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Structure * Rambabu Botcha

2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Concept and Meaning of Patriotism
2.3 Demonstration of Value of Patriotism
2.4 Blind Patriotism versus Constructive Patriotism
2.5 How to nurture value of Patriotism
2.6 Patriotism as core value of Social Work
2.7 Principles of value of Patriotism
2.8 Expression of value of Patriotism
2.9 Let Us Sum Up
2.10 Suggested Readings
2.11 Answers to Check Your Progress

By end of this unit, you should be able to:
• Understand the concept and meaning of patriotism;
• Demonstrate the value of patriotism;
• Explain patriotism as a core value of social work;
• Describe the principles of values of patriotism and
• Discuss different ways of expression of value of patriotism.

Patriotism is the combination of “love of the country” and “attachment to national
values based on critical understanding” (Adorno et al. 1950). If one loves one’s country
he/she has to work for the development and welfare of the country. Patriotism
spontaneously comes from the hearts of people and flourishes with acts oriented towards
development of the nation. Patriotism is one of the best virtues expected from the
citizens of a country. It is a noble feeling of the mind towards one’s country and its
Nation building, national solidarity, citizenship, national security, brotherhood, peace
and harmony within a country are ensured through promoting and practising the value
of patriotism. Since social work is a human service profession, it has great responsibility
to promote the value of patriotism and make it evident in one’s life. Value of patriotism
urges social workers to respect and sustain the existing culture specific practices within
the country and initiate new practices while respecting the peculiarities and specific
* Dr. Rambabu Botcha, Department of Social Work, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth
Development 17
Values of cultures in one’s own country. Social work profession has got its presence across the
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globe, which would strengthen any nation’s initiatives and efforts for social justice and
social welfare. Patriotism is being promoted as one of the core values in social work
profession by professionals and professional institutions. Contributing, dedicating,
sacrificing and living for mother land in varying forms is essential for the development
and prosperity of the country.


In simple terms patriotism is the cultural attachment to one’s homeland or devotion to
one’s country, although interpretations of the term vary with context, geography and
political ideology (Adorno et al. 1950). It is a set of concepts closely related to those
of nationalism. Patriotism is usually defined as “love of country,” or more literally, of
motherland, the land of the mother/of fatherland, the land of the father. The origin of the
word patriotism comes from the ancient Greek and Latin word pater, meaning father,
and it expresses an emotion similar to loyalty to a parent; from this root we have the
Latin word patria, meaning fatherland (Bar Tal and Ben Amos, 2004). The term
patriotism has acquired different meanings at different times and in different contexts. In
eighteenth-century England, “the title ‘patriot’ was one that all parties were eager to
claim for themselves”. It has been remarked by Quentin Skinned that “both the Whigs
and Tories used the concept of patriotism to mean ‘the ideal of acting in such a way as
to defend and preserve the political liberties which their fellow countrymen enjoyed
under, and owed to, the constitution” (Viroli 1995:60) Leoussi (2001).
Stephen Nathanson (1993) defines patriotism as involving:
• Special affection for one’s own country,
• A sense of personal identification with the country,
• Special concern for the well-being of the country, and
• Willingness to sacrifice to promote the country’s good.
Accordingly, patriotism can be defined as love of one’s country, identification with it,
and special concern for its well-being and that of compatriots. There is broad agreement
on the meaning of patriotism as “a deeply felt affective attachment to the nation” (Conover
and Feldman 1987) or the “degree of love for and pride in one’s nation” (Kosterman
and Feshbach 1989).
Every social group has its own notions of loyalty. The institution of family embeds
loyalty to the family as a social group. When a son and his wife and children separate
from the rest of the family or when brothers divide their property, the neighbourhood
reacts with sorrow and not glee in the Indian villages. Caste associations emphasize the
benefits which come from an active participation and cooperation between different
members of the same caste. Tribal groups too emphasize similar benefits from
collaboration. The notion of patriotism is different from such forms of group loyalty.
The difference lies in its close affinity with the state. Patriotism is not based upon kinship
or of shared descent like in families, castes and tribes. Patriotism is based upon the idea
of a nation and its central institution, the state (Madan, 2003).


