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This Question Paper consists of 2 Printed Pages.


Subject : Science & Technology (Set-A) Code : SXSC
Max Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hrs.
Name : Class/ Sec. :
General Instructions :
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Marks are indicated against each question.
iii. All parts of each section should be written at one place.

Section : A (Physics)

1. Name two materials which are good conductor of electricity. (1)

2. Why are the handles of cooking utensils made from Bakelite or Wood? (1)
3. Give two example of circular motion? (1)
4. Name two opaque objects. (1)
5. Which method is used to separate grain from the stalk? (1)
6. Mention two characteristics of a chemical change. (2)
7. Define the following terms. (2)
(a) Solvent (b) Filtration
8. Classify the following as a reversible or irreversible changes: (2)
Burning of coal, folding of paper, rusting of iron, stretching of rubber
9. Write any one advantage and one disadvantage of a pinhole camera. (2)
10. Why is it necessary to have a standard unit of measurement? Convert 4529 metre into
kilometre. (3)
11. Write an activity to obtain clear water from muddy water by sedimentation and decantation
with the help of suitable diagram. (3)
Why water is called universal solvent? Write any two solid and liquid substances that are
soluble in water.
12. What do you mean by classification? Write any two importance of classification. (3)
What is meant by magnetic and non-magnetic materials? Give one example of each.
13. Define homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture. Give one example of each. (3)
14. (5)
(i) Article made of iron when placed in moist air get covered with reddish brown powdery
substance. Is this change physical or chemical? Give reason to support your answer.
(ii) What happen to the size of material when it is (a) heated (b) cooled?
(iii) Explain how a metal rim is fixed around the wooden wheel of a cart?
15. What is meant by mirror? Show the reflection of light by a plane mirror using ray diagram.
Also label the incident and reflected ray. Write any two conditions required for a shadow to
form. (5)
(i) Mention any two precautions to be observed while measuring the length of a pencil using
a ruler.
(ii) While measuring the length of a metallic rod the reading of the scale at one end is 5.0 cm
and at the other end is 14.5 cm. What is the length of the rod?
(iii) A body moves as a whole. All parts of the body move through the same distance. What
type of motion is this? (5)

Section : B (Biology)

1. Name the stimulant that is found in tea and coffee. (1)

2. Why are kite and vulture called as scavengers? (1)
3. Name two vitamins that get synthesised by our body. (1)
4. Why does glucose act as source of instant energy? (1)
5. Mention any two factors that influence our choice of clothing. (1)
6. Write any two components of food that are found in honey? Mention one use of honey. (2)
7. Define food chain. With the help of a flowchart draw food chain. (2)
8. What is coir? Give its two uses. (2)
9. Mention any two ways by which stems are modified to perform additional function. (2)
Which kind of bud give rise to branches? Mention one point of difference between node and
10. (a) Draw a neat diagram of a tap root. (3)
(b) Give examples of two plants having tap roots.
(c) Mention any one feature of tap root.
11. Write an activity to test the presence of starch in a food material given to you. (3)
12. Why is PEM caused? Write two symptoms of Kwashiorkor. (3)
13. Distinguish between reticulate and parallel venation in leaves. Which modified form of leaf
reduces the loss of water from the plants? (3)
14. i) Draw the diagram of male part of a flower and label any two parts. (5)
ii) What is pollination?
iii) What happens to the ovules and ovary after pollination?
15. i) Which part of cotton plant gives us cotton fibre? (5)
ii) Briefly explain the steps that are involved in the processing of cotton.
iii) Mention any two uses of cotton.
i) Which part of jute plant gives us jute fibre?
ii) Briefly explain how is jute fibre extracted from jute plant.
iii) Mention any two uses of jute.
16. i) Define deficiency diseases. (5)
ii) Mention the causes and symptoms of a) Goitre b) Scurvy

This Question Paper consists of 2 Printed Pages.


Subject : Science & Technology (Set-B) Code : SXSC
Max Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hrs.
Name : Class/ Sec. :
General Instructions :
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Marks are indicated against each question.
iii. All parts of each section should be written at one place.

Section : A (Physics)

1. Give two examples of Periodic motions? (1)

2. Name two transparent objects. (1)
3. Which method is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture? (1)
4. Name two materials which are good conductor of electricity. (1)
5. Why are the handles of cooking utensils made from Bakelite or Wood? (1)
6. Differentiate between a reversible and irreversible change. (2)
7. Define the following terms. (2)
(a) Evaporation (b) Churning
8. Classify the following as a physical or chemical changes: (2)
Breaking of wooden stick, burning of candle, inflating a balloon, bursting of cracker
9. Write any one advantage and one disadvantage of a pinhole camera. (2)
10. Why is it necessary to have a standard unit of measurement? Convert 142 centimetre into
metre. (3)
11. Write an activity to recover salt from its solution in water with the help of suitable diagram.
Why water is called universal solvent? Write any two solid and liquid substances that are
soluble in water.
12. What do you mean by classification? Write any two advantage of classification. (3)
What is meant by magnetic and non-magnetic materials? Give one example of each
13. Define homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture. Give one example of each. (3)
14. (5)
(i) Article made of iron when placed in moist air get covered with reddish brown powdery
substance. Is this change physical or chemical? Give reason to support your answer.
(ii) What happen to the size of material when it is (a) heated (b) cooled?
(iii) Explain how a metal rim is fixed around the wooden wheel of a cart?
15. What is meant by reflection of light? Show the reflection of light by a plane mirror using ray
diagram. Also label the incident and reflected ray. Write any two conditions required for a
shadow to form. (5)
(i) Mention any two precautions to be observed while measuring the length of a pencil using
a ruler.
(ii) While measuring the length of a metallic rod the reading of the scale at one end is 5.0 cm
and at the other end is 14.5 cm. What is the length of the rod?
(iii) A body moves as a whole. All parts of the body move through the same distance. What
type of motion is this? (5)

