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(Affiliated To Pokhara University)


Report On:
Web Based Pigeon Pea Diseases Classification and
Recommendation System Using ML

Under The Supervision Of:

Assoc.Prof.Bijaya shrestha
Asst.Prof.Deepesh Prakash guragain

Ram kishor Yadav(019-409)
Rohit Bahadur Chand(019-410)
Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Nepal Engineering College
Bhaktapur, Nepal
April, 2024
Nepal Engineering College
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


The undersigned certify that hethey have read and recommended to the Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering for acceptance, a project report entitled"Web
Based Pigeon Pea Diseases Classification and Recommendation System Using
ML" .submitted by Rohit Bahadur Chand and Ram Kishor Yadav in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering.


Assoc.Prof.Bijaya Shrestha
Asst.Prof.Deepesh Prakash Guragain
Nepal Engineering College
Changunarayan , Bhaktapur

External Examiner:

Name of External Examiner
Position in the College/Company
Name of College/Company


The project report entitled “Web Based Pigeon Pea Diseases Classification and
Recommendation System Using ML”, submitted by Rohit Bahadur Chand and Ram Kishor
Yadav in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and
Communication Engineering has been accepted as a bonafide record of work independently
carried out by the group in the department.

Asst.Prof.Deepesh Prakash Guragain
Project Coordinator
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Nepal Engineering College,
Bhaktapur, Nepal.

It is great to pleasure for us to acknowledge the assistance and contributions of various
individual for providing necessary ideas and views for our project. Firstly; we would like to
thank the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for providing this

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Asst. Prof. Deepesh Prakash Guragain and Bijaya Shrestha for his invaluable guidance and support throughout the
preparation of this project . His expertise and encouragement have been instrumental in
shaping our ideas and refining our approach. We are truly thankful for his time, insights, and
dedication to helping us navigate this early stage of our project.

Plant disease classificationsand early disease treatment are essential for sustainable crop
production. Computer vision for crop science is overgrowing with the advancement in deep
learning. Real time plant disease classificationsposes a challenge due to the unpredictable
spread of diseases within the plant, environmental factors, and the scarcity of real field
datasets. The proposed work systematically addresses these issues through three key
components: (a) Collaboratively generating the novel pigeon pea image dataset from
agricultural fields. (b) The design of lightweight and high-performance models for real-time
plant disease classificationsin resource-constrained devices. (c) The extraction of multiscale
feature of plant diseases using Multi-kernel Depthwise separable Convolutions. The proposed
lightweight Lite-MDC architecture uses the Multi-kernel Depthwise separable Convolutions
(MDsConv). The MDsConv module captures spatial features across various scales while
maintaining alightweight design. It effectively extracts multi-scale information to
characterize plant diseases, accommodating their diverse scale.. The proposed method
outperforms the state-of-the-art networks such as VGG16, ResNet50, on the proposed pigeon
pea dataset with 94.14% accuracy. Notably, the method achieves a 34 Frames Per Second
(FPS) inference on an NVIDIA P100 GPU. Furthermore, its performance is validated across
publicly available datasets, including the plant village dataset, yielding 99.78%, accuracy.

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1

1.1 Background and statement of problem........................................................................1

1.1.1 Background:.........................................................................................................1

1.1.2 Alternaria blight(Alternaria alternata)................................................................1

1.1.3 Sterility Mosaic....................................................................................................3

1.1.4 Fusarium Leaf Blight...........................................................................................4

1.1.5 Bracteomania........................................................................................................5

1.1.6 Statement of the Problem:....................................................................................6

1.2 Deep learning...............................................................................................................7

1.2.1 Convolutional Layers...........................................................................................7

1.2.2 Pre-trained Model.................................................................................................8

1.3 Major objectives........................................................................................................10

1.4 Scope.........................................................................................................................10

1.5 Applications...............................................................................................................11

1.6 Overview of Report...................................................................................................11

2 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................12

2.1 Related work and Research gap................................................................................12

3 METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................16

3.1 Basic Block Diagram.................................................................................................16

3.2 Dataset Description...................................................................................................17

3.2.1 Collaboration with Agricultural Institutions:.....................................................17

3.2.2 Image Capture:...................................................................................................17

