Alemu Zewdu Research

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June, 2017

Mekelle, Ethiopia
My heartfelt appreciation goes to Almighty God for giving me the strength to undertake
my study and this research paper.A special words of thanks to my advisor Amsalu Tebeje for
his enormous contribution ,support,guidance and through attention for the compemletion of this
research paper.I am very greatful to my family for giving me the opportunity and providing the
means for actualizing my plan of pursuing a Bacheler degree.I wouldlike also to extend my
appreciation to my friends for their cooperation with me in my life of the campus and
educational support.


This research aims to identify the causes and consequences of corruption in Adhaki sub-
city municipality and to provide possible mechanisms to curb corruption.This study employed
both primary and secondary data.In case of primary data questionnaire were used to collect data
and various literatures on causes and consequences of corruption were examined to gather
secondary data.In addition simple random sampling technique was employed and 30
respondents were selected from above 6000 customers those get services from Adhaki sub-city
municipality in a year by random sampling technique.The finding was analyzed by qualitative
and quantitative research techniques.the major finding of the study is to identify the
manifestation,causes consequences and the mrasures of curbing corruption in Adhaki sub-city

Table of Content
Title Page No

Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------


Table of Content -----------------------------------------------------------------------

List of Table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


1. INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------

1.1 Background of the Study -------------------------------------------------------

1.2 Statement of the Problem -------------------------------------------------------

1.3 Objective of the Study ---------------------------------------------------------

1.3.1 General Objective -------------------------------------------------------------

1.3.2 Specific Objective -------------------------------------------------------------

1.4 Research Question ---------------------------------------------------------------

1.5 Significance of the Study -------------------------------------------------------

1.6 Scope of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------

1.7 Limitation of the Study----------------------------------------------------------

1.8 Organization of the Study ------------------------------------------------------


2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE-----------------------------------------------

2.1 Conceptual Definition of Corruption --------------------------------------

2.2 Types of Corruption --------------------------------------------------------

2.2.1 Bribery------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2.2 Nepotism-----------------------------------------------------------------
2.2.3 Embezzlement-----------------------------------------------------------

2.2.4 Fraud ---------------------------------------------------------------------

2.3 Levels of Corruption -------------------------------------------------------

2.3.1 Grand Corruption ------------------------------------------------------

2.3.2 Petty Corruption --------------------------------------------------------

2.4 Causes of Corruption -----------------------------------------------------------

2.4.1 Economic Causes of Corruption ---------------------------------

2.4.2 Social Causes of Corruption ---------------------------------------

2.4.3 Cultural andMoral Causes of Corruption ---------------------------

2.5 Consequences of Corruption -----------------------------------------------

2.5.1Economic Impacts of Corruption -------------------------------------

2.5.2 Social Impacts of Corruption -------------------------------------

2.5.3 Political Impacts of Corruption -----------------------------------

2.6 Pattern and level of Corruption in Ethiopia ----------------------------------

2.7 Measures to Combat Corruption ------------------------------------------



3.1 Description of the Study Area ---------------------------------------------

3.2 Research Design ------------------------------------------------------------

3.3 Sources of Data-------------------------------------------------------------

3.4 Data Collection Instrument -------------------------------------------------

3.5 Sampling Techniques--------------------------------------------------------

3.6 Sample Size ------------------------------------------------------------------

3.7 Method of Data Interpretation and Analysis -----------------------------


4 DATA INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS -------------------------------------

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents----------------------------

4.2Manifestations of Corruption in Adhaki Sub city Municipality ------------

4.3 The Causes of Corruption in Adhaki Sub City Municipality -----------

4.4 Adhaki Sub City Municipality And Its Consequences -----------------

4.5 The Measures taken to reduce/combatCorruption in Adhaki Sub City

Municipality ------------------------------------------------------------------------


5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION --------------------------------------

5.1 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------

5.2 Recommendation -------------------------------------------------------------


List of Table page

Table 4.1: Sex distribution of the respondents---------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.2: Age distribution of the respondents---------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.3: Educational background of respondents------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.4 Respondents feedback to "what is the prevalence of corruption in Adhaki Sub City
Municipality "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 4.5: the respondents answer to "what are the acts/behaviors of corruption that
observed/experienced in Adhaki sub city municipality "-----------------------------------------------

Table 4.6: the respondents feedback to "do you think that both customers/service providers
could be sources of corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality "--------------------------------------

