have been subject to the utilization of agrochemicals as thereby reduce the percent disease severity by 13.0%. They
a solid technique for harvest insurance, expanded chemical also recorded a protection percentage of 84.3% when com-
utility has caused a few negative impacts including resist- pared to non-treated plants.
ance development among pathogens to the applied agents Incorporation of microorganisms for disease control/plant
and their non-target natural effects (Ghazanfar et al. 2016). growth promotion in cropping systems and the elimination
These reasons have prompted a quest for substitutes for of chemical utility is reliant on effective selection, screen-
chemical inputs. Biological control is considered as a suc- ing and safety analysis of potential PGPR strains. Moreover,
cessful option for lessening the seriousness of the diseases information on targeting diseases, cost of mass-scale produc-
(Linu and Jisha 2017). tion and registration procedures also need to be amended
The utilization of rhizobacteria that colonize the under- likewise to raise the market status of these biocontrol enti-
lying foundations of harvest plants and smother soilborne ties. This review is an attempt to explore the role of antago-
ailments is turning into an elective choice as compared to the nistic rhizobacteria in biological control of tomato plant dis-
utilization of chemical fungicides as referenced before. The eases namely Fusarium wilt and early blight. Moreover, the
utilization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) hurdles and benefits of commercializing these microbes in
as soil inoculants for control of soilborne infections, can the agriculture sector are also included in this review article.
be a suitable organic option. Rhizobacteria with biocontrol
viability frequently give long haul security from soilborne
pathogens at the root surface since they have the ability to Fusarium wilt and early blight diseases
quickly colonize the rhizosphere and spread down the root of tomato
from a solitary seed treatment or soak application into the
soil (Haldar and Sanghamitra 2015). Fusarium wilt is considered as the deadliest disease con-
Currently, a large number of bacterial strains have been fronted by tomato plants throughout the world, particu-
isolated and identified for their advancement as biocontrol larly in the uplands (Fig. 1a). The causal agent is Fusarium
agents against tomato diseases. Punja et al. (2016) utilized oxysporum f. lycopersici (FOL) (Sacc.). They are well-
Bacillus subtilis strain under greenhouse conditions to con- established soil-borne pathogens ubiquitous in all soil types.
trol the postharvest fruit infection. B. subtilis strains were They are saprophytic and are able to survive in the soil for
likewise used by Kilani-Feki et al. (2016) for the suppression a prolonged period (Mj et al. 2017). At least 32 countries
of Botrytis cinerea, the causative agent of tomato fruit rot. have reported this disease, among which warm climate
Gowtham et al. (2016) used ten rhizobacterial strains to deal countries have been severely affected (Bawa 2016). Srinivas
with the Fusarium wilt in tomato and observed that two dis- et al. (2019) reviewed that Fusarium wilt is characterized by
tinct strains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Ochrobacttrum 60–70% of fruit yield loss with wilted plants containing yel-
intermedium significantly repressed the incidence of wilt and lowed leaves. FOL invades plant’s vascular system and binds
furthermore enhanced the vigour index of seedlings. Singh inside xylem vessel, which results in impaired water trans-
et al. (2017) have depicted the efficacy of Pseudomonas fluo- portation, finally leading to wilting of the foliage (Boukerma
rescens strains against different diseases, such as damping- et al. 2017) (Fig. 1b). The symptoms of the disease appear
off, root rot, stem canker and leaf blight of tomato. Higher as slight vein clearing. The infection develops yellowing of
accumulation of phenolic compounds in leaf tissues induced leaves which is restricted to one side of the plant or a single
by P. aeruginosa against A. solani makes it an effective shoot followed by defoliation of the older leaves. The brown-
BCA against this pathogen (Hariprasad et al. 2013). Abo- ing of vascular tissue is the characteristic feature, which is
Elyousr et al. (2019) reported that the PGPR (B. subtilis, B. used as an identification tool for the disease (Ajilogba and
amyloliquefaciens, P. fluorescens and P. aeruginosa) and Babalola 2013). Since the pathogen inhabits in the soil by

3 Biotech (2020) 10:320 Page 3 of 17 320

Fig. 1  Symptoms of Fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. f sp. lycopersici. a Field view of infected tomato plants; note the
yellowing of the oldest leaves. b Discolouration of vascular tissue in Fusarium infected tomato plants

producing resistant spore structures, it is a challenging task 2015) (Fig. 2a–c). Moreover, severe infection leads to
to manage this disease (Sundaramoorthy and Balabaskar the complete death of the plant. Sparse foliage results in
2013; Hussain et al. 2016). fruit sunscald, which in turn disposes the fruit quality.
‘Early blight’ (EB) of tomato is another fatal disease Alternaria solani reproduces asexually through the pro-
which occurs worldwide (Hadimani and Kulkarni 2016). duction of a reproductive structure called conidia. This
Alternaria solani (Ellis & Martin) Sorauer, is the causa- resistant structure can thrive under adverse conditions and
tive organism which has been recognized as a serious germinates during favourable environmental conditions.
foliar pathogen of tomato (Patel et al. 2011; Ghazanfar Conidial germination requires a temperature of 8–32 °C.
et al. 2016). Around 79% yield loss in tomato have been The germ tube produced, invades the host tissue through
reported in India, Canada, the United States and Nige- stomatal openings or wounds resulting in the establish-
ria due to the early blight damage (Maurya et al. 2015). ment of the infection. Lesions appear after 2–3 days of
This disease results in yield reduction both in quantity infection and sporulation occurs after 3–5 days. The spores
and quality. Under humid conditions followed by warm or conidia disperses to other healthy plant parts through
and wet weather, tomato plants are susceptible to this dis- rain splashes and wind thereby resuming the disease cycle.
ease (Sadana and Nidhi 2016). The disease mainly affects This fungus leads a polycyclic disease cycle when excess
the leaves, stems, flowers and tomato fruit which leads moisture occurs through rain, mist, fog, irrigation etc.
to reduced plant health and vigour (Thakkar and Saraf (Patel et al. 2011).

