FRW Noconmutativo

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Non commutative classical and Quantum fractionary Cosmology:

FRW case.

J. Socorro1 ,1, ∗ J. Juan Rosales 2 ,1, † and Leonel Toledo-Sesma31, ‡

11 Departamento de Fı́sica, DCI-Campus León, Universidad de Guanajuato,
A.P. E-143, C.P. 37150, León, Guanajuato, México
2 Department of Electrical Engineering,
Engineering Division Campus Irapuato-Salamanca,
University of Guanajuato, Salamanca 36885, Mexico.
3 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIIH,
Carretera Pachuca - Actopan Kilómetro 1+500,
42162. San Agustı́n Tlaxiaca, Hgo. México

In this work we shall explore the effects of noncommutativity in fractional clas-

sical and quantum schemes using the flat Friedmmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW)
cosmological model coupled to a scalar field in the K-essence formalism. In previous
work we have obtained the commutative solutions in both regimes into the fractional
framework. We introduce noncommutative variables, considering that all minisuper-
space variables qinc do not commute, so the symplectic structure was modified. In
the quantum regimen, the probability density presents new structure corresponding
to the value of the noncommutativity parameter.
Keywords: Fractional derivative, Fractional noncommutative clasical and Quan-
tum Cosmology, K-essence formalism.

PACS numbers: 02.30.Jr; 04.60.Kz; 12.60.Jv; 98.80.Qc.

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The study and applications of fractional calculus (FC) to cosmology is a new line of
research born approximately twenty years ago. We have recently worked along this line in the
theory of K-essence, where a fractional differential equation in the quantum scheme emerges
naturally in different stages of the universe [1, 2], however we have not found any work in the
literature where the idea of non-commutativity is applied to this formalism, which is why
we are interested in studying the effects of non-commutative variables in fractional calculus
and seeing their effects on the exact solutions or mathematical structure of the same. It
is well known that there are various ways of introducing non-commutativity in the phase
space and that they produce different dynamical systems from the same Lagrangian [3], as
can be shown for example in reference [4] and references cited therein. Therefore, distinct
choices for the NC algebra among the brackets render distinct dynamic systems. We will use
non-commutativity in the space of coordinates, which is where we have some work practice
in the past, leaving the application of the space of moments for the future, [5–10].
Usually, K-essence models are restricted to the Lagrangian density of the form [11–16]

S = d4 x −g [f (φ) G(X)] , (1)

where the canonical kinetic energy is given by G(X) = X = − 21 ∇µ φ∇µ φ, f (φ) is an arbi-
trary function of the scalar field φ, and g is the determinant of the metric. K-essence was
originally proposed as a model for inflation, and then as a model for dark energy, along
with explorations of unifying dark energy and dark matter. During the development of re-
search in non-commutative formalism within fractional cosmology in k-essence theory, the
presence of non-commutativity that usually accompanied the term of the scale factor, here
is disrupted, since essentially Non-commutativity is more present in the scalar field, mod-
ifying the mathematical structure that usually occurs in works in this direction in other
non-fractional formalisms.
We construct the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian densities for the plane FLRW cosmological
model, considering a barotropic perfect fluid for the scalar field in the variable X, and present
the general case in commutative (II) and noncommutative formalism (III). We present
the quantum version in both cases (IV),(V) respectively. Finally, Section (VI) is devoted
to discussions.


We start with the following classical Lagrangian density that comes from flat Friedmann-
Robertson-Walker fractionary cosmological model coupled to a scalar field in the K-essence
formalism [1] " #
Ω̇2 1 2α
L = e3Ω 6 − φ̇ N −2α+1 . (2)
N 2
Using the standard definition of the momenta Πqµ = ∂ q̇ µ
, where q µ = (Ω, φ), we obtain

12 3Ω N
ΠΩ = e Ω̇, → Ω̇ = e−3Ω ΠΩ , (3)
N 12
 α  α−1 1
1 2α 3Ω 2α−1 2 −3Ω
Πφ = − e φ̇ , → φ̇ = −N e Πφ , (4)
2 N 2α−1 α

and introducing them into the Lagrangian density, we obtain the canonical Lagrangian
Lcanonical = Πqµ q̇ µ − N H as
µN − 2α−1

