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Eiliyah Moon

The Promised Ones


The Promised Ones

Book One In the Series of The Four Seasons

By Eiliyah Moon


I was sitting by the fire place thinking about my father and brothers. They had been gone to the south to meet the King. I had never seen what lay beyond the northern mountains. The knitting was almost completed and Annabelle walked into the room holding her favorite book. I looked across the room out of the window, the sky was dark and the rain was bringing an eerie feeling to my heart. Colette My mother said while she sat next to me. I turned to look at her blue doe eyes. I didnt share any resemblance to my mother except that we shared the same blue doe eyes. Yes, Mother. I replied and through the corner of my eye I saw Annabelle straighten up. I need to tell you something. She said slowly while I was eager to hear what news she had about father. When are they coming back? Annabelle asked even before mother opened her mouth. Soon, but we will be having guests from the south with them. You girls better be at your best behaviors. She eyed Salina; my youngest sister who was just a


nine year old. Salina who had just walked into the room holding her cat-Vivienfrowned. Annabelle chuckled when she saw her. You girls should be in bed within this hour. She stood up looking carefully at Salina who was still busy playing with her cat. Come on, you can complete this tomorrow. Salina grabbed my hand and rushed out of the room. At first I thought that she was dragging me to brothers dorm but she wasnt. I noticed my younger sister Annabelle was right behind us when Salina suddenly stopped. Annabelle stepped forward and pushed the rock into the wall and the passageway opened. What are you guys thinking? I astounded. It is not the first time we are coming here. Annabelle smiled and stepped in, grabbed the torch which lighted the whole passageway. Come on. Salina pushed me down the steps and I tightly clutched onto my dress. If mother finds out-Annabelle didnt let me complete. She wouldnt. Annabelle whispered as we crept down. When I stepped on the last stair Annabelle lighted the whole room. Soon I found Salina holding her archery equipment. Yours. Annabelle forwarded me my sword. Thorne I smiled looking at it. If mother found out that we have been using this place for our practicing she would faint. I looked at Annabelle.


I am not telling her, are you Salina? She looked at her.

No. Salina replied. See, she wouldnt know. Annabelle grabbed the wooden swords placed on the table. If you say so. I tied my hair with the help of a stick. Salina practiced her archery. Annabelle and I practiced our fighting skills. Being the oldest daughter in the room I was supposed to be in charge of them but clearly I had no control over them. We should go or Elodea will start wondering where we were. I told Annabelle. Elodea was my older sister but she was a control freak. She was perfect at everything and expected that, we sisters would also follow her in her footsteps. Engaged to Lord Fredrick, son of King Robert; the third. Well Well. I heard Elodeas voice and turned to see her standing in the staircase. Why are you here? Salina asked while stepping behind Annabelle. Mother wanted to know where her lovely daughters were so I was doing her a favor. Elodea looked straight at me. Salina dropped her things and rushed upstairs while Annabelle followed her. I expected better from you. Elodea said. What should I do, I am helping them. I placed the wooden sword on the floor. You are turning them into tomboys. Elodea confessed. They should now know how to defend themselves. I saw the passageway behind us. What are you girls doing in your brothers dorm? Mother asked. I completed the handkerchief so I went to place it in his room. I said hastily.

All of you. She looked at the four of us.

My Lady. Septa Eloise rushed into the dorm. What happened? My mother turned her back towards us. It is Tommy. She said breathlessly. He fell. She didnt blink. What? Where is he? My mother questioned. Near the gates, he was climbing again. She responded. In the rain, cool. Salina said without thinking. We ran outside the house, it was raining so fast that our dresses were soaked into water within seconds. You stay behind. My mother told Salina who was running behind us. Being a five year old and the youngest of us all his imaginations were too much for his intake. He liked to climb so much that he almost broke them. You guys should go inside. My uncle Steward who was holding Tommy shouted. Is he all right? My mother asked uncle. He wasnt that high when he dropped. They stitched his wounds. He is going to fine. He indemnified to mother who was merely breathing. Vivien was purring in Salinas room when I walked in. Her things were always out of place. I grabbed her needlework which was lying across the bed. Vivien followed behind and I closed the door behind her. The next morning when I walked into Tommys room I saw mother feeding him. He never liked soup. I said while entering the room I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and sat next to him. How did you get past the guards? I asked while I saw mother narrowing her eyes.

I used Vivien. He smiled at me. When your father returns, I am going to tell him about all of this. She said to him. It includes you too. She said to me. What about me? I asked. I know where you girls go every night. That passageway has been there my whole life. She caught my eyes while I tried escaping the situation. You should go dress, your father is returning today. My mother ordered and I listened. Septa Eloise tied braids leaving a few loose strands of hair. I saw Elodeas hair tied in loose pins. I looked myself dressed into a pleated light green dress. Your dress is pretty alluring Annabelle walked outside wearing a draped gown which showed her beauty bone. I think this dress is too much. I said to Septa Eloise who just smiled. Why is she smiling? Annabelle whispered to me. I shrugged at her and looked into the mirror. How am I supposed to know? I replied. Vivien was playing with Salinas doll. Where is, Salina? Elodea asked while Septa Eloise walked out. I looked at Annabelle. I dont know. She said hastily. She must be practicing. Annabelle opened the door knob. I will bring her back. Elodea responded and left. Why would she practice at this hour? I asked Annabelle. We need to go see, mother. Annabelle stated and I followed behind.


The smell of roasted meat and fresh bread reminded me of home. Amongst his four sisters he was closest to Colette, maybe because she was not the eldest or the youngest. They had practiced sword fights together behind mothers back but father knew well. He knew that Colette wasnt just an ordinary girl. Every time he remembered her she kept reminding him of mother. The raven landed onto his arm and he grabbed the message from its leg. Frosthale was only a days walk away. Knowing my family was waiting to see us. I turned around and found my elder brother riding towards me. His dark eyes were mysterious and I couldnt tell what he was thinking. The Raven, is it from Colette? Damon asked me. Yes. I responded. You are finally fourteen. Damon dismounted the horse. Thank you, my brother. I hugged him tight. Father wants to see you. Damon let go and we started walking towards the tent.



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