GCIN4001 Workshop 1

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Global Creative Industries Research Project (Capstone Experience)

Workshop I

Date: 17 January 2024

Course Convener
Class A Class B
Dixon H. W. Wong Karin L. F. Chau
Contact: hwwongc@hku.hk Contact: karinclf@hku.hk
Teaching Assistant

Xiaoying Han
Contact: xyhan30@hku.hk
Course Philosophy
Transition From Student to Salaryperson

Independent Learning Improvisation Value-added

Basic Manner Preference & Priority

Course Overview
Independent Research Topic Exploration Collaborative Learning
This course enables students to Students will delve into a topic Students will work in groups of four,
pursue independent research and related to the creative industries, focusing on a topic of their choice.
produce a research report under the creating a research project that
supervision of the course instructor. incorporates original research, well-
considered methodological choices,
and builds upon knowledge gained
from previous Global Creative
Industries courses.
Learning Objectives

1 Research Project Management 2 Key Issues Identification

Independently plan, execute, and manage a complex Identify key issues in creative industries studies and
research project on creative industries, adhering to strict connect their research project to existing conversations
time constraints. within the field.

3 Knowledge Generation 4 Critical Synthesis

Generate new knowledge and insights within the subject Critically evaluate and synthesize knowledge and
of their research project. theories related to creative industries, building upon
learnings from previous Global Creative Industries
Course Format

1 Workshop 2 Consultation 3 Independent Research

Course Structure
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Deliverable: Statement of Intent Deliverable: Literature Review Deliverable: Methodology

Identifying research topic and Engaging with existing literature and Finalizing research plan
formulating research question developing theoretical and analytical

Stage 4
Deliverable: Final Research Report

Conducting and writing up research

Course Schedule
Date Activity Venue

17 January 2024 (2:30PM – 4:20PM) Workshop 1 LE4

31 January 2024 (11PM) Deadline: Statement of intent

7 February 2024 (9AM – 7PM) Consultation Session 1 TBC

28 February 2024 (11PM) Deadline: Literature Review

7 March 2024 (9AM – 7PM) Consultation Session 2 TBC

13 March 2024 (2:30PM – 4:20PM) Workshop 2 TBC

20 March 2024 (11PM) Deadline: Methodology (and application for ethics approval if necessary)

27 March 2024 (9AM – 7PM) Consultation Session 3 TBC

30 April 2024 (11PM) Deadline: Final Paper


Incremental Writings Final Research Report

Incremental writings (30%) Final research report (70%)
Incremental Writings
1. Statement of Intent (10%)

• What do you plan to study in this research project?

• What research questions do you plan to address in this project?
• Why is this study valuable or significant?
• How do you plan to investigate the issue(s)?
• Which research approaches, methods and techniques do you plan to use, and why?

Deadline: 31 January 2024 (Wed) by 11:00 PM

Incremental Writings
2. Literature Review (10%)

• How does the existing literature approach the topic, and what are the major arguments?
• What are the major limitations or weaknesses of the existing literature?
• How do you plan to address the problems identified, and which conceptual frameworks will you use?
• Based on the conceptual frameworks you propose, what is the analytical focus of your research?

Deadline: 28 February 2024 (Wed) by 11:00 PM

Incremental Writings
3. Methodology (10%)

• What research methods do you propose to use, and why?

• How do you plan to collect and analyse the data?
• What potential challenges might you encounter, and how do you plan to address these challenges?

Deadline: 20 March 2024 (Wed) by 11:00 PM

Final Research Report
Cover Page Statement of division of Introduction
including the name and student
number of all members and title of
the report

Literature Review Methodology Findings & Discussion

Conclusion List of References

Deadline: 30 April 2024 (Tue) by 11.00 PM

Wordcount: No more than 10,000 words

Marking Rubric (Final Research Report)
• Category 1: Introduction
• Category 2: Research Question
• Category 3: Literature Review
• Category 4: Methodology
• Category 5: Findings and Discussion
• Category 6: Conclusion
• Category 7: Application of Prior Knowledge
• Category 8: Organization
• Category 9: Language
Plagiarism and other Course Policies
Ethics Approval
Consultation Sessions
Group Formation

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