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RSMI 2009 Session III Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Design X-

NCRPNCRP-147 Shielding Models

Douglas J. Simpkin, Ph.D. Aurora St L k M di l Ct A St. Lukes Medical Ctr Milwaukee, WI

Models for Diagnostic X-Ray XShielding Calculations



The Three Models for Diagnostic X-ray Shielding In NCRP 147

1. First-principle extensions to NCRP 49 2. Given calculated kerma per patient, scale by # patients and inverse squared distance, y p q , and then use transmission curves designed p yp for particular room types 3. NT/(Pd2)

st 1

principle extensions to NCRP 49

(Underlies the other two methods) The kerma in the occupied area may have p y contributions from
primary radiation scatter radiation leakage radiation

Secondary radiation

Primary, Scatter, and Leakage

Must protect from primary radiation


Must protect from scatter & leakage radiation


st 1

principle extensions to NCRP 49

The models for primary, scatter, and leakage in NCRP-147 are extensions to whats in NCRP49 (1976):
x-ray tubes operating over ranges of potentials y p g g p (workload distribution) new model for image receptor attenuation new model for leakage

st 1

principle extensions to NCRP 49

These primary scatter and leakage primary, scatter, radiations may be from multiple x-ray sources (or tube positions) So, simply add up all the contributions to the kerma, K f k K, from all these sources in the ll h i h occupied area behind a barrier of thickness x, K ( x) = ( K P ( x) + K S ( x) + K L ( x) )
tubes kVp

st 1

principle extensions to NCRP 49

Then iteratively find a barrier thickness x that decreases that kerma to P/T, the design goal modified by the occupancy factor
P K ( x) = ( K P ( x) + K S ( x) + K L ( x) ) = T tubes kVp See for shareware program XRAYBARR to do this

st 1

principle extensions to NCRP 49

XRAYBARR was written by me in the mid 1990s to perform shielding calculations with these new models as we developed NCRP 147. NCRP-147. The shielding data and examples in NCRP-147 p are based on the output of XRAYBARR. Note: Some of the examples in NCRP-147 p y arent duplicated by XRAYBARR because NCRP-147 takes shortcuts in the tabulated xpre values. XRAYBARR is right!

Primary Radiation Model

Primary Kerma at 1 m per workload

In primary beam, p know kerma per workload at 1 m, KW(kVp) , for 3 p phase units (data of Archer et al. 1994)


Unshielded Primary Beam Kerma

KW (kVp) W (kVp) p p At a given kV K P (0) = i kVp, 2 dP
If only a fraction U of the tubes workload is directed at this barrier, then

KW (kVp) U W (kVp) K P ( 0) = 2 dP
U is the use factor for this barrier

Kerma Behind a Primary Barrier

The kerma behind a primary barrier of transmission B(x, kVp) is

KW (kVp) U W (kVp) p p K P ( x, kV ) = kVp B ( x, kV ) kVp 2 dP

For the whole distribution of workloads, total workloads kerma is

KW (kVp) U W (kVp) K P ( x) = B ( x, kVp) 2 dP kVp


Primary Radiation: i i i The Old NCRP-49 Model NCRP-

x Barrier of thickness x decreases raw primary radiation kerma to P/T i di ti k t


Primary Radiation: The Reality

Grid, cassette, supporting structures patient ti t

Primary radiation is significantly attenuated b f tt t d before reaching b i hi barrier


Primary Radiation: A Conservative, Realistic Model

Grid, cassette, maybe image receptor supporting structures

Even without the patient, primary radiation is still significantly attenuated b f i ifi tl tt t d before reaching barrier hi b i

Primary Radiation: NCRPNCRP-147 Model

Grid, cassette, maybe supporting structures No ti t! N patient!

xpre x

xtot = x + xpre

Assume primary beam attenuation in image receptor is due to a pseudo-barrier whose equivalent thickness xpre gives same transmission as that seen for actual image receptors.


8 6 4 2

Primary Transmission Through Patient, Image Receptor, and Supports

Data of Dixon (1994)
Wall-Mou unted Grid + Cassette + Cassette Holders C C


No patient & grid & cassette:

8 6 4

B = 4.7E-6 kVp


Transmiss sion


8 6 4 2

No patient & grid & cassette & cassette support structures & radiographic table: g p 4.917 Type of Radiographic Table B = 9.36E-13 kVp
(data of Dixon 1994)
GE RTE Table GE Advantx Table Siemens Multix-T Table Picker Clinix-T Table
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150


8 6 4 2

1E-4 1E 4




Values of x

p pre


1E 2 1E+2

Plate Glass

xpre (mm m)




1E 1 1E-1
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150


xpre for Radiographic Room Workload Distributions

From NCRP-147 Table 4.6:
Grid + cassette:
0.3 mm Pb 30 mm concrete

G id + cassette + table/chest bucky supports: Grid tt t bl / h t b k t

0.85 mm Pb 72 mm concrete

(See Dixon & Simpkin Health Phys 74;181189;1998 for a more complete list.)