− 2α−1 Ω 2 12(2α − 1) 2α−1

Lcanonical = Πqµ q̇ − e e ΠΩ − Πφ . (5)
24 α

Performing the variation with respect to the lapse function N , δLcanonical /δN = 0, the Hamil-
tonian constraint H = 0 is obtained, where the classical density is written as
( 1
 α−1  2α−1 )
1 − 2α−1
3 6(α−1) 12(2α − 1) 2 2α
H= e Ω
e− 2α−1 Ω Π2Ω − Πφ2α−1 . (6)
24 α α
For simplicity we work in the gauge N = 24e 2α−1 Ω , and in the follow we use the reduced
Hamiltonian density,

Ω 12(2α − 1) 2α
H=e 2α−1 Π2Ω − Πφ2α−1 . (7)
α α

In previous work we find that the barotropic parameter in K-essence theory [1], have the
1 2α
form ωX = 2α−1
and the fractional parameter β = 2α−1
, so, when ωX ∈ [0, 1], thus β ∈ [1, 2],
and when ωX ∈ [−1, 0), thus β ∈ (0, 1]. This is relevant because in the quantum part, the
Laplace transform of a fractional differential equation depends on the parameter n = [β]
(integer part of the fractional parameter).
With this, the Hamiltonian density is rewritten as
H=e −3(2−β)Ω
Π2Ω − Πβφ . (8)
β α

then, the Hamilton equations are

Ω̇ = 2e−3(2−β)Ω ΠΩ , (9)
 α−1  2α−11
φ̇ = −24 Πβ−1
φ , (10)
Π̇Ω = 3(2 − β)e−3(2−β)Ω Π2Ω , (11)
Π̇φ = 0, Πφ = pφ = constant. (12)

substituting these results in the Hamiltonian constraint, we have that

Π̇Ω = pβ , ΠΩ (t) = p0 + pβ (t − t0 ), (13)

72(2−β) 2α−1
where p0 is an integration constant and pβ = β α
pβφ . With this, the solution
for the scale factor A(t) = eΩ become, using the equation (9),
A(t) = A0 + 6(2 − β)p0 (t − t0 ) + 3(2 − β)pβ (t − t0 )2 3(2−β) ,


and the solution for the scalar field φ is

φ(t) = φ0 − 24 pβ−1
φ (t − t0 ). (15)


We start with the following classical hamiltonian that comes from flat Friedmann-
Robertson-Walker fractionary cosmological model coupled to a scalar field in the K-essence

formalism (8), written in term of the fractional parameter β = 2α−1
and in particular gauge,
where in order to find the commutative equation of motion, we use the classical phase space
variables qµ = (Ω, φ), where the Poisson algebra for these minisuperspace variables are

{q µ , q ν } = 0 {Πqµ , Πqν } = 0, {q µ , Πqν } = δνµ , (16)

( 1 )
1 3(1−β)Ω 24 2
H= e e−3(2−β)Ω Π2Ω − Πβφ . (17)
24 β α
In the commutative model we know that the solutions to Hamilton’s equations are the
same as in General Relativity modified by the fractional parameter, only. Now the natural

extension is to consider the noncommutative version of our model, with the idea of non-
commutative between the two variables (Ωnc , φnc ), so we apply a deformation of the Poisson
algebra. For this we start with the usual Hamiltonian (8), but the symplectic structure is
modify as follow

{ΠΩ , Πφ }? = 0, {q µ , Πqµ }? = 1, {Ω, φ}? = θ, (18)

where the ? is the Moyal product [17], and the Hamiltonian density resulting is
Hnc = e −3(2−β)Ωnc
Π2Ω − Πβφ , (19)
β α

but the symplectic structure is the one that we know, the commutative one (16). It is
well nown that there are two formalism to study the noncommutative equations of motion,
for the first formalism that we exposed have the original variables, but with the modified
symplectic structure,

˙ = {qµ , H}? ,

Π˙µnc = {Pµ , H}? , (20)

and for the second formalism we use the shifted variables (Bopp shift approach) but with
the original (commutative) symplectic structure

˙ = {qµ , Hnc },
qnc nc

Π˙µnc = {Πµnc , Hnc }, (21)

in both approaches we have the same result.

