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What? I’m speechless.

I'm speechless.

No videos this week? I’m at a loss (for words).

I'm at a loss for words. 這週沒影片?我真的無言了。

※去掉 for words 聽起來更無言

I'm shook / shooketh.

I'm shook! 我驚呆了。


Our flight was canceled? You’re kidding me!

You’re kidding me! 我們的班機被取消了?你在開玩笑吧!

※要更驚訝一點,可以說 You’ve got to be kidding me.

Bruh. Four hamburgers? Bruh.

Bruh. 傻眼欸,你連吃四個漢堡?真的超傻眼。


It’s not turning on? You can’t be serious!

You can’t be serious. 讀稿機打不開?不可能吧!


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