Fig. 2  Symptoms of early blight disease caused by Alternaria solani elongated concentric rings. c Early blight disease on tomato fruit
in tomato plants. a Development of concentric rings in tomato leaves showing black spore masses
due to early blight disease. b Early blight on tomato stem showing

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Control measures thereby restricting disease incidence. It is an economical

and environment friendly method. Likewise, it eliminates the
The ruinous diseases namely early blight and Fusarium wilt additional effort to prevent pathogen attack. Recent develop-
should be effectively treated to improve the market yield ments in molecular markers and molecular assisted selection
and diminish the economic loss (Hassanein et al. 2010). The technology (MAs) fostered the advances in tomato genet-
emergence of new phytopathogenic races is another threat ics and breeding (Foolad and Panthee 2012). Adhikari et al.
to deal with (Khiareddine and Riad 2015). Currently there (2017) reviewed that the use of resistant varieties is an effec-
are different disease control strategies which comprises of tive control measure of EB of tomato. There are a few breed-
pathogen exclusion and eradication through cultural, chemi- ing experiments in the pipeline to develop resistant varieties,
cal (quarantine measures and eradication) control, use of however, the absence of qualitative genes and markers along
resistant varieties, botanicals and also by native biocontrol with the association of undesirable traits are the major chal-
agents. Cultural practices include perpetuation of a patho- lenges to be tackled. Hence there is no commercial cultivar
gen-free condition in the field, by long crop rotation, sani- with sufficient resistance to EB. Apart from this, FOL resist-
tation, removal of affected plant debris from the field etc. ant varieties are available in the market (Hanson et al. 2016).
Beyond pathogen exclusion and eradication, it is arduous The resistant gene I-1 (S. Pimpinellifolium “PI79532”), I-2
to control these diseases because the soil pathogenic fungi (S. lycopersicum × S. pimpinellifolium hybrid “PI126915”),
produce resting structures which persist for a longer period I-3 (S. pennellii “LA716”) and I-7 (S. pennellii “PI414773”)
of time. The major steps involved in the control measures of from wild tomato has been reported to confer wilt resistance
the above-mentioned diseases are described here. against different races of FOL. (Catanzariti et al. 2015; Lee
et al. 2015).

Chemical control Plant extracts or metabolites as biocontrol agents

Today, agriculture is intensely dependent on the use of Botanical fungicides are another appealing option with a
chemical pesticides for disease control. They are routinely negligible negative impact on the environment. They are
and frequently applied to control fungal pathogens (Cwalina- plant-derived compounds with pesticidal activity. Botani-
Ambroziak and Ryszard 2012). Application of protective cal fungicides are selective and biodegradable with low
and systemic fungicides inhibit spore germination and thus residues. Hence, these herbal products can be fostered in
reduces disease incidence. Benomyl, carbendazim, prochlo- organic and sustainable agriculture (Yoon et al. 2013). There
raz, bromuconazole (Amini and Sidovich 2010), Nativo are various reports which recommend the use of botanical
(Akhtar et al. 2017) are fungicides of FOL. Fungicides fungicides. The chloroform extract of Piper betle. L. was
used against early blight disease include Mancozeb (Desta observed to be strongly inhibitory to FOL population when
and Yesuf 2015) copper oxychloride, chlorothalonil (Sahu amended in the soil (Manoj et al. 2010). Yeole et al. (2016),
et al. 2013), carbendazim, antracol (Kumar et al. 2017) reported that out of the seven plant extracts screened against
Thiophanate–methyl etc. (Gharasheed 2016). Moreover, the same fungus, Syzyjium asromaticum methanolic extract
these fungicides are applied to the field in every 7–10 days showed encouraging results with 100% inhibition to spores.
without considering epidemiology. Eventually, the soil as Furthermore, reduced disease incidence and lipid peroxida-
well as the crop receives an excessive amount of fungicide. tion were found in tomato seedlings treated with aqueous
The strong demand of the public and scientific community neem and willow extract from Egypt (Farag et al. 2011). The
for eco-friendly management tends to shift from the use of use of plant extracts to check pathogen growth have also for-
chemical fungicides. Although other disease management tified these days since it does not give rise to environmental
practices like cultural sanitation and usage resistant breed and health hazards (Mamgain et al. 2014). Plant extracts of
plants prevail, they do not exhibit complete diminishment Azadirachta indica, Allium sativum, Parthenium lysteropho-
of these diseases. The apparition of fungicide resistance in rus, Datura stramonium were reported as potential growth
phytopathogen and usage of three to four fungicides in order inhibitors of A solani (Raza et al. 2016). Ravikumar and
to avoid any fall or ineffectiveness can be a major concern. Garampalli (2013) have communicated the capabilities of
aqueous extract of Crotalaria trichotoma (16.6%), Azari-
dacta indica (10%), Capsicum annum (7.1%), Datura metel
Disease‑resistant varieties (6.6%), Polyalthia longifolia (6.3%) and Citrus aurantifolia
(5.5%) as an antifungal agent against EB. Moreover, Majo-
During the nineteenth century, plants resistant to diseases rana syriaca and Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts have shown
were recognized and their breeding was successfully done. strong inhibitory action to this fungus when compared to
Disease resistant varieties checks the pathogen attack standard fungicides (Goussous et al. 2010). Few literature