The commutation relations (16) can be implemented in terms of the commuting coordi-
nates of the standard quantum mechanics ( Bopp shift) and it results in a modification of
the potential like term of the Hamiltonian density and one possibility is, for example,

θ θ
Ωnc = Ω + Πφ , φnc = φ − ΠΩ (22)
2 2

These transformation are not the most general possible to define noncommutative fields.
With these, our hamiltonian density have the form
−3(2−β)[Ω+ θ2 Πφ ] 24
Hnc = e Π2Ω − Πβφ , (23)
β α

the Hamilton equations are

Ω̇ = 2e−3(2−β)[Ω+ 2 Πφ ] ΠΩ , (24)
2α−1 2α−1 β−1

3θ(2 − β) −3(2−β)[Ω+ θ Πφ ] 2
φ̇ = − e 2 ΠΩ − 24 Πφ , (25)
2 α
Π̇φ = 0, Π̇Ω = 3(2 − β)e−3(2−β)[Ω+ 2 Πφ ] Π2Ω . (26)

with these equation, the solution for the ΠΩ is the same that the commutative case, then
the solution for the scale factor become

Aθ (t) = e− 2 pφ A(t), (27)

where A(t) is the solution presented in equation (14). The solution for the scalar field is
related with the ΠΩ as
φ̇ = − Π̇Ω − 24 pβ−1
φ ,
2 α
then 1
φ(t) = φ0 − 24 pβ−1
φ (t − t0 ) − ΠΩ , (28)
α 2
for both commutative solutions, the scale factor y scalar field φ are obtained when the
noncommutative parameter goes to zero.


The Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation for this model is obtained by making the usual
substitution Πqµ = −i~ ∂q∂µ into (8) and promoting the classical Hamiltonian density in the
differential operator, applied to the wave function Ψ(Ω, φ), ĤΨ = 0. Then, we have
2α−1 ∂β Ψ
2 −3(2−β)Ω ∂ Ψ 24 β
−~ e − ~ = 0. (29)
∂Ω2 β α ∂φβ

For simplicity, the factor e−3(2−β)Ω may be the factor ordered with Π̂Ω in many ways. Hartle
and Hawking [18] suggested what might be called semi-general factor ordering, which, in this
case, would order the terms e−3(2−β)Ω Π̂2Ω as −~2 e−[3(2−β)−Q]Ω ∂Ω e−QΩ ∂Ω = −~2 e−3(2−β)Ω ∂Ω2 +
~2 Q e−3(2−β)Ω ∂Ω , where Q is any real constant that measures the ambiguity in the factor
ordering in the variables Ω and its corresponding momenta.

Thus, the equation (29) is rewritten as

∂ 2Ψ 24 β 2α−1 2α−1 ∂ β Ψ
2 −3(2−β)Ω ∂Ψ
~e − 2 +Q − ~ = 0. (30)
∂Ω ∂Ω β α ∂φβ

By employing the separation variables method for the wave function Ψ = A(Ω) B(φ), we
have the following two differential equations for (Ω, φ)

d2 A dA µ2 3(2−β)Ω
− Q ∓ e A = 0, (31)
dΩ2 dΩ ~2
dβ B±  α  2α−1 µ2 β
± α−1 B± = 0, (32)
dφβ 2 24~β

where B± considers the sign in the differential equation. The fractional differential Equa-
tion (32) can be given in the fractional frameworks, following [19, 20] and identifying
β α
γ = 2
= 2α−1
, where now, γ is the order of the fractional derivative taking values in
0 < γ ≤ 1; then, we can write
d2γ B±  α  2α−1 γµ2
± B± = 0, 0 < γ ≤ 1, (33)
dφ2γ 2α−1 12~2γ

the solution of the Equation (33) with a positive sign may be obtained by applying direct
and inverse Laplace transforms [20], providing
1 √
  α  2(2α−1) γµ γ
B+ (φ, γ) = E2γ −z , z = α−1 √ φ , 0 < γ ≤ 1. (34)
2 2 3~γ
In the ordinary case, γ = 1; then, the solution is [20],
"  2 #  
µ µ
B+ (φ, 1) = E2 − √ (φ − φ0 ) = cos √ (φ − φ0 ) , (35)
2 3~ 2 3~

Following the book of Polyanin [21] (page 179.10), we discovered the solution for the
first equation, considering different values in the factor ordering parameter (we take the
corresponding sign minus in the constant µ2 )
" p #  QΩ
µ 3(1−γ)Ω
2 ±µ 3(2−β) Ω  A 0 e 2 K
ν 3~(1−γ) e , to −µ2 ,
A = A 0 e 2 Zν e 2 = h i (36)
3~(2 − β)  A0 e QΩ 2 J
ν 3~(1−γ) e
, to +µ2

with order ν = ± 6(1−γ) , where we had written the second expression in terms of the fractional
order γ = β2 , and the solutions which become dependent on the sign of its argument; when
µ2 (for B− ), the Bessel function Zν becomes the ordinary Bessel function Jν . When