Calculation of Primary Kerma

Same as model in NCRP-49 except
account for workload distribution in kVp May account for image receptor shielding xpre

Primary kerma in occupied area is then

K P ( x + x pre ) = 1 K (kVp) U W (kVp) B ( x + x pre , kVp) 2 W d P kVp


Scatter Radiation

patient i


Scaled Normalized Scatter Fraction

KS 1m 1m 1m

1 cm2 area primary beam at 1 m

KS +6 = a1 10 KP

Scaled Normalized Scatter Fraction



Scatter Radiation
Same theory as old NCRP-49
scatter fraction data of Kelley & Trout reevaluated by Simpkin & Dixon (Health Phys 1998) pri beam area F ( 2) measured at pri distance dF ib (cm d i di conveniently taken as image receptor area @ SID explicitly show kVp dependence and sum over li itl h kV d d d workload distribution to yield shielded scatter kerma

a1 10 6 KW (kVp) W (kVp) F K S ( x, ) = B( x, kVp) p 2 2 dS dF kVp


Leakage Radiation
Radiation originating from xray tube focal spot but not emanating from the tube portal

patient i


Leakage radiation
Intensity can t exceed L = 100 mR/hr at 1 m cant when tube is operated at its leakage technique factors
maximum potential for continuous operation kVpmax (typically 135 150 kVp or 50 kVp for 135-150 kVp, mammography) Imax is t e maximum continuous tube current s the a u co t uous cu e t possible at kVpmax . Note that this is usually a low mA, not typical of clinical radiography.

Leakage radiation
These leakage technique factors specify how thick the shielding in the tube housing should be NCRP49 suggested leakage technique gg g q factors of 3.3 mA at 150 kVp, 4 mA at 125 p p y kVp, 5 mA at 100 kVp; remain fairly typical today


Leakage radiation
NCRP-147 calculations (and shielding methods NCRP 147 2 and 3) use
3 3 mA at 150 kVp 3.3 worst case leakage rates (Subsequently weve found that assuming 4 mA at (Subsequently, we ve 125 kVp leakage technique factors specifies barriers that are 10-20% thicker than in the report) p ) However, actual leakage rates are 0-30% of the maximum leakage so we dont see a problem g p

New Leakage Model g

For tube operating at techniques ( p, I) with p g q (kVp, ) transmission through the tube housing Bhousing, assume leakage kerma rate at 1 m through tube housing is

K L (kVp) kVp I Bh i (kVp) housing

Assume worst case scenario: leakage kerma rate = limit L for tube operation at leakage technique factors (conservative by factors of 3 to ~infinity)

New Leakage Model g

Estimate thickness of tube housing by using primary beam output at leakage technique factors as model for unhoused p g q leakage radiation.
1931 mGy/hr 100 mR/hr = 0.873 mGy/hr
Tube operated at 150 kVp, 3.3 mA unhoused tube 1m 1m 1m Tube housing = 2.32 mm Pb thick


1931 mGy/hr

1931 mGy/hr

New Leakage Model g

Write ratio of leakage kerma rates at any kVp to L at kVpmax and knowing that at a given kVp, workload W(kVp) is the time integral of the tube current: W (kVp) = I dt then unshielded leakage kerma KL ( 1 m) at h hi ld d l k k (at ) that kVp is
K L (0, kVp) = L kVp 2 (1 U ) W (kVp) Bhousing (kVp) kVpmax I max Bhousing (kVpmax )

New Leakage Model g

Applying inverse square to distance dL from tube to shielded area, and putting a barrier with transmission exp(ln(2)x/HVL) between tube & area yields
K L ( x, kVp) = L kV 2 (1 U ) W (kV ) Bhousing (kV ) kVp kVp kVp kVpmax I max Bhousing (kVpmax ) g

ln(2) x 1 exp 2 HVL(kVp) dL (kVp


How far off is NCRP-49s leakage model? NCRP1E+0 1E-1


NCRP-1 leakage 147 e/ NCRP-4 leakage 49



1E-5 1E 5

Leakage dose as function of kVp transmitted through x-ray tube ous g o 3 b co pa ed housing of 2.32 mm Pb compared to that at 150 kVp
Leakage technique factors: 150 kVp, 3.3 mA for 100 mR/hr




1E-9 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150



Summary: Shielding Model No. 1 No

Rigorous model based on the well-accepted NCRP-49 methods. But you need a computer program y p p g (XRAYBARR, for example) to implement f y fully! Is there a shielding method that allows paper and calculator solutions?