Table 4.7: the respondents answer to "what are the causes that initiatethe customers/service
providers to commit corruption "---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.8: the respondent’s responses "do you think that corruption in Adhaki sub city has
negative effects"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.9: the respondent’s feedback to "what do you think about the level of corruption in Adi
haki sub city"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 4.10: the respondents answer to "who could be affected by the existence of corruption in
Adhaki sub city municipality "----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.1 Background of the study
Corruption is a global phenomenon which occurs everywhere and experienced by all societies
at varying times.However,the perception,interpretation,intensity and magnitude of the practice
and the resulting consequence there of differ owing to a number of factors ranging from peoples
awarness,to degree of government structure institutionalization,to legislation and control
mechanisms to cube the practice,to a state of transparency,development of
civilsociety,accountability,check and balance (Osguan,2012).
Crruption has broadly been defined as a perversion or a change from good to
bad.specifically,corruption or corrupt behavior involves the violation of established rules for
personal gain and profit.corruption is efforts to secure wealth or power through illegal
is the act of promoting private gain at public expense or a misuse of public power for private
benefit (Bailey ,2008).
Corruption is ubiquitou,it is not
peculiar to any continent,region,ethnicgroup,faith,political system or
gender.eventhough,Corruption is found almost is stubbornly entrenched in the
poor countries of subsaharanafrica.Corruption has been underminig countries in Africa
Economicslly,politically and socially for decades and Ethiopia is not exceptional to
this.Corruption is rampant in Ethiopia Historicaly,Ethiopia was under the rule of imperial
regime up until 1974 and experienced a feudalistic political and economic system that was
characterized by appropriation of the mass peasant by their counterpart feudal
There is no universally accepted single definition of the term Corruption because of what may
seen as corrupt in one society may not necessarily be perceived as such in another,due to this
corruption has received varied definitions(Dennis ,2008).
During the imperial and the regimes Corruption is said to have resulted in undermining the
legitimacy of the government and weaking their structures,ruducingproductivity,marginalizing
the poor,creating social unrest and finally speeding up their downfall (Tesfaye,2007).
the coming of EPRDF regime in to power in 1991 after the demise of the Dergue regime was
evidenced the attempts to establish democratic system in the country for the first part of
goal of achieving economic development,EPRDF adopted many policy measures to abolish the
backwardness and high poverty of the country.among the policy measures combating
corruption was the most significant one (Ibid).
As a measure to combat corruption EPRDF founded the FEACC in 2001.However,the mere
creation of such entity in itself does not eradicate the sources of
corruption,becauseantcorruption authorities are usually created after corruption is widespread in
given country (Arsema,2010).
As a result ,corruption continued to pose threats to the countrys development and
democratization process.curruntly ,corruption is believed to be one of the major factors that
significantly contribute to the reduction of government also negatively affects the
ongoing poverty reduction programs at the national and regional levels (Tesfaye,2007).
By the same token, as part of the region,corruption in Mekelle town has become one of the
factors to undermine the fair distribution of social services,economic and political development
and also cultural development of the town.thu,this research attempts to make study on the
causes and consequences of corruption in the sub-city.
1.2 Statement of the problem
As it is already indicated above, Corruption has become a serious socio-economic and political
challenge to many Sub-Saharan countries including Ethiopia.
corruption increases transaction costs and uncertainty in an economy while lowering
efficiency,it leads to misallocation of scarce to lent to rentseeking activities while distorting
investment priorities and undercuts the states ability to raise revenues and
hence results in higher tax rate on fewer tax payers and poor provision of essential public goods
and services.for the poor are highly dependent on public services and least capable of paying
extra costs associated with bribery,fraud and misappropriation of economic privilege,
corruptionaffacts the poor disproportinality. it is regressive in the sense that it costs and
nagative economic impacts tend to more heavily on small enterprises and an individual in a
weak economic position ( Bottelier,2004).
corruption also affacts poverty allevation programs negatively by distorting developmental
decision making.this widens the gap between the poor and the rich,which manifests the adverse
relation ship of corruption and general corruption is a serious problems and
threat to economic, political and social development, social stability, democracy, human right,
morality and poverty reduction. it is only when we understand the magnitude of the problem
and identify its real causes that we can find effective solution to get rid of it.corruption is said to
have resulted in undermining the legitmacy of the government and weaking their
structures,reducingproductvity,hinderingdevelopment,worseringpoverty,marginalizing the
poor,creating social unrest and finally speeding up their downfall (Tesfaye,2007).
Also,most of the studies concerns were emphasize on the national and regional level
cnsequences of corruption,rather on the cities and subcity constitute where corruption is more
takes place and affects every aspect of life of the society due to officials at this level lacks
education qualification and prolonged,the people lacks awarness to expose officials those
participate in the researcher tries to show the diversified causes and consequences
of corruption in Adhakisubcity municipality.
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of the study is to assess the causes and consequences of corruption in
Adhaki sub city with specific emphasis on the Municipality.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
-To identify the manifestation of corruption in Adhaki Sub city municipality :
-To examine the major causes of corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality:
- To analyze the consequences corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality:
1.4 Research Questions
- What are the major manifestation of corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality?
- what are the causes of corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality?
- What are the consequences of corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study may create and raise public awareness as far as causes and consequences of
corruption are may atract the attention of the society to the problem.inaddition,it
may also serve as first hand information and initiate other academicians and researchers to
make further study on the area and issue.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study was conducted on the corruption in Adhaki sub city,specifically on the
municipality.this study was limited to studying the causes and consequences of corruption in
Adhaki sub city municipality.Therefore,theconlusion inferred from the finding and the
recommendation to be made as a result of the study was only represent the case of Adhaki sub
city municipality.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
It is difficult to deal with all of the causes and consequences of corruption as a whole due to the
ffollowingreason.These include the shortege of internet acess to gather secondary data,less
willingness of respondents to collaborate for response to the questionnaire and
interview,shortage of time since the study is conducted in addition to class load,lack of money
and lack of experience to collect data related to the issue.
1.8 Organization of the Study
The paper has composed of five chapters.The first chapter deals with the background of the
study, statement of the problem,objectives of the study (general and specific
objectives ),research questions,the significance and scope of the study.The second chapter
devoted to the review of related litrature.The third chapter presents the methodology of the
study.The fourth chapter deals with data interpretation and analysis.finally,the last chapter deals
with conclusion and recommendations.
2.1 Cnceptual Definition of Corruption
Defining Corruption is important in the context of global efforts to reduce its influence in
public life.But that is not an easy task.Crruption is a social,legal,economic and political concept
enmeeshed in ambiguity and encouraging controversy.(Adam and Kuger,1996).
The word Corruption derives from the latincorrumpere,and the term corrupt 'invokes a range of
images of evil and illegal activities ;it designates that which destroys
wholesomeness.although,there is no universally accepted definition of thisphenomenonyet,the
common factor among most of the existing definitions is the abuse of public office or power for
private gain.the office is a positon of trust where one acts on the behalf of the institution
through power and authority deligatedto one (Dennis ,2008).
Muthomiargude that the conception of corruption varies among scholars.the narrowest
understanding of corruption sees the vice as abuse of public office for private.Muthomi noted
that broadly defined,corruption is the abuse of not only public office but also private or
commercial office for private gain.According to him it invariably involves giving something to
someone in a position of power either in government or in a corporation,so that he will abuse
his power and act in a manner favoring the involves the offering,giving ,soliciting or
acceptance of an inducement or reward,which may influence the action of any
person(Muthomi ,2006).
Corruption has been defined in many different ways.A few years ago,the question of definition
absorbed a large proportion of the time spent on discussions of corruption at conferences and
meetings.However,even though it may be difficult to describe,it is generally not difficult to
recognize when obserbed.In most cases ,though not all,different observers would agree on
whether a particular behavior connotes corruption.Unfortunately ,the behavior is often difficut
to observe directly because,typically,acts of corruption do not take place in day light
(Kaufmann ,2009).
The most popular and simplest definition of corruption is that it is the abuse of public power for
private benefit.This is the definition used by world bank.from this definition it should not
becocluded that corruption cannot exist with in private sector activities.Especially in large
provateenterprises,this phenomenon clearly exists,as for example in procurement or even in also exists in private activities regulated by the government.the abuse of public power
is not necessarily
for one's private benefit but it can be for the benefit of one's party ,class tribe friends familiy
and so on (johnston,1997).
2.2 Types of Corruption
A recent study has characterized some main types of corruption,according to a number of basic
characteristics.the main types considered are bribery ,embezzlement ,fraud and nepotism.
2.2.1 Bribery
Bribery is the form of corruption that receives the greatest share of reference.It the essence of
corruption.Bribery is an offer of money or vavors to influence public officials and can come
inthe of a fixed sum,a certain percentage of a contract or any other favor in money or kind,
usually paid to state officials or bussiness person who can make contracts on behalf of the state
or business or otherwise distribute benefits to companies or individuals,businessmen and
clients.sometimes the concept of bribery can be hidden under the guise of other terms such as
kickbacks,gratuities ,hush money milking.through bribery corporation and businesspersons can
buy political favors,escape the burden of taxes and environmental regulations and buy protected
markets and monopolies and import/export licenses.Bribery can also be a form of informal
taxation when public officials charge additional unofficial payments or expect gifts from clients
in order to process request (Blein,2012).
There are many equivalent terms to bribery,like kickbacks ,gratuities ,commercial
arrangments,baksheesh,sweeteners ,pay-off ,speed and grease money.which are all notions of
corruption in terms of money or favor paid to employees in private enterprises ,public officials
and politicians.These are payments or returns needed or demanded to make things pass
swifter ,smooth or more favorably through the state or government bureaucracies.By greasing
palms ,corporations and business interests can for instance buy political favour and escape the
full burden of taxation and environmental regulation ,they can buy protected markets and
monopolies.Generally , bribery is the payment that is given or taken in a corrupt
pay or receiveabribe is corruption purse and should be understood as the essence of corruption
(Ades ,2011).

