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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts


COURSE ASSESSMENT MODULE ....................................................................................................................... 1

Schedule of Assessment Submission and Targeted CELOs ................................................................................... 3
Module 1 Understanding Climate ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Module 2 Designing with Nature .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Module 3 Greening the Cities................................................................................................................................... 4
Module 4 Building Structures in a Hot-Humid Climate ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

ANNEX ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Rubrics for Grading .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Paper and Report Submission Format ..................................................................................................................... 9
Written Report Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Reaction Paper Guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 15
Case Study Guidelines........................................................................................................................................... 16
Equipment and Tools ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Updated Learning Modalities ................................................................................................................................. 19

ARC 1435 2
Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Schedule of Assessment Submission and Targeted CELOs

Topic/s Assessment CELO Expected Output Rubric for Grading Submission
MODULE 1 Formative Assessment CELO1 Quiz on the listed topics Week 3
UNDERSTANDING CLIMATE 1: What is a tropical in Module 1
Understanding Climate climate?
• Climate
• Elements of climates
• Scales of climate and
their importance
• Major tropical climatic
MODULE 1 Formative Assessment CELO1 Analysis paper on Rubric for Written Week 4
UNDERSTANDING CLIMATE 2: How does climate vernacular structures in Reports
Understanding Climate influence architecture? the Philippines
• Climate in the Philippines
• Architectural adaptations
to climate
MODULE 2 DESIGNING WITH Formative Assessment CELO1 Written report on energy Rubric for Written Week 5
NATURE 3: How much electricity CELO2 benchmarking using Reports
Use of energy in buildings does your household Energy Use Intensity
MODULE 2 DESIGNING WITH Formative Assessment CELO1 Written report on thermal Rubric for Written Week 6
NATURE 4: How comfortable is CELO2 comfort factors using Reports
Thermal comfort factors your house? tools and online apps
Energy-efficient building
MODULE 3 GREENING THE Formative Assessment CELO1 Quiz on sustainable Week 7
CITIES 5: What is sustainable CELO2 principles and guidelines
Tropical design and tropical design? CELO3
sustainable design
Laws related to the use of
resources and sustainable
Sustainable tropical building
design principles Sustainability
MODULE 3 GREENING THE Formative Assessment CELO1 Article 1 Reaction Paper: Rubric for Reaction Week 8
CITIES 6: How do other cities in CELO3 Papers
Green building case studies tropical regions respond
Readings in sustainable toward urban climate
tropical architecture issues and contribute to
sustainable design?
MODULES 1 - 3 Summative Assessment CELO1 Analysis Paper Rubric for Written Weeks 9 - 10
1: Case Study: Energy- CELO2 Reports
efficient Design CELO3
MODULE 4 BUILDING Formative Assessment CELO1 Written report on sun’s Rubric for Written Week 13
STRUCTURES IN A HOT- 7: How does the sun’s CELO2 path and shadow casting Reports
HUMID CLIMATE path affect the design of CELO3 – using manual and
Bioclimatic design for tropical our buildings? online tools for analysis
climates of sun’s path
Climatic issues in a tropical
Tropical design strategies
• Orientation
• Site layout
• Façade design
• Solar control devices
• Daylighting

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
MODULE 4 BUILDING Formative Assessment CELO1 Quiz on the listed topics Week 14
STRUCTURES IN A HOT- 8: How do we maximize CELO2 in Module 4
HUMID CLIMATE natural ventilation in CELO3
Tropical design strategies building design?
• Vertical landscaping
• Landscaping for cooling
• Wind and natural
MODULES 1 - 4 Formative Assessment CELO1 Concept Board for Major Rubric for Major Project Weeks 15 -16
9: Application of Tropical CELO2 Plate Design Proposal
Design Concepts and CELO3
Strategies CELO4
MODULE 4 Summative Assessment CELO1 Final Exam Week 17 - 18
2: Final Exam CELO4