3 Biotech (2020) 10:320 Page 5 of 17 320

reports suggest the importance of neem extract as a powerful restrained the pathogen development and enhanced the
phytofungicide. Hassanein et al. (2010) has supported it with growth parameters of tomato (Goudjal et al. 2014). Mj
the report of effective suppression of FOL and AS with dif- et al. (2017) suggested that, successful biological manage-
ferent concentration of neem extracts. Despite these benefits, ment of Fusarium wilt of tomato can be carried out using
they have limitations as well. The major challenge is that, vermicompost biofortified with selected biological control
a huge amount of plant source needs to be exploited which agents (BCAs) i.e. Trichoderma harzianum, Pseudomonas
poses a threat to their population. The synthesis and purifica- fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis. The application of Burk-
tion of these active compounds is a tedious process. When holderia gladioli pv. agaricicola strain 12322 could enhance
it comes to the field, easy decomposition and short shelf disease protection and improve the consistency of biological
life are the other challenging factors. Moreover, the effect control against tomato wilt disease caused by Verticillium
of most of the botanical fungicides are moderate thereby dahlia (Elshafie et al. 2017). Lian et al. (2017) proved that,
demanding repeated applications. Streptomyces pratensis LMM15 could be a potential bio-
control agent for controlling tomato gray mold because the
Microbes as biocontrol agents incidence of tomato grey mold decreased by 46.35% in asso-
ciation with an increase in proline content and malondial-
It is desirable to control plant disease with high specificity dehyde (MDA) and changes in the defence-related enzymes
towards the target pathogen and with low mass production on tomato leaves were observed when the strain was sprayed
cost (Kumar et al. 2011). There are some microorganisms on the tomato leaves 24 h prior to inoculation with patho-
present in nature that can antagonize pests. These organisms gens. Arenas et al. (2018) evaluated the efficacy of Mexican
can be exploited as biopesticides. They include biofungi- strains of Trichoderma spp. and its antagonistic effect on F.
cide, bioherbicide and bioinsecticide. Usually, these kinds oxysporum on tomato seedlings. It was observed that the
of microbes are seen in close association with the host plant. Trichoderma harzianum strain presented the highest growth
Hence, investigations to utilize the beneficial microorgan- rate with a mean of 1.25 cm/day, proving to be the most
isms as biocontrol agents gain significance to subside the aggressive strain to control F. oxysporum with a develop-
fatal effects of such plant diseases (Linu and Jisha 2017). ment rate of 3.80 mm/day.
(Fig. 3) describes the desirable characteristics of a biocontrol The types of biological control can be classified into natu-
agent which is in demand in the agriculture sector. ral, conservation, inoculative (classical) and augmentative
Biological control has been used over two millennia and biocontrol. Pest reduction in natural biocontrol has been
since the end of the nineteenth century, it has been com- occurring since evolution using natural enemies, whereas
monly used in pest management. Khan et al. (2012) used conservation biocontrol involves human actions to stimulate
Paenibacillus lentimorbus strains for repressing early blight and protect the performance of the same. Inoculative (clas-
disease in tomato brought about by Alternaria solani. Spe- sical) mode is the first type of biocontrol being practised
cific strains, such as B. subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. pas- widely, in which natural enemies are released into new areas,
teurii, B. pumilus, B. mycoides and B. cereus brought about where the pest was accidentally introduced. Massive rearing
significant reduction in various diseases by inducing sys- of natural enemies in biofactories and its release into the
temic resistance (Bouizgarne 2013). Endophytic actinomy- market for immediate pest control made augmented biocon-
cetes were utilized for the biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani trol more desirable (van Lenteren 2012). This approach is
causing damping-off in tomato. These strains significantly considered to be an environment-friendly and food-hygien-
ically-safe plant protection method (Sandheep et al. 2012).
Furthermore, understanding the mechanisms of biological
control through the interactions between the biocontrol
agents and the pathogens may help in improving and devel-
oping biocontrol strategies.

Plant growth‑promoting rhizobacteria:

tapping for BCA

The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil surrounding

the living plant roots that are directly influenced by root
secretions and associated soil microorganisms. It is a zone
Fig. 3  Schematic diagram showing desirable characteristics of a bio- of mutual cooperation between plant, soil and microorgan-
control agent (Carmona-Hernandez et al. 2019) isms, such as biochemical interactions and exchange of