2.2.2 Nepotism
Nepotism is the form of corruption that occurs when officials favor relatives or close friends for
position in which they hold some decision making authority.This favoritism is the natural
human productivity to give preferential treatment to friend and families and occurs in both the
public and private sectors.furthermore,there is less likely to be balance of power since the
political staff may follow the ideas of the person who gave them the position.As a result,the
quality of services provided to the people will be diminished (Charep and Harm ,2013).
Nepotism is a mechanism of power abuse implying privatization and a highly biased
distribution of state resources,no matter how these resources have been accumulated in the first
place.Nepotism is the natural human proclivity to favor friends ,family and any body close and
trusted,it is the penchant of state officials and politicians,who have access to state resources and
the power to decide upon the distribution of these,to give preferential treatment to certain
people (Blein,2012).
Nepotism is a special form of favorism,in which an office holder (ruler)prefes his proper
kinfolk and family is the form of grand corruption,most of the times many
unrestricted presidents and higher officials tries to secure their (precarious )power position by
nominating family members to key political,economic and military or security positions in the
state apparatus (Ibid).
2.2.3 Embezzlement
It occurs when public officials steal money or other government property,or when disloyal
employees steal from their employers in the public and private sectors.Embezzlement is not
limited to money,but includes all goods that were meant for the people.It is a form of corruption
and power abuse that can develop in more confined environment,secretlywith out the public
knowledge.Embezzlement presents a serious threat to corrupt countries,as it is sometimes one
of the quikest ways to gain their private business interest (Liscianda,2014).
Embezzlement is theft of resources by people who are put to administer it ;it is when disployal
employees steal from their employers.This is a serious offence when public officials are
misapproprating public resources,when state officials steals from the public institution in which
he or she is employed and from resources he is supposed to administer on behalf the
public.Embezzlement is regarded as theft because it does not involve the civilian side
directly.the general public is deprived when public funds are embezzled,but no individual
property is stolen and individual citizens are bereft of legal rights to present themselves as
forfeited (Ibid).
2.2.4 Fraud
Fraud is also another form of corruption that occurs when a person cheats another through is usually a financial crime in which someone manipulates or distorts information and
facts.acts such as false advertising,identitytheft,illegal trade networks counterfeiting and
racketeering, forgery, smuggling, confidence tricks and other actions of deceit are examples of
fraud.In the public domain,a public official who commits fraud manipulates the flow of
information for his personal profit (Blein ,2012).
In case of extreme fraud,government employees facilitate economic crimes by official
sanction.Even when they are not actually involved in fraudulent activities,government officials
who ignore the fraud are set to be passively participating in the fraud that is committed by is an economic crime that involves a manipulation or distortion of information,facts
and expertise by public officials,positioned between politicians and citizens,who seeks to draw
a private profit (Ibid).
2.3 Levels of Corruption
Corruption manifests itself in different ways in different circumstances.But there are some
forms of corruption which recur in every system.These are grand corruption and petty
corruption.Bribery,embezzlement,theft,fraud,extorion,nepotism and favorism can be grouped
under either grand corruption or petty corruption depending upon the amount of money lost and
the sector where it occurs.
2.3.1 Grand Corruption
This level of corruption involves substantial amounts of money and usually high level
officials.with grand corruption highly placed individuals exploit their positions to extract large
bribes from national and transnational corporation,who appropriate significant pa y offs from
contract scams,or who embezzle large sums of money from the public treasury into private
bank is also when politicians design legislation to work in their favor.Grand
corruption mostly occurs in large procurement projects such as the building of
roads,dams,hospitals,airports,mining,oil /gas concessions,constructionproject and in arms and
defense contract,in new weapons technology,aircraftpurchase,warship and artillery pieces
(Lisciandra ,2014).
Corruption on a grand scale associated with some dictators and their cronies can involve
embezzlement of huge sums public funds and the mismanagement,wastage,inequity and social
dacay that come along with it,can be d isastrous for an economy (Ibid).
2.3.2.Petty Corruption
petty corruption involve smaller sums and typically more junior officials.It is the low level of
corruption that citizens will face every day in their encounters with corrupt public officials,in
the struggle to obtain public services such as health care,education,paying taxes and obtaining
licenses.This type of corruption is referred to as petty because the amount of money from
required in petty corruption is is an every day abuse of entrusted power by low and mid
level public officials in t heir interaction with ordinary citizens,who often are trying to access
basic goods and services (Lisciandra ,2014).
2.4 Causes of Corruption
As many scholars and experts would agree,corruption is not a social phenomenon that can be
explained by a simple cause/effect model.It is complicated issue with
multidimentionalcauses,often the result of democratic contingent circumstances,which produce
varied and wide ranging effect.with out limiting the generality of this argument,however,one
can cite numerous factors that are widely believed to be the major causes of
According to the expert analysis of the civil services reform programe and some other
sources,poorgovernance,lack of accuontablity and transparency,low level of democratic culture
and tradition,lack of citizen participation,lack of clear regulation and authorization,low level of
institutional control,extreme poverty and inequity,harmful cultural practice and centralization of
authority and resource are the major causes of corruption.Inaddition,family and ethnic loyalties
and obligation,blurred distinction between private and public interests,privatization,weak
financial management,inadequateaccouinting and auditing,weak legal and judicial system,over
regulated bureaucracy,deterioration of acceptable moral and ethical values unsocited by some
