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अस्थि (Bone)

Asthi definition
• अथयते इतत अस्थि: ।
• अथयते+अस+स्थिन
् ् म ांस अभ्यन्तर अथिे इतत ।
• Means asthi is that part of body which decay in a very long
• Etymological definition – Asthi is that which lives within the
mamsa (muscle).
• Asthi is considered to be a Pitruja Avayava or paternal organ
or the part of the body derived from father (sperm).
• Asthi is predominantly made up of Prithvi.
Asthi Last long
• तथम त ् चिर विनष्टे षु त्िक् म ांसेषु शरीररण म।्
अथिीतन न विनश्यस्न्त स र णण एत तन दे हिन म ् ॥ (स.ु श . ५ / २२)

• When the skin and flesh of the body are destroyed for a long
time, The bones are not destroyed and these are the essences
of the body.
Asthi types
• एत तन पांि विध तन भिस्न्त तद्यि कप ल
रुिक तरुणिलय नलक सांज्ञ तन । (सु.श .५/२०)

• According to Ayurveda, the bones (asthi) are classified into 5

types.They are,
• Kapala Asthi – Flat bones
• Ruchaka Asthi – Teeth
• Taruna Asthi – Cartilages
• Valaya Asthi – Curved Bones
• Nalaka Asthi – Long bones
Types of Asthi


Kapala Asthi
• According to Morden science it is considered as “Flat bone”.
• These are flat in nature. Literally, it is potential bone which
covers and defends brain.
• तेष ां ज नतु नतांब ांसगांडत लश
ु ांखशशरःसक
ु प ल तन.....। (स.ु श .५/२०)
• Eg.

4.Ganda(Cheek bone)

6.Shankha(Pterion area)

7.Shir(Skull vault)
Ruchaka Asthi
• ........दशन थतु रुिक तन.........।। (सु.श .५/२०)
• As per Morden science Ruchaka Asthi is
considered as “Teeth”.
• Ruchaka Asthi – The teeth or danta are
classified under Ruchaka Asthi
• Ruchak means taste. The teeth are considered
under this type as chewing is important for
releasing saliva which in turn facilitates the
taste sensation.
Taruna Asthi

• According to Morden science Taruna Asthi is considered as

• These are Mridu Asthi i.e. Which does not get Ghanata is regarded
as Taruna Asthi.
• Taruna-immature, unprocessed, young.
• .........घ्र णकणणग्रीि क्षिकोषेषु तरुण तन.........। (स.ु श .५/२०)
• Taruna Asthi – The cartilages found in the regions of
akshikosha (orbital sac, pit of the eye, eye socket),
sruti (auditory apparatus, ear canal), ghraana
(olfactory region, nasal cavity or passages) and greeva
(neck) are classified under Taruna asthi.

• Eg.
1.Ghrana (Nasal cartilages)

2.Karna (Ear cartilages)

3.Greeva(Neck-larynx & trachea)

4. Akshikosh(Eyeball)
Valaya Asthi

• Circular shapes resemble circles and

• As per Modern Valay Asthi is considered as
“Curved bone”.
• .....प श्िणपष्ृ ठोरःसु िलय तन......।(स.ु श .५/२०)
• Valaya Asthi – Curved bones (apart from long bones)
situated in the parshuka(sides of the trunk, ribs),
prushta (back, vertebrae), vaksha (chest, ribs), payu
(anal region,coccyx) are classified under Valaya asthis.
Nalaka Asthi

• As per Modern this Asthi is considered as “Long

• .........शेष णण नलकसांज्ञ तन ॥ (सु. श . ५/२०)

• Nalaka Asthi – The long bones present in the hasta

tala (plantar region or upper portion of hand),
pada tala (plantar or lower portion of the foot),
kurcha-manibandha (wrist joint), bahu (arms),
anguli (fingers and toes), Jangha dwaya (both legs)
etc are classified under Nalaka asthi.
Thank you

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