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Mountain of Grace 20.01.

2023 Theme: 2023 Year of Tremendous Supernatural
January 2023 Theme: Introduction to Jesus Christ.
Sermon: Equipped for Gate keeping in 2023
Preacher: Susan Otieno.
Reading: 1 John 4: 15

Proof Text:
1 John 4:15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in
them and they in God.
For God to live in me it is the Holy Spirit saturating me and for me to be in full
submission to the Spirit of the Living God. The text says I have to acknowledge.
But why acknowledge? Why would God live in me and why should I live in
This week in the School of Prayer we learnt the right drunkenness
What do we acknowledge about God in 2023?
I pictured God living in me and I in Him and felt it wise to then focus on what
we acquire with God in us just by acknowledging God But first what does the
bible mean by acknowledging God?

1. He is the Word of Life

2. God Is Light

3. He cleanses us from all sin

4. He is faithful and just

5. Christ Our Advocate

6. God is our Acquaintance

7. God loves unconditionally and not love the world

8. The Promise Is Eternal Life

9. He is Absolute righteousness.
The Greatest Purpose for the Spirit of God to be in us and we in Him for
2023 – Gate Keeping
 Prayer should not dry up in your life - 2 Chronicles 23:19. "And he set
the gatekeepers at the gates of the house of the Lord, so that no one
who was in any way unclean should enter."
 Praise should not depart from your mouth - Psalm 100:4 “Enter into His
gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful
unto Him, and bless His name.”
 Matthew 16:18. "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it." The “gates of hell” mean the authorities of hell,
which are not permitted to hinder the progress of God’s church.
 Genesis 22:17 - God’s covenant with Abraham includes the promise
that his seed “shall possess the gate of his enemies”.
 Judges 5:8. Victory or failure is decided at the gates.
 Ruth 4:11Gates were places of authority and decision making.
 Jeremiah 17:19-20. Prophets declared God’s Word at the gates.
 Proverbs 31:23 Elders sit at the Gates.
Which Gates have we Been equipped with God to man?
 Personal
 Church
 Community
 Family
 Nation
What will your duties be
1. Watchmen on the walls
2. Be ministers of God - They are trusted to protect the Temple.
Gatekeepers defend the Gospel, the truth of the Word and protect the
holiness of the Temple. They know the Scriptures well and are full of
wisdom. Gatekeepers are bold to speak out against the sins of the church.
3. Be teachers - Keep the Lord’s people on the right path, keeping them
from drifting. A gatekeeper gently teaches and guides the people from
taking wrong steps.
4. Gatekeepers are intercessors - Intercession is advocacy. Intercession is
warfare. Every individual needs prayer; family needs prayer; churches
needs prayer; cities and nations needs prayer.
5. Gatekeepers are responsible to guard God's secrets - There are secrets that
God only shares with His trusted children. Amos 3:7. A gatekeeper
knows how to keep his or her mouth closed when its necessary. They
are the custodians of God's secrets and the secrets of the people.
6. Gatekeepers hold the keys to open or close gates. Matthew 16:19. Elijah
was a gatekeeper. James 5:17-18.
7. Gatekeepers keep watch for the Lord’s return. Mark 13:34.
8. The gatekeeper is a protector and defender

Qualification of one whom God abides in Him

1. You must know God. Seek the leading of the Lord.
2. You must be clean. Nehemiah 13:22; Acts 24:16.

3. You must be trustworthy. 1 Chronicles 9:22.

4. You must be alert. A guard cannot go to sleep on duty.

5. You must be strong and courageous. 1 Chronicles 26:6-9; 1 Peter 5:8-9.

6. You must be wise. You need God’s wisdom as you watch over the gates

7. Be ready to sacrifice your sleep and time gatekeeping.

8. Be disciplined. You must watch over what comes in and what goes out.

9. Have faith. James 5:15.

10.Addicted to praise and worship. Acts 16:25-26.

11.Be obedient. Deuteronomy 28:1. Deuteronomy 28:7. Deuteronomy 28:13.

12.Be a reader and doer of the Word. Matthew 4:4.

13.You must be ready to wait in the presence of God.

14.Be prayerful. James 5:17-18.

Whoever confesses and acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides
in him, and he in God.

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