−1µ2 (for B+ ), this becomes the modified Bessel function Kν . For the particular values
β = 2 (γ = 1), it will be necessary to solve the original differential equation for this variable.
Then, we have the probability density |Ψ|2 by considering only B+ , γ 6= 1,
  1 √
2 2 QΩ 2 2
 µ 3(1−γ)Ω
 α  2(2α−1) γµ γ
|Ψ| = ψ0 e E2γ −z Kν e , z = α−1 √ φ . (37)
3~(1 − γ) 2 2 3~γ
On the other hand, it is well-known that in standard quantum cosmology, the wave
function is unnormalized. There is no systematic method to do this, as the Hamiltonian
density is not Hermitian. In particular cases, wave packets can be constructed, and from
these wave packets we can construct a normalized wave function. In this work, we could not
construct these wave packets. We hope to be able to do it in future studies.


As already mentioned, we are looking for the noncommuative deformation of the flat
FRW quantum cosmological model. In order to find the noncommutative generalization we
need to solve the noncommutative Einstein equation, this is a formidable task, due to the
highly non linear character of the theory, fortunately we can circumvent these difficulties by
following Ref. [22].
Now we can proceed to the non commutative model, actually we will consider, that the
minisuperspace variables qi = (Ω, φ) do not commute, so that the symplectic structure is
modified as follows
[qi , qj ] = iθij , [Π̂i , Π̂j ] = 0, [qi , Π̂j ] = iδji , (38)

in particular, we choose the following representation

[Ω, φ] = iθ (39)

where the θ parameters are a measure of the non commutativity between the minisuperspace
variables. The commutation relation (38) or (39) are not the most general ones to define a
noncommutative field.
We consider the non-commutative hamiltonian density in simple way, as
∂ 2Ψ 24 β 2α−1 2α−1 ∂ β Ψ
2 −3(2−β)Ωn ∂Ψ
~e − 2 +Q − ~ = 0. (40)
∂Ω ∂Ω β α ∂φβ

It is well known, that this non-commutativity can be formulated in term of non-

commutative minisuperspace functions with the Moyal star product ? of functions. The
commutation relations (38) can be implemented in terms of the commuting coordinates
of the standard quantum mechanics ( Bopp shift) and it results in a modification of the
potential life term of the WDW equation [22, 23], and one possibility is, for example,

θ θ
Ωnc → Ω + Π̂φ , φnc → φ − Π̂Ω (41)
2 2

These transformation are not the most general possible to define noncommutative fields,
However, these shifts modify the potential term as follows
 2  1
24 β 2α−1 2α−1 ∂ β Ψ
−3(2−β)[Ω+ θ2 Π̂φ ] ∂ Ψ ∂Ψ
~2 e − 2 +Q − ~ = 0. (42)
∂Ω ∂Ω β α ∂φβ

as in the commutative case, we choose that the wave function is separable, Ψ(Ω, φ) =
A(Ω) C(φ), having
 2  1
24 β 2α−1 2α−1 dβ C
−i θ2 d
2 −3(2−β)Ω dA dA
e dφ C ~e − 2 +Q −A ~ (43)
dΩ dΩ β α dφβ

which can be rewritten as

  2
− ddΩA2 + Q dA 
dβ C
−i θ2 dΩ
 − 24 ~β
2 −3(2−β)Ω
e dφ C ~ e , (44)
A β α dφβ

if we want this equation to be separable, we must choose to make the term within the
parenthesis [ ] a constant, in particular ∓µ2 , with this choice, we retrieve the commutative
quantum equation for the function A, (31), with the same quantum solution (36).
At this point we want to note that in commutative quantum cosmology, the prefactor that
accompanies its moments is not contemplated when we use a particular gauge, and usually
the non-commutative parameter enters the solution of the Ω function, not that of scalar field
φ. In this case, the appearance of the prefactor in fractional cosmology makes the solution
in Ω remain the same, but not the part of the scalar field, where the non-commutative
parameter appears, and the mathematical structure is completely different.
That said, we have (44) become
2α−1 dβ C
2 −i θ2 d 24 β
∓µ e dφ C− ~ , (45)
β α dφβ

since the non-commutative parameter θ is very small, we can stay until the first term in this
one, obtaining
1 1
dβ C±  α  2α−1 µ2 β  α  2α−1 iµ2 β dC±
± α−1 C± ∓ θ α−1 = 0, (46)
dφβ 2 24~β 2 48~β dφ
in this fractional differential equation, when θ = 0 we recover the commutative equation
for the quantum function C = B (32), now we solve this one, written in the following form,
α µ2 β
where qα,β = 2α−1 24~β

dβ C ± i θ dC±
∓ qα,β ± qα,β C± = 0. (47)
dφ 2 dφ
for solve this equation, we will consider two cases given the parameter n = [β] that will enter
the Laplace transform, being n=1 when we are in the inflation and post-inflation stage, and
n=2 after it, as mentioned above.

