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This chapter discusses about the theories used in this study. The theories

includes parental involvement, online learning and previous studies.

A. Parental Involvement

a. Definition of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement can be defined in different ways. According to Erdener

(2018), parental involvement is defined as parents’ behavior with their children at

home or at school. Cottong & Wikelund (2001) claimed that parental involvement is

the involvement of parents in helping their children to increase their achievement in

education by giving encouragement, arranging study time and space, monitoring

homework and actively tutoring them. It means that the parents involvement are

said be effective if they work directly with their children on learning activities at

home. Prindle in Fan & Chen (1999) stated that parents should be contributed in their

children’s learning process since they have a positive positive effect on students’

education performance. Furthermore, Remillard, (2005) sated that children who get

high parents’ involvement perform better than those who do not. They get better

grades, higher score on tests, high aspiration, better attendance record and they have

positive attitudes about homework and school.

Epstein (2002) categorized parental involvement into six types as follows:

1. Parenting

The most powerful supporter for children’s learning and development is

family involvement both in or out of school. So that, school is required to guide

parents to support their children’s education.


2. Communicating

To achieve the goal of the learning and teaching process, teachers should

find variety communication ways to maintain their relationship with parents.

According to Indrianti (2016), ongoing and productive communication can establish

and maintain home-school partnership. Furthermore, Korfmacher (2008) claimed

that two-way school-family communication influences the parental involvement.

3. Volunteering

Volunteering here is defined as parents’ participation in their children’s

school and school events. According to Hakiemez (2015), parents should have an

active participation in the training program which arranged by the school to increase

their involvement in children’s education. The more parents interact with the school,

the more they give involvement to their children’s education (Dewi, 2017).

4. Learning at home

Parental involvement mostly appears at home. Walberg (2011) stated

children spend 8% of their first 18 years of life in school, while the other 92% are

the responsibility of their parents. At home, the interaction of parents and children

appears when they work together, studying or doing homework (Fiecha, 2012).

5. Decision making

Decisive participation is done by letting families becoming representative in

decision making bodies of the school.

6. Collaborating with the community

The environment of children is one of the factors which can affect their

education. It categorized as a type of involvement which known as educative


Children often follow what people in their community do rather than their

teachers and parents instructed (Dewi, 2017). So that, parents and teacher need to

actively socialize to the community in order to get their children’s goal effectively.

b. Parental Involvement in Education

According to Remillard (2005) parental involvement is defined as the

dedication of parents’ towards their children by giving a domain. More specifically,

Jynes (2007) defined parental involvement as parents’ participation in children’s

educational process and experiences. Parents’ participation in their children’s

educational process and experiences can include communication, homework,

parental expectation and parental style (Jynes, 2007). Barton et al (2004) argued

that parents can participate in their children educational process through many ways

such as supporting their children to complete their homework. Soemiarti (2003)

stated that parental involvement in education are:

a. Task oriented : parents help their children doing their homework

b. Process oriented : parents choose proper book for their children

c. Development oriented : parents’ develop their children’s potency

Keane (2000) claimed that when parents get involved in their children’s

education, they have chance to increase their children’s success at school.

Furthermore, Keane on his study “Improving Parental Involvement in Schools: A

Cultural Perspective” (2007) mentioned that a recent report conducted by the

National School of Public Relations Association showed an active role of parents in

their children’s education can lead the better academic performance, better

attendance and improve children’s behavior at home. That is why the active

involvement of parents is needed in education.


c. Parental Involvement in Children’s English Learning

According to Hosseinpour, Sherkatolabbasi, & Yarahmadi (2015), parental

involvement is a crucial factor which affects students’ English achievement. This

happens as parents are categorized as enviromental factors which can affect on the

children’s development, especially on their language competence. In line, Dewi

(2017) added that children will acquire the second language much better when they

get a sufficient exposure from their environment. Besides, parents’ perspective on

children’s English language learning has a big role as well. Parents’ thought and

belief completely influences the English Language Learning of their children. It

means that children’s language development may be affected by parents perception

towards their children’s English Learning.

Children learn a language the most from their parents since home

environment is the dominant factor to shape children’s early language development

(Rolland, 2011). Milner (2013) argued that the success of children in learning a

foreign language learning depends on these three aspects:

a. Parents’ positive attitudes to learn in general and language learning in particular.

b. Parents’ foreign language competence level.

c. Parents’ willingness to demonstrate their language competence to their children.

Besides, according to Laxmi (2015) parents have other roles towards

children’s English language learning:

1. Parents as feedback provider: parents should appreciate their children when they

do well in academic, and encourage them when they do not.

2. Parents as facilitator: parents should help children in their daily studies by

spending time or discussing together.

3. Parents as motivator: parents should stimulate the interest of children in learning


a language. Parents can motivate their children by supporting them when they

do not perform well in academic.

4. Parents as threatener: parents should guide their children how to do something

by giving them instruction. Parents can also use the role of threatener like

beating or scolding their children.

5. Parents as controller: parents should watch their children’s daily activity and

concern about their behavior.

d. Parental Involvement in Online Learning

Parental involvement in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is

needed to educate childrens. Kurniati (2020) states that parental involvement in

covid-19 pandemic such as mentor, educator, developer and supervisor. In

particular, the role of parents during the covid-19 pandemic appears in the form of

keeping and ensuring children to implement clean and healthy life, accompanying

children in doing their task, doing activities together at home, creating a good and

comfortable atmosphere for children, motivating children, and providing children’s

learning activities.