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signal molecules, nutrient transformation, genetic exchange, field conditions through significantly lowered R. solan-
the release of root exudates, etc. (Haldar and Sanghamitra acearum densities in tomato shoots and in the rhizosphere.
2015). Hence, it is known as a unique niche for microbial
activities and diversities (Venant et al. 2011). The diverse Biocontrol mechanisms (indirect mechanisms)
group of bacteria colonizing the rhizospheric habitat are
called rhizobacteria. They are potent microbial competitors PGPB as BCA has certain advantages over other disease
in the root zone. They influence plant growth directly or control methods such as they are eco-friendly and non-toxic
indirectly (Tank and Meenu 2010; Beneduzi et al. 2012). indigenous microorganism and its application is sustaina-
The direct mechanism involves the beneficial activities ble to both environment and human health. The important
done by PGPR that support the plant growth directly. These mechanisms involved in the antagonism by BCA involves
mechanisms promote plant growth, but the ways in which antibiosis, competition, induced systemic resistance of the
it influences will vary species to species as well as strain to host plant, hydrolytic enzyme production, HCN production
strain (Kundan et al. 2015). The PGPR nurture the plant by and siderophore production (Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012)
transforming the nutrients present in the soil through bio- (Fig. 4). In addition, they can alleviate various stress condi-
geochemical cycling. They also facilitate transport of these tions, such as salinity, drought, flood, heavy-metal toxic-
nutrients into the plant which aids plant growth directly. ity, etc. in plants, thus empowering them to survive in such
They enhance plant growth directly by producing plant hor- stress conditions (Heidari and Amir 2012). Even though sev-
mones, (Glick 2014; Miransari and Smith 2014; Damam eral free-living rhizobacteria are considered as plant growth
et al. 2016), fixing atmosphere nitrogen (Singh et al. 2015), beneficial rhizobacteria, all the strains under the same spe-
solubilizing minerals, such as phosphorous (Kannapiran and cies do not possess the same metabolic capacities to enhance
Sri 2011; Stephen and Jisha 2011; Sagervanshi et al. 2012; plant growth. It is significant to know the potentialities of
Karpagam and Nagalakshmi 2014; Mahantesh et al. 2015; rhizosphere microbiota besides its mechanism of action
Sanjoth and Sudheer 2016), synthesizing siderophores that involved in sustainable crop production (Bhattacharyya and
may solubilise and sequester iron (Radzki et al. 2013) and Jha 2012).
avail nutrients to plants beyond controlling soil-borne plant The antagonistic traits exhibited by the PGPR over vari-
pathogens (Akhtar et al. 2012; Nadeem et al. 2014). In addi- ous pathogens augment possibilities for their use as bio-
tion to plant growth promotion, it also has a significant role control agents (Pathak et al. 2017; Tariq et al. 2017). Well-
in resisting the phytopathogenic microorganisms (Son et al. known BCAs in suppressing tomato disease include strains
2014). Chen et al. (2013) discovered that Bacillus subtilis of Pseudomonas (Toua et al. 2013), members of the genera
exhibited above 50% biocontrol efficacy on tomato plants Arthrobacter, Azoarcus, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Burkholde-
against the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum under ria, Enterobacter, Gluconacetobacter, Herbaspirillum, Kleb-
greenhouse conditions through robust biofilm formation. siella, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas and Serratia (Mahesh-
Abdallah et al. (2016) inoculated seven distinctive endo- wari 2011). Various literatures suggest that consortium of
phytic strains isolated from the native Nicotiana glauca
plants and discovered 88–94% significant reduction in yel-
lowing and wilt symptoms and 95–97.5% in vascular brown-
ing of tomato plants. Antifungal activity of several Bacil-
lus sp. against plant pathogenic fungi were accounted for,
elevating them to be utilized as promising candidates for the
biological control (Attia et al. 2020). You et al. (2016) dis-
covered Trichoderma-mediated growth inhibition of Botrytis
cinerea and their application in soils promoted growth of
tomato. A combination of biocontrol isolates Mitsuaria sp.
TWR114 and nonpathogenic Ralstonia sp. TCR112 exerted
a synergistic suppressive effect resulting in enhanced bio-
control efficacy against tomato bacterial wilt (Marian et al.
2019). Maung et al. (2017) demonstrated the effectiveness
of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Y1 not only in the control of
Fusarium wilt disease, but also for the enhancement of plant
growth in cultivated tomato. Elsayed et al. (2020) revealed
that the strains, Bacillus velezensis B63 and Pseudomonas
fluorescens P142 were promising candidates for biocontrol Fig. 4  Different mechanisms by which plant growth-promoting rhizo-
of bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum under bacteria (PGPR) accomplish biocontrol against phytopathogens