3.2.3 Disease Variation:..............................................................................................17

3.2.4 Geographical Representation:............................................................................17

3.2.5 Seasonal Variations:...........................................................................................18

3.2.6 Annotation and Labeling:...................................................................................18

3.2.7 Data Preprocessing:............................................................................................18

3.2.8 Splitting the Dataset:..........................................................................................18

3.2.9 Privacy Considerations:.....................................................................................18

3.2.10 Ethical Considerations:......................................................................................18

3.2.11 Documentation:..................................................................................................18

3.2.12 Dataset Availability:...........................................................................................19

3.2.13 Data augmentation and process:.........................................................................19

3.3 Proposed DL Model..................................................................................................20

3.4 Sampling data............................................................................................................21

3.5 Algorithm:.................................................................................................................22

3.6 Assumptions:.............................................................................................................22

3.7 Hardware and software required...............................................................................22

3.7.1 Hardware:...........................................................................................................22

3.8 Software:....................................................................................................................23

3.8.1 Python:...............................................................................................................23

3.8.2 HTML................................................................................................................23

3.9 Proposed Web Applications......................................................................................23

3.10 Expected Outputs / Assumptions...........................................................................23

4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION......................................................................................24

4.1 Description of Findings..................................................................................................24

4.1.1 VGG16-Training and Validation Accuracy.......................................................24

4.1.2 ResNet50- Training and Validation Accuracy...................................................26

4.1.3 Efficient Net- B0 - Training and Validation Accuracy......................................28

4.1.4 Custom CNN Model- Training and Validation Accuracy.................................30

4.1.5 Inceptionv3- Training and Validation Accuracy................................................32

4.2 Comparison of different module...............................................................................34

5 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................35

6 References........................................................................................................................36

List of Figures:
Figure 1-1: some examples diseases present in Pigeon Pea............................................................................1
Figure 1-2: Alternaria blight (Alternaria alternata)......................................................................................... 2
Figure 1-3: Sterility Mosaic............................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 1-4 : Fusarium Leaf Blight................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-5: Bracteomania.............................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 1-7 Resnet-50 Model architecture....................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1-6: VGG16......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1-8:Efficient Net- B0 model architecture............................................................................................. 9
Figure 1-9: Custom CNN model architecture.................................................................................................. 9
Figure 1-10: inception model architecture................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3-1: Working Block Diagram.............................................................................................................. 16
Figure 3-2: Prposed DL model...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-3: Some Sample Images................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 3-4:Flowchart Prediction of disease and Recommendation...............................................................22
Figure 3-5: Android phone........................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-6:Camera....................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-1: Training and validation loss graph VGG16 model........................................................................24
Figure 4-2:Training and validation accuracy graph of VGG16 model.............................................................24
Figure 4-3: Confusion Matrix of VGG16 Model............................................................................................. 25
Figure 4-4: Training and validation accuracy graph of ResNet50 model......................................................26
Figure 4-5:Training and validation loss graph of ResNet50 model................................................................26
Figure 4-6: Confusion Matrix of ResNet50 Model.........................................................................................27
Figure 4-7:Training and validation accuracy graph of Efficient Net -B0 model...............................................28
Figure 4-8: Training and validation loss graph of Efficient Net- B0 model.....................................................28
Figure 4-9:Confusion Matrix of Efficient Net -B0 Model...............................................................................29
Figure 4-10:Training and validation accuracy graph of Cuatom CNN model..................................................30
Figure 4-11: Training and validation loss graph of Custom CNN model........................................................30
Figure 4-12: Confusion Matrix of Custom CNN Model.................................................................................31
Figure 4-13:Training and validation accuracy graph of Inceptionv3 Model...................................................32
Figure 4-14: Training and validation loss graph of Inceptionv3 Model.........................................................32
Figure 4-15: Confusion Matrix of Inceptionv3 Model...................................................................................33

1.1 Background and statement of problem
1.1.1 Background:
Globally, pigeon pea is the sixth most significant legume in Asian countries .Pigeon pea is a
rich source of protein, high in fiber, and contains essential amino acids. However, the
numerous occurrences of plant diseases may significantly restrict the plants’ health and affect
the yield. Annually, plant diseases cause production loss between 12 23 million
dollars.Presently, the detection of numerous plant diseases predominantly relies on human
visual assessment. Farmers and experts depend on visually inspecting plants to spot diseases.
This method has limitations. Subjective interpretations and visual fatigue can result in
inaccurate assessments. When diseases are misdiagnosed, it can disrupt the monitoring and
control procedures, resulting in the improper application of pesticides, diminished plant
quality, and reduced yields .Considering the potential repercussions of misidentifying plant
diseases, it becomes evident that precise disease identification is indispensable for preserving
plant health and attaining optimal yields.


