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“Glory to Man in the
highest! For the Man
is the master of
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909)
Man is a complex creature that possesses higher level
of intelligence compared to other creatures in the
animal kingdom.
Man evolved inevitably based on his surrounding,
necessity, and perfection that cannot be controlled by
science, faith, and reason.
To deal with some selected topics from both- physical
or biological and cultural or social anthropology- that
has something to do with the learning process of man.
To recognize that the educational process and learning
ability of an individual is closely associated with the
size of his brain, inherited genes, way of life, and the
constant alterations of the environment.
Anthropos- man
Logos- scientific study
Is the scientific study of man’s physical (genetic) and
cultural (environment) aspects.
Two essential fields of anthropology:
1. Physical/biological
2. Cultural/social
Physical Anthropology
Also known as biological study of man.
Focuses mainly on the evolutionary process in the domain
of human anatomy and physiology instead of culture.
Deals with the evolution of the human brain associated with
thought and language, erect posture, and the capability of
hands to make tools and utilize it for daily living (hunting,
fishing, planting, and other earliest human livelihood) rather
than the evolution of modern man from the lowest
primate-chimpanzee or gorilla- to homo sapiens.
Cultural Anthropology
Also known as social anthropology.
Gives emphasis on the origins and history of man’s
societies and cultures.
Something to do with the evolution and development of
culture from remote past to the present-day societies.
Post-modern culture is deeply rooted from its ancient
Cultural alterations occur due to social mobility and the
changing environment and situation that can never be
controlled by man.
Anthropological Foundation of
Will enlighten the learner, concerning on how humans
acquire their knowledge and learning through their
environment and utilize their highly developed brain
and assimilated experiences.
Practical Application of Anthropology
reduces ethnocentrism by instilling appreciation of
other cultures
contributes to our understanding of human beings
helps to avoid misunderstandings between peoples
What is Culture?
▪ the sum total of what man has learned in living together
▪ shared products of human learning
▪ a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs,
art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
What is culture?
▪ a social heritage, transmitted and shared from one
generation to another a “standard for deciding what is,
what can be, how one feels about it, how to go about
doing it” .
▪ a fabric of ideas, tasks, skills, beliefs, tools, aesthetic
objects, methods of thinking, customs, and institutions
into which each member of society is born.
What is culture?
▪ a particular stage of civilization of a nation or period,
such as Greek culture, the sum total of ways of living
built by a group of human beings and transmitted from
one generation.
▪ historically created designs for living explicit and
implicit, rational, irrational, and non-rational, which
exists at any given time as potential guides for
What is culture?
▪ ways people learned to live together; behavior learned
as a result of living in groups which tend to be
patterned and to be transmitted from generation to
▪ The environment man has made consisting of artifacts,
ideas, language, attitudes, beliefs, customs, etc.,
existing at a particular time and place.
Classification of Culture
Static or dynamic – static when it emphasizes cultural
transmission, e.g. the same culture is passed on from
generation to generation; dynamic, when it emphasizes
change, e.g. it goes revision with each generation.
Classification of Culture
Stable or unstable – stable when folkways and mores
are satisfying, new elements and traits are incorporate
smoothly and without conflict; unstable, when the
group does not have satisfying solutions to most of its
problems and conflict exists between the traditional and
radical groups and their values.
Forms of Culture
material culture – consists of tangible things like
houses, clothing, tools, utensils, automobiles, TV, etc.
non-material – refers to what is symbolic or intangibles
such as sentiments, folkways, mores, system of beliefs
and knowledge.
Folkways – traditional ways of doing things in a certain
culture e.g. pamamanhikan
Mores – heavily sanctioned folkways for group survival
and are accepted without question as they embody
moral views of the group e.g. the ulog of the igorot.
custom – a habitual practice, e.g. kissing the hands of
the elders.
Beliefs – part of non-material culture, e.g. the belief of
the enkantos
Characteristics of Culture
only human society possesses culture
human cultures vary considerably although they
resemble each other in some respect
culture tends to persist once learned and accepted
culture changes gradually and continuously
Characteristics of Culture
culture exists in the minds of men who learned from
previous generations and who use it to guide their
conduct with others.
there is a tendency to borrow from other cultures
members of a culture may behave differently as in the
case of those who belong to sub-cultures
no person can escape entirely from his culture
Another Set of Characteristics
concerned with actions, ideas, and artifacts which
individuals learn, share, and value; others call this
organized group behavior an institution.
may be regarded as a historical phenomenon,
originating through innovation and spread by diffusion
may be regarded as a historical phenomenon –
geographic or locality distribution
Another Set of Characteristics
tends to be patterned – repetition of similar approved
behaviors so that it has form or structure
elements have a function tends to be integrated – unity
of premises, values, goals
subject to change, individual conduct varies,
innovations occur, etc.
Another Set of Characteristics
valid to the extent that the local way of life is
well-defined, homogenous, stable
sometimes designed as a system where interrelated
elements are treated as a whole
a “continuum” – passed on from individual, from
generation to generation
symbolic – meanings attached and personal motivations
Educational Implications
cultures differ and one should not judge another culture
by using his own culture as basis
to avoid prejudices, there should be more contact
between cultures
travel, education, and reading about other societies are
ways of bringing about tolerance and understanding
between nations
Educational Implications
with more diffusion between cultures, one global
society may result society can be improved by
improving the culture.
since culture is made by man himself, he should
develop worthwhile values and wee out those beliefs
since culture is learned, the school should inculcate in
the young. Good aspects of the culture
Educational Implications
since the culture changes, the change should be for the
better and society should decide what those changes
should be
the home, the school, and the church, should guard
against borrowing from other cultures things that are
against the Philippine way of life.
a vocal symbolism of speech, with its related bodily
gestures and mechanical signals which give precision
and finesse to communicate
a way of speaking, distinct every culture
a system of arbitrary vocals symbols by which
members of a social group cooperate and interact – by
which the learning process is effectuated and given way
of life achieved through continuity and change.
Significance and Function of Language
language is very important for without which
knowledge could not have been maintained and
language is a form of learned behavior by which
people communicate with each other, this function is
probably one of the most important, if not the most
important functions of language.
Significance and Function of Language