Module 3 Greening the Cities

Formative Assessment 5
Title: What is Sustainable Tropical Design?
Expected Output: Online Quiz on the sustainable tropical design via Canvas Quiz portal.
Week Coverage: Week 6 (Sep 20 – 25)
Submission Period: Week 7 (Sep 27 – Oct 2)
1. To differentiate tropical design from sustainable design.
2. To identify laws and their implementing rules and regulations that govern the use of our resources.
3. To associate sustainable tropical design principles with the actual environment.
1. Study the following topics in Module 1 Understanding Climate:
a. Climate
b. Elements of climates
c. Scales of climate and their importance
d. Major tropical climatic zones
2. Answer the multiple-choice questions on Canvas.

Formative Assessment 6
Title: How do other cities in tropical regions respond toward urban climate issues and contribute to sustainable
Expected Output: Reaction Paper on an article related to Sustainable Tropical Architecture. On A4 size paper
saved and submitted as PDF or Office Word file on Canvas.
Week Coverage: Week 7 (Sep 27 – Oct 2)
Submission Period: Week 8 (Oct 4 – 9)
1. To recognize and identify the problems faced by other cities located in tropical regions.
2. To associate issues and problems these cities in the tropical regions are facing with current urban
environment concerns in the Philippines.
3. To relate principles, systems, and approaches used for sustainable tropical architecture by other countries to
own local conditions.

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
1. Read ANY of the articles from 01 to 09 inside the Articles for FA6 folder. You may refer to the abstracts
provided in Module 3 Readings on Sustainable Tropical Architecture for these articles.
2. Write a reaction paper on the article you have read.
• For extra points, you may submit two reaction papers. You may arrange with your professor regarding the
deadline of the second article.
3. Take note to address the following items in your paper.
• What is the title of the article and who wrote it?
• What is the article about?
o Provide a brief summary of the article read.
o Do not directly lift this summary from the abstracts already provided.
o Summarize using your own words.
• What are the major points that the author emphasized on?
o Present these points concisely.
• What are your thoughts regarding these points?
o Can you relate these with our present conditions in the country? Are these applicable to the
Philippine local conditions?
o Express your own opinion regarding these.
o You may agree or disagree, but always support your arguments.
o Provide with actual architectural or urban design examples to make your arguments stronger.
• What are your major take-aways from this article?
o Provide a summary of the things you have learned.

1. Check the reaction paper guidelines. (See Appendix on Guidelines for Reaction Papers).
2. Present your ideas in a clear and concise manner and language. Avoid using ALL CAPS in your texts unless
for emphasis or on a title.
3. Follow format for paper submissions. (See Appendix for Paper and Report Submission format).
4. Provide citations and bibliography, as needed. Use APA format (See Appendix on APA Style Reference
Quick Guide).
5. Use Rubric for Reaction Papers. (See Appendix on Rubrics for Assessments).

Summative Assessment 1
Title: Sustainable Tropical Design Application
Expected Output: Case Study Analysis on A4 size paper saved and submitted as PDF or Office Word file on
Week Coverage: Week 8 (Oct 4 – 9) – Week 9 (Oct 11 – 16)
Submission Period: Week 9 (Oct 11 – 16)
1. To use the lessons learned from previous modules in the application of tropical design concepts to current
building conditions, issues and problems.
2. To analyze which information from previous assessments are useful for current building design problems.
3. To formulate design concepts and develop proposals for design translation, using sketches or illustrations,
based on observed issues and problems of current residence or building.
4. To recall concepts covered from Modules 1 – 3.


