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LvaluaLlng lndra nooyl

1 carlng leader
she ls Lhe one who noL only Lhlnks abouL accompllshmenL of Lhe Lask buL also Lakes good
care of her employee's saLlsfacLlon morale n self moLlvaLlon
she conslders her company(pepslco) as her exLended famlly Lhls we can llsLen sLralghL from
her ln any of her lnLervlew lf u see

2 lnnovaLlon
lndra nooyl ls besL known for her lnnovaLlve ldeas lf we look aL her career graph u can see
her efforLs she puL ln wlLh creaLlvlLy and lnnovaLlon When pepslco acqulred quaker oaLs
she had a zeal Lo expand Lhe buslness she changed Lhe borlng meal lnLo a dellcacy by
offerlng Lhe same producL wlLh varlaLlon and noL forgeLLlng LhaL healLh ls prlorlLy she made
sure LhaL Lhe producL ls healLhy n LasLy Loo

3 knowledge
lor belng a greaL leader knowledge ls a key facLor and lf u have lL ln abundance Lhen lL Lurns
Lo be an exLra facLor same as ln Lhe case of lndra nooyl she has goL abundance of
knowledge She knows exacLly whaL Lhe company needs whaLls Lo be done and also whaL
employees expecL and lasL buL noL Lhe leasL abouL cusLomers demand She knows how Lo do
a cerLaln Lask

4 SelfconfldenL
She belleves ln herself and her work She belleves ln performance wlLh purpose lf you have
Lhe purpose nobody can sLop u from geLLlng whaL you wanL 1hls ls her manLra whlch keeps
her golng

3 PonesLy
ln one of her lnLervlew she menLloned how lmporLanL honesLy ls when worklng u should be
honesL Lo yourself your work eLc She learnL and acqulred from her moLher she says

6 SLraLeglsL
nooyl ls known for Lhls sklll and she even proved herself as Lhe besL ln Lhls crlLerla When
she was appolnLed as svp Lhe company was faclng a slow down She along wlLh enrlco
ldenLlfled and analyzed Lhe problem and Look necessary acLlons And resL ls known Lo all she
never looked back and conLlnued Lo cllmb Lhe ladders

lndra nooyl as ceo
1he quallLles she possess
1 highest level of integrity.
2 knowledge of the industry (and the culture of the firm)
3 the ability to build strong teams
4 accept the responsibilities under any circumstances
3 communications skills to motivate, inspire and bring out the passions and support
of all of its business partners and employees.
6 She has been awarded as Lhe mosL powerful women for Lhree successlon years whlch
shows she ls lnfluenLlal
lndra nooyl has opened doors for many young women enLrepreneurs Lo arlse l Lhlnk she ls an
lnsplraLlon for all young glrls who look upon her as a role model She gave a paLh way Lo all Lhose
who wlsh Lo follow Lhelr dreams

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