ASASHS CulminatingActivityGAS Q1 LAS-2-1

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Culminating Activity

For Grade 12 GAS

Name: _____________________________
Grade & Section _____________________________
Address: _____________________________
Contact number: ______________________________
Schedule of Implementation:

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - LAS 2 Distribution

Friday, April 24, 2021 - Completion of Portfolio no. 1
Thursday, April 29, 2021 - Distribution of LAS 3, retrieval of
For GAS Culminating Activity
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

This LAS covers the learning competency:

The learners write a concept anchored on the prepared plan

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities
and social sciences

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to produce a creative portfolio that will integrate their learning in
specialized learning areas under humanities or social sciences

Learning Objectives
The students shall be able to:
1. Identify and define discipline related to HUMSS;
2. Collect learnings from the HUMSS related subjects experienced in Senior High School
3. Create a poster activity that would reflect the essential learnings.

Looking back with Humanities

and Social Sciences

In your Senior High School, you’ve learned the different subjects in lined with the Humanities and Social
Sciences. This became meaningful since your skills and knowledge in relation to social relationships
and the society were intensified with different activities that made the entire experience memorable.

The subjects that you’ve been with Social Sciences were:

• Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions - The subject covers various contemporary arts
practices of the region where the school is located. It aims to provide students with an
appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various disciplines with consideration on their
elements and principles, and engage them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Through
this subject, students will broaden and acquire the necessary creative tools that open
opportunities in pursuing their individual career goals and aspirations

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• Personal Development - This course makes senior high school students aware of the
developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the
significant people. It has modules which addresses a key concern in personal development.
Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific
themes in their development. around them as they make important career decisions as
adolescents. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant
concepts, theories, and tools in different areas in psychology.
• Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics - This course uses insights from Anthropology,
Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and political
dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural diversity; provide them with an understanding of how
culture, human agency, society and politics work; and engage them in the examination of the
country’s current human development goals. At the end of the course, students should acquire
ideas about human cultures, human agency, society and politics; recognize cultural relativism
and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to
guide their interactions with groups, communities, networks, and institutions.
• Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person - An initiation to the activity and process
of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. Topics to be discussed include
the human experiences of embodiment, being in the world with others and the environment,
freedom, intersubjectivity, sociality, being unto death.
• Philippine Politics and Governance – This course introduces the students to the basic concepts
and vital elements of politics and governance from a historical-institutional perspective. In
particular, it attempts to explain how the important features of our country’s political
structures/institutions, processes, and relationships developed across time. In the process, the
course helps the learners gain a better appreciation of their rights and responsibilities as
individuals and as members of the larger socio-political community to strengthen their civic
• Creative Nonfiction - Focusing on formal elements and writing techniques, including
autobiography and blogging, among others, the subject introduces the students to the reading
and writing of Creative Nonfiction as a literary form. The subject develops in students’ skills in
reading, and thinking critically and creatively, that will help them to be imaginative readers and
• Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems - The course explores the main tenets and
practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism,
Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. It aims to help learners understand
the historical contexts of nine religions, appreciate their uniqueness and similarities and
promote mutual understanding among believers of different faiths. They are expected to
demonstrate understanding and appreciation of one’s faith and that of others.

Other discipline related to the of Humanities and Social Sciences include:

• Creative writing - Words shape and reflect our values, beliefs, and thoughts. Poetry and creative
writing are the free expression of ideas and emotions ( Lake Zurich Community Unit, 2010).
Determining the meaning of text requires the curious learner to respond the personality to the
author’s intent. Good writers use repertoire of strategies that enable them to vary form and style
so they can write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. Theatrical performance has
cultural and social influences in our society (Aryee-Price, 2009).

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• Anthropology - All cultures are comprised of material objects, ideas, values, attitudes and
patterned ways of behaving. Culture is learned and transmitted from one generation to another
(Budani, 2015).
• Geography - influences needs, cultures, opportunities, choices, interests, and skills. How I live
impacts others around the world.
• Sociology - Conflict, society is composed of groups that are in continuous power struggle.
Feminist, gender is an important element of social structure. Symbolic Interactionist, society is
the sum of the interactions of individuals (Schiepp, 2015).
• Social Work/Community Engagement - The person in the environment perspective in social
work is a practice guiding principle that highlights the importance of understanding and
individual and individual behaviour in light of the environmental contexts in which that person
lives and acts.
• History - History is the narrative we construct based on the evidence we have that helps us
explain the past and our own identity. The past affect the future individuals can affect history for
both good and bad.