und policies and inefficient civil service system have also been cited some scholars and
researchers as the primary causes of corruption (Ibid).
2.4.1 Economic Causes of corruption
Many researchers and scholars agreed that salaries of public officials and corruption have a
negative correlation with a clear causal relation ship between the levels of salaries of public
officials and the extent of corruption.low salaries of civil servants and other workers both in
public and private sector are a sourse of low level corruption.When the salaries of public
officials are too low,civil servants may be obliged to use their positions to collet
The basic relationship between corruption and natural resources is two fold,first the presence of
natural resource endowment may cause corruption.second corruption may with in natural
resources management systems themselves (World Bank ,2013).
Poverty is cause of corruption,when the poor do not have what they will eat,they are forced to
make money through illegal mense which are corrupt.this does not mean that the rich are not
engage in corrupt is difficult to say whether poverty cause of corruption
2.4.2 Social Causes of Corruption
Most people especially around rural areas do not know their rights and obligations.Even
educated perso are seen surrendering themselves to the problem of corruption.most civil
servants and politicians believed that it the right for top civil servant like we see that
adminstration of any institutional private whether public service controlling something like
economic and cultural administration and politicians to use public property for their personal
interest (Ades,2011).
2.4.3 Cultural and Moral causes
Corruption is deeply rooted in acquisitive society where greatness of individual and nobility of
their family is judged by wealth they possess and not the intelligence and ability they possess.In
many certain types of corruption are more or less acceptable often depending on the scale in the
traditional political culture.some countries have more of a reputation for corruption particularly
because of traditional attitudes towards family,kinship,etc(Ackerman,2011).
2.5 Cnsequences of Corruption
Corruption deepens poverty,It debases human rights; it degrades the environment;it details
development including private sector development;it can drive conflicts in and between nations;
and it destroys confidence in democracy and the legitmacy of government.corruption affects
economic growth discourages foreign investment,diverts resources for infrastructure
development,health and other public services,education and ant poverty programs.while
corruption vilates the right of all those affected by it,it has a disproportionate impact on people
that belongs to groups that are exposed to particular risk; such as women, children, minorities,
indigenous peoples migrant worker, persons with disabilities, refugees, prisoner and those who
are poor(Kumar,2005).
Corruption is damaging for the simple reason that important decisions are determined by
ulterior motives.AsBalgun described it ,depending on its form and gravity,corruption is capable
of rewarding indolence and penalizing hard work,undermining morale and esprit de
corps,compromise a nations external security,threatening internal order and stability generally
slowing down the peace of economic growth and sustainable development (Balgun,2003).
2.5.1 Economic Impacts of Corruption
Corruption can hinders the development process of one country and society in many ways.the
economic impact of corruption includes low productivity and low economic growth,increase
costs of goods and services,scarcity of resource to finish different projects (Michael ,2010).
2.5.2 Social Impacts of Corruption
In social sphere, corruption discourage people to work together for the common
goods.demanding and paying bribes becomes the also results in social inequality and
widened the gap between the rich and poor (Tanzi ,2009).
2.5.3 Political Impacts of Corruption
In political sphere,corruption impedes democracy and the rule of can reduced the interest
of political participation;reduce the transparency of political decision making,distorting political
development.The impacts of corruption is often manifested through political
intolerance,problems of accountability and transparency to the public and in turn leads to the
low level of democratic culture (Lisciandra,2014).
2.6 Pattern and level of Corruption in Ethiopia
Corruption is a global phenomenon which occurs everywhere and exprianced by all societies at
varing time
it is not peculiar to any continent,country
ethnicgroup,faith,political system or gender.even though
corruption is found all most is stubborny entrenched in the poor countries of sub
saharan Africa
latinAmerica,newlyindustralized countries and in several post communist countries.corruption
has been one of the major factors that hinder development and exacerbate poverty in africa,in
this case,Ethiopia is not exceptinal rather corruption is rampaant (Arsema,2010).
However,the mere establishmemt of corruption commission does not it selfiradicate the sources
of corruption because the institution is established after corruption is already wide
spread.despite effort taken by the government and other stakeholders,corruption is one of the
many uresolved problem that have critically hobbled and skewed is remains
along term major political and economic challenge for Ethiopia (Tesfaye,2007).
2.7 Measures to Combat Corruption
There are so many international and regional or national measures to prevent and combat
corruption.the inter American convention against corruption was the first international
convention aimed at combating corruption and there by marked the begining of an international
legal regime to combat corruption (Ackeman,2011).
As of November 15,2000 corruption is criminal ized internationally as a result of the in to effect
of the united nation convention against transnatinal organized crime and as of october
13 ,2003 ,the UN adopted a convention fully dedicated for preventing and combating corruption
United nation convention against corruption.Arfrica like other region of the world adopted
it.convention on corruption named African union convention on preventing and combating
corruption in 2003 (Osguan,2012).
There are not the only anti corruption instruments in the world.There are other convention
declarations, protocols action plans and initiative.But the article did not adress them all for the
simple reason that Ethiopia is not a party to these instruments.rather,the united nations
convention against corruption and the African union convention on the preventing and
combating of corruption will be critically examined and discussed with a view to examine the
legislative frame work for preventing and combating corruption in Ethiopia (Bahiru,1997).