Figure 1-1: some examples diseases present in Pigeon Pea

Alternaria blight(Alternaria alternata) Causes:
 Fungus Symptoms:
Symptoms develop as small, circular, necrotic spots on leaves that develop quickly forming
typically concentric rings. The lesions appear on all aerial plant parts including pods. They
cause blighting of leaves ,and severe defoliation and drying of infected branches. The fungus
sporulates well under warm, humid conditions.

Figure 1-2: Alternaria blight (Alternaria alternata) Preventions: Biological Control:
 Apply biofungicides containing Bacillus subtilis or Tri-chodermaspp. to suppress
Alternaria spores.
 Introduce predatory fungi like Ampelomyces quisqualis to parasitize Alternaria
 Use antagonistic bacteria such as Pseudomonas fluorescens to inhibit Alternaria
growth in soil.
 Implement crop rotation with biofumigant plants like mustard to reduce soilborne
pathogens. Chemical Control:

 Apply fungicides containing azoxystrobin or mancozeb preventatively to manage
Alternaria blight.
 Rotate fungicides with different modes of action to prevent resistance development.
 Use copper-based bactericides as a foliar spray to reduce Alternaria populations.
 Follow label instructions for application timing and rates to optimize efficacy.
 Soil Solarization:
 Prepare soil by removing debris and watering to field capacity.
 Cover soil with clear plastic sheeting, sealing edges to trap heat.
 Maintain coverage for 4-6 weeks during hot, sunny weather.
 Solarization heats soil, killing Alternaria spores and other pathogens.

1.1.3 Sterility Mosaic Symptoms
 In the field, the disease can be easily identified from a distance as patches of bushy,
pale green plants without flowers or pods .
 The leaves of these plants are small and show a light and dark green mosaic pattern .
 The mosaic symptoms initially appear as vein-clearing on young leaves.
 When infection occurs at 45 days after emergence or later, only some parts of the
plant may show disease symptoms, while the remaining parts appear normal.

 Some pigeonpea varieties, e.g., ICP 2376 exhibit ring spot leaf symptoms (green
islands surrounded by chlorotic areas), these indicate localized sites of
 infection of the pathogen , and such plants produce normal flowers and pods.

Figure 1-3: Sterility Mosaic Preventions Biological Control
 Introduce predatory mites like Amblyseius swirskii to prey on eriophyid mites,
vectors of Sterility Mosaic.
 Apply beneficial nematodes like Steinernema feltiae to soil to target eriophyid mite
larvae. Chemical Control:

 Use acaricides like abamectin to directly target and control eriophyid mite populations
on pigeon pea.
 Apply systemic insecticides such as imidacloprid to protect plants against eriophyid
mite infestations.Soil Solarization
 Cover soil with transparent plastic before planting to heat soil and kill eriophyid mite
 Solarize soil during hot seasons for 4-6 weeks to effectively reduce eriophyid mite
populations and suppress Sterility Mosaic.

1.1.4 Fusarium Leaf Blight Symptoms
Dark brown, circular to elliptical lesions, 2-10 mm in diameter on the leaves. These lesions
originate on leaf margins, and coalesce to form dark brown patches. Infected leaves become

yellow and dry prematurely. When the weather is humid, white mycelia with abundant
conidia appear on the blighted leaves. Lesions may expand rapidly, causing necrosis of entire

Figure 1-4 : Fusarium Leaf Blight Preventions: Soil Solarization
Solarize soil before planting by covering with transparent plastic to kill Fusarium spores. Biological Control

Apply Trichoderma-based biofungicides like Trichoderma viride to soil for suppression of

Chemical Control

Use fungicides like carbendazim or thiophanate-methyl as a foliar spray to manage Fusarium

leaf blight. Rotate fungicides to prevent resistancebuildup.