3 Biotech (2020) 10:320 Page 7 of 17 320

BCA helps to reduce disease incidence through synergistic could synthesize one or more antibiotics such as Bacillus
action. It has been reported that Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus and Pseudomonads (Glick 2012; Beneduzi et al. 2012).
megatarium, Bacillus polymyxa, Pseudomonas fluorescens The biological control of plant phytopathogens by endo-
and Trichoderma harzianum in combination with dinitrogen phytes was reported in the late 50s where, a Micromono-
fixers of Azotobacter sp and Azospirillum sp were identified spora isolate from tomato showed antagonistic activity
as successful biocontrol agents against soil-borne pathogens against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Manikprabhu
F oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae causing fungal wilt and Li, 2016). Bacterial endophytes such as Bacillus and
disease of tomato (Saad et al. 2016). Serratia plymuthica, Streptomyces species (Frank et al. 2017) both exhibited sec-
Bacillus coagulans, Paenibacillus macerans, Bacillus ondary metabolites showing antimicrobial activity against
pumilis and Pantoea agglomerans were tested for inhibi- plant pathogens. As a result, Bacillus spp. endophytes were
tory effects on Alternaria solani, early blight pathogen on proposed for crop management (Aloo et al. 2018). Simi-
tomato (Yazici et al. 2011). larly, Streptomyces spp. endophytes are widely reported as
phytopathogens biocontrol agents. For example, Kennedia
Antibiosis nigriscans-endophytic Streptomyces sp. strain NRRL 30562
was recently reported to produce antibiotics as munumbicins
Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microor- A, B, C and D active against plant pathogenic bacteria and
ganisms against microorganisms. Interaction between the fungi (Castillo et al. 2002). Mohamad et al. (2018) evaluated
organisms leads to the production of these chemical sub- the antimicrobial activity of endophytic bacterial popula-
stances in order to survive in predation, competition etc. tions from Chinese traditional medicinal plant licorice and
(Ulloa-Ogaz et al. 2015). Bacterial antagonists impose sup- characterized their bioactive secondary metabolites against
pression of phytopathogens by extracellular secretion of Verticillium dahlia. The results revealed that the genus
these metabolites that have inhibitory property, even at low Bacillus, particularly B. atrophaeus and B. mojavensis, were
concentration (Goswami et al. 2016). In fact, it is an effi- the most effective biocontrol agents with most strains exhib-
cient and most effectively studied characteristic of biocontrol iting broad antibacterial and antifungal activities. Around
(Ramadan et al. 2016). 13 compounds were produced during co-cultivation with
The well-characterized antibiotics for biological control V. dahlia which included putative compounds possessing
are 2,4 diacetylphologlucinol (DAPG), phenazine, pyrrol- antimicrobial activity such as 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid,
nitrin, pyoluteorin, tensin, tropolone, oomycin A, cyclic bis (2-methylpropyl) ester; 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-,
lipopeptides and HCN (Babalola 2010). The majority of methyl ester; 9- octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (E)- and
Bacillus antibiotics shows activity against plant pathogenic decanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester.
fungi Alternaria solani and Fusarium oxysporum (Mak-
simov et al. 2011). HCN production mediated biocontrol Competition
has been proved by B. subtilis against FOL (Akintokun and
Taiwo 2016). However, B. subtilis was reviewed as a poten- The BCA should be able to withstand and multiply in a natu-
tial BCA, capable of inhibiting the growth of fungal patho- ral environment since effective colonization and enhanced
gen due to their ability to produce a vast array of antibiotics, competition play a significant role in biocontrol (Raguchan-
such as zwittermicin, bacillomycin, fengycin, bacilysin and der et al. 2011). For the successful establishment on rhizos-
difficidin (Mangalanayaki et al. 2016). Jain and Das (2016), phere, microorganisms must effectively compete for nutrient
reviewed the positive correlation between HCN production availability and niche. Competition among pathogenic and
and plant protection in tomato wilt disease. Bacillus isolate non-pathogenic microbes is an essential matter in biocon-
TNAM5 was found to be effective in suppression of FOL trol (Heydari and Mohammad 2010). It has been known
by the production of diffusible and volatile antifungal com- that plant associate microbes give protection to the plant
pound ammonia and HCN (Prashar et al. 2013). Similarly, by accelerated rhizosphere colonization than the pathogen.
it was observed that B. subtilis inhibited AS by the secretion The biocontrol agents deplete the limited available substrates
of antifungal metabolites (Bellishree et al. 2015). A similar making it unavailable to the pathogens. Simultaneously, they
result was observed by Phichai (2014), against Alternaria produce metabolic compounds that are detrimental to the
spp. wherein B. subtilis could secrete several antifungal pathogens (Trapet et al. 2016; Khilyas et al. 2016; Tabassum
metabolites such as subtilin, bacitracin, bacillin and bacillo- et al. 2017).
mycin which had an inhibitory effect on the fungal pathogen. According to Khan et al. (2012), the antagonism depicted
However, too much dependence on antibiotic-producing by Paenibacillus lentimorbus against AS was enforced due
bacteria as a BCA may be a disadvantage since there is a to strong competition between them for niche and nutrient
problem of antibiotic resistance. In order to overcome this utilization. Lugtenberg et al. (2001) revealed that the tomato
threat, researchers are using potent biocontrol strains that foot and root rot pathogen FOL reside deep inside the soil.