3.1 Description of the study area

Thestudy was conducted in Mekelle city,Mekelle is a capital city of Tigray region located inthe
Northen part of Ethiopia ,which is about 783 kilometers far from Adiss Ababa.there are seven
sub-cities in mekelle city.among the seven sub-cities,the researcher was selected by one sub-
city because it is impossible to assess all sub-cities related to time and finance are the basic
issues that can affect the study.for this reason ,the researcher selected area was Adhaki sub-
city,from this based on the 2008 housing and population census the total population of Adhaki
sub-city was 56,472 of whom 28,281 are menand 28,191 women.there are a numbers of office
in Adhaki the researcher was among different office municipality office is the
focused area of the study.

3.2 Research Design and Methodology

In this study ,The researcher was used qualitative research approach to get different and detail
information from the respondents.The approach is choosen in order to qualify the data collected
about the causes snd consequences of corruption in Adhaki sub-city municipality. This
approach is concerned with subjective assesment of attitudes,opinions and behaviour.The main
reason to used qualitative approach because the questionnaire was being to apply in the
investigation of causes and consequences of corruption in Adhaki sub-city municipality to get
information from respondents.The research design was emphasized on descriptive method.It is
necessary to describe the result of the study and give summary through identifying the causes
and consequences of corruption.the descriptive method of research was employed in order to
address the research objective concerning to causes and consequences of corruption on the
study area.The reason to chosen descriptive method because of it enable the researcher gather
data to descriptive events which collected from the field survey by using certain research
techniques.the major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state affairs as it
exists at present.

3.3 Sources of Data

The researcher used both primary and secondary data sources to gather necessary data and
conducted this study.The first source of data used in this study was primary sources by
questionnaire was employed to gather the data.In addition to ,the primary data the
secondarydata were collected through review ofrelated literatures ,such as books ,journa articles
,official reports and also collected through accessing websites.

3.4 Data Collection Instruments

The primary data was collected through quesionnaire.the questionnaires was included both open
ended and close ended/inviting free response and yes/no questions respectively ,the researcher
was prepared and distributed some questions to the respondents focused on the issues of the

3.5 Sampling Techniques

Sampling technique is techniques implemented by the researcher in selecting the sample

respondents.for this study ,the researcher was used probability sampling because probablity
sampling where each/ every items in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the
sample and each one of the possible,in this technique to give equal chance to
respondents/participants on this study and use ful techniques to gathernecessary information to
the study.
3.6 Sample Size

The researcher took totally 30 respondents for sample from above 6000 people those get service
from Adhaki sub-city municipality by used random sampling technique to selected the
respondents.the reason that motivate the researcher used sample random sampling technique
had been each and every customers have an equal chance of inclusion in the sample and it was
helped to identify the performance of the customers in Adhaki sub city municipality.from this
sample the researcher was prepared and distributed questionnaire to the customers of Adhaki
sub city municipality.

3.7 Method of Data Interpretation and Analysis

After collected the necessary data through various techniques,the researcher analyzed and
interpreted the obtained data using different mechanisms.mainly the study needs the qualitative
approach in nature. This means if the data in collecting by qualitative the data would be
analyzed through interpretation or conceptual adeas. there by,interpreted and analyzed the
collected data the researcher sorted out the information or raw data in to the category they
belongs and giving meaning to those data based on approach of qualitative research
technique.,the data were analyzed by descriptive stastic(percentage ).moreover ,the researcher
used descriptive method of data analysis through the help of tables and percentage to address
the causes and consequencs of corruption on the Adhaki sub-city.

4.Data Interpretation and Analysis

This part of the study deals with the interpretation and analysis of data collected data from the
respondents on the causes and consequences of corruption in Adhaki sub-city
municipality.Therefore,the researcher categorized the data in to sub topics to which they
belong.the first part is about demographic characteristics of the respondents.Then it is followed
by the interpretation and analysis of the manifestation,causes and consequences of corruption
andmeasures to combat corruption in case of Adhaki sub city municipality.the student
researcher organized the responses from 30 respondents who selected from customers of
Adhaki sub city municipality.The analysis and interpretation of the data are presented ad

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Here the personal background of the respondents such as sex,age and educational level of
respondents are discussed as follows.

Sex Distribution of the respondents

Table 1: sex distribution of the respondents

Sex No. of respondents Percentage

Male 19 63

Female 11 37

Total 30 100

Source: own survey result, 2017

As it is shown in the table 1,The majorty of the respondents 63% of them were males and the
rest of 37% of them were females.