language is the vehicle of culture by which the culture

is passed on from generation to generation
language is a means of cooperation through which
people learn to play together and to work together
from the anthropological point of view, language is a
way to making people close to one another, of fostering
the feeling of belongingness.
Elements of Language

According to Herkovitz, every language has three parts:

1. phonemic system consisting of sounds
2. combination of sounds into units that have distinct
significance – vocabulary
3. combination and recommendation of number 2 into
larger units – grammar
Elements of Language

According to Keesing, the parts language are:

1. set of sound signals, the articulatory or phonetic
system – phonology
2. structural principles that put sound signals in
customary form – grammar or morphology (structure)
3. set of meanings for signals and forms – (semantics);
words embodying all 3 aspects of language in
significant interrelation
Elements of Language

Kottak gives the following parts:

❖ phonology – study of sounds in human speech
❖ grammar – arrangement of sounds into longer sequence
of speech or longer utterances
❖ lexicon – vocabulary or the meaning system of
Elements of Language
Summing up; then all language has:
well-defined system of speech sounds
✔ grammar – way of putting together words, phrases,
sentence according to definite rules
✔ vocabulary which increase with every culture item
Linguistic Structure
Analysis of the language shows that it is composed of:
phonemics – similar sounds contrasting and
mutually exclusive; the same sounds, but different
in meaning
morphemes – minimum significant unit forming a
word or part of a word
morphology – combinations of words into linguistic
form. The combination of words into sentences
following grammatical rules, such as subject (noun),
predicate (verb) and modifier (adverb or adjective).
Importance of the Study of language

Language should be studied because it is an aspect of

culture that differentiates man from animals. It must be
used correctly, as it is the criterion that differentiates
the educated from the uneducated.
a set of techniques for the graphic representation of
round-about speech or mechanical gestures; a series of
graphic symbols which hold and store information
more or less permanently according to the medium,
apart from the individuals who are in communication.
Invention of Writing

Writing is said to be a more recent invention than

language. While language appeared more than a million
years ago, that is, when man first acquired the
rudiments of culture, the first written record in English
were dated A.D. 900.
Development of Writing

conventionalized pictographs – regarded as the earliest

from of writing a kind of writing called pictograph or
picture writing.
Logograph writing – appeared in the Near East, in
Chinese, and in Maya writing
Ideograph – developed in China
Development of Writing