1.1.5 Bracteomania Symptoms
Affected plants are stunted with few branches, they produce solitary simple leaves with
obtuse tips and long petioles attached to their stems, twigs, and floral shoots. Axillary flower
buds proliferate into abnormal, clustered inflorescences .The flowers of affected plants are
sessile, small, bunchy, and tightly packed, giving the inflorescences a knotted appearance.
Such flowers do not produce normal pods.

Figure 1-5: Bracteomania Preventions Biological Control
 Introduce beneficial nematodes like Steinernema feltiae to control Bracteomania
larvae in the soil.
 Apply Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. kurstaki to foliage to target and suppress
caterpillar populations. Chemical Control

 Utilize insecticides containing spinosad or pyrethroids for effective control of
Bracteomania adults and larvae.
 Rotate chemical treatments to prevent pest resistance and minimize environmental
impact. Soil Solarization:

 Cover soil with clear plastic in hot seasons to raise temperatures and kill
Bracteomania pupae.
 Maintain soil moisture and seal edges tightly to ensure effective solarization of soil
and suppression of pest populations.

1.1.6 Statement of the Problem: Complexity of Disease Identification
Pigeon pea is susceptible to various diseases with intricate visual symptoms that may be
challenging to identify accurately using traditional methods. The complexity of disease
identification poses a significant challenge to farmers, resulting in delayed responses and
suboptimal presentations strategies. Implementing machine learning and CNNs specifically
can improve the precision of disease identification by automatically extracting features from
images of affected plants. Limited Access to Expert Knowledge:

Many farmers in Nepal may have limited access to expert knowledge on plant diseases,
particularly in remote or rural areas. This knowledge gap can hinder effective disease
Presentation. Introducing a machine learning and CNN-based system can act as a virtual
expert, providing accurate disease identification and actionable recommendations even in
areas with limited access to agricultural expertise.

5 Data-Driven Decision Support:
Traditional approaches to disease Presentations in pigeon pea may lack the data-driven
precision required for optimal decision-making. CNNs can analyze large datasets of images
depicting healthy and diseased pigeon pea plants, learning patterns and features that are
imperceptible to the human eye. This allows for more accurate and data-driven decision
support in recommending appropriate Presentations strategies. Integration of Deep Learning:

Deep learning techniques, such as CNNs, excel in image recognition tasks. Integrating deep
learning into disease classifications systems for pigeon pea allows for the automatic
extraction of intricate features from images, enabling more nuanced and accurate
identification of diseases at various stages of development. Optimizing CNN for Resource Efficiency

While CNNs offer powerful capabilities, optimizing them for resource efficiency is crucial
for practical deployment in agricultural settings. Ensuring that the developed model is
computationally efficient and can run on standard hardware available to farmers is essential
for widespread adoption and usability.

By addressing these challenges through the integration of machine learning and CNNs, Nepal
can significantly enhance its pigeon pea disease classifications and recommendation systems.
The application of these advanced technologies holds the potential to revolutionize
agricultural practices, ensuring sustainable pigeon pea cultivation and improved livelihoods
for farmers in the region.

1.2 Deep learning

1.2.1 Convolutional Layers
Convolutional layers and pooling layers, the fully connected layers are introduced in the
architecture. The input coming to the fully connected layer is the flattened output from the
final convolutional and pooling layer. Database collection Initial step for any image
processing based project is acquiring proper database which is valid. Most of the time the
standard database is preferred but in certain circumstances we do not get proper database. So
in such conditions we can collect the images and can form our own database. The database is
accessed from crowd AI which is pigeon pea disease classification challenge. Data available

here is not labeled. So the first task is to clean and label the database. There is a huge
database so basically the images with better resolution and angle are selected. After selection
of images we should Have deep knowledge about the different Pigeon Pea. Different types of
plant images are studied and corresponding. After detail study, labeling in done by
segregating the images and with different diseases.

1.2.2 Pre-trained Model VGG16
The VGG16 model is a popular image classification model .It has 16 layers, including 13
convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers.

Figure 1-6: VGG16

Source: ResNet50

ResNet-50 is a 50-layer convolutional neural network (48 convolutional layers, one MaxPool
layer, and one average pool layer). Residual neural networks are a type of artificial
neuralnetwork (ANN) that forms networks by stacking residual blocks.

