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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII
Hari/tgl : Jumat,08 – 03 - 2024

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b,
c, atau d pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

The following text is for questions 1 to 5

Florence Nightingale was actually born In Florence in 1820, the daughter of a rich English
couple who enjoyed travelling. It was a time when upper class girls were not expected to do anything
except wait for a man to propose to them.
Florence Nightingale rebelled against this. She desperately wanted to be a nurse at a time when
most nurses were thought of as dirty, drunken and unreliable. In 1850 she went to Kaiserswerth in
Germany to learn about nursing. Eventually she became matron of a very small charity hospital in
when Britain declared war on Russia. Florence saw her chance. She volunteered to take a group
ot nurses out to Scutari In Turkey to nurse soldier wounded in battle. Before she arrived, soldiers were
dying in thousand because the army had no proper hospitais. She managed to cut the death rate
enormously by ensuring that patients were kept clean and warm and were fed properly. This may seem
obvious to us but in the 19" century this made her famous almost overnight.
The war destroyed her own health and she was never well again, but she still managed to make
herself an expert on hospital of the world and her books and reports were enormously influental.
Almost single-handedly. Florence Nightingale created the modern nurse it is thanks to her that
modern nurses ate the well-trained and respected professionals that they are today.

1. what did Fiorence do when Britain declared war on Russia?

A. She registered herself as a volunteer to take care of soidiers in Turkey
B. She went to Russia to help the wounded soldiers
C. She wrote a book about nursing wounded soldiers
D. She encouraged all nurses to go to London
2. Florence learnt about nursing the frst time in...
A. Germany
B. Britain
C. Turkey
D. Russia
3. The profession of a nurse was not respected at that time because
A. there was no school availabie for being nurses
B. most nurses were arunk and unretiable
C. it was a hard and dangerous job
D. the payment was low
4. Why were there many soldiers dying at the time?
A. Britain did not have enough food to give to the wounded soldier
B. There were no proper hospitals for the wounded soldiers.
C. The number of nurses in the hospitals was limited
D. The nurses did not want to go to the battle
5. How did Florence save the wounded soldiers from dying?
A. She cheered them up by telling jokes
B. She visited them and told them interesting stories
C. She gave them expensive medicine to cure them quickly
D. She made sure that they were warm, clean, and got proper food

The following text is for questions 6 to 10.

King Ranubanu had a very pretty princess She loved playing with water very much. One day,people
of the kingdom suffered from a strange disease. A lot of people died. Physicians failed to cure the people.
One day, an old man visited the King. He said that the kingdom could be free from the disease by
the help ot the rare tlower which grew in the middle of a lake. The lake was just in the Mount Semeru's foot
However the flower could only be taken by the princess. Sadly, the king let the princess do the heavy task.
After a long journey, the princess and her people arrived in the lake. The water of the lake was soon
attracting the princess to play with. She jumped into the lake and forgot about the task. She did not want to
go back to the kingdom.
Hearing about the princess' behaviour, the king got angry. He went to set the princess and said.
People are waiting for you to bring the flower to cure them, but you forgot about the task. If you refuse to go
back to the palace you'd better stay here in the lake forever!"
Surprisingly, the princess turned into a white flower. The king, sadly, took the flower out of the lake
and brought it to the palace. Amazingly, people of the kingdom could be cured by seeing the flower. The
flower is known as the water lily or 'Bunga Teratai' in Indonesian language.

6. From the text we can conclude that the princess was the lake
A. Cured
B. Shocked
C. Amazed
D. Surprised
7. if you refuse to go back to the palace... (Par 4)
The undertined word ’refuse’ is closest in meaning to..
A. refund
B. retail
C. reject
D. remake
8. ” the help of the rare flower which grew in the middle of (Par. 2)
What does the underlined word ”which” refer to?
A. The rare flower.
B. The disease
C. The old man
D. The lake
9. What is the second paragraph about?
A. How the disease could be cured.
B. The beauty of the rare flower.
C. The beauty of Mount Semeru.
D. How the disease spread out.
10. What could we learn from the story?
A. Loneliness can bring sorrow
B. Water can be dangerous.
C. Water lities are rare
D. Love needs sacrifice

The following text is for questions 6 to 10.

Once upon a time, there was a small village in Baghdad Its population was very small. In this
village, everybody knew each othet and knew every litte or big problems that went on in the village. In
this small village there was a bakery that was popular for its delicious bread.

One day, a poor old man was walking in the street passing the bakery and he stopped to smell
the scent of the bread which was spreading out of the bakery. Suddenly, the baker caught the old man
and shouted at him demanding the price of the bread's scent. He almost dragged him to the police.

A very famous wise man named Juhha heard the baker shouling. So he went to him and asked
about the problem. Juhha stood calmly listening to the baker and he thought of a solution. After a few
minutes, Juhha's eyes glistened and an amused smile was on his face. He asked the baker How much
money do you want?". The baker and the poor man were astonished, but the baker answered. Three
dinars. Juhha took the money out of his wallet and put it in his pocket and shook the money. "Did you
hear the sound of the money? Juhha asked. Yes, I did" the baker replied, and with a big smile Juhha
said, Well then, this is the price of your bread's scent.

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