Section : B (Biology)

1. Name the plant from which we obtain the vanilla, that is used to flavour ice creams. (1)
2. Why are crow and ant called as omnivores? (1)
3. Name any two vitamins that are soluble in water? (1)
4. Why does blood get thicker during dehydration? (1)
5. Mention any two ways why clothing has become necessity for us. (1)
6. Define food chain. With the help of a flowchart draw food chain. (2)
7. What are milching animals? Name any two species of cow. (2)
8. Mention any two ways by which stems are modified to perform additional functions. (2)
Which kind of bud give rise to branches? Mention one point of difference between node and
9. Mention any two properties of the clothes that were made by blending man made fibre with
plants or animal fibre. (2)
10. Distinguish between reticulate and parallel venation in leaves. How the loss of water from the
leaves help the plant.
11. Why is PEM caused? Write two symptoms of Marasmus. (3)
12. Write an activity to test the presence of starch in a food material given to you. (3)
13. (a) Draw a neat diagram of a fibrous root. (3)
(b) Give examples of two plants having fibrous roots.
(c) Mention one feature of fibrous root.
14. (i) Define deficiency diseases. (5)
(ii) Mention the causes and symptoms of a) Goitre b) Beri-Beri
15. i) Draw the diagram of female part of a flower and label any two parts. (5)
ii) What is pollination?
iii) What happens to the ovules and ovary after pollination?
16. i) Which part of cotton plant gives us cotton fibre? (5)
ii) Briefly explain the steps that are involved in the processing of cotton.
iii) Mention any two uses of cotton.
i) Which part of jute plant gives us jute fibre?
ii) Briefly explain how is jute fibre extracted from jute plant.
iii) Mention any two uses of jute.

This Question Paper consists of 2 Printed Pages.


Subject : Science & Technology (Set-C) Code : SXSC
Max Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hrs.
Name : Class/ Sec. :
General Instructions :
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Marks are indicated against each question.
iii. All parts of each section should be written at one place.

Section : A (Physics)

1. Name two translucent objects. (1)

2. Which method is used to separate the components of a mixture that are of different sizes? (1)
3. Name two materials which are good conductor of electricity. (1)
4. Why are the handles of cooking utensils made from Bakelite or Wood? (1)
5. Give two example of Oscillatory motion? (1)
6. Differentiate between physical and chemical change. (2)
7. Define the following terms. (2)
(a) Condensation (b) Sedimentation
8. Classify the following as a reversible or irreversible changes: (2)
Melting of ice, growth of plants, glowing of an electric bulb, burning of paper
9. Write any one advantage and one disadvantage of a pinhole camera. (2)
10. Why is it necessary to have a standard unit of measurement? Convert 22 millimetre into
centimetre. (3)
11. Write an activity to demonstrate the process of condensation with the help of suitable
diagram. (3)
Why water is called universal solvent? Write any two solid and liquid substances that are
soluble in water.
12. What do you mean by classification? Write any two advantage of classification. (3)
What is meant by magnetic and non-magnetic materials? Give one example of each.
13. Write any three needs for separation of substances in a mixture. (3)
14. (5)
(i) Article made of iron when placed in moist air get covered with reddish brown powdery
substance. Is this change physical or chemical? Give reason to support your answer.
(ii) What happen to the size of material when it is (a) heated (b) cooled?
(iii) Explain how a metal rim is fixed around the wooden wheel of a cart?
15. What is light? Show the reflection of light by a plane mirror using ray diagram. Also label the
incident and reflected ray. Write any two conditions required for a shadow to form. (5)
(i) Mention any two precautions to be observed while measuring the length of a pencil using a
(ii) While measuring the length of a metallic rod the reading of the scale at one end is 5.0 cm
and at the other end is 14.5 cm. What is the length of the rod?
(iii) A body moves as a whole. All parts of the body move through the same distance. What
type of motion is this? (5)

Section : B (Biology)

1. Why are crow and cockroaches called as omnivores? (1)

2. What the seeds of leguminous plants are known as? (1)
3. Name any two vitamins that are soluble in water? (1)
4. Why does glucose act as source of instant energy? (1)
5. Mention any two factors that influence our choice of clothing. (1)
6. Define food chain. With the help of a flowchart draw food chain. (2)
7. What is coir? Give its two uses. (2)
8. Write any two components of food that are found in honey? Mention one use of honey. (2)

9. Mention any two ways by which stems are modified to perform additional function. (2)
Which kind of bud give rise to branches? Mention one point of difference between node and
10. Write an activity to test the presence of starch in a food material given to you. (3)
11. (a) Draw a neat diagram of a tap root. (3)
(b) Give examples of two plants having tap roots.
(c) Mention one feature of tap root.
12. Distinguish between reticulate and parallel venation in leaves. Which modified form of leaf
reduces the loss of water from the plants? (3)
13. Why is PEM caused? Write two symptoms of Kwashiorkor. (3)
14. i) Which part of cotton plant gives us cotton fibre? (5)
ii) Briefly explain the steps that are involved in the processing of cotton.
iii) Mention any two uses of cotton.
i) Which part of jute plant gives us jute fibre?
ii) Briefly explain how is jute fibre extracted from jute plant.
iii) Mention any two uses of jute.
15. i) Define deficiency diseases. (5)
ii) Mention the causes and symptoms of a) Night blindness b) Scurvy
16. i) Draw the diagram of male part of a flower and label any two parts. (5)
ii) What is pollination?
iii) What happens to the ovules and ovary after pollination?


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