There are several ways to demonstrate and promote patriotism in a country. It’s always
18 good to love motherland where one was born, shaped and nurtured with love and
brotherhood. Patriotism helps individuals, families, groups and communities to have Patriotism as a Value
of Social Work
healthy relationship which will lead to ameliorate communal violence, religious conflicts,
regional tensions and racial discrimination. Patriotism has distinct power to control and
shape the nation. Some of the ways to show patriotism include:

Be an active citizen
Actively demonstrate the love for one’s country by being part of its political process
and social concerns. Every patriot has to continually strive for a better country for all.
Performing one’s duty with the value of responsibility and commitment is the best way
for expressing the value of patriotism towards the country. For example, if the officials
perform their duty in prompt way, politicians perform their duty in constructive way and
the teachers perform their responsibility in dedicated manner, the country will march
towards development. An active citizen is expected to participate in the political process
by casting vote. Similarly, in every field of one’s interaction a citizen can express one’s
loyalty to the nation. For example, being honest with making tax payment or participation
in local self government.A loyal citizen will also inculcate the value of loyalty and patriotism
among one’s children.

Promote and respect the history of the country

Every country has a past and a process of evolution to its present nature. What are
some of the great things people have done and how they showed their love for their
country? What are some of the things people have done with good intentions but poor
results? Learn from one’s country’s history, both the good times and the bad times. This
learning enhances the value of patriotism. In this process, one has to respect and regard
the national leaders who sacrificed for the country as well as those who brought glories
to the nation. There is also a need to record the contributions of social workers to
national harmony and nation building.

Focus on current events

Focus on what is going on in the world as a whole with regard to the fast changing
social, economic and technological scenario and how one’s country is involved in it as
well. How the country is reacting to the changes in the global scenario and how the
changes are affecting the socio- demographic and political sphere of the country. The
current developmental policies and programmes of the country and its effectiveness
can be monitored and feedback can be provided by the professionals through social
work research. Similarly, participation in policy formulation and cooperating with the
government’s welfare and development initiatives will justify the contribution of social
workers as well as one’s loyalty to the profession.

Celebrate important national days

Celebrating the important days in the history of a country is essential for developing and
inculcating the value of patriotism. What happened in your country on this day in history?
Did they win a war? Did they gain independence? Acknowledge the solemnity inherent
to certain holidays, especially those that commemorate a victory that involved bloodshed.
The Independence Day, Republic Day, Martyrs Day, Army Day and similar occasions
declared by government, are just few examples. In India the birthday of Mahatma
Gandhi on October 2nd every year is being observed as Gandhi Jayanti day. One of the
activities being practiced by children in schools across the country is to take part in
cleanliness drive and other similar programmes to show their solidarity.
Values of Reciting National anthem
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Singing of national anthem on important occasions and after major academic and cultural
events in schools and colleges/universities would remind the participants about the need
to be patriotic. It will enhance the value of patriotism among the participants. In the
morning school assembly, signing of national anthem and reciting of the pledge inculcate
the value of patriotism and love for the country among children from very early in life.
Incorporating lessons on various historical, demographic and political aspects in the
curriculum is another form of inculcating patriotism through educational institutions.
Some other practices that can demonstrate patriotism in one’s country includes:
promoting stories of patriotic legends of one’s country;writing poetry on the topic;
composing and staging cultural activities; telecasting and broadcasting films, dramas,
documentaries and programmes which have patriotic feelings; promoting of theatre arts
as part of patriotism; promoting and encouraging patriotic songs; reading about the
freedom struggle; remember and recognize the contribution and sacrifice of prominent
citizens (freedom fighters); instituting awards; and making efforts for national integration
are few suggestions.
A country like India has been carrying forward various practices towards patriotism.
The practice that exist in the schools and Governmental offices by way of respecting
and remembering the Father of the Nation and observing silence for couple of minutes
at 11 am on October 2nd, the Martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi is just another
example. Every country does observe the days of eminent personalities on their birth
anniversary and death anniversary and remember their contribution and efforts for the
nation. Their contribution and effort towards bringing freedom, promoting peace,
brotherhood and tranquillity, and developing various sections of the society is recognized
and remembered on the occasion. All these practices are part of helping citizens to
inculcate the value of patriotism.
As citizens of the country, everyone is responsible to serve their country and bring
peace and tranquillity within the nation. In several countries, one is expected to serve
for couple of years in the armed forces. There is need to promote patriotism as core
value of social work to generate awareness among the people to work for their