Figure 1-7 Resnet-50 Model architecture

7 Efficient Net- B0
EfficientNet is a convolutional neural network built upon a concept called "compound
scaling.” This concept addresses the longstanding trade-off between model size, accuracy,
and computational efficiency. The idea behind compound scaling is to scale three essential
dimensions of a neural network: width, depth, and resolution

Figure 1-8:Efficient Net- B0 model architecture

or_fig5_361521546 Custom CNN

A custom CNN (Convolution Neural Network) model is a specialized architecture used for
tasks like image recognition and classification in computer vision. Unlike pre-built
architectures, a custom CNN is tailored to specific needs and complexities.

Figure 1-9: Custom CNN model architecture


8 Inceptionv3
Inception v3 is a convolutional neural networkfor assisting in image analysis and object
detection and got its start as a module for GoogLeNet. It is the third edition of Google's
Inception Convolutional Neural Network, originally introduced during the ImageNet
Recognition Challenge. The design of Inceptionv3 was intended to allow deeper networks
while also keeping the number of parameters from growing too large: it has "under 25 million
parameters", compared against 60 million for AlexNet. Just as ImageNetcan be thought of as
a database of classified visual objects, Inception helps classification of objects in the world
of computer vision .The Inceptionv3 architecture has been reused in many different
applications, often used "pre-trained" from ImageNet

Figure 1-10: inception model architecture


1.3 Major objectives

 To develop the Pigeon Pea diseases classifications and recommendation system using
Machine Learning models.
 This system easily classify Pigeon Pea diseases,and helps to reduce the losses in

1.4 Scope
 It can be used by farmer to diagnose the different kinds of diseases in Pigeon Pea.
 Technology can be transferred to other domain of agriculture.
 It can be useful for facial recognition.
 It can also be applied for human and animals disease detection.

1.5 Applications
 Early diseases identification in Pigeon Pea.
 Recommendation for Pigeon Pea diseases
 It can be also applied for other species disease classificationsandrecommendation.

1.6 Overview of Report

The report is structured into five chapters, each focusing on different aspects of the project.
Chapter 1 serves as an introduction, delving into the cultivation, background, and challenges
associated with Pigeon Pea farming. It outlines the objectives and scopes of the project while
also discussing the applications of the undertaken research. Chapter 2 provides a
comprehensive literature review, exploring existing models and related works in the field,
setting the stage for the project's methodology. Chapter 3 details the methodology employed,
presenting basic block diagrams, flow charts, and outlining the hardware and software used in
the study, along with any underlying assumptions made. Chapter 4 encompasses the results
obtained from the project and engages in a thorough discussion of these findings, analyzing
their implications and significance. Finally, Chapter 5 draws conclusions from the entire
project, summarizing key findings and insights gained, potentially suggesting avenues for
future research or applications. This structured approach ensures a systematic exploration and
presentation of the research endeavor, from inception to conclusion, providing a
comprehensive understanding of the undertaken project.

2.1 Related work and Research gap
Title and Authors Year of Work Done TechniquesUsed

1) machine learning 2015 Databasecontaining 330 images metric for evaluating the
and of paddy leaves showed that the KNN classifier, and not

imageprocessing proposed work produced 11 a test metrics such as

accuracy precision, recall or f1-
technique for
of 76.59%. score
s on different
type‟s plants .
Shreekanth and

Sachin D. Khirade & et 2017 It requires tremendous amount image acquisition, image
al. [3] Identification of of work, pre-processing, image
the plant diseases is the expertise in the plant diseases, segmentation, feature
key to preventing the and also require the excessive extraction and
losses processing time classification
in the yield and
quantity of the
agricultural product.

Kulkarni, in the paper 2019 Itgives better results with a artificial neural network
methodology for early recognition rate of up to 91%. (ANN) and diverse
and accurately plant image
diseases detection, processingtechniques
usingartificial neural ANN classifier for
network (ANN) and classification and Gabor
diverse image filter for feature
processing techniques extraction

Sibiya & 2021 . One hundred images per class . CNN architecture used
Sumbwanyambe they will beused with a ratio of 70% was not explained in
using 3 classes of for training and 30% for testing. detail, but it
disease classification: The testing results showed an onlymentioned using 50
northern leaf blight, accuracy hidden layers consisting
common rust, and of 92.85%. of convolution layers
cercospora with filter kernels that
have amedian of 24,
rectified linear units
(ReLU) and pooling

