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16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Inter- class Chess Competition 2022

Total questions: 38
Worksheet time: 25mins
Instructor name: RAJ Dhaka

1. Checkmate means to you?

a) you lose b) you win

c) end of game d) you tie

2. Can a Pawn move forward when attacking?

a) No b) Yes

3. What three pieces can go infinity squares?

a) Queen Bishop Rook b) Bishop Knight Rook

c) King Queen Bishop d) Pawn Rook Knight

4. What's the best piece on the board?

a) Pawn b) Knight

c) King d) Queen

5. What's the piece that has a strange ability to move?

a) Pawn b) Queen

c) king d) Knight

6. Does a Rook go straight all the time?

a) Yes b) No

7. Which piece has the best ability to move?

a) Bishop b) Queen

c) Rook d) King 1/9
16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz

8. Which piece can go diagonal attacking and moving?

a) Rook b) Bishop

c) Knight d) Pawn

9. In Chess can you trade?

a) No b) Yes

10. Which piece can trade?

a) Pawn b) Bishop

c) Rook d) Knight

11. Can you trade anything?

a) Yes b) No

12. Do you learn strategy by playing or not playing?

a) Not Playing b) Playing

13. How many players needed to play chess?

a) Four b) One

c) Two d) Three

14. Is the strongest piece in chess. It can move 8 directions. Combined rook and bishop.

a) Bishop b) King

c) Pawn d) Queen

15. A piece that can move diagonal only.

a) Queen b) King

c) Bishop d) Rook

16. It is the weakest piece, it can move any direction but one step only.

a) Pawn b) Queen

c) Knight d) King 2/9
16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz

17. The piece that can move L.

a) Pawn b) Horse

c) Rook d) Knight

18. A piece that can move one or two steps at first move. When the piece wishes to capture opponent's
piece, it will move diagonally.

a) Rook b) King

c) Knight d) Pawn

19. Give the definition of stalemate.

a) The king and the rest of the pieces has no b) Single piece attack two or more direct
legal moves but the king isn't check. attacks.

c) The king has no possible moves, there is no d) The opponent piece is removed at the
way to remove the threat. chessboard.

20. Example of checkmate.

a) b)

c) d) 3/9
16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz

21. Example of stalemate.

a) b)

c) d)

22. Example of check.

a) b)

c) d)


Which Piece goes on its own color?

a) King b) Queen 4/9
16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz


When you set the game up, which piece do you put on either side of the king and queen?

a) Knight b) Rook

c) Bishop


Which piece cannot move backward?

a) Pawn b) King

c) Rook


The pawn captures by attacking the opponent's piece on...

a) the square directly in front of it b) the square diagonally to it

c) the square directly in back of it 5/9
16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz


Which piece moves diagonally only?

a) Knight b) Bishop

c) Rook


What piece is the most valuable next to the king?

a) Rook b) Bishop

c) Knight d) Queen


Which player always makes the first move?

a) White b) Black 6/9
16/01/2024, 10:36 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz


You capture a piece by...

a) jumping the piece and removing it b) sliding into the square of the piece and
removing it


How many pieces can you capture at one time?

a) one b) three

c) two


The knight moves a total of three squares. In what direction does it move?

a) C shape b) U shape

c) L shape 7/9
16/01/2024, 10:37 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz


Which piece can move only one square at a time?

a) Rook b) Knight

c) Bishop d) King


Which piece can jump over other pieces?

a) King b) Knight

c) Pawn


The pawn can move one or two spaces forward....

a) anytime during the game b) on its first move

c) at the end of the game 8/9
16/01/2024, 10:37 Inter- class Chess Competition 2022 | Quizizz


To see if you are in checkmate you should check to see if you can...

a) block the threatening piece b) capture the threatening piece

c) move your king out of danger d) all the above


Stalemate is when..

a) the player is in checkmate b) the player whose turn it is to move is not in

check but cannot make a legal move

c) the player is in check


Can you change a move after playing it?

a) No b) Yes 9/9

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