NCRPNCRP-147 Shielding Model No. 2 No

For each clinical workload distribution, of total workload Wnorm per patient, for both l kl d i f b h primary and secondary barriers, NCRP-147 provides:
K1 , the kerma per patient at 1 m distance
Primary kerma per patient KP1 is in Table 4.5 45 Secondary kerma per patient Ksec1 is in Table 4.7

B, the transmission of the radiation , generated by this workload distribution for primary or secondary barriers (cf App B & C)

NCRPNCRP-147 Shielding Model No. 2 No

Primary Air Kerma at 1 m for Workload Distributions, K1 Di ib i


NCRPNCRP-147 Shielding Model No. 2 No

S Secondary Air Kerma at 1 m for W y Workload Distributions, K1sec


NCRPNCRP-147 Shielding Model No. 2

For single kVp operation cf. Simpkin and y ( ), Dixon Health Phys. 74(3), 350365 for secondary kerma per workload at 1 m at g p p single kVp operation All other data is available in NCRP 147
But be careful reading scientific notation: 1.234 x 101 = 12.34


Shielding Model No. 2

Get the unshielded kerma, K(0) by scaling the kerma kerma K(0), per patient at 1 m, K1, by
N patient procedures (suggested values of N are in Table 4.3) or, equivalently total workload Wtot (where workload/pat = Wnorm) can tweak Wtot by a QE-specified different workload per patient, Wsite

K 1 U N K 1 U Wt t tot Kerma is then K (0) = = 2 2 d d Wnorm

( h U i replaced by 1 for secondary barriers) (where is l db f d b i )

Shielding Model No. 2

Ratio of P/T to K(0) is the required transmission P d 2 Wnorm Pd2 P /T = = B( x) = 1 K (0) N T UD Wtot T UD1
(again, U is replaced by 1 for secondary barriers)

T Transmission B i now a function of i i is f i f

barrier material and thickness workload distribution kl d di ib i primary or secondary



x=1.2 mm Pb


Now the difficulty is in reading the correct curve!


Shielding Model No. 3 for No Representative Rooms

Model No. 2 fails for complicated assemblages of x-ray tubes/ positions/ workload distributions, such as in i a radiographic or di hi radiographic/ fluoroscopic room

Shielding Model No. 3 for No Representative Rooms

(Using XRAYBARR) NCRP-147 shows barrier thickness requirements calculated for representative rooms:
Assume conservatively small room layout
assures maximum contribution from all sources

Presumes that the kinds of exposures made amongst the various x-ray tubes/positions follow those observed by the AAPM TG-9 survey y y

Representative Radiographic Room


Use Factors from AAPM Survey

Rad Room: Chest Bucky Cross-table Lateral Position U=9% Overtable Position U=89% shooting down at fl t floor ( (Another p primary wall g y gets U=2% of the floor/ other barrier distribution; assume tube is centered overtable) Rad Room: floor/ other barriers applies to Overtable and Crosstable positions

Representative Radiographic Room p g p

y Secondary Barrier Cross-table Lateral Wall primary

Chest Bucky wall primary Che Buck est ky wall second dary

U 2% U=2% primary wall

Secondary Barrier

Representative R&F Room Representative Room

Also assume a Representative R&F room
Has same layout as Standard Radiographic Room except an undertable fluoro x-ray tube and image intensifier are added, centered over table added Does fluoro as well as standard radiographic work, with table and chest buckies and crosstable work

75% of patients imaged as if in radiographic room p g g p 25% of patients imaged by fluoroscopy tube


Representative R&F Room

Overtable Rad tube Chest Rad tube Image Intensifier

Crosstable Lateral Rad Tube Undertable Fluoro Tube


Representative Room Representative Room Barrier Requirements

From Model 2, transmission requirement is

Pd B( x) = 1 N T UK
so the barrier thickness requirement must scale as: NT



Representative Room Representative Room Barrier Requirements

Given N patients/week, need to shield to P/T, a distance d from the x-ray source Calculate N T2 in mGy-1 m-2 y

Look up the required barrier thickness on the graph appropriate for that workload distribution, barrier, and barrier material

There are 12

2 NT/Pd


For Representative Radiographic and R&F Rooms:

For Lead and Concrete:
Primary barriers with preshielding y p g Primary barriers without preshielding Secondary barriers



2 NT/Pd

curves have been fit

The NT/Pd2 curves have been fit to a modified Archer eqn:

See fitting parameters at ing.htm g


NT/Pd2: From where is d measured?

Primary Barriers
Floor Chest Bucky wall Crosstable Lateral Wall 2% U wall overhead radiographic tube chest tube (72 SID) (72" cross-table tube (40" SID) center of table

Secondary Barriers
Floor Chest Bucky secondary wall Secondary Wall Ceiling patient on table chest tube (72" SID) patient on table patient on table

Equivalency of Shielding Materials for Model No. 3 Calculations

For representative room calculations only, y conservatively conclude
Steel thickness requirement = q 8 Pb thickness requirement Gypsum wallboard thickness requirement = 3.2 concrete thickness requirement Glass thickness requirement = 1.2 concrete thickness requirement

NCRP-147 utilizes 3 shielding models
Model No 1: Extension of the methods of NCRP-49 No. NCRP 49
With kVp dependence With new models for primary and leakage R i computer program to implement fully Requires t t i l t f ll

Model No. 2: Based on data from model no. 1,

NCRP-147 shows kerma per patient at 1 m and transmission curves appropriate for a given workload. i f i kl d Calculate unshielded kerma and then transmission needed to reduce to P/T. Look up barrier thickness.

M d l No. 3 B d on d f Model N 3: Based data from model no. 1 d l 1,

For N patients at distance d (for a particular workload distribution & barrier), calculate NT/Pd2 NCRP 147 shows b i thickness as function of NT/Pd2 NCRP-147 h barrier hi k f i f

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