Sukhvir Kaur et al. 2021 A rule-based semi-automatic color features,
provide a technique for system using concepts of k- texture features, and
the detection of disease means is designed and their combinations to
from Soybean leaf implemented to train three models based
images distinguish healthy leaves from on support vector
diseased leaves. The proposed machine
system gives maximum classifier. Using SVM
average classification accuracy classify the proposed
reported is ~90% using a big system classify the leaf
dataset of 4775 images. disease in 3 classes like
i.e.downy mildew, frog
eye, and sectorial leaf

Efficient crop yield 2022 The Supervised learning Backing Vector machine
recommendation Algorithm is used to predict Calculation to perform
system using machine harvest with higher precision and AI, Supervised machine
learning for digital productivity forranchers to settle learning algorithm
farming on the yield to be planted

Advancing real-time Jan,2024 Depthwise convolution is They use

plant disease LeafletCassavaDataset
employed to reduce the
detection:A lightweight KaggleCassavaDataset
deep learning approach computations, and the mixed
and novel dataset for
convolution kernels are used to PlantVillageDataset and
pigeon pea crop.
Sandesh Bhagata, match the receptive fields in the find only 4 diseases
Manesh Kokarea, using VGG16 model.
multiscale variation of plant
Vineet Haswania,
Praful Hambardeb, diseases.Those diseases areDry
Trupti Taoria, P.H.
rootrot, Phytophthorablight,
Ghanted, D.K. Patilc
Sterility Mosaic, Wilt

Most of the Author has done research on the leaf detection of plants like potato, tomato,
rice,paddy, wheat and so on. Comparison among the entire author for better result is done by
fewauthors was the number of image feature considered was few and overall accuracy was
low. Also,we did not find any research related to pigeon pea diseases detection. This research
will havemultiple features like contract, inverse difference moment, entropy and color for
training and prediction purpose of pigeon pea to get higher accuracy. More than one thousand
images will beconsidered in this research. The Artificial Intelligence model like deep
learning, machine learning,CNN will be used for training and testing purpose and the
accuracy result will be compared. CNNhas different layers that are Dense, Dropout,
Activation, Flatten, Convolution2D, and MaxPooling2D. After the model is trained
successfully, the software can identify the disease if theplant species is contained in the
database. After successful training and preprocessing, comparisonof the test image and
trained model takes place to predict the disease.

3.1 Basic Block Diagram
The block diagram of Pigeon Pea diseases detection based on convolution neural network is
shown in figure 3.1. Firstly, raw images are captured and then images are applied for resizing
and sampling. The CNN based disease classifications is divided into two phase such as
training and testing phases. Image database system organizes digital pictures into a central
location of fast sharing and regain especially with effort. In testing phase, the input image is
inserted for preprocessing. After preprocessing in training and testing phase, images are
passing on for feature extraction. In feature extraction, the extracted feature signals are
utilized by the neural network for classification. The extracted images are different group of
similar types. Future, classified image are compared in order to find healthy and unhealthy
Pigeon Peas. Thus, this system will determine or identify diseases.

A basic CNN regression equation can be written as: Y =G (X ).

where X is the input data, Y is the output data, and G is the function that maps the input data
to the output data. The function G is learned by the CNN during training, and it can be a
complex non-linear function that involves multiple layers of convolution, pooling, and fully
connected layers .

Figure 3-11: Working Block Diagram

3.2 Dataset Description
Table showing total number of data taken for training and validation as well as testing

Classes Training Validation Testing

Alternaria Blight 326 82 50
Bracteomania 296 75 50
Fusarium Leaf 507 127 50
Healthy 363 91 50
Sterility Mosaic 564 142 50
Total 2056 517 250 Grand total=2823

3.2.1 Collaboration with Agricultural Institutions:

Establish partnerships with agricultural research institutions, extension services, and local
farming communities in Nepal. Seek permission and collaboration to access pigeon pea
fields for data collection.

3.2.2 Image Capture:

Use high-resolution cameras or smartphones to capture images of pigeon pea plants in
different growth stages. Capture images under various lighting conditions to simulate real-
world scenarios.

3.2.3 Disease Variation:

Ensure diversity in the dataset by capturing images of pigeon pea plants affected by various
diseases, including fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. Include images of healthy plants to
serve as a baseline for disease comparison.

3.2.4 Geographical Representation:

Collect images from different geographical regions of Nepal to account for regional
variations in disease prevalence and environmental conditions.

