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Exit-exam round @2

1. One of the following is NOT among functions political institutions:

A. Improving the standards of living for every one
B. Welfare goods and service merely for poor peoples
C. Protecting individual rights
D. Protecting stability and order

Answer: B

2. Regarding the functions of political institutions which one of the following is correctly
matched with their role and responsibilities:
A. State council are responsible for implementing laws
B. Legislative bodies responsible for interpreting laws and policies
C. Executive body enact laws and policies
D. Judicial institutions are responsible to interpreting laws and policies

Answer: D

3. All of the followings are the key components that determines the success of social
movements as outlined by theory of political process, except one:
A. Resource mobilization
B. Political opportunities
C. Mobilizing structures
D. Protest cycles

Answer: A

4. One of the following is NOT correct regarding to democracy as one type of political system:
A. Citizens govern themselves either directly or indirectly
B. Direct democracy is more practical than representative
C. In pure democracy people make decision about policies
D. Representative democracy is much more common

Answer: B
5. Which of the following is correct about totalitarianism as political system?
A. The power is held by individual or small group
B. Ruling group were not freely elected by their people
C. More repressive and control people
D. All

Answer: D

6. All of the following are the great emphasis of contemporary political system, except none:
A. Secularism
B. Emotions and passion in politics
C. community and the role of individual within it
D. Individual rights and freedom

Answer: C

7. One of the following political process theories is widely used socially to denote a superior
group in terms of ability or privilege.
A. Elite theory
B. Political opportunity
C. Social movement
D. Pluralism theory
Answer: A
8. One of the following is correct among the definition of rural sociology:
A. It studies rural life in the rural environment
B. It is demarcation of rural life from urban society
C. It is the science of laws of the development of rural society
D. It study rural social organization
Answer: B
9. ____________ imply the known figures of processes that prevail among the relations
between the rural people.
A. Rural Economy
B. Rural Social Institution
C. Rural community
D. Rural Religion
Answer: B
10. According to rural urban-continuum all of the followings are correct among rural-urban
relationship, except one:
A. Every village possesses some elements of the city
B. Every city carries some features of the village.
C. Folks are rural society
D. Urban society are dominated by sacred
Answer: D
11. One of the following is NOT true statement regarding the definition of rural community:
A. It is a collection of people in a bounded physical location
B. A special kind of human association having common spirit
C. A social system is viewed as merely a local social system
D. A self-sufficient and self-contained entity
Answer: C
12. All of the followings are category of land tenure, except one:
A. Private
B. Communal
C. Public access
D. All
Answer: D
13. Which one of the following statement demonstrates rural development?
A. It connotes overall development of rural
B. It is single in nature representing an intersection of agricultural
C. It is merely the result of technological factors
D. The aim of rural development is to exploit urban resource
Answer: A
14. Which one of the following is NOT among general strategies of rural development?
A. Give opportunity to make rational decision for rural people
B. Promote the well-being of the rural population
C. Responding to the felt needs of the rural people defined by experts
D. Disintegrating rural social organization
Answer: C
15. All of the following is principal argument of agricultural development theories, except one:
A. Small farms substitute labor for scarce land resources
B. Large farmers are more efficient than small farmers in using law scarce capital
C. Small farmers are capable of taking advantage of high yielding crop varieties
D. Small farmers are rational economic agents
Answer: B
16. Which one of the following theory stresses the importance of social change and progress in
agriculture and farming, like in other sectors of the economy?
A. Modern theory
B. Population and technology theory
C. Dependency theory
D. Political economy theory
Answer: A
17. One of the following is a complex set of activities where resources are used in expectation
of returns:
A. Social programs
B. Projects
C. Social policy
D. Social plan
Answer: B
18. Which one the following is continuous assessment in project implementation?
A. Monitoring
B. Evaluation
C. Need assessment
D. Action plan
Answer: A
19. One of the following is the process by which groups engaged in development projects.
A. Resource mobilization
B. Stakeholder movement
C. Community participation
D. Political movement
Answer: A
20. One of the following is the mechanism to identify stakeholders for project:
A. Through advertising
B. By collecting data from similar organizations
C. Asking stakeholders identified
D. All
Answer: D
21. One of the following is a four by four matrix, which enables the decision-makers to identify
project purposes and goals, and plan for project outputs and inputs.
A. Problem tree
B. Risk analysis
C. Logic framework
D. Policy framework
Answer: C
22. Which one of the following is principle for stakeholder management?
A. Treat them with respect
B. Maintain their enthusiasm
C. Engage them in decision-making
D. All
Answer: D
23. The stage that ideas are crystallized into proposal is ______________________.
A. Project conception
B. Project implementation
C. Project plan
D. Project management
Answer: A

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