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Abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from a pregnancy.

Every year, over 205 million pregnancies occur globally. Over a third are
unwanted, and around a fifth are induced. Most abortions are the consequence of
unintended pregnancies.

However, abortion is illegal in the Philippines. In 37 countries where abortion is

legal, one of them is the Philippines. Aside from the fact that abortion is illegal in
the Philippines, it is still commonplace here. Doing an abortion here in the
Philippines is very dangerous because of the filthy process and because it’s illegal.
Many women, or mothers, are hospitalized because of the filthy process that they
go through to get rid of the fetus.

Thousands of women die each year because of unsafe abortion attempts, whether
self-inflicted or at the hands of another. Furthermore, tens of thousands of women
are hospitalized each year because of complications from failed abortions.

One of the many reasons why abortion take place not only in the Philippines but
around the World is because of poverty and lack of support. Poverty is the terrible
reaper in the Philippines, and even in the womb are not immune. Consider this
quotation from guttmacher.org: "In the Philippines, 37% of all births are either not
wanted at the time of pregnancy or wholly unwanted, and 54% of all pregnancies
are unplanned." With phrases like "unwanted" and "unintended," it's no surprise
that many people wish to stop the pregnancy.

According to a 2004 national abortion study, approximately 90% of people who

induce abortion are Catholic. Despite Church teachings, Filipino women continue
to seek abortion, with the poor, rural, and young women being the most vulnerable
to self-induced unsafe abortion.

Euthanasia is defined as "A purposeful intervention made with the explicit goal of
ending a life, to relieve persistent pain." by the British House of Lords select
committee on medical ethics. The termination of life to alleviate pain and suffering
is Euthanasia.

Euthanasia is illegal in the Philippines. The first reason as to why euthanasia is

illegal in the Philippines is because we’re Roman Catholics. We believe that God
is the only one that can take your/ our life away from us. The Philippine Senate
explored allowing passive euthanasia in 1997. The law was strongly opposed by
the country's Catholic Church. If legalized, the Philippines would have been the
first country to do so. Doctors who help a patient in dying might be imprisoned and
punished with malpractice under present legislation. Euthanasia is a hotly disputed
topic in the Philippines. Although it makes several great contributions to society, it
cannot be discussed solely in a positive manner. For a variety of reasons,
politicians in our nation seldom bring up or discuss euthanasia as an issue. When it
comes to this, many views and ideologies are pitted against one another. It is a
difficult issue that brings to life numerous discussions regarding freedom of

Although some conservatives see euthanasia negatively, it cannot be denied that it

is a good procedure that benefits the patient, the patient's family and loved ones,
the medical sector, and society. Every person has the right to make decisions that
will promote his or her own well-being. The Philippines is, indeed, a
Democratic/Republican country where freedom of choice is extensively exercised.
Knowing this, we, the Filipino people, may use our freedom to its fullest extent for
our benefit and wellbeing.
Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism is concerned with comprehending Brahma, or existence, from within the

Atman, which roughly translates as "self" or "soul," whereas Buddhism is
concerned with attaining enlightenment (Buddhi) by recognizing, experiencing,
and verifying the four noble truths. Achieving the ultimate existence in Hinduism
is a process of removing corporeal distractions from life, allowing one to
eventually grasp the Brahma essence inside. In Buddhism, one lives a disciplined
life, meditates, and rejects false beliefs. In doing so, one either achieves tranquility
(Nirvana) or becomes a Buddha and continues to free all creatures from suffering.

Hinduism, unlike Christianity or Buddhism, did not emerge from the teachings of a
single founder. Furthermore, because of its lengthy history and continuous
evolution over more than 3000 years, it has a wide set of traditions. The name
Hindu initially referred to people who lived on the opposite side of the Indus River,
but by the thirteenth century, it simply referred to those who lived in India. Only in
the seventeenth century did the name Hindu become especially associated with an
Indic religion in general.

Hindus follow the teachings of the Vedas, which are a collection of Sanskritic
manuscripts dating back to 1700 BCE. However, unlike Christian or Islamic
religions, which have the Bible and the Koran, Hinduism does not subscribe to a
single scripture. Among other factors, the lack of a canonical book makes
Hinduism difficult to describe.

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