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Hence, an efficient BCA must be able to protect deeper root Serratia and Trichoderma elicit ISR against different patho-
parts by effective colonization to reach the growing tips and gens (Mandal and Ramesh 2011). BCA demonstrates dis-
suppress the pathogen. Pseudomonads are reported as highly ease suppression caused by fungal, bacterial, viral and in
efficient competitors for root exudates among the rhizobac- some cases insects and nematodes by eliciting such induced
terial communities (Barea et al. 2005). Some of the root resistance.
exudates include antimicrobial compounds which provides a It is evident that the Bacillus genus is an ideal biocontrol
suitable ecological niche for PGPR which in turn can detox- agent and the mostly exploited biopesticide to control plant
ify them. This implies that PGPR competence is majorly diseases (Ongena et al. 2007). Pseudomonas also induces
reliant on their ability to take advantage of the specific envi- systemic resistance in plants. It was observed that Pseu-
ronmental condition or to get adapted to variable circum- domonas fluorescens protected tomato plants from the path-
stances (Compant et al. 2005). Kuiper et al. (2001) dem- ogens F. oxysporum and Phytophthora infestans by means
onstrated that the competitive colonization ability of root of systemic resistance (Santoyo et al. 2012). Ongena et al.
colonizing Pseudomonads was considerably dependent on (2007) provided strong evidence of ISR mediated biocontrol
their increased uptake of a tomato root exudate, putrescine. of tomato gray mold disease by the use of potential B. sub-
In addition, Prasanna et al. (2013) reported that competitive tilis, an efficient lipopeptide producer. Pseudomonas gladi-
colonization of Anabaena variabilis RPAN59 and A. laxa oli triggered defence molecules against Alternaria solani
RPAN8 were positively correlated with the reduced fun- through induced systemic resistance in tomato (Jagadeesh
gal population of FOL. Biocontrol Bacillus strains namely and Jagadeesh 2009). Khan et al. (2012) assessed the ability
3F-II, 3F-VII, 13F-III, 15F-III inhibited EB in tomato and of Paenibacillus lentimorbus to control early blight disease
the enzymatic profile indicated that they were potential eco- in tomato by inducing host resistance. Induction of sys-
logical competitors (Pane and Zaccardelli 2015). temic resistance has been established by the application of
Apart from competitive root colonization, another impor- vermicompost biofortified with bioagents—Bacillus subti-
tant mechanism of pathogen suppression via nutrient compe- lis and Pseudomonas fluorescens against F. oxysporum by
tition by PGPR involves the secretion of compounds, such as the accumulation of PAL, PO, PPO free phenol and SOD
siderophores that efficiently sequester iron and deprive the in tomato plants (Mj et al. 2017). B. cereus, Streptomyces
pathogen from this important element (Singh et al. 2017). cereus and S. marcescens were proved to be effective in
Several siderophore-producing rhizobacteria were evaluated host’s resistance against wilt disease by the activation of
and reported as biocontrol agents including species of Pseu- defence enzymes peroxidises (POX), polyphenol oxidases
domonas (Weller 2007), Bacillus and Enterobacter (Solanki (PPO), glucanases (GLU), chitinases (CHI), phenylalanine
et al. 2014). Heidarzadeh and Baghaee-Ravari (2015) proved ammonia-lyases (PAL) and lipoxygenases (LOX) (Gledson
that siderophore production by B. pumilus played a crucial et al. 2014). P. fluorescens has also been reported as a strong
role in suppressing Fusarium wilt disease by depleting iron. BCA against the pathogen by inducing key enzymes POX,
PPO and superoxide dismutase (SOD), β-1,3 glucanases
Induced systemic resistance (Dorjey et al. 2017). Reduced disease severity coupled
with enhanced enzyme production elicited by B. subtilis, B.
Plant beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere interact with the atrophaeus and Burkholderia cepacia mixtures indicated its
host plant to stimulate the defence against various patho- mode of action for the vascular suppression through direct
gens. Induced resistance (IR) is the enhanced physiologi- biocontrol and ISR (Shanmugam and Kanoujia 2011).
cal state of defence, elicited by broad-spectrum biotic and P. putida and P. syringe stimulated a systemic response
abiotic stimuli. Induced resistance is classified into Induced against A. solani by inducing high rates of enzyme activity
Systemic Resistance (ISR) and Systemic acquired resistance of PAL, PO, PPO as well as the accumulation of phenolics
(SAR). When plants innate defence mechanisms are evoked (Ahmed et al. 2011). Similarly, Chowdappa et al. (2013)
due to biotic challenges (Choudhary and Johri 2009), it is reported that B. subtilis OTPB1 isolate was able to inhibit A.
known as ISR. In SAR, plants render more resistance to solani by enhanced systemic resistance. The defence-related
uninfected plant parts while encountering broad spectrum enzymes, PO, PPO and SOD were significantly higher in
of pathogens (Pieterse et al. 2014). SAR occurs through inoculated tomato seedlings, compared to uninoculated
salicylic acid-mediated signalling pathway whereas ISR control. Indigenous isolate P. fluorescens TK3 was recom-
occurs predominantly through jasmonate- or ethylene-sen- mended as the best biocontrol agent for early blight patho-
sitive pathway (Fu and Dong 2013). Plant growth beneficial gen (Moges et al. 2012). The study reviewed that disease
rhizobacteria colonizing plant roots can evoke resistance suppression of Pseudomonad was by induction of systemic
against a broad spectrum of plant diseases. This strategy resistance. Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are polysaccharides
has gained attention over the recent years. Few literatures synthesized by bacteria which are secreted in the exter-
have suggested that, some strains of Pseudomonas, Bacillus, nal environment. EPS helps to endure drought condition,

3 Biotech (2020) 10:320 Page 9 of 17 320

protection from stress (Qurashi and Anjum 2012) and (Ma et al. 2010). Besides the above-mentioned biocontrol
defence against phytopathogens (Tewari and Naveen 2014). mechanisms of several rhizobacterial strains, the effective-
The significant role of bacterial EPS as an elicitor for the ness of these strains depends upon the host plant and soil
induction of systemic resistance has already been reported characteristics. Moreover, their inherent capacities and
in different crop species. It is reported that application of rhizospheric competence also plays a major role in exhibit-
Bacillus EPS obtained from natural biofloc at 200 ppm could ing their biocontrol traits (Gamalero et al. 2010).
effectively reduce the wilt disease incidence (Thenmozhi
and Dinakar 2014). HCN production

