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RODIL, Ronald F.

LStud 204
2023-20555 27 March 2024
Prof. Fernandez/ Prof. Fontanoza Critique Paper – CMA 2

Journal Title: A Research on the Landscape Design of Lighting System

Author/s: Li Zheng, Yong-gang An, Xiaojing Man
Year of Publication: 2017

Journal Title: Ambient lighting, use of outdoor spaces and perceptions of public safety: evidence
from a survey experiment
Author/s: Jacob Kaplan, Aaron Chalfin
Year of Publication: 2021

“…Let there be light, and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)

From the very creation of Earth according to the scripture, it is light which was created first. From the
Sun, which is very source of our daily light, giving us light energy in every form enabling us to move
forward to our daily jobs; to the Moon who harnesses the same light, emitting it in the dark of the night,
aiding every creatures which depends on it.

We can truly say that lighting has a hold on our life. It played a very pivotal role from the beginning up
until now. From lighting our place of residence, livelihood, commerce, institution etc., to illuminating
every streets during the vastness of the night, alleviating the risk of fear and promoting safety. But in
the advent of advancement, modernization, and urbanization; the role and the need of the light has been
constantly adapting and simultaneously growing along our fast paced world.

As a commuter and a pedestrian who have been using the busy streets of Manila a few years since my
first year of college, there are two things which I always hopes for the city’s urban landscape
development. First is a more cooled path walks and sidewalk during the hotness of day; and second, is
a well-lit walkways where as a user can have the feeling of being safe and secure throughout my
travelling period while going home. In this paper, I will discuss on how the tackled journals will help
in promoting and soon standardized a designed and planned lighting can help the urban setting in the

To start, both of researchers have discussed their respective works by a common adaptation of
qualitative methodology by referencing studies and ideas through personal observations, and second
data analysis. The research authored by by Kaplan, J. and Chalfin, A. (2021), however adapt a
qualitative approach through conducting surveys and interviews from the end users. These methods had
made the authors have to successfully introduce and promote the advent of lighting design and
development, and its benefits with regards with setting it in an urban setting.

In an article written by by Zheng, L., Yong-gang, A., and Xiaojing M. with the title, “A Research on
the Landscape Design of Lighting System”. The researchers discussed the development of lighting in
the urban environment and landscape. The study has also plotted few points regarding the basic
standards of lighting design. Considerations where enumerated from the types of lights, wattage or
power supply, lamp height, spacing, as well as luminance and illumination which also varies on where
these lighting fixtures are to be placed and be used. As an example, the busy streets of Manila were
illuminated by solar powered road studs, highway lights and etc. which serves as guide lights to help
the users to properly distinguished the boundaries of the road and to the segregation of the different
lanes, promoting a sustainable approach by harnessing the sunlight through solar power.

On a separate article, “Ambient Lighting, Use of Outdoor Spaces and Perceptions of Public Safety:
Evidence from a Survey”, written by Kaplan, J. and Chalfin, A. (2021), discussed that the brightness of
streets lighting has affected the perceptions of people in terms of safety during the night time and their
willingness on engaging outdoor night activities. Furthermore, this study has also noted the
effectiveness of street lights in reducing crime rate and solidifying its promotion as a type of sustainable
and environmental design for landscape development. These statement have now demonstrated the
importance of proper lighting in the urban setting development.

On a different take and views, an urban built environment can invoked a certain feeling just by giving
a lighted pathways. In the research provided and written by Zheng, L., Yong-gang, A., and Xiaojing
M., the integration of a lighting designed system for various landscape elements not only enhance the
aesthetic value of the space but also enhances the functionality of the urban landscape. The author have
also noted that in order to achieve these landscape lighting systems – one must have a combine set of
design standards, series of researches, and summary of the urban landscape; attaining a proper system
for night landscape lighting. This statement was aligned with what Kaplan, J. and Chalfin, A. (2021)

The feeling of well-being, safety, and security all contributes to a well-lit space. As what Kaplan, J. and
Chalfin, A. (2021), has discussed throughout their study and research the effect of ambient lights for
people’s perception of what’s safe in order to determine of the public with regards with its usage as a
low crime strategy substantially improving the communities’ welfare. The study discussed the outcome
of this researcher’s survey experiment to verify the thoughts and perception of different people with
regards their preference and opinion about feeling the safety. Aside from that, the people who have
taken the survey were also asked and the researchers have asked them about their willingness to pay a
little more for the development of a properly lit areas which in the end will help sustaining the
development. Surprisingly, people will opt to choose to pay additional fees in order to have a safer and
secure public walkways.

In conclusion, the researchers have considerably discussed and given highlights about the journals
pertaining to Environmental Lightings. The paper have given valuable data from the proper integration
of landscape design and lighting, to the different standards and application which usually based on what
the people want and prefer, and identifying and visiting the space for the urban landscape development
while ensuring the harmony between each components. The articles written by Kaplan, J. and Chalfin,
A. (2021), has also provided a supporting notions on the positive effects of ambient lighting on the
public and urban safety precaution. And, how people will be very much willing to accept additional
compensation if it is mean for them to have a development where they will have the assurance of
security and safety.

Overall, these articles has been a helpful device to evaluate the Metro’s continuous progress and
development, by figuring out and accounting on what really is the situation for our environmental
lightings – street lights, road studs, and other lighting materials that we used in our urban landscape
development. In the end of this paper, we have now at least a little understanding on what to expect and
what to apply on our country’s urban landscape setting. We are just here, the Filipino people aiming to
have a guided, systematic, and standard landscape plan and design including lighting design and
manipulation in an urban development; As well as, the different light types night lighting, and ambient
lighting affecting ones emotions and securing the feel of being secure and safe; which should also be
sustainable and has a low consumption for power. After all off this, I can say that we will be hopeful
for all the chances towards the development and improvement of any urban lighting development.

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