Patriotism is generally considered to be love of country, love of fellow countrymen,
love of birthplace, and deep feelings for the local sights that one encounters all his life,
forming a natural personal family-like connection to a specific country (Schaar, 1981;
Viroli, 1995). There are two types of patriotism, blind patriotism and constructive
patriotism. Blind patriots believe that all other countries are inferior to theirs in every
respect. They believe that other countries are always in the wrong; they are less free,
less civilized, irreligious and abnormal. The second type namely, the constructive patriot
has a sense of a critical loyalty. In constructive patriotism, the nation is estimated on the
basis of a critical conscience; critical conscience refers to the formation of an opinion of
the nation which is independent of elites within the group (Schatz/Staub 1997). Critical
patriots support the nation´s welfare, based on a universal humanistic value system.
The following observations have been made (Schatz, Staub, &Lavine, 1999; Blank &
Schmidt, 2003; Rothi, Lyons, & Chryssochoou, 2005, cited by EyalLewin, 2013) to
20 highlight the difference between blind patriotism and constructive patriotism:
1) Blind patriotism resents any form of criticism towards the country; constructive Patriotism as a Value
of Social Work
patriotism is manifested through questioning whether the patriotic action fits the
social group’s goals.
2) Blind patriotism is characterized by political disengagement and deliberate political
ignorance; constructive patriotism correlates with gathering of information, striving
for social conclusions and high levels of political involvement.
3) Blind patriotism is strongly connected with nationalism and with a sense that the
national security—indeed, the national culture itself—is at risk; constructive
patriotism may put national identity aside and even deny feelings of national
4) Blind patriotism defines social attachment using a terminology of genealogy and
primordial origins generated within the nation’s history; constructive patriotism
forms social boundaries through civic procedures and commonly shared political
Every country expects constructive patriotism from its citizens. Being a helping profession
which is aimed at social welfare and social justice, social work profession has a great
responsibility to nurture the value of constructive patriotism among the people through
its intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities.
Check Your Progress I
Note: Use the space given below for your answers.
1) Describe the term patriotism.
2) Differentiate between blind patriotism and constructive patriotism.


Patriotism involves citizens displaying devotion to their country, including devotion to
the fundamental values and principles upon which it depends and respecting the cultural
diversities and the peculiarities. School education provides the foundation for the value
of patriotism. From early childhood, we are nurtured with patriotic content: throughout
all phases of the education system, the student encounters patriotic messages interwoven
into the curriculum, in text books, and a variety of co-curricular and extra – curricular
activities. 21
Values of Similarly different religions, communities and groups also have to take active part in
Social Work-II
inculcating the value of patriotism and respecting the diverse and unique heritage of the
nation. Strong base of patriotism will ensure the practice of common brotherhood,
peace and harmony among the diverse religious, linguistic and ethnic groups.
Now a days, social media plays a vital role in effecting the sentiments of millions across
the board. One can choose social media including facebook, twitter, orkut, google
plus, whatsapp, youtube, etc., to promote patriotism and its importance. Professional
social workers should take active role in utilizing social media in promoting patriotism
and its importance to the large number of people and expanding the mission for social
welfare and social justice.
Patriotism among sports persons is also to be sustained and can take the value of
patriotism beyond borders. Exposure visits for school and college students to historic
places such as museums, war memorials, architecture, monument, forts, etc., are
important practices towards nurturing patriotism. Responding to emergency situations,
contribution to prime minister’s relief fund, contribution to chief minister’s relief fund,
and extending relief and rehabilitation work during natural calamities would also show
loyalty towards the nation. Honouring the great leaders, naming various institutions,
roads, lanes, etc., in their names would further extend the feeling of patriotism among
young generation of a country.
Organizing various programmes on national days would further lead to enhance patriotism
among the citizens to a great extent. Some of the important days chosen by India
include: National Youth Day - birthday of Swami Vivekananda, 12th January; Republic
Day (India), 26th January; Anti Leprosy Day (Martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi),
30th January; International Women’s Day, 8th March; Martyr’s Day, 23rd march;
Ambedkar Jayanti/Bhim Jayanti, 14th April; Word Environment Day, 5th June; World
Peace Day, 21st September; Quit India Day, 8th August; Independence Day (India),
15th August; Teacher’s Day (Birthday of S. Radhakrishnan), 5th September;
International Non-Violence Day (Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi & Birthday of Lal
Bahadur Shastri), 2nd october; Chidlren’s Day (Birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru), 14th
November. Same way every country observes certain days that are important to them
which help promoting patriotism.
Social work profession is a human service profession as it works for the welfare of the
country and its people. Several problems can be eradicated with patriotic approaches.
In several countries, various actions are initiated and awareness being created on
important national issues through social action, community mobilization programmes
and awareness campaigns which require networking, and advocacy. Cultural sensitivity,
competence and integrity are some of the values that can be promoted along with the
value of patriotism.