Hydrolytic enzyme production Biogenic cyanogenesis (HCN) has been found in rhizobac-
teria, by de novo synthesis (Rijavec and Lapanje 2017).
Production of hydrolytic enzymes is an efficient mechanism This volatile antimicrobial compound is known for its role
to eradicate the pathogen growth through lysis of pathogenic in disease suppression (Jain and Das 2016). HCN is likely to
cell wall. Different polymeric compounds present in fungal inhibit electron transport chain and energy supply to the cell
cell wall, such as cellulose, hemicelluloses, chitin, proteins eventually leading to cell death. It is also known to inhibit
and DNA can be degraded by producing lytic enzymes such the action of cytochrome oxidase (Heydari and Mohammad
as cellulase, chitinase, protease, etc. The cell wall degrada- 2010). This deleterious property allows PGPR to gain a
tion of fungal pathogens by the secretion of these enzymes competitive advantage over fungal pathogens and it can be
is an antifungal activity aiding in the biocontrol of phy- further exploited in biocontrol of plant diseases (Ramette
topathogens (Jadhav et al. 2017; Mabood et al. 2014; Aeron et al. 2003; Hayat et al. 2010). Sehrawat and Sindhu (2019)
et al. 2011). The soil-borne fluorescent Pseudomonas has reviewed that rhizosphere inhabiting bacteria such as Bacil-
gained more attention in this regard because they can pro- lus and Pseudomonas produces HCN as their secondary
duce different kinds of cell wall degrading enzymes, such metabolite. Furthermore, members of the genus Chromobac-
as chitinase, protease/elastase and β-1,3 glucanase (Kapoor terium, Burkholderia, certain Rhizobia and Cyanobacteria
et al. 2012). This mechanism helps to parasitize the phy- were also reported to show bacterial cyanogenesis (Ahemad
topathogen directly. and Kibret 2014). However, fluorescent Pseudomonas is pre-
Streptomyces sp. is a promising BCA which possess cel- dominantly reported as HCN producer (Mishra and Arora
lulolytic, chitinolytic and xylanolytic activity. They are iden- 2018). Most studies shows the activity of HCN producing
tified as plant growth promoting and disease control agents bacteria towards fungal pathogens (Siddiqui and Shaukat
in tomato (Da et al. 2008). Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus and B. 2002; Ramette et al. 2006). The study of Islam et al. (2019)
thuringensis were reported to produce hydrolytic enzymes reported 44.99% disease inhibition of Fusarium wilt dis-
for the biocontrol of phytopathogen F. oxysporum. They ease treated with Brevundimonas olei Prd2 which showed
produced swelling and curling in the hyphae which further HCN production in vitro. Additionally, Lachisa and Dabassa
caused the hyphal tip to burst (Jadhav and Sayyed 2016). (2016) reported that the growth reduction of FOL is due to
Chitinase, β-1,3 glucanase and β-1,4 glucanase produced by the production of HCN by the isolate Pseudomonas sp. RhB-
Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis were found to 12. Furthermore, Someya et al. (2006) confirmed that the
inhibit pathogenic fungi causing root rot disease in tomato HCN-producing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain LRB3W1
crop (El-Gamal et al. 2016). Prasanna et al. (2013) reported played a key role in the inhibition of disease development
that B. subtilis produced hydrolytic enzymes β-1,4 glucanase by FOL.
and chitosanase which were fungicidal to FOL. Evaluation
of extracellular lytic enzymes viz. chitinase, β-1,3 glucanase, Siderophore production
protease and cellulase from indigenous Bacillus sp. isolated
from tomato rhizosphere provided potential bioresource for Iron is an essential micronutrient for all forms of life and is
the benefit of the agricultural industry (Praveen et al. 2012). present in the soil in the form of F ­ e3+ or ferric ion predomi-
Seed bacterization and soil application of B. atrophaeus nantly, which is sparingly soluble. Hence, it is not readily
S2BC-2 reduced disease incidence in plants challenged with assimilated by plants (Colombo et al. 2014). Plants can use
FOL and AS. Maximum induction of chitinase and β-1,3 siderophores produced by microorganisms for iron uptake
glucanase were found in the leaf and root sample analysis (Shirley et al. 2011). Rhizobacteria produces siderophores
(Shanmugam and Kanoujia 2011). that are low molecular weight iron-chelating compounds
Application of PGPR has extended to remediate the con- with great affinity and selectivity to bind and form a com-
taminated soil enabling the plant to survive such stress con- plex Fe(III) (Ferreira et al. 2019). It acts like a ligand that
ditions. The metal resistant PGPB have also been reported facilitates the sequestration and transportation of iron into
to produce enzymes that lyse the cell of the fungal pathogen the cell. This particular trait has drawn attention in the recent