Syllabic writing – widespread in Mesopotamia,

Babylonia, and Sumeria
Alphabetic writing – this system of writing developed
around 1800 B.C. The Phoenicians are credited with
the invention of the alphabet
Relation of Writing to Language
Language is a complex of patterns that govern or
control speech while writing is the written symbol of
Writing is recent invention compared to language.
All societies having more or less the same level of
development possess language, but not writing.
Writing is found in advanced societies but may be
lacking in primitive tribes.
Importance of Writing

it is essential to the highly complex civilization

it makes possible long distance communication
it is a mean of keeping records and preserving them for
it is vital to the system of education, research, and to
world culture
it is considered by scientist as the beginning of true
Educational Implications
since language is an agent of culture, one should study
the language well and speak it correctly
the more language a person knows, the better educated
he is and the easier he can adjust to other people.
to understand people, it is necessary to know their
language knowing people’s language is a means to
fostering good public relations
Educational Implications
since English is the language spoken through most of
the world, one should study it well.
reading books and magazines is one way of increasing
one’s vocabulary.
a person should learn to write legibly and clearly, as
this is a mark of the well educated
fluency in speaking and writing comes with practice; so
one should take every opportunity to speak and write
What is Religion?
recognition of belief in some source or power that
transcends humans and is capable of assessing or
harming them.
a kind of human behavior which can be classified as
belief and ritual concerned with supernatural beings,
powers, and forces
What is Religion?
response to man’s needs for an organized conception of
the universe, for mechanism that will allay his anxieties
concerning his inability to predict and understand
events that do not conform to natural law.
the control of the universe; means by which man
maintains himself in the scheme of things
certain characteristics of religion
(1) belief in the supernatural, which is powerful
(2) an influence on human behavior
(3) an explanation for what is unexpected.
Examples of situations that cannot be explained by
science where religion is used to provide the answer:

a healthy individual who had no previous history of

heart disease suddenly has a heart attack and dies.
a person who has cancer as shown by x-ray suddenly
shows no trace of the disease after a visit to the Lourdes
shrine in France.
Examples of situations that cannot be explained by
science where religion is used to provide the answer:

an out-of-reason typhoon in April destroys a crop

a very good husband, rich and good-looking is deserted
by his wife.
Folk Primitive Religion
It is not clear as to where or how religion started, but
even the primitive tribes had some kind of religion.
American Indians worshipped supernatural beings, as
did the ancient Filipinos.
The Aztecs of Mexico worshipped a god.
The city-state of Athens worshipped the goddess of
Folk Primitive Religion
The Greeks and the Romans had their gods and
The Roman emperor and the Egyptian pharaoh were
regarded as deities in times of classical antiquity.
The Japanese emperor was venerated as descendant of
the sun-god before World War II.
Varieties of Religion
Religions of different kinds abound in the world today.
The Christian religions are composed of Roman Catholics,
Protestants, and Orthodox, and Judea-Christianity. The
non-Christian religions consist of; Islam, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jewish,
Shintoism, Animism.
All religions have many things in common rather than
differences. The golden rule is part of most religions.
Beliefs in Most Societies Regarding
Whatever religion people to, different societies have
common beliefs as follows:
a) religion does things for people,
b) it has to do with the power of the universe, the range and
intensity of these powers, and the manner in which they
influence the lives of people,
c) and there are methods by which these powers may be
enlisted in behalf of man, not only has benevolent
guardians, but also as agents that may help man achieve
certain ends.
Uses/Functions of Religion

explain events or situation that defy comprehension

provide comfort in times of stress and anxiety
set guidelines for conduct of human affairs and furnish
a sense of common purpose for members of a social
Provide an organized picture of the universe and
establish orderly relationship between man and his
Uses/Functions of Religion

reduce fears and anxiety and give man not only a

feeling of security in the uncertain present, but the hope
as well as tolerable future.
reflect close and intimate relations with the world of the
supernatural and also with animals, plants, and other
aspects of nature.
Uses/Functions of Religion

reinforce and maintain cultural values

support and emphasize particular culturally defined
standards of behavior.
preserve knowledge through rituals and ceremony
rituals and ceremonies together with uniform beliefs
contribute to social participation and solidarity.
Educational Implications
it is important for every one to have a religion in view
of the role that religion plays in one’s life
since religion influences behavior, one should choose
one’s religion wisely
since the nature and function of all religions are the
same, there should be tolerance of all religions
one should study one’s religion well and live it.
apply the teachings of religion to self, family
community, and the world.
Thank You

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