Age Distribution of the respondents

Table 2: Age distribution of the respondents

Age No. of respondents Percentage

20-30 20 67

31-40 7 23

Above 40 3 10

Total 30 100

Source: own survey result, 2017

As presented in the above table the majority of the respondents were found under the ages of
20-30 this means they cover 67%of the total respondents,the age group between 31-40 covers
23% of the total and the age group above 40 covers 10% of the total respondents.

The respondents Responses to their Educational level

Table3: Respondents feedback to their educational background

Educational level No. of respondents Percentage

Certificate 5 17
Diploma 7 23

Degree 18 60

Above = =

Total 30 100

Source: Own survey Result, 2017

According to the above table, from the total respondents 60% of them are qualified with degree,
23% of the respondents are qualified with diploma and the remaining 17% of the respondents
are qualified with certificate programs.

4.2 Manifestations of Corruption in the Adhaki sub city municipality

Table 4: the respondent’s feedback to"What is the prevalence of corruption in Adhaki sub city

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Very high = =

High 6 20

Medium 22 73

low 2 7

Total 30 100

Source: Own Survey Result, 2017

From the above table, the majority of respondents 73% replied that the prevalence of corruption
as medium, 20% of the responded as the prevalence of corruption as higher and the rest 7% of
them replied as low prevalence of corruption.Based on the above information, the researcher
coclude that corruption has existed in Adhaki sub-city municipality and its existence costly
observed in medium.
The acts/behaviors of Corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality

Table 5: the respondents answer to "What are the acts/behaviors of corruption that you have
observed/experienced in municipality"

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Fraud 2 7

Abuse of power 6 20

Bribe 13 43

Nepotism 9 30

Embezzlement = =

Total 30 100

Source: Own Survey Result, 2017

From the above table shows, the majority 43% of the respondents repield the acts/behaviors of
corruption in municipality was bribe ,30% of them as the acts/behaviors of corruption is usually
occured nepotism,20% of them responded as the acts/behaviors of corruption in municipality
was occured abuse of power ,7% of them replied that the acts ofcorruptionwas occured
fraud.based on the above information,the researcher sum up that the acts/behaviors of
corruption in municipality were usually occurs bribe,nepotism and abuse of power.

4.3 The causes of Corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality

Table 6: the respondents feedback to "do you think that both customers/service providers as
source of corruption in your municipality"

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 26 87

No 4 13

Total 30 100

Source: Own survey result, 2017

From the above table we understand that,the majority of the respondents 87% replied yes and
the remaining 13% replied no.Thus ,the researcher conclude that in Adhaki sub-city
municipality both customers/service providers could involve in either receiving or giving acts
of corruption.m
The respondents Explanation for how the customers/service providers are source of
corruption / no in Adhaki sub city municipality

The respondents those said yes explained their justification that the service providers are source
of corruption in municipality due to their expectation ofgifts from the clients in order to process
a request or to resolve the problems of the customers.As such by receiving informal charge or
additional unofficial payments from client to perform their duties service providers ofAdhaki
sub-city municipality could be source of corruption.In addition to service providers,the
customers of Adhaki sub-city municipality are also identified as sources of corruption by
showing some affiliation to give bribes and by giving bribes to the employees to get some
services and even to become free from wrong doings of themselves which may expose them to
some punishment.

Table 7: the respondent’s answer to "what are the causes that initiate the customers/service
providers to commit corruption"

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Low payment of salaries 13 43

Lack of accountability & 5 17


Lack of good governance 10 33

Low level of democratic 2 7

culture & tradition

Total 30 100

Source: Own Survey result, 2017

From the above table ,the majority of the respondents 43% replied that the causes that initiate to
the customers/service providers to commit corruption due to low payment of salaries,33% of
them responded as the causes that initiate the customers or service providers to commit
corruption involve lack of good governance,17% of them as agreed that the causes that initiate
the customers or service providers to commit corruption to lack of accountablity and
transparency,7% replied that the customers or service providers to commit corruption due to
low level of democratic culture and tradition.from these the researcher conclude that the causes
that initiate the customers or service providers of Adhaki sub-city to commit corruption due to
low payment of salaries,lack ofgood governance,lack of accountsblity and transparency and
others causes to engage on corruption.

The respondents Explanation for "what are the causes of corruption in Adhaki sub city

According to respondents the csuses of corruption in Adhaki sub-city municipality involve lack
of citizend participation in deliberation of their issues,lack of effective distribution of
resources,misuse of power or authority for personal interest,lack of commensurate punishment
for corrupted officials,lack of civil service recruitment,lack of commitment of
officials,selfishness of the officials,lack of clear regulation and authorization and low level of
institutional control and so on.

4.4 Adi haki sub city municipality and Its Consequences

Table8: The respondent’s responses "do you think that corruption in Adhaki sub city
municipality has negative effects"

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 28 93

No 2 7

Total 30 100
Source: Own Survey result, 2017

From the above table illustrates that out of 30 respondents 93% of them replied yes snd the
remaining 7% replied no. This shows that, as the majority of the respondents agreed that the
existence of corruption could have its own adverse effects on the socio-economic development
of the sub-city.

The Respondents Explanation for the effects of corruption in Adhaki sub city

As the respondents explained the effects of corruption in Adhaki sub city municipality
includes,the people not give service effectively,to increase violence between the richs and the
poor,to denied honesty of societies,to exploite the resources of country,to deterioration of
public infrastructure has been put in place,to hindered for countries development,denied acess
to social services,impeded the state ability to use its avilable resources,the state loosed revenue
from abuse of taxes,denied development and quality of life to the vulnerable members of
society and so on.

Table 9: the respondents feedback to "What do you think about the level of corruption in your
sub city"

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Low 3 10

Medium 23 77

high 4 13

Total 30 100
Source: Own survey result, 2017

From the Table illustrates that out of the majority of the respondents 77% replied that the level
of corruption in sub-city as medium,13% of them responded at the level of corruption insub-
city as higher and the rest 10% of them replied as lower level.from the above information,one
can conclude that corruption has existed in Adhaki sub-city and its existence costly observed in
the medium level.