320 Page 10 of 17 3 Biotech (2020) 10:320

years and the identification of such siderophore produc- need further clarification. A synergistic study among biocon-
ing PGPR along with its in vivo testing has been reported trol agents Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens
(Ghavami et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2017; Sabate et al. 2017). displayed increased plant growth promotion more than its
Siderophores are stable complexes and different kinds of biocontrol activity on early blight disease (Suleiman et al.
siderophores are reported including hydroxamates, phe- 2017). A thorough understanding of biocontrol mechanisms
nolcatecholates and carboxylates. (Kundan et al. 2015). is therefore essential for employing this method in plant dis-
Siderophore mediated iron transfer system is better studied ease control.
in gram-negative PGPR transport systems rather than gram- These drawbacks have led to a slow progress in the suc-
positive transport systems. Among 500 different types of cessful development and marketing of bio-formulations.
siderophores known, 270 have been structurally character- However, the use of a mixture of BCA for biocontrol were
ized (Hider and Kong 2010). Siderophores have been sug- highly encouraged in the recent decades because it helped
gested to be an eco-friendly alternative to harmful pesticides to defeat the efficacy problems. Thilagavathi et al. (2007)
(Schenk et al. 2012). reported that a combination of BCA Pseudomonas fluores-
Because siderophores produced by PGPR show greater cens pf1 and Trichoderma viride tv1 improves the manage-
affinity for iron as compared to fungal pathogens, they ment of dry root rot in green gram. The activity of defence
have a competitive advantage for efficiently suppressing enzymes was significantly greater in treated plants receiving
phytopathogen proliferation (Schippers et al. 1987). Even- consortium treatments.
tually, the fungal pathogen under iron scarcity are unable
to proliferate and are excluded from the ecological niche. Commercialisation of BCAs
Hence, siderophore production is a desirable characteristic
of PGPR as a biocontrol agent. Among the various bacterial Commercialization of BCA is a multistep process that
siderophores, those produced by Pseudomonas are known involves isolation and screening of potential antagonistic
to be with higher affinity (Beneduzi et al. 2012). There are bacteria from natural ecosystems, testing the efficiency of
various reports on biocontrol efficiency of siderophore pro- the isolate in the field, mass production, formulation, toxic-
ducing PGPR. Arya et al. (2018) reported that siderophore ity studies, delivery, compatibility, registration and release
producing Pseudomonas strains SPs9 and SPs20 suppressed (Junaid et al. 2013). Recent reports claims that bioformula-
Fusarium wilt of tomato under field conditions. Streptomy- tions were prepared from BCAs such as Bacillus cereus,
ces strain SNL2 with siderophore producing ability was also Pseudomonas rhodesiae, Pseudomonas chlororaphis, Pseu-
reported which reduced wilt disease incidence by 88.5% domonas fluorescens, Bacillus coagulans which acts as both
(Goudjal et al. 2016). Segarra et al. (2010) also reported nutrient and growth enhancer to selected crops (Kalita et al.
that Trichoderma asperellum producing siderophores 2015; Jorjani et al. 2011). Bioformulations are defined as
restrict FOL. Similarly, Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains the preparation of microorganism(s) that may be a partial
JO and JO7, capable of producing siderophore inhibited AS or complete substitute for chemical fertilization/ pesticides
and FOL (Paramanandham et al. 2017). Bacillus subtilis (Arora et al. 2010). In this approach, the degree of success
SBMP4, Lysinibacillus fusiformis NBRC 15717 and Achro- depends upon the consistent broad-spectrum action, eco-
mobacter xylosoxidans NBRC15126 produced hydroxamate nomical and viable market demand, safety, stability, longer
siderophore which had a vital role in suppression of early shelf life, low capital costs and easy availability of carrier
blight in tomato (Attia et al. 2020). materials. Bioformulations consists of an active ingredient
i.e. a viable organism which may be a microbe/spore and
Consortium of BCA an inert carrier material that supports the active ingredi-
ent/cells (Mishra and Naveen 2016). Selection of a superior
Inconsistent performance of BCA is the primary barrier carrier material is essential as it is expected to meet the pre-
for its commercialization. A single organism may fail dur- requisites, such as high water holding capacity, high water
ing adverse environmental conditions, so a combination retention capacity, no heat production while wetting condi-
of more than one BCA is appreciated. There is a chance tion prevails, sterility, chemically and physically uniform in
for increased, neutral and decreased biocontrol efficiency nature, biodegradable, non-polluting and nearly neutral pH
when more than one BCA is used together. Moreover, they that supports bacterial viability (Singh et al. 2015). Avail-
can easily colonize the rhizosphere. It is reported that, con- able carrier materials are talc, sawdust, fuller’s earth, rice
sortium of BCA helps to reduce disease incidence through husk, sugar cane, bagasse, charcoal and wheat bran (Singh
synergistic action. Kannan and Sureendar (2009) proved et al. 2014).
the efficiency of consortial treatment in growth promotion Before developing a biocontrol agent into a commer-
and wilt resistance of tomato. Unfortunately, the interac- cial product, an intensive knowledge on several factors
tions involved were not clearly determined and hence they such as phytopathogen species, type of hosts it attacks,

3 Biotech (2020) 10:320 Page 11 of 17 320

epidemiology of the disease, resistance of phytopathogen its significant biocontrol activity. A thorough understanding
and environmental conditions under which the BCA will of the plant–microbe interactions and processes as well as
be used must be known (Carmona-Hernandez et al. 2019). exploiting the microbial ecology in the soil and rhizosphere
Talc based formulation of B. subtilis PSIRB2 and P. aerugi- would help us reveal the multiple facets of disease suppres-
nosa 2apa were found to significantly exhibit disease protec- sion by these biocontrol agents. Moreover, carefully con-
tion traits against fusarium wilt and early blight diseases of trolled field trials of tomato plants inoculated with PGPR
tomato (Gowtham et al. 2017). Similarly, talc-based formu- inoculants is obligatory for maximum commercial exploi-
lation of P. fluorescens delivered through farmyard manure tation of these strains. In conclusion, the success of micro-
and vermicompost were tested against Fusarium oxysporum bial inoculant-producing industries, notably those utilizing
and Alternaria solani (Kaur et al. 2016). PGPRs, will depend on measures including product market-
Unfortunately, the successful establishment of such bio- ing and extensive research. In addition, for better fermenta-
logicals in agriculture is hampered by the inadequate knowl- tion and formulation processes, the optimization of PGPR
edge about the plant–microbe interactions, though there strains will be required to introduce them in the agriculture
were some progress in the past decade (Ravensberg 2015). industry.
For a fruitful PGPR inoculum, the chosen strain ought to
colonize the plant roots, should be able to persevere in the Acknowledgements We would like to thank School of Biosciences,
Mahatma Gandhi University for providing necessary facilities. The
rhizosphere and ought not to be a potential hazard for the first author is greatly thankful to the University Grants Commission,
environment and human wellbeing. Certain bacterial strains Government of India for the financial support in the form of Senior
display promising impacts in advancing plant development Research Fellowship, Vide Sr. No.2061530793.
in lab conditions yet fail in field trials because of their insuf-
ficiency in colonizing the rhizosphere and plant roots. These Author contributions SK and SV conceptualized and designed the
manuscript; MSJ reviewed and approved the manuscript.
strains are unable to adjust with the plant microenvironment
and consequently, incapable to rival with the current local Funding The first author is very much thankful to the University
bacterial network for foundation and perseverance in the Grants Commission, Government of India for the financial support in
soil. the form of SRF, Vide Sr. No.2061530793.
Henceforth, investigating the components of PGPB would
uncover new experiences to structure systems for improving Compliance with ethical standards
the efficacy of biocontrol agents.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
interest regarding the publication of this manuscript.


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