Writing Process

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A process paragraph explains how to do, create, or understand something. For example:
how to bake a cake or how to improve your grades.

When you explain how to do something or how something happens, you use a process to
talk about the steps or events.

A process paragraph consists of a series of connected steps. The steps must be logical and
are often in chronological order.
- Pay attention to chronological order.
- Pay attention to transitions.
- Modals or Imperatives are the language of the process paragraph.

Discuss the following questions:

 Do you ever lie? How do you know if a person is lying? Can you tell by the way the
person looks or acts?

 Do you know what a polygraph test is and how it works?

Read the paragraph that describes a polygraph test and answer the following questions.

Polygraph Testing
Many people know the terms polygraph and lie detector test, but many are not
familiar with how this test actually works. The test uses a process that analyzes the
physiological reactions in a person’s body while he or she answers questions. First, a device
called a pneumograph is attached to a person’s chest to record breathing patterns. Any
abnormalities in breathing patterns are recorded during an official interview. Next, a
machine called blood pressure cuff (similar to those used in doctors’ offices) is attached to
the person’s upper arm to measure blood pressure. During this part of the polygraph test,
the pulse and changes in blood pressure and heartbeat are recorded. Finally, skin responses
are used as a part of the lie detection examination. An abnormal amount of sweating is an
indicator that the person may be lying. After these steps have been followed, polygraph
experts analyze the results. From the data, the experts may conclude that the person is
telling the truth, or they may decide that the person is most likely lying.

1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

2. What are the three parts of the polygraph test process?

3. Find five transition expressions in the paragraph that show time or the passage of

4. What is the final result of the polygraph process? (The concluding sentence)

Sample Paragraph

Topic: How to make a strawberry jam

Topic introducer: These days more and more people

are interested in making everything they eat
themselves. So, today I decided to give you the recipe
of homemade strawberry jam.
Topic sentence: Rather than buying market jams, you
can make and can your own strawberry jam easily at
home if you follow these steps. All you need is some
fresh strawberries, sugar and cans.
Step 1: First, start with washing eight cups of fresh
strawberries in cold water and removing the hulls. It is
important to choose the quality ones to make a tasty
Step 2: Then, mash the strawberries, but do not crush
them completely. It is better to see large chunks of
fruits in a jam.
Step 3: Next, add 4 cups of sugar and stir them. You
can add some lemon or grapefruit juice to enrich the
Step 4: After that, put the mix in a big pot and boil it
for 2 hours. Stir the mix occasionally to avoid foam.
Step 5: Finally, pour the jam into jars, put their lids
and cool them. Your jam is now ready!
Concluding sentence: You can eat this delicious
homemade jam immediately or keep it for a year or
two. Bon appetite!


 Brainstorm and prepare an outline on your topic.

 Start with a clear topic sentence that states the purpose of your
 Describe the steps in the process using time order. Don’t forget to
include sufficient number of details for your steps.
 If you are describing how to do something, indicate any special
needs before you describe step one.
 Be sure you complete the process (don’t leave out any steps).
 Use modals (should), imperatives or passive structures.
 End your paragraph with a clear concluding sentence that restates
your main idea.
(adapted from Ready To Write More)

Writing Topic Sentences

* The following patterns can be used to write topic sentences for process paragraphs:

 Learning a foreign language is easy if you follow these steps.

 There are three major steps in learning a foreign language successfully.
 It is easy to impress your boss when you follow these instructions.
 It is simple to build a tree house if you have the right tools.
 Baking a cake can be a lot of fun when you have the right ingredients.


* Here are some phrases that may help you organize the steps in your process paragraph in a logical order:

First the third step as soon afterward

The first step after that while from then on
Then before when the last step
Next after meanwhile finally
The next step


 A. Read the following paragraph and draw its outline.

If you want to succeed in academic life, you need to know how to write
effective paragraphs. You can write an efficient and effective paragraph if you
follow these steps. First, think about a topic that both you and your potential
audience will be interested in. If you choose an interesting subject, it will be
easier for you to create ideas on it. After you decide on your topic, don’t start
writing immediately. Second, use brainstorming and outlining techniques to
generate ideas and to organize them. Outlining also helps you to see what your
paragraph will look like as a whole. Then, write your first draft. In this stage, your ideas start to take shape.
The first draft also helps writers to see what they should add in or omit from their paragraph. If possible,
exchange your writing with another student and ask for his/her feedback. Finally, write your second or third
draft, and edit and revise your writing on your own. At this stage, you should pay attention to your content,
idea organization, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. In conclusion, it is not difficult to be an
efficient writer when you follow these steps.
(adapted from: http://www.athabascau.ca/html/services/write-site/documentation/Sample-Process-Paragraph.pdf)

Underline the topic and concluding sentences and transition words. Then draw the outline of the paragraph.

Topic Sentence:
Support 1 & Step 1:

Support 2 & Step 2:


Support 3 & Step 3:


Support 4 & Step 4:


Concluding Sentence:

 B. Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions.

Riding a roller coaster may be scary; however, with these

steps, you can overcome your fear of the roller coaster
easily. First, before you ride the biggest and the scariest
roller coasters, attempt smaller ones. This may help you
gain self-confidence and believe that this isn’t very scary
after all. Second step in overcoming the fear of roller
coasters is not to ride alone. When you decide to
experience this excitement, take someone who is
trustworthy, and you feel comfortable with. When you
are with a person you trust, your fear reduces, and you
feel more comfortable. Finally, when you choose a seat in
the roller coaster, do not sit in the front because these are
for the brave ones and are the most thrilling seats. Sit in
the middle instead. The front seats may strengthen your
fear while the middle seats may make you feel safer. To
conclude, once you overcome this fear, you will realize
that this is one of the funniest experiences in the world.
(adapted from: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080927102653AAAPqqe)

1. What is the paragraph about?

2. What are the steps described in the paragraph?

3. Does the writer describe the process efficiently? Why? Why not?

4. Underline the signal words and discuss their functions.


 Read the following topics. Choose one of them and brainstorm ideas (try to add adequate
supports to describe the steps properly). Then draw an outline to organize your ideas and write your process
paragraph. After you revise and edit your writing, submit it to your teacher.

* how to be a good student & citizen

* how to study for an exam

* how to do research on the Internet

* how to organize a Thanksgiving party

