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Dynasty Modern Gurukul Academy

Periodic Test -2
Subject - English 1
Class - 2nd

Time : 1:00 hour M.M. - 20

Note ~ Attempt all the questions.

Que.1. Tick (✓) the correct option. 0.5×4=2

1. The_____ family lived in the cottage.
Tiger's ( ) Bear's ( )
2. _____ ordered to make line shorter.
Akbar ( ) Birbal ( )
3. There was a big bed for____ Bear.
Mama ( ) Papa ( )
4. All the ministers were_____.
Happy ( ) Puzzled ( )

Que.2. Fill in the blanks. 1×4=4

1. Curlylocks have____ hair.
2. The first ____ is shorter now.
3. The forest was near her _____.
4. Birbal was smiling in the _____.

Que.3. Write true and false. 0.5×4=2

1. Akbar drew a line on the wall . ( )
2. Curlylocks saw three bowls of porridge on the table. ( )
3. Birbal didn't touch first line. ( )
4. There were four Bears in the story. ( )

Que.4. Match the following. 0.5×4=2

1. Little four
2. Chimneys five
3. Window Door
4. Green house
Que.5. Write themeaning of following words. 1×2=2

1. Voice -
2. Agree -

Que.6. Who said. 1×2=2

1. Somebody is sleeping in my bed .


2. Is anybody in ?

Que.7. Answer the following questions. 2×3=6

1. Who was hungry ?


2. Who drew a line on the floor ?


3. What did Curlylocks see ?


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