3.2.5 Seasonal Variations:

Capture images during different seasons to account for variations in weather conditions and
disease prevalence throughout the year.

3.2.6 Annotation and Labeling:
Annotate each image with labels indicating the presence of diseases and their types. Use a
standardized labeling system for consistency and clarity.

3.2.7 Data Preprocessing:

Clean the dataset by removing irrelevant or low-quality images. Resize images to a standard
size suitable for the selected CNN architecture. Augment the dataset by applying
transformations such as rotation, flipping, and cropping to enhance model robustness.

The database is divided into 80% for testing and 20% for learning. First the augmentation
data are applied for the training data settings applied include flipping (random), padding
mode (reflection) and zoom with crop (Zoom with crop‟ was later omitted after discovering
that .

3.2.8 Splitting the Dataset:

The dataset will be divided into training (80%) and validation/testing (20%) sets, ensuring an
equal distribution of healthy and diseased samples in each. This balanced split ratio allows
for effective model training and evaluation, preventing biases and ensuring robust
performance on unseen data.

3.2.9 Privacy Considerations:

Respect privacy and obtain consent from farmers and landowners before capturing images
on private property. Anonymize any sensitive information associated with the images.

3.2.10 Ethical Considerations:

Adhere to ethical guidelines and practices throughout the dataset collection process. Ensure
that the dataset collection process does not harm the crops or the environment.

3.2.11 Documentation:
Document details of each image, including location, date, and specific disease if present.
Create a metadata file containing information about the dataset for future reference.

3.2.12 Dataset Availability:

Consider making the dataset publicly available (while respecting privacy concerns) to
facilitate collaboration, research, and transparency. Ensure that the dataset complies with
ethical standards and legal regulations.

3.2.13 Data augmentation and process:
Data augmentation is crucial in deep learning, especially for image classification tasks where
datasets may be limited in variety. Techniques like flipping, rotating, and scaling images
increase dataset diversity, aiding in building accurate models. By applying these
transformations, the model encounters variations in the data, enhancing its ability to
generalize to unseen examples. This augmentation process enriches the dataset, leading to
improved model performance and robustness.

3.3 Proposed DL Model


Figure 3-12: Prposed DL model

Sampling data

Figure 3-13: Some Sample Images

3.5 Algorithm:

Choose suspected image

Upload the image

Finalize CNN Model

Prediction of Diseases and

Figure 3-14:Flowchart Prediction of disease and Recommendation

3.6 Assumptions:
We are dealing with pigeon pea only.

3.7 Hardware and software required

The hardware and software requirements of our projects are followings:

3.7.1 Hardware: Mobile device
In our project, this device is use to take images

Figure 3-15: Android phone

21 Camera
This is also used to capture the image for the collection of data.

Figure 3-16:Camera
3.8 Software:
3.8.1 Python:
Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Its design
philosophy emphasizes code readability with its use of significant indentation. Its language
constructs as well as its object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear,
logical code for small and large-scale projects.

3.8.2 HTML
A webpage is a hypertext document on the world wide web. Web pages are delivered by a
web server to the user and displayed in a web browser

3.9 Proposed Web Applications

3.10 Expected Outputs/Assumptions

Upon the completion of this proposed project, we expect the following output:

 In comparison with adaptive system, the result to be 90% accurate.

 We look forward to maintain, regulate this system in pigeon pea.

The results are compared with state-of-the-art methods from both qualitative and quantitative
perspectives to provide a comprehensive analysis. A lightweight CNN architecture with multi
kernel depth wise separable convolution called MDC (multi-dimensional convolution) is
proposed for plant disease Classifications. Depthwise convolution is employed to reduce the
computations, and the mixed convolution kernels are used to match the receptive fields in the
multiscale variation of plant diseases.