Table 10: The respondents answer to "Who could be affected by the existence of corruption in
Adhaki Sub city Municipality"

Alternatives No. of respondents Percentage

Service providers = =

Customers 2 7

All societies 25 83

poor societies 3 10

Total 30 100

Source: Own survey result, 2017

As presented in the above table the majority of the respondents 83% replied the existence of
corruption in municipality was affected by all societies,10% of them responded as the existence
of corruption was affected by poor societies,7% of replied that the existence of corruption in
municipality was affected by customers.from this the researcher sum up that the impact of
corruption in Adhski sub-city municipality is not only specified to some organs or
individuals,rather its impact transcends to all spheres of life.
The Respondents Explanation to the Consequences of Corruption in Adhaki Sub city

According to the respondents,the prevalence of corruption impaired growth and potentially

entrench poverty,hindered the step forward movement in dedmocracy and good
governan,negatively affected the ongoing poverty reduction and development program,depened
poverty,undermined human rights,degraded the environment,affected the integrity of the
political and neither allowed for the protection of human rights and promotion of human
freedoms .This implies corruption has contributed for the discrimination,injustice,disrespect for
human dignity.highly affected the socio-economic and social developments of the town.

4.5 Measures taken to reduce /Combat Corruption in Adhaki Sub City Municipality

The respondent’s explanation for the appropriate measures to combat corruption in


On the basis of the suggestion given the respondents,in order to combat corruption certain
important measures should be taken in Adhaki sub city municipality.Accordingly,promoting
civil participation in decisionmaking process to enhance transparency and fairness,building
coalition to initiatea strong and effective deliberation among different sectors of the
society,promoting awareness training and publiceducation,providing free legal aid,building
effective institutions,seek the supports and work with development partners are some
mechanisms that could to help minimize the practice of corruption.To reduce corruption in
municipality,programs such as social saftey net should be instituted among the non-working
class in order to reduce worry about basic survival in the face of growing insecurity about the
job situation.unless the government is willing to commit adequate resources to fund and
oprerate the agencies and making the truly independent.

The respondents explanation for "the role of civil society,anti-corruption and other
stackeholders in the efforts to reduce corruption in Adhaki sub city Municipality

As the respondents explained,various institutions can play a greate role in process of curbing
corruption by making comprehensive contributions such as wachdog (identifies corruption
prone areas,exposes corruption cases and citizens corrupt officials and institutions),raising
public awareness and proposing alternatives,accelerate of anti-corruption initiatives,monitoring
and evaluation.



5.1 Conclusion

Corruption is a global phenomenon which occurs every where and experienced by all societies
at varying times.However,the perception,interpretation,intensity and magnitude of the practice
and the resulting consequences there of differ owning to a number of factors ranging from
peoples awareness,to degree of government structur institutionalization,to legislation and
control mechanisms to curb the practice,to a state of transparency,development of civil
society.corruption is efforts to secure wealth or power through illegal means,it is the act of
promoting private gain at public expense.The objective of this study was focused on assessing
the causes and consequences of corruption in case of Adhaki sub city municipality.

Corruption has be come a serious socio-economic and political challenge to many sub-saharan
countries including Ethiopia.As part of increasing concern many studies have been made on
corruption .however,the large portions of these studies were on the pattern,types and levels of
corruption at national level.

Generally,based on the finding of survey research,we can conclude that corruption is one of the
social evils which remain unsolved and continued to deteriorate the poor and highly affect soco-
economic and political development of the sub city.the manifestation of corruption in
municipality includes :bribe,embezzlement,abuse of power ,nepotism are the principal featu
res/forms of corruption manifested in municipality.

The causes of corruption includes poverty and inequality,lack of knowledge

selfishness,lack of accountability and transparency ,low level of democratic culture and

traditon,lack of citizens participation,lack of good governance ,lack of clear regulations and
authorization ,low leve of institutional control,absence of punishment

and centralization of authority and resources.In addition ,corruption impaired growth and
potentially entrench poverty ,reduction to government revenue ,negatively affected the ongoing
poverty reduction and development program

affected the integrity of the societies.Therefore,both societies and any stakeholders like civil
society,anti-corruption commision,NGOS and government should be the most responsible body
to combat corruption that hinders of socio-economic development of country .This means to
promoting civil participation in decision making process to enhance transparency and
fairness,to build coalition to initiate a strong and effective deliberation among different sectors
of the society,promoting awareness training and public education,to providing free legal aid,to
build effective institutions,to conducting and applying research and advocacy,the government is
willing to commit adequate resources to fund and operate the agencies are some of the
mechanisms that could to help minimize the practice of corruption.

5.2 Recommendation

A well-drafted and comprehensive law cannot by itself curb corruption.Of course ,the failure to
control corruption in the country including the studu ares is atributed partly to the fact that the
laws are not enforced is important to have in place an appropriate law enforcement
mechanidm to curb corruption.Accordingly,the following recommendation are proposed for
curbing corruption from Adhaki sub city municipality.

- help in reducing problems of the public as well as in enlisting the help of the public .

-Enforce anti-corruption legislation and prosecute officials accused for corruption practices,

-Proper implementation of anti--corruption law at lower level of administrative bureaucrats.

-Amendments institutional cooperation provisions and anti-corruption law and reducethe
government intervention and control of those institutions.

- Taking relevant measures include economic,political and institutional reforms,including

reforms off the incetive schemes in the public administration.

-Capacity building in the investigation and prosecution of corruption cases.