From the subjects presented, what interests you most? Can you name all of them?

Finding Key Concepts, Principles, and Processes

Another way of finding the key concepts, principles, and processes in a course is through the formulation of
essential questions and the identification of big ideas. According to McTigne and Wiggins (2013) a good
essential question:
1. Is open-ended, that is, it typically will not have a single final, and correct answer.
2. Is thought-provoking and intellectually engaging, often sparking discussion and debate.
3. Calls for higher order thinking, such as analysis, inference, evaluation, and prediction. It cannot
be effectively answered by recall alone.
4. Points towards important, transferable ideas within (and sometimes across) disciplines.
5. Raises additional questions and sparks further inquiry.
6. Requires support and justification, not just an answer.
7. Recurs over time, that is, the question can and should be revisit again and again.

Examples: Essential and Nonessential Questions

Essential Question Nonessential Questions
How do the arts shape, as well as select, a What common artistic symbols were used
culture? by the Incans and Mayans?
What do effective problem solvers do What steps did you follow to get your
when they get stuck? answer?
How strong is the scientific evidence? What is a variable in scientific

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Written Task
Part I. Match the HUMSS learning areas in column A with their concepts in column B. Write the letter of the correct

Column A Column B
1. Contemporary Philippine Arts from a. The life of Jose Rizal
the Regions
2. Personal Development b. The essay made for the liberated life of a
3. Understanding Culture, Society, and c. The making of action plans for community
Politics implementation
4. Introduction to the Philosophy of the d. The study of Catholicism and its practices
Human Person
5. Philippine Politics and Governance e. The different stories and folklores in the
6. Creative Writing f. The study of Bill of Rights
7. Introduction to World Religions and g. The study of philosophical works of Aristotle
Belief Systems that made an impact in the modern life
8. Community Engagement h. The study of close family ties and the extended
family set-up
9. Creative Nonfiction i. The difference of masculinity and femininity
to sex roles
10. History j. The presentation of different arts presented in
the locals of Baguio
k. The study of supply and demand

Part II. Essay questions

Try to pick one of the subjects that you had with Humanities and Social Sciences. And answer the following
concept design questions in PARAGRAPH FORM.
1. What is your chosen subject all about?
2. Why did you choose this subject?
3. What significant learnings did you get from this subject?
4. Why is it significant for you as a student?
5. If you are to recommend this subject to others, what will you tell them?
6. If there was enough time for this subject to be back, what topics would you like to learn?

Follow this format in a page in your answer booklets:

Name Date Complied

Section Subject Teacher


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Performance Task
Poster of Learnings Activity

In 2-full pages of your answer booklet, create a poster that reflects all your learnings and ideas with the HUMSS
subjects that you had in Senior High School:
• Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
• Personal Development
• Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
• Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
• Philippine Politics and Governance
• Creative Nonfiction
• Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Make sure that these subjects with learnings are visible in your poster. The size below in your booklet must be

My HUMSS Experience

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Grading Rubrics
Poster Presentation Rubric
Advanced Proficient Basic Minimal
10 pts 7 pts 5 pts 3 pts
Content All descriptions are All descriptions Descriptions could be Descriptions contain
extremely clear, correctly explained clearer and 3-4 5 errors.
correctly ordered, but not in order. errors may be Explanation/definitio
and well-explained. Includes an present and n of the concept is
Includes a well- explanation/definitio explanation/definitio either missing or
stated n of the concept. n of the concept is incorrect.
explanation/definitio vague or incomplete.
n of the concept in
humanities and social
Design Skillfully created and Good use of color and Poster is somewhat Aesthetically
designed to present design. Clearly aesthetically unpleasant and
information very shown information pleasing, but may be missing color or
clearly. Very colorful that is also missing some color design. Information
and aesthetically aesthetically or element of design. is presented
pleasing. pleasing. Information could be unclearly on poster.
presented in a
clearer manner.
Presentation Confidently Clearly presented Presented illustration Presentation was
presented illustration using but needs difficult to hear and
illustration with appropriate volume improvement on speaker used little
skillful use of and eye contact with using appropriate eye contact. Relied
voice/volume and audience. Uses volume and eye on 'reading' the
eye contact. Skillful poster as a prop in contact. Directly read illustration instead of
use of poster as a presentation. from illustration presenting it.
prop. rather than using
poster as a prop.

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