Greek philosopher Socrates once said, “Patriotism does not require one to agree with
everything that his country does, and would actually promote analytical questioning in a
quest to make the country the best, it possibly can be.” Patriotism as a value of social
work urges every professional to make their country the best possible place joining
hands with the government, welfare organizations, social institutions including NGOs
and the larger society.
Social work profession has to uphold the value of constructive patriotism throughout its Patriotism as a Value
of Social Work
interventions. As any other core value of social work, patriotism plays vital role in
bringing harmony, peace and brotherhood in the society. Bringing peace in any country
is very much essential for its progress and development. Every country strives to ensure
social justice and social welfare for its citizens. This will definitely result in improved
quality of life, better standard of living, social functioning and understanding among
each other in the country. Social work profession also aims at the overall development
of the people. Hence, the practice of social work in a country is the reflection of the
value of patriotism.
Social work profession is one of the important professions that can promote patriotism
as a core value at various levels. Teachers should educate the students to learn and
imbibe the value of patriotism and promote the welfare of the nation. Practitioners are
responsible to promote patriotism through various practices mentioned earlier such as
observance of important national days. By organizing various activities in educational
institutions, governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, the value
of patriotism can be inculcated among people at various levels without any cast, creed
and cultural differences. Above all, the social work fraternity work with the people of
various communities in rural, urban and tribal sectors where the value of patriotism can
be made evident through their actions. In the helping process, people can be sensitised
to promote the value of patriotism through various kinds of activities.
Social work fraternity including educators, practitioners and students are to carry forward
patriotism as one of the core value in social work profession through various approaches.
As we all know, social work profession enter into the pains of the people and understand
and analyze their problems in a scientific manner. All these problems are addressed
with the help of various methods, different ethical principles and certain set of core
values. Promotion of patriotism is essential to social work profession which helps the
country in several ways, directly and indirectly. If there is patriotism among the people
they will be loyal to their country and its people. Loyalty to one’s nation help in bringing
about brotherhood, mutual understanding, mutual help, peace and harmony. This results
in overall development of the country.
Social work professionals should link other values with the value of patriotism.
Professional social workers should imbibe other values such as service, loyalty to the
profession and hard work to effectively practice the value of patriotism. Ensuring the
practice of patriotism and service together brings positive outcome and better result in
social work interventions. Various sections of people in this world are struggling for
their survival by confronting different types of problems. Apart from poverty and
unemployment, many are being exploited, discriminated, stigmatized and excluded. Most
of the people need different kinds of social work interventions. In such cases, value of
patriotism motivates social work professionals to work for their country and its citizens.
Social work profession should compassionately work towards eradicating inequalities
in the society. Methods of resource mobilization, networking, advocacy, community
organization and social action are very handy for the social workers while working for
them. These methods enable social workers to challenge the various forms of exploitation
and effectively practice the value of patriotism.
There are various institutions, boards and bodies working for the welfare of the country
such as state social welfare boards, central social welfare board, non-governmental
organizations, corporate bodies, donor organizations, etc. Professional social work
can play a vital role by doing advocacy for enacting better policies and programmes
towards eradicating poverty, hunger and unemployment in the nation. Similarly, education, 23
Values of health, environment, social security and livelihood are few other aspects that social
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workers must focus on.
The value of patriotism expects the worker not to discriminate people of other nationalities
and that one serves people who are in need whether in an open community, institutions,
refugee camps or prisons, etc. In fact, extending the best services possible to such
clients would bring about appreciation not only by those being served, but also by the
people of those countries. One of the areas where the concept can be made evident is
the UN Peace Keeping Forces where Indian soldiers have been rendering services for
several decades. In fact, professionals with expertise in military social work would be
in a better position to make evidence based practice to inculcate the value of patriotism
among the armed forces.


