2022 TBD LB-2 22015647 C13 Aman Yadav

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Module Code & Module Title

Level 5 – Network Operating Systems

Assessment Type
Logbook 2

2022 Autumn

Student Name: Aman Yadav

London Met ID: 22015647
College ID: NP01CP4S220016
Assignment Due Date: September 30, 2022
Assignment Submission Date: September 30, 2022
Submitted To: Pratik Karki
Word Count (Where Required): 1165
I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.
Table of Contents

1. Installing Microsoft Server Operating System ........................................................... 1

1.1 Aim ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................ 1

1.3 Required Tools and Concepts ............................................................................ 1

1.4 Steps required for lab ......................................................................................... 3

1.5 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 14

1.6 Reference......................................................................................................... 15
List of Figures

Figure 1: Logo of Oracle Virtual Box ( (Alice, 2019) ........................................................ 1

Figure 2 :(.iso) file of Microsoft Server Operating System ............................................... 2

Installation procedures for the Microsoft Server operating system

Figure 3: Step 1 ............................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Step 2 ............................................................................................................... 4
Figure 5: Step 3 ............................................................................................................... 5
Figure 6: Step 4 ............................................................................................................... 5
Figure 7: Step 5 ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 8: Step 6 ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 9: Step 7 ............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 10: Step 8 ............................................................................................................. 7
Figure 11: Step 9 ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 12: Step 10 ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 13: Step 11 ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 14: Step 12 ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 15: Step 13 ......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 16: Step 14 ......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 17: Step 15 ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 18: Step 16 ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 19: Step 17 ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 20: Step 18 ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 21: Step 19 ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 22: step 20 ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 23: step 21 ......................................................................................................... 14
TBD Network Operating Systems

1. Installing Microsoft Server Operating System

1.1 Aim

This week's main aim is to install Microsoft Server Operating System In Oracle
Virtual box. And develop academic skills related to it.

1.2 Objective

I will achieve this aim by meeting the following objectives.

- Examine about various types of virtual box.

- Install Oracle Virtual Box.

- Download Microsoft Server Operating System.iso file.

- Install the Microsoft Server Operating System In the Oracle Virtual Box.

1.3 Required Tools and Concepts

The second workshop uses a variety of tools. Below is a list of them:

 Oracle Virtual box
Oracle Virtual Box, which is both free and simple to use, is the Virtual Box
we use to install the Microsoft Server Operating PC on our system.

Figure 1: Logo of Oracle Virtual Box ( (Alice, 2019)

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TBD Network Operating Systems

 Microsoft server Operating System(.iso file)

An (.iso) file for Microsoft Server Operating System must be obtained in order
to install Microsoft Operating System in Virtual Box.

Figure 2 :(.iso) file of Microsoft Server Operating System

Virtual boxes are designed to be simple to use. They are now an essential
component of computers for businesses. Software that allows you to use the
computer as an emulator is called a virtual box. Without having to physically
divide the hard drive into partitions, you can run numerous operating systems
on a single machine. No matter what OS you are using, you can run multiple
operating systems simultaneously. You can utilize the system that is installed
independently from the host operating system by using a virtual box, but you
can also benefit from the hardware that is already present in the system.
Given that you will be using that setup to conduct all of your business-oriented
computing, you should take due caution while weighing the benefits and
downsides of Virtual Box.
 Multiple OS in same computer: You may use Virtual Box to run different
operating systems on the same machine. You are free to configure the
system with whatever much hardware you wish to use. The OS in the virtual
box won't occupy a fixed area on the hard disk, just like the actual OS.
 No effect to host machine: On the virtual box, you may also construct a
virtual hard drive as you establish a virtual computer. The benefit is that the
host system won't be impacted at all if the virtual box fails.

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TBD Network Operating Systems

 Easy to use and install: In Virtual Box, building a virtual computer is a

straightforward procedure. Depending on your internet speed, downloading
the virtual box just takes a few minutes, and installing it is simple. The virtual
machine setup in the virtual box is covered in numerous step-by-step guides
on the internet.


 Affected by the host machine weakness: An operating system feature

called process isolation is often used. Well, there are issues that interfere
with this OS feature. Only that system will be impacted if the OS only has one
virtual machine. However, if you use the system to operate many virtual
machines, it will have an impact on all of them.
 Less efficient: On the virtual box, virtual machines perform less effectively
than actual computers. Some requests must be granted by the host
processor since it is running on the host system. Usability will suffer as a
 Dependent on host machine: The virtual box can be set up to run the virtual
machine at a similar or higher performance level than the host computer. The
virtual machine's direct dependence on the host is due to the fact that it uses
the host's hardware. The virtual machine will be more effective and powerful
the quicker and more powerful the host is (QuillBot, 2018).

1.4 Steps required for lab

The processes involved in installing the Microsoft Server Operating System in the
Oracle Virtual Box are shown in the screenshots below:

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TBD Network Operating Systems

i. Open Oracle Virtual box

Figure 3: Step 1

ii. Select "New" from the menu.

Figure 4: Step 2

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TBD Network Operating Systems

iii. For the new virtual machine, choose its name, destination folder, and
operating system type.

Figure 5: Step 3

iv. Set the new virtual machine's memory size

Figure 6: Step 4

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TBD Network Operating Systems

v. To create a new hard drive for the Virtual Machine, use the "Create a
virtual hard disk now" option

Figure 7: Step 5

vi. Choose on "VDI" as the file type.

Figure 8: Step 6

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TBD Network Operating Systems

vii. Click on "Dynamically allotted."

Figure 9: Step 7

viii. Set the Virtual Box's hard drive size.

Figure 10: Step 8

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TBD Network Operating Systems

ix. Select "Settings"

Figure 11: Step 9

x. Upload .iso file after choosing "Storage."

Figure 12: Step 10

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TBD Network Operating Systems

xi. Activate the virtual machine

Figure 13: Step 11

xii. Choose a language, a time format, and a keyboard method

Figure 14: Step 12

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TBD Network Operating Systems

xiii. Choose the operating system "Window Server 2022 Standard Evolution (Desktop

Figure 15: Step 13

xiv. Accept the terms and conditions.

Figure 16: Step 14

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TBD Network Operating Systems

xv. Click Custom Installation

Figure 17: Step 15

xvi. When installing the operating system, choose Disk.

Figure 18: Step 16

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TBD Network Operating Systems

xvii. Hold off until the installation is finished

Figure 19: Step 17

xviii. Setup system password

Figure 20: Step 18

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TBD Network Operating Systems

xix. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete key

Figure 21: Step 19

xx. Input the system password correctly

Figure 22: step 20

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TBD Network Operating Systems

xxi. The installation went off without a glitch.

Figure 23: step 21

1.5 Conclusion

In the second week, I discovered Virtual Box. Installing a second operating system
on our existing machine is easy using Virtual Boxes. It does away with the
requirement to buy a second computer to run a separate operating system. I also
discovered how to use Virtual Box to install the Microsoft Server Operating System.
I was successful in achieving all of my goals and objectives for this week.

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TBD Network Operating Systems

1.6 Reference

Alice, 2019. Oracle VM VirtualBox | Download [163 MB]. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 30 September 2022].
QuillBot, 2018. Virtual Box Pros and Cons - Pros Cons Guide | Best Virtual
Machine Software. [Online]
Available at: https://pros-cons.net/virtual-box-pros-and-cons/
[Accessed 30 September 2022].

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