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Mekelle University
Colleagues of law and governance
Department of civics and ethical studies

Dear respondents:
This research is conducting by under graduate student of civic and ethical studies, college of
law and governance Mekelle university fore the full filename bachelor of art (BA) degree in
civics and ethical studies. The main purpose of the study is to assess the cause and
consquencess of corruption in AdiHaki sub city municipality. To achieve the statesex d
objective information by the employees and customers of municipality.Hence , you are kindly
requested to response for the question listed here under genuinely.
. Personal Information
1, Sex a, male b, females
2, age a,20-30 b,31-40 c, above
3, Educational level a, certificate b, Diploma c, degree d. above
Question related to Manifestation, Causes and Consequences of corruption in
1. What is the prevalence of corruption in your municipality?
a .very high b. high c. medium d. low
2. What are the acts/behaviors of corruption that you have observed /experienced in
municipality ?
a. fraud b. abuse of power c. bribe d. nepotism e. embezzlement
3.Do you think that both customers and service provide could be source of corruption in
a. yes b. no
4. If your answer for question number '3'is yes/no please explain How?

5.what are the causes that initiate the customers / service provides to commit corruption?
a. low payment of salaries b. lack of accountability and transparency
c. lack of good governance d. low level of democratic culture and tradition
6. What are the causes of corruption in municipality?
7. Do you think that corruption has negative effect in your municipality?
a. yes
8. If your answer for question number '7'is yes/ no, explain the reason?
9. What do you think about the level of corruption in your sub-city?
a. low b. medium c. high

10. who could be affected by the existence of corruption in your municipality?

a. service providers b. customers c. all societies d. poor societies
11. What are the consequences of corruption in your municipality?

12. Please, explain the appropriate measured to combat corruption?


13. What is the roles of civil society, anti-corruption and other stakeholders to reduce

መቐለ ዩንቨርስቲ
የህግና ስነ-መንግስት ኮሌጅ
የስነ-ዜጋና ስነ-ምግባር ጥናት ት/ት ክፍል
ለክቡር ተጠያቂ
የዚህ ጥናታዊ ፅሁፍ ዋና አላማው በዓድ-ሓቂ ክፍለ ከተማ ማዘጋጃ ቤት ያሉትን የሙስና
መነሻ ምክናያቶች እና የሚያስከትሉት ውጤት/ተጽእኖ ለመዳሰስ ታሥቦ ነው። ሥለዚህ በማዘጋጃ
ቤቱ የሚገኙ ሠራተኞችም ሆነ ተጠቃሚዎች የሚሠጡት ምላሽ ለዚህ አላማ መሣካት ወሣኝ
ሥለሆነ እርስዎ ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት ጥያቄዎች ተገቢውን ምላሽ እንዲሠጡን ሥንል
በአክብሮት እንጠይቃለን ።ሥለ ትብብርዎ በቅድሚያ አመሠግናለሁ።
የግል መረጃ
1. ፆታ ሀ. ወንድ ለ. ሴት
2.እድሜ ሀ. ከ 20-30 ለ. ከ 31-40 ሐ. ከ 40 በላይ
3. የትምህርት ጀረጃ ሀ. 10 ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀ/ች ለ. ዲፕሎማ
ሐ. ድግሪ መ. ከድግሪ በላይ
የሙስና መገለጫዎች, ምክናያቶች እና ውጤቶችን በተመለከተ ጥያቄ
1. በማዘጋጃ ቤቱ ያለው የሙስና ሽፋን ምን ይመስላል?
ሀ. በጣም ከፍተኛ ለ. ከፍተኛ ሐ. መካከለኛ መ. ዝቅተኛ
2. ከተመለከታችሁት/ካላችሁ ልምድ አንጻር በማዘጋጃ ቤቱ የሚፈጸመው የሙስና ድርጊት የትኛው
ሀ. ማጭበርበር ለ. ሥልጣንን ያላግባብ በመጠቀም የሚሠራ
ሐ. ጉቦ መሥጠትና መቀበል መ. በዘመድ አዝማድ መሥራት
ሠ. አደራ በልነት
3. በማዘጋጃ ቤቱ ያሉ ሠራተኞች/ ተጠቃሚዋች ለሙስና ምንጭ ይሆናሉ ብላችሁ ታስባላችሁ?
ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይደሉም
4. በጥያቄ ቁጥር '3' ላይ መልስዎ አዎ/አይደሉም ከሆነ ምክናያትዎን ያብራሩ?
5. አገልግሎት ሠጭዎች/ተጠቃሚዎች ሙስናን ለመፈጸም የሚያነሣሣቸው ምክናያት ምን
ሀ. ዝቅተኛ የደመወዝ ክፍያ መኖር ለ. የግልጸኝነትና የተጠያቂነት እጥረት ሐ. የመልካም
አስተዳደር እጥረት መ. ያልዳበረ የዲሞክራሢ ባህልናልምድ መኖር
6. ሙስና እንዲከሠት ምክናያቶቹ ምን ይመሥልሃል/ሻል አብራሩ?
7. ሙሥና አሉታዊ ተጽእኖ/ጉዳት አለው ብላችሁ ታስባላችሁ?
ሀ. አዎ ለ. የለውም
8. በጥያቄ ቁጥር '7' ላይ መልስዎ አዎ/የለውም ከሆነ ምክናያትዎን ይግለጹ?
9. በክፍለ ከተማው ውሥጥ የሙስና ደረጃው ምን ያክል ነው ብለህ/ሽ ታሥባለህ/ሽ?
ሀ. ዝቅተኛ ለ. መካከለኛ ሐ. ከፍተኛ
10. በማዘጋጃ ቤቱ ውሥጥ በሚከሠተው ሙሥና ተጎጅው ማን ይመስልሃል/ሻል?
ሀ. አገልግሎት ሠጭዎች ለ. ተጠቃሚዎች/ደንበኞች
ሐ. ድሃው ማህበረሠብ መ. ሁሉም ማህበረሠብ
11. የሙስና ውጤቶችን/የሚያሥከትለውን ጉዳት አብራራ/ሪ?
12.ሙስናን ለመከላከል/ለመቀነስ የሚያሥችሉ ነገሮችን ጥቀስ/ሽ
13. ሙስናን ከመቀነስ አንጻር የፀረ-ሙስና ፣የሲቪክ ማህበራት እና የሌሎች ማህበራት ድርሻ ምን

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