4.1 Description of Findings

4.1.1 VGG16-Training and Validation Accuracy

Figure 4-17:Training and validation accuracy graph of VGG16 model

Figure 4-18: Training and validation loss graph VGG16 model


Figure 4-19: Confusion Matrix of VGG16 Model

Table 4.1.1 VGG16 Model Report:
Diseases Precision Recall F1-score
Alternaria Blight 0.99 0.96 0.98
Bracteomania 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fusarium Leaf 0.98 0.98 0.98
Healthy 0.99 0.99 0.99
Sterility Mosaic 0.97 0.98 0.98
Accuracy 0.98
macro avg 0.99 0.98 0.98
weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98

4.1.2 ResNet50-Training and Validation Accuracy

Figure 4-20: Training and validation accuracy graph of ResNet50 model

Figure 4-21:Training and validation loss graph of ResNet50 model

Figure 4-22: Confusion Matrix of ResNet50 Model

Table 4.1.2 ResNet50 Model Report:

Diseases Precision Recall F1-score
Alternaria Blight 0.98 0.96 0.97
Bracteomania 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fusarium Leaf 0.96 0.99 0.98
Healthy 1.00 0.98 0.99
Sterility Mosaic 0.99 0.99 0.99
Accuracy 0.98
macro avg 0.98 0.98 0.98
weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98

4.1.3 Efficient Net- B0 -Training and Validation Accuracy

Figure 4-23:Training and validation accuracy graph of Efficient Net -B0 model

Figure 4-24: Training and validation loss graph of Efficient Net- B0 model

Figure 4-25:Confusion Matrix of Efficient Net -B0 Model

Table 4.1.3 Efficient Net –B0 Model Report:

Diseases Precision Recall F1-score
Alternaria Blight 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bracteomania 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fusarium Leaf 0.00 0.00 0.00
Healthy 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sterility Mosaic 0.27 1.00 0.43
Accuracy 0.27
macro avg 0.05 0.20 0.09
weighted avg 0.08 0.27 0.12

4.1.4 Custom CNN Model-Training and Validation Accuracy

Figure 4-26:Training and validation accuracy graph of Cuatom CNN model

Figure 4-27: Training and validation loss graph of Custom CNN model

Figure 4-28: Confusion Matrix of Custom CNN Model

Table 4.1.2 Custom CNN Model Report:

Diseases precision Recall f1-score
Alternaria Blight 0.98 0.61 0.75
Bracteomania 0.75 0.79 0.77
Fusarium Leaf 0.84 0.76 0.80
Healthy 0.84 0.86 0.85
Sterility Mosaic 0.76 0.96 0.85
accuracy 0.81
macro avg 0.83 0.79 0.80
weighted avg 0.83 0.81 0.81

4.1.5 Inceptionv3-Training and Validation Accuracy

Figure 4-29:Training and validation accuracy graph of Inceptionv3 Model

Figure 4-30: Training and validation loss graph of Inceptionv3 Model

Figure 4-31: Confusion Matrix of Inceptionv3 Model

Table 4.1.2 Inceptionv3 Model Report:

Diseases Precision Recall F1-score
Alternaria 0.94 0.93 0.93
Bracteomania 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fusarium Leaf 0.95 0.96 0.95
Healthy 1.00 0.97 0.98
Sterility Mosaic 0.98 0.99 0.99
Accuracy 0.97
macro avg 0.97 0.97 0.97
weighted avg 0.97 0.97 0.97 517

4.2 Comparison of different module

Parameters ResNet50 VGG 16 Inceptionv3 Custom CNN Efficient Net-

Precision 0.986 0.986 0.97 0.834 0.054
Recall 0.984 0.982 0.97 0.796 0.2
F1-score O.986 0.986 0.97 0.804 0.086
Accuracy 0.984 0.982 0.97 0.812 0.27

The evaluation of five different modules used for pigeon pea plant disease classification
reveals varying levels of performance. ResNet50 and VGG16 demonstrate robust results,
showcasing high precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy. These models appear to be the

most reliable for this classification task. Inceptionv3 also performs well, although slightly
below ResNet50 and VGG16 in precision and recall metrics. However, it maintains a high
level of accuracy, indicating its effectiveness for this task.

On the other hand, the Custom CNN model shows lower performance compared to the
pretrained models, with notably reduced precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy. This
suggests potential areas for improvement in its architecture or training approach. Lastly,
EfficientNet-B0 performs the poorest among the evaluated models, exhibiting extremely low
precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy. This indicates that either the model architecture
might not be suitable for this task, or it requires significant optimization and fine-tuning.
Overall, pretrained models like ResNet50 and VGG16 emerge as the top performers,
followed by Inceptionv3, while Custom CNN and EfficientNet-B0 require further refinement
for improved performance in pigeon pea plant disease classification.

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