The ethical principles of patriotism highlighted in code of ethics for social workers
(Thomas, 2015) are:

Need to imbibe and inculcate the value of patriotism

Social work teachers must ensure that the students, trainees and supervisors imbibe the
value of patriotism during their period of training, education and research. Social work
students must protect, enhance and improve the values, ethics, knowledge and mission
of the profession keeping in view the welfare of the people and development of the

Need to respect democracy and the rights enshrined in the

Constitution of the land
Social work practice and interventions should be in accordance with the democratic
values and rights and duties of the people enshrined in the constitution of each country.
Social workers must practice the profession keeping in view the code of ethics,
constitutional obligations, fundamental rights, directive principles and provisions of social
welfare and human rights enshrined in various UN conventions.

Need to be loyal to one’s country and the principles for which

it stands
Social workers have to be loyal and dedicated to the enrichment and enhancement of
the aspirations of one’s country and work towards its growth and development.

Need to have accurate knowledge about the profile of the

client’s country and the culture
Value of patriotism must enable the social worker to be well informed about the profile
of the client, cultural and environmental identities of the client’s country, policies and
programmes of government, as well as the legal system prevalent in that country.

Need to be non- discriminatory in approach

Social workers are expected to regard the culture, health practices, positive values and
spirituality of individuals, families, groups and communities within the country without
any discrimination (Thomas, 2015).

Check your Progress II Patriotism as a Value
of Social Work
Note: Use the space provided for your answer.
1) Describe patriotism as a value of Social Work.
2) List out various principles of value of patriotism.


Teaching, research and expression of values about patriotism is highly required among
social work professionals. Fraternity of social workers can educate the students to
inculcate the value of patriotism. There is a big responsibility vested upon the social
workers to carry forward the spirit of patriotism among the citizens of one’s country.
The usual ways of expressing the value of patriotism is to be polite and considerate to
neighbours, colleagues, the elderly, handicapped and other disadvantaged in the society
through one’s life style, writings, actions and words. Whatever the nature of one’s job,
one can commit oneself to be patriotic because it is a contribution to the nation’s economy
and social development. In the day to day life, a driver can express patriotism by
following the traffic rules, and general public can express the same by keeping the
surroundings clean and hygienic. Some important ways to express the value of patriotism

Be loyal to the country

Every social work professional has to be loyal to one’s country. Value of patriotism
urges social workers to respect the democratic values, principles and ideologies of
their country. It involves love and affection for one’s countrymen and expressing the
same by evidence based practice where the values of patriotism can be felt in one’s

Respect the Culture

Value of patriotism insist the social work professionals to respect the diverse languages,
customs, art, stories, faith and traditions of their country and to work towards protecting
the same. A social worker cannot discriminate a client because of his/her culture and
socio-economic status. One of the best examples one may experience when he/she
Values of visits a foreign country is the feeling of the expression of value of patriotism from fellow
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countrymen who may come forward to lend a helping hand in various forms and make
the visitor feel at home.

Protect the natural resources and places

Social workers have to work towards protecting the national resources, natural
resources, public properties, public places and places of national importance by
inculcating the value of patriotism among the students and the clients- individuals, families,
groups and communities.

Promoting welfare policies and programmes

Value of patriotism urges social workers to advocate and network with people who
matter by initiating need based welfare policies and programmes and by implementing
the same in the best possible manner benefiting larger society. The knowledge base of
the social worker and his/her expertise of working with people in distress can be a big
source of facilitating policy makers to formulate policies and programmes which would
meaningfully address the needs of people.

Performing duties
Performing fundamental duties as citizens is essential for the progress and development
of one’s country. Citizens of any country should be loyal to their country by delivering
duties prescribed in their Constitution and ‘go the extra mile’ to reach the marginalised
and the poorest of the poor in any society.

Loyalty to profession
Loyalty to one’s profession is an indirect way of expressing the value of patriotism.
Performing one’s job with total dedication and becoming a role model among students
and clients will go a long way in expressing one’s loyalty to the profession. Similarly,
recording and publishing one’s experience and improving the knowledge base and skills
of social work profession is another way of showing the value of patriotism.

Constructive criticism
Value of patriotism does not mean blind acceptance of policies, programmes, mistakes,
etc., of the government and its machineries. Social work professionals have to be watch
dogs towards the implementation of welfare programmes without the involvement of
corruption. Providing constructive feedback for the enhancement of the programmes
and policies, and thus facilitating welfare of the nation should be a priority for every
social work professional. Evidence based research reports for policy formulation is
essential in a democratic society.

Take part in common cause

Every citizen especially social workers have to actively participate in common cause
for national interest. Participating in relief programmes, disaster management programmes
etc., are important occasions to express the value of patriotism. Participating in national
elections, local self governance, contributing to national development policies and
programmes through debate and writings and use of various media for the benefit of the
country are other examples of expressing the value of patriotism.