Furthermore, Winingsih (2020) defines the indicators of parental

involvement in online learning as follows:

a. Parent as mentor: parents can mentor children’s learning process by supervising

and accompanying children during studying, reminding children to do their task,

recognizing and helping children’s difficulty.

b. Parent as facilitator: in children’s learning activity, parents have to provide

facilities to help children reaching the optimal achievement in education. The

facilitation includes books, learning tools, place for study and so on.

c. Parent as motivator: parents can motivate children to increase their achievement


in education by asking children to study regularly, giving praise or gift when

children perform well in education, giving encouragement and advice.

d. Parents as controller: parents should control their children’s daily activity and

concern about their behavior.

B. Online Learning

a. Definition of Online Learning

Purba (2002) defines online learning as a form of information technology

which is used in education in the form of virtual schools. The implementation of

online learning is done by virtual. In the online learning process, teachers sometimes

use course material in the form of file which can be downloaded freely. Meanwhile,

teachers and students can be interactive in the form of discussion forums and emails.

Pacansky (2012) defines online-learning as a learning process which is mediated by

the use of online technology such as smartphones, tablets, PC/computers or laptops.

Online learning is actually not a new education concept in the world. The

application of online learning can be seen in Computer Based Learning in 1990.

b. The Characteristic of Online Learning

According to Dhull & Sakshi (2020), the characteristics of online learning

are stated as follows:

1. The understanding of students to the material does not depend on the

teacher/instructor, yet they construct their own understanding to the material


2. The knowledge source is available everywhere and it can be accessed easily.

3. Teachers/educational institutions function as mediators


c. The Advantages of Online Learning

According to Dhull & Sakshi (2020), online learning has a number of

advantages such as:

1. Accessibility: online learning is easy to access since students can follow the

online learning process everytime and everywhere in the world. Students’

learning options are not constrained by their geographic location.

2. Personalized learning: students can determine their own learning style.

3. Develop cognitive abilities: the information is unlimited and easy to access so

it can help students to boost their achievement in education.

4. Cost-effectiveness: it is cost effective since it spends less money in academic

context like buying books. Furthermore, students do not need to spend money

in travelling since the learning process can be done everywhere.

5. Basic computer skill: It can gain students’ technical skill in Information

Computer Technology (ICT) which is useful for their professional life in the


6. Equal opportunity to all: students are not treated differently based on their sex,

disability, religion, etc, they are equal.

7. Self-pacing: in online learning, students work and learn at their pace without the

time restriction. So, they are free to finish their work based on their own will.

d. The Disadvantages of Online Learning

Dhull & Sakshi (2020) also claims that online learning has a number of

disadvantages which are stated as below:

1. Poor communication: since the process of online learning is done virtually,

students may not have face to face interaction with teacher which is significant

to establish the relationship between student and teacher. Besides, online

learning can create misunderstandings or misinterpretation of tasks for students.

2. Feeling isolated: the learning process of online learning which is done through

online application like facebook, whatsapp, instagram or other platforms can

make students fail to meet and great one another since they are sitting at far off

places. So, it leads students to feel isolated.

3. Lack of motivation: in online learning activities students are easy to get

distracted towards other things. Moreover, students who have difficulty with

time management tend to be more successful with the traditional learning style.

4. Poor accessibility in remote areas: the teaching and learning process of online

learning need facilities which are enable like computer/mobile phone and

internet connection. People who do not those equipment are difficult to achieve

the online learning objects

C. Previous Studies

There are so many researchers which have been carried out regarding the

role of parents in children’s online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Some of

them which are related to this research are reviewed in this section.

First, the research which conducted by Sari & Manigtyas (2020) on the title

“Parents’ Involvement in Distance Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. This

research aimed to determine how parents are involved in distance learning during

the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted at by survey method and

collect the primer data by distributing questionnaire to 39 parents who have children

aged 3-6 years. The result of the research showed that from 39 parents, 25 parents

or 83% of parents are in the good category in their involvement in accompanying

children during distance learning. So, the research concludes that the parental

involvement in distance learning during covid-19 pandemic is in a god category.

Second, the research which conducted by Novianti & Garzia (2020) on the

title “Parental Engagement in Children’s Online Learning during Covid-19

Pandemic”. This research aimed to measure the parental engagement in children’s

online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted in Riau to

148 parents from the first and second grade of elementary students. The researcher

conducted the research by applying a converging design, simultaneously collecting

quantitative and qualitative data, combining the data, comparing the results, and

explaining all descriptions in the results. The result of the study tells that parental

engagement in supervising children’s time to study is 71.8%, helping children’s

difficulty is 71.8%, providing children’s learning facilities is 64.8%. So, the

research concludes that most of parents are engaged in children’s online learning


Third, the research which conducted by Yulianingsih, Suhanadji, Nugroho,

& Mustakim (2021) on the title “Parental Involvement in Children’s Learning

Assistance during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. The research aimed to measure the

parental involvement in children’s learning from home and to measure the parental

involvement level in children’s learning assistance during the pandemic. The

research found that parents have a role as child’s learner, facilitator, supervisor and

motivator. While, parental involvement in children’s learning assistance was done

by helping students’ difficulties, explaining materials which cannot be understood

by students and giving a good respond to children’s distance learning from school.

Based on the previous studies above, the researcher is interested to find out

the extents of parental involvement towards student’s online learning English

during the Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher conducts the research at Junior High

School 1 Ngasem.

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