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Performance Contract

This Performance Contract ("Contract") is entered into this _____ day of April, 2024 by
and between:

Connection in Christ International Group, Inc., a non-profit foundation duly registered

with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other pertinent Government agencies, with
official address at _____________________________, represented in this Act by its Chairman,
Ms. Nena G. Chiong, hereinafter referred to as the "Promoter",


Mr. Abraham D. Salvani, the authorized representative of the artist/singer

____________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Agent/Manager"

That the Promoter is desirous to engage the services of the Agent/Manager to provide
talent/s for an event to be organized by the Promoter:

Event Details:

Event Name: A Night of Songs and Giving

Date: May 25, 2025
Venue: Philippine Gateway Hotel, Surigao City, Philippines

1. Engagement:

The Agent/Manager agrees to provide the services of ____________________ to perform on the

above-mentioned event on the specified date and venue. The performance shall consist of
(specify duration or number of songs to be performed by talent/s)

2. Fees:

In consideration of the talent’s performance, the Promoter agrees to pay the talent/s through the
Agent/Manager the sum of [Specify agreed-upon fee] (the "Performance Fee"). The Performance
Fee shall be paid according to the following schedule:

[Specify any advance payment and due dates]

[Specify any additional expenses covered by the Promoter, e.g., travel, accommodation]

3. Performance Schedule:

The Agent/Manager shall make sure that the talent/s shall arrive at the venue no later than
[Specify arrival time] for soundcheck and preparation and to be physically present for the
performance. The performance shall commence promptly at [Specify performance start time] and
conclude at [Specify performance end time], as agreed upon by both parties.

4. Promotional Obligations:

The Promoter agrees to promote the event in accordance with mutually agreed-upon promotional
materials and strategies. The Agent/Manager shall provide promotional materials (e.g., photos,
bios) as requested by the Promoter in a timely manner.

5. Technical Requirements:
The Promoter shall provide all necessary sound and lighting equipment for the performance. The
Artist shall provide a technical rider detailing specific technical requirements, which the
Promoter agrees to fulfill to the best of their ability.

6. Soundcheck and Rehearsal:

The Artist shall be provided with adequate time for soundcheck and rehearsal on the day of the
event. The Promoter shall coordinate with the venue to ensure that soundcheck and rehearsal run
smoothly and efficiently.

7. Miscellaneous Provisions:

The Promoter shall be responsible for the transportation of the talent/s from Manila to the venue,
including land transfers, air fare, etc.

The Promoter shall be responsible for the billeting, food and other necessary needs of the talent/s
for the duration of his/her stay at the venue;

The Promoter shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses or permits required for
the event.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g., force majeure), both parties agree to negotiate in
good faith to reschedule the performance or modify the terms of this Contract as necessary.

8. Governing Law:

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines.

9. Signatures:

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject
matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first
above written.

[Signature of Promoter] [Signature of Artist]

[Printed Name of Promoter] [Printed Name of Artist]

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