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Project work

Abril Alexandra Del Angel Saldaña

1 Write about the main causes of climate change. What are some of the
solutions in this book?

Climate change is directly linked to long-term variations in temperatures. One

of the main causes is fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas), which account for more
than 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and almost 90% of all carbon
dioxide emissions. In this book, various topics such as carbon sinks and carbon
in the atmosphere, the energy we use both now and in the future,
deforestation, damage to soils, and past and present changes in carbon

2 How can you help to stop climate change? Write a list of things you can
change in your life.

I consider that mainly, I should avoid the daily use of the automobile and in the
same way, it is to avoid the consumption of fast fashion.
It is difficult to make a more detailed list, it could be too long, but here are
some considerations that I think are pertinent:

-Turn off the lights.

-Reduce waste.
-Save water.

3 How can you and your friends help to stop climate change? What things can
you do in your town?

My friends and I can help stop climate change by recycling and reducing the
amount of waste we generate. Also by carpooling to generate less CO2.

Regarding the changes about thetown, my circle of friends, we are chemical

engineering students, we are currently thinking of ideas to reduce this
phenomenon, focusing on water quality. For example the use of some
materials like shrimp shells to reduce the chemical demand of oxygen.

4 How can your country help to stop climate change?

I believe that if Mexico were to implement a recycling system similar to the one
that exists in South Korea, we could significantly reduce the negative impact
we face. Since the mentality of the average Mexican tends to be to throw
garbage away without thinking about the future consequences.

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