A. ωx ∈ [0, 1], β ∈ [1, 2], n = [β] = 2

Taking in account the Laplace transform in [24], considering that L[c Dβ f (t)] = sβ F (s) −
sβ−1 f (0) − sβ−2 f 0 (0), L[ dfdt(t) ] = sF (s) − f (0), and L[f (t)] = F (s), then let the fractional
differential equation

dβ C dC
+ A + BC = 0, (48)
dφβ dφ
Applying the Laplace transform to all terms, we have

sβ C(s) − sβ−1 C(0) − sβ−2 C 0 (0) + As C(s) − A C(0) + B C(s) = 0 (49)

Solving with respect to C(s), we get

C(0)sβ−1 C 0 (0)sβ−2 AC(0)
C(s) = + + (50)
sβ + As + B sβ + As + B sβ + As + B
for the particular value β = 2, the two last terms can be consider as one, making that
C 0 (0) + AC(0) = κ = constant, and for β = 1, the first and last term can be simplify to
C(0) + AC(0) = κ1 = constant
From the formula in [24] (page 40, equation (3.11) with a correction), we have
∞ X ∞
(−b)n (−a)k n+1+k

h sγ i
L =t k
tk(α−β)+nα , (51)
sα + asβ + b n=0 k=0
Γ[k(α − β) + (n + 1)α − γ]

adapting our parameters to the master equation (51, we have the following three cases

1. first term in (50), we use γ = β − 1, α = β, β = 1

∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

h sβ−1 i X
L β
= k
φk(β−1)+nβ (52)
s + as + b n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β − (β − 1)]

2. second term in (50), we use γ = β − 2, α = β, β = 1

∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

h sβ−2 i X
L−1 =φ k
φk(β−1)+nβ (53)
sβ + as + b n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β − (β − 2)]

3. third term in (50), we use γ = 0, α = β, β = 1

∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

h 1 i
L β
=φ k
φk(β−1)+nβ (54)
s + as + b n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β]

Then, the inverse Laplace transform of (50), is

h C(0)sβ−1
−1 C 0 (0)sβ−2 1 i
C(φ) = L + + Ac0 2γ =
sβ + As + B sβ + As + B s + As + B
∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

= C(0) k
φk(β−1)+nβ +
n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β − (β − 1)]
∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

+ C (0)φ k
φk(β−1)+nβ +
n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β − (β − 2)]
∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

+ A C(0)φ k
φk(β−1)+nβ (55)
n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β]

iθ  α  2α−1 µ2 β
A = ∓
2 2α−1 24~2γ
 α  2α−1 2
B = ± α−1 (56)
2 24~2γ

In the following we solve the particular case when β = 2, that correspond to stiff matter
scenario in our universe, in closed form for C+ , being the differential equation the following

d2 C + θ dC+ µ2
− i 2a + aC+ = 0, a= (57)
dφ dφ 12~2

Since it is an ordinary differential equation with constant but complex coefficients, the
solution will be decomposed as a complex function

C+ = X(φ) + iY (φ), (58)

where X(φ) is the real part and Y (φ) the imaginary part. The auxiliary equation become
θ iθa i θ2
r2 − i a + a, r= ± 4a + a2 ,
2 4 2 4
being the standard solution as
 q q 
i 2 2
φ 4a+ θ4 a2 φ − 2i 4a+ θ4 a2 φ
C+ = e 4 a0 e 2 + b0 e , (59)

and employing the usual representation e±iq = cos q ± isen q and by separating the real and
imaginary part we arrive at
"   r !   r !#
aθ 1 θ2 2 aθ 1 θ2 2
C+ = A1 cos φ cos 4a + a φ − B1 sin φ sin 4a + a φ +
4 2 4 4 2 4
"   r !   r !#
aθ 1 θ2 2 aθ 1 θ2 2
+ i B1 cos φ sin 4a + a φ − A1 sin φ cos 4a + a φ (60) ,
4 2 4 4 2 4

where the constants are A1 = a0 + b0 , B1 = a0 − b0 , and when B1 = 0 and θ = 0 we recover

the commutative solution previously found (35).
For C− case, the differential equation
d2 C − θ dC−
+i a − aC− = 0, (61)
dφ 2 dφ
have two class of solutions depending of the sign in the auxiliary parameter r2 + i a 2θ r − a =
0, r± = −i 2 ± 2 −a2 θ4 + 4a
aθ 1