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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Sustainable Tropical Design Case Study
1. Observe your own house and neighborhood and reflect on these:
a. What is your local climate condition? Use local climate data (humidity and temperature levels, air
velocity, precipitation levels, etc.)
b. How do these conditions affect your current residence or building (if living in a condominium) where
you reside? Or what are the problems that your residence or building encounters in relation to its
climate conditions? You can determine whether it is comfortable, not prone to calamities,
experiencing frequent flooding, very hot, very cold, etc.
2. Document the actual design and construction of your house or building. You can use photographs and
sketches to document your observations (example: room lacks windows, flat roof, large balcony, small
windows, fixed glass windows, etc.)
3. Determine how your house or building was designed. Based on these current conditions, does its design
respond to the local conditions?
a. If yes, what are these features and how do they help alleviate the problems due to local climate
conditions? Observe if these features contribute to your comfort. (Example: large windows and
balconies keep the space cool with abundant natural ventilation entering your spaces, large yard for
vegetation to grow keeping your house cooler even during summer, etc.). Document them through
pictures or sketches and provide descriptions.
b. If not, how do you or the other residents (if living in an apartment or condominium) respond or adapt?
(Example: need to use electric fan all day to keep it cool, use of improvised tarpaulin to cover the
window to prevent heat from entering, etc.). Document them through pictures or sketches and
provide descriptions.
4. Evaluate these features you have observed and whether they are sustainable solutions or not. If not, how do
you think can they be improved. Cite sustainable tropical principles that may be adapted.
Additional questions for evaluation:
a. Does your house or building comply to the implementing rules and regulations of the environmental
laws. Research on the IRRs (implementing rules and regulations) of these laws.
b. Does the actual design that make you comfortable accommodate / respond to the local climate
conditions? How do other elements in your surrounding affect the conditions of your house or
c. Do the positive features (features that you think contribute to your comfort) reflect sustainable tropical
principles? If not, in what way are they not reflecting sustainable tropical principles?
5. Collate your observations and present your analysis in a clear and presentable manner. Avoid using ALL
CAPS in your texts unless for emphasis or on a title.
6. Describe the problems that have to be addressed to make your current dwelling meet the following:
a. Comfortable conditions
b. Responsive to local climate
c. Observance of sustainable tropical principles
d. As much as possible these should be, but not limited to, solutions that are doable/achievable within
the next two to three months. If they are not, you may still consider these proposals but mention why
they may not be achievable in a short period of time (i.e. budgetary constraints, construction uses
technology that may exceed this timeframe, currently unavailable material in the market due to the
pandemic, ownership – lives in a condominium and proposal may be beyond the legal rights of a unit
owner or tenant, etc.).
7. Provide key design considerations and requirements that you think are suitable to your preferences and
needs, keeping in mind to still meet the conditions mentioned in #2. (Example: Comfort, Aesthetic, Security,
Cost, etc.)
8. Formulate design concepts to address the issues and problems you have outlined in #1.
a. Determine which concepts are most suitable to address your current comfort needs and energy-use

ARC 1435 6
Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
b. Describe your concept and provide sketches or use peg images available to you.
c. Provide sketches of your house / current residence to best present and relate where those concepts
will be applied or located. You do not need to provide scaled drawings here, conceptual sketches
would do, just make sure that they are readable and presentable.
9. Provide an overall concept statement for these proposed changes to your current house or dwelling.
10. Provide citations and bibliography, as needed. Use APA format. (See Appendix on APA Style Reference
Quick Guide).
1. Check the reaction paper guidelines. (See Appendix on Guidelines for Case Study Analysis).
2. Present your ideas in a clear and concise manner and language. Avoid using ALL CAPS in your texts unless
for emphasis or on a title.
3. Follow format for paper submissions. (See Appendix for Paper and Report Submission format).
4. Provide citations and bibliography, as needed. Use APA format (See Appendix on APA Style Reference
Quick Guide).
5. Use Rubric for Case Studies. (See Appendix on Rubrics for Assessments).