Check Your Progress III Patriotism as a Value
of Social Work
Note: Use the space provided for your answer.
1) How will you express the value of patriotism?
2) Explain constructive criticism.


‘Love your mother land, work for your nation and dedicate yourself for your country’.
This is possible only through promoting the value of patriotism among the citizens.
People are to be loyal to their nation. Professional social workers should be patriotic
and have to work towards nation’s welfare and integrity. As part of its education, training,
practice and research, social work profession should give utmost priority in inculcating
the value of patriotism among its professionals. Imbibing the value of patriotism will
help the professionals to genuinely work towards nation’s development and improvement
of social welfare programmes in one’s country.
In this unit, we have discussed about value of patriotism including concept and meaning.
An insight has been given on demonstration of the value with five important points. This
unit also gives an understanding about blind patriotism versus constructive patriotism.
Principles of values of patriotism have been highlighted. It has also pointed out the
expression of value of patriotism.


1. Primoratz, Igor.,&Pavkovic, Aleksandar. (2007). Patriotism-Philosophical and
Political Perspectives. Great Britain: TJ International Ltd.
2. Bar-Tal, D. & Ben Amos, A. (2004). Patriotism as a psycho-social phenomenon:
Introduction to the analyzis of the Israeli case, (13-28) in Bar-Tal, D. & Ben
Amos, A., (Ed.). Patriotism, we love you oh country Tel Aviv: HakibbutzHameuchad
– Red Line.
3. Galewitz, Herb. (2003). Patriotism: Quotations from around the World. United
State of America: Dover Publications.
Values of 4. Government of India. (2007). The Constitution of India. New Delhi: Ministry of
Social Work-II
Law and Justice, the Government of India.
5. Thomas, Gracious. (2015). Code of Ethics for Social Workers. New Delhi:
Indira Gandhi National Open University.
6. Leoussi, Athena. (Ed.2001), Encyclopaedia of Nationalism, Transaction Publishers,
New Brunswick, New Jersey, Retrieved from.
7. Madan, Amman. (2002). What is Patriotism, Published in Hindi through
Sarvodaya feature service. Retrieved from
patriotism.html on 12/11/2014.
8. JR’S Free Thought Pages. (2014). The meaning of patriotism, retrieved on
24.10.2014 from
9. Nathanson, Stephen. (1989). In Defence of ‘Moderate Patriotism. Ethics, 99:
535–552. Reprinted in Primoratz (ed.) (2002). Retrieved from
rec/NATPMA 10/09/2014.
10. Eyal, Lewin. (2013). Constructive Patriotism in Wartime in Open Journal of
Political Science 2013. Vol.3, No.4, 107-112 Published Online October 2013
Retrieved from 34015 on 25/10/2014.


Check Your Progress I

1) Patriotism is the combination of “love of the country” and “attachment to national

value based on critical understanding”

2) Blind patriotism believes that all other countries are inferior to theirs in every respect.
They believe that other countries are always in the wrong; they are less free, less
civilized, irreligious and abnormal. The second type namely, the constructive patriot
has a sense of a critical loyalty. In constructive patriotism, the nation is estimated
on the basis of critical conscience; critical conscience refers to formation of an
opinion of the nation which is independent of elites within the group.

Check Your Progress II

1) Greek philosopher Socrates once said, “Patriotism does not require one to agree
with everything that a country does, and would actually promote analytical
questioning in a quest to make the country the best, it possibly can be.” Patriotism
as a value of social work urges every professional to make their country the best
possible place joining hands with government, welfare organization, social institutions
including NGOs and the larger society.

2) Need to imbibe and inculcate the value of patriotism

 Need to respect democracy and the rights enshrined in the Constitution of

the land.

 Need to be loyal to one’s country and the principles for which it stands
 Need to have accurate knowledge about the profile of client’s country and Patriotism as a Value
of Social Work
the culture

 Need to be non-discriminatory approach.

Check Your Progress III

1) The usual ways of expressing the value of patriotism is to be polite and considerate
to neighbours, colleagues, the elderly, handicapped and other disadvantaged in
the society through one’s lifestyle, writings, actions and words.

Value of patriotism does not mean blind acceptance of policies, programmes etc.
Providing constructive feedback for the enhancement of the programmes and
policies, and thus facilitating welfare of the nation should be the priority for every
social work professional.


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