2 2
1. −a2 θ4 + 4a < 0, i a2 θ4 − 4a

 q q 
i θ2 2 θ2 2
−i a4θ φ a −4aφ − 2i a −4aφ
C− = e a0 e 2 4 + b0 e 4 , (62)

then we have
"   r !   r !#
aθ 1 θ 2 aθ 1 θ 2
C− = A1 cos φ cos a2 − 4aφ + B1 sin φ sin a2 − 4aφ +
4 2 4 4 2 4
"   r !   r !#
aθ 1 θ 2 aθ 1 θ 2
+ i −A1 sin φ cos a2 − 4aφ + B1 cos φ sin a2 − 4aφ (63).
4 2 4 4 2 4

2 2
2. −a2 θ4 + 4a > 0, 4a − a2 θ4

 q q 
1 2 2
−i a4θ φ 4a− θ4 a2 φ − 21 4a− θ4 a2 φ
C− = e a0 e 2 + b0 e , (64)

then we have
 " r
! r
aθ 1 θ 1 θ
C− = cos φ A1 cosh 4a − a2 φ + B1 sinh 4a − a2 φ +
4 2 4 2 4
 " r
! r
aθ 1 θ 1 θ
− isin φ A1 cosh 4a − a2 φ + B1 sinh 4a − a2 φ . (65)
4 2 4 2 4

Similarly, when β = 1, that correspond to dust scenario in our universe, in closed form
for C± , being the differential equation the following

dC± 24~ θ
z0 ± C+ = 0, z0 = 2
∓i , (66)
dφ µ 2

who solution is  
C± = η± Exp ∓ , (67)
writing the complex z0
in normal form, we have
1 z0∗ µ2
± i 2θ 24~
= ∗
=  2 =  2 ± i 22 ,
z0 z0 z0 24~ 2 θ2 θ2
+ θ4 24~
+ 4
+ 4

then, (67) is written as

   
µ2  θ 
C± = η± Exp ∓  ∆φ × Exp −i  2  ∆φ
, (68)
 
24~ 2
+ θ4

24~ θ2
µ2 2 µ2
+ 4

B. ωx ∈ (0, −1], β ∈ [0, 1], n = [β] = 1

For this case, the equation to solve become

C(0)sβ−1 AC(0)
C(s) = β
+ β , (69)
s + As + B s + As + B

similarly, as in the previous case, we have

h C(0)sβ−1 1 i
C(φ) = L−1 + Ac 0 2γ =
sβ + As + B s + As + B
∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

= C(0) k
φk(β−1)+nβ +
n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β − (β − 1)]
∞ X ∞
(−B)n (−A)k n+1+k

+ A C(0)φ k
φk(β−1)+nβ (70)
n=0 k=0
Γ[k(β − 1) + (n + 1)β]


During the development of research in non-commutative formalism within fractional cos-

mology in k-essence theory, the presence of non-commutativity that usually accompanied
the term of the scale factor, here is disrupted, since essentially Non-commutativity is more
present in the scalar field, modifying the mathematical structure that usually occurs in works
in this direction in other non-fractional formalisms.
In non-commutative quantum development, the method of separation of variables does
not appear in a traditional way as the sum of the operators in their variables, now it
is produced as factors, thanks to this it can be separated, in addition to now complex
fractional differential equations arise, even in cases with derivatives of integer order, which
means that these solutions in the scalar field have a real part and an imaginary part. In
previous noncommutative quantum works [5, 6, 9], the term with the scale factor is usually
modified, but in fractional cosmology in K-essence, this term remains unchanged, only the
scalar field term undergoes important modifications.


J.S. was partially supported by PROMEP grants UGTO-CA-3. Both authors were par-
tially supported by SNI-CONACyT. J.J. Rosales is supported by the UGTO-CA-20 non-
linear photonics and Department of Electrical Engineering. This work is part of the col-
laboration within the Instituto Avanzado de Cosmologı́a. Many calculations were done by
Symbolic Program REDUCE 3.8.

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