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Marking Rubric – Final Research Report

Category 1: Introduction • Clearly states the research question or problem

• Provides a brief overview of the topic and its relevance
• Identifies the research objectives and scope
Category 2: Research Question • Successfully demonstrates and justifies the relevance and
importance of the research question
• Connects the research question to broader theoretical or
practical implications
Category 3: Literature Review • Presents a comprehensive review of relevant literature
• Engages with the literature in a constructive and critical
• Provides insightful and relevant critique of the literature
• Connects the literature review to the research question
• Clearly illustrates and justifies the conceptual framework
and analytical focus of the research
Category 4: Methodology • Describes appropriate, logical, and well-explained methods,
data collection, and analysis strategies
• Justifies the chosen methodology in the context of the
research question
• Complies with ethical codes and considerations
Category 5: Findings and Discussion • Presents findings that answer the research question
• Provides a detailed analysis of the results
• Illustrates effective arguments in the discussion section
• Interprets the results in the context of the research
question and existing literature
Category 6: Conclusion • Summarizes the main findings and their significance
• Offers recommendations for future research
Category 7: Application of Prior • Demonstrates the ability to integrate and apply concepts,
Knowledge theories, and skills learned from previous Global Creative
Industries courses relevant to the research topic
Category 8: Organization • Presents a well-structured report with clear transitions
between sections
• Maintains a logical flow of ideas throughout the report
• Includes appropriate headings and subheadings to guide
the reader
Category 9: Language • Demonstrates clear and concise writing with proper
grammar and punctuation
• Utilizes appropriate academic vocabulary and tone
• Follows appropriate formatting and citation style
Grade A (A+, A, A-) • Introduction & Research Question: Exceptional clarity, relevance, and
importance of research question and objectives
• Literature Review: Comprehensive review, critical engagement, and
connection to the research question
• Methodology: Highly appropriate methods, strong justification, and
ethical considerations
• Findings, Discussion & Conclusion: Relevant findings, detailed analysis,
compelling arguments, and effective summary
• Application of Prior Knowledge: Exceptional integration and
application of concepts and skills from previous courses
• Organization & Language: Well-structured report, logical flow, and
outstanding clarity and academic vocabulary
Grade B (B+, B, B-) • Introduction & Research Question: Good to very good clarity,
relevance, and importance of research question and objectives
• Literature Review: Thorough review, constructive engagement, and
connection to the research question
• Methodology: Appropriate methods, reasonable justification, and
ethical considerations
• Findings, Discussion & Conclusion: Pertinent findings, solid analysis,
persuasive arguments, and effective summary
• Application of Prior Knowledge: Good to very good integration and
application of concepts and skills from previous courses
• Organization & Language: Well-structured report, logical flow, and
clear language with proper academic vocabulary
Grade C (C+, C, C-) • Introduction & Research Question: Satisfactory clarity, relevance, and
importance of research question and objectives
• Literature Review: Adequate review, basic engagement, and
connection to the research question
• Methodology: Suitable methods, basic justification, and ethical
• Findings, Discussion & Conclusion: Relevant findings, reasonable
analysis, coherent arguments, and satisfactory summary
• Application of Prior Knowledge: Satisfactory integration and
application of concepts and skills from previous courses
• Organization & Language: Adequately structured report, acceptable
flow, and understandable language with basic academic vocabulary;
Grade D (D+, D) • Introduction & Research Question: Barely satisfactory clarity,
relevance, and importance of research question and objectives
• Literature Review: Limited review, minimal engagement, and weak
connection to the research question
• Methodology: Basic methods, weak justification, and some
consideration of ethical issues
• Findings, Discussion & Conclusion: Minimal findings, limited analysis,
weak arguments, and basic summary
• Application of Prior Knowledge: Barely satisfactory integration and
application of concepts and skills from previous courses
• Organization & Language: Weakly structured report, disjointed flow,
and basic language with limited academic vocabulary
Grade F (Fail) • Introduction & Research Question: Poor or unclear research question
and objectives, lacking relevance and importance
• Literature Review: Negligible review, lack of engagement, and no
connection to the research question
• Methodology: Inappropriate methods, no justification, and disregard
for ethical issues
• Findings, Discussion & Conclusion: Irrelevant findings, inaccurate
analysis, incoherent arguments, and insufficient summary
• Application of Prior Knowledge: Poor integration and application of
concepts and skills from previous courses
• Organization & Language: Poorly structured report, incoherent flow,
and unclear language with inadequate academic vocabulary

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