Reference to Rubric used for Assessments

For your guidance, use the appropriate rubric for each assessment:
Assessment Expected Output Rubric for Grading
Formative Assessment 1 Quiz
Formative Assessment 2 Written report A – Rubric for Written Reports
Formative Assessment 3 Written report A – Rubric for Written Reports
Formative Assessment 4 Written report A – Rubric for Written Reports
Formative Assessment 5 Quiz
Formative Assessment 6 Reaction paper B - Rubric for Reaction Papers
Formative Assessment 7 Written report A – Rubric for Written Reports
Formative Assessment 8 Quiz
Formative Assessment 9 Application D - Rubric for Application of Concepts
Summative Assessment 1 Case Study C - Rubric for Case Studies
Summative Assessment 2 Final Examination

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts


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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Rubrics for Grading
PELO 2 Effectively communicate orally and in writing the architectural concepts and solutions.
Formative Assessment #: ___________

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

PELO 2 Effectively communicate orally and in writing the architectural concepts and solutions.
Formative Assessment #: ___________

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Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Paper and Report Submission Format
The Tropical Design course is designed to increase the student’s knowledge and awareness of the tropical climate
and the climate in general as an essential element in designing of buildings. Requirements for this Course include
written reports with analysis, reflection papers on article assignments, short quizzes, a final exam, and major
projects involving the application of the concepts and tropical design techniques introduced in this Course. All papers
will be submitted in a digital format either in PDF or Word. Other requirements such as photo documentation may be
submitted attached to these files as previously mentioned or as a separate file in image format either as JPG or PDF.
o Assignments and papers for this course do not need a cover page or borders
o Font style could be any of the following: Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman
o Font size: 10 - 12 pts
o Paragraph spacing and format: single, 1.5, or double space; left-justified
o Margin size: can vary
o Column layout: none / your option
o First page must always contain the following information on the upper left corner of the A4 paper in portrait
o Student Name (LN, FN, MI)
o Subject and Section ("ARC 1435 Section 1")
o Professor's Name ("J. Rizal")
o Formative Assessment #: <insert title> (e.g. "Sunshade devices ") or Summative Assessment #:
<insert title>
o Date of submission DD Month 2020 ("25 December 2021")
o Consecutive pages must contain a header with the assessment title and subject, while the footer with
student's name on the left bottom corner and the page number on the right bottom corner
o Always provide captions for figures and tables used in the paper
o Use citations when needed and acknowledge sources
o Provide a reference list using APA format. You can click on this link (Links to an external site) for
assistance. APA format. (Links to an external site)
o Save as PDF or Office Word file.

Written Report Guidelines

Your written reports should have the minimum sections, but not limited to:
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusions
Other information:
• Basic Information: Student’s name, subject and section, formative assessment number and title, professor’s
name, date of submission, page number
• References
o should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the assessment and why it is of interest
o should reflect the scenario, if available
o if needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the
significance of the problem
o a brief summary of your approach to the requirements for this assessment, possibly also including a concise
introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Materials and Methods
o its purpose is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements and
o needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements and/or data were obtained and how they were
o this is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described
o details should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done
o an accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus (when applicable) should be included and referred to in the
text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly
o to improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections
o results section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), and not to
discussing their meaning or interpretation
o results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics)
o every Figure and Table should have a legend and/or captions that describes concisely what is contained or shown
o figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table
o throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of
significant figures
o discussion section interprets the results in light of the project's objectives
o most important goal of this section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers
that the results provide
o should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken. For example: Based on the results, how could the
procedure/design/approach/technique be improved? What additional, future work may be done? What
recommendations can be drawn?
o should summarize the central points made in the discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and
implications of the work
o if results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described
o conclusions should never contain "surprises," any conclusions should be based on observations and data already
o it is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions
o should contain complete citations following APA format
o form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books,
and articles published in a journal
o references should be listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report
o in the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using APA format for in-text citations
Original source:
Student’s Basic Information
o for our purpose, no need for a cover page. The information can be placed on the upper left corner of the
paper for the first page and in header and footer on the next pages.

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Annex Figure 1 : Sample layout for the basic information

Reaction Paper Guidelines

Your reaction paper should have these three main parts:
• Introduction
• Body
• Conclusion
Other information:
• Basic Information: Student’s name, subject and section, formative assessment number and title, professor’s
name, date of submission, page number
• References
o this part is the most important one as this is literary the first thing your reader sees and interacts with
o introduction should be engaging
o introduce your topic, state your point of view, and get your reader interested in continuing with the essay
o avoid making it too long and all over the place
o make your arguments and/or statements straight to the point and clear
o keep in mind you will need to get back to it all the time while creating your paper
o the introduction is important but it is the body of your paper where the real writing starts
o you may refer to the guide questions to guide you in writing the body of your paper
o all your thoughts and ideas should be supported with facts and citations from reliable sources, but do not go
too far off the original source
o always keep your arguments within the initial theme
o you can add any information to support your point of view but it should be directly related to the main topic
o the conclusion is the last part of a reaction paper
o here you should restate your original statements or main arguments but avoid adding any new information to the
o your point of view is clear and now the reader is to decide if you were right
Original source:
Student’s Basic Information
o for our purpose, no need for a cover page. The information can be placed on the upper left corner of the
paper for the first page and in header and footer on the next pages. See Figure 1 in the previous section.

ARC 1435 15
Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
o other than the material or reading you are reflecting on, your references for any information or idea used in
your reaction paper must be properly cited and included in your reference list
o should contain complete citations following APA format
o form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books,
and articles published in a journal
o references should be listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report
o in the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using APA format for in-text citations

Case Study Guidelines

A case study analysis requires you to investigate an existing structure, examine its current conditions, identify its
issues and problems and other areas for consideration, and propose the most effective solution using supporting
Your case study analysis should have these main sections:
• Introduction
• Background
• Evaluation
• Proposed Solution / Changes
• Recommendations
Other information:
• Basic Information: Student’s name, subject and section, formative assessment number and title, professor’s
name, date of submission, page number
• References
o identify the key problems and issues in the case study
o formulate a main argument or thesis statement, summarizing the outcome of your analysis in 1–2 sentences
o get the scene: background information, relevant facts, and the most important issues (or check assessment
instructions for guide questions)
o demonstrate that you have researched the problems in this case study
o outline the various pieces of the case study that you are focusing on
o evaluate these pieces by discussing what is working and what is not working
o state why these parts of the case study are or are not working well
Proposed Solution / Changes
o provide specific and realistic solution(s) or changes needed
o explain why this solution was chosen
o support this solution with solid evidence, such as:
o concepts from class (text readings, discussions, lectures)
o outside research
o personal experience (anecdotes)
o determine and discuss specific strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution
o if applicable, recommend further action to resolve some of the issues
o what should be done and who should do it
Original source:

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Far Eastern University 1st Semester SY 2021 - 2022
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Student’s Basic Information

o for our purpose, no need for a cover page. The information can be placed on the upper left corner of the
paper for the first page and in header and footer on the next pages. See Figure 1 in the previous section.
o should contain complete citations following APA format
o form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books,
and articles published in a journal
o references should be listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report
o in the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using APA format for in-text citations

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APA Style Reference Quick Guide

Annex Figure 2: APA style reference quick guide

Image source:

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Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Equipment and Tools

Certain submissions may require instruments such as a thermometer and a hygrometer (a simple one which can be
purchased online for less than Php 200 would work just fine). Formative Assessment 4 on Week 6 will require
recording an environment’s temperature and humidity. If it is not possible for the student to procure these instruments,
he/she may have an option of using online tools/apps to access necessary data on temperature and humidity levels in
the location chosen for that activity (Links to external site: Weather Atlas, AccuWeather, World Data dot Info, etc). For
assessments requiring documentation a digital, analog or phone cameras will also be needed. For other
assessments, adviser may provide links to useful online tools as needed for the lessons.

Annex Figure 3: A simple hygrometer / thermometer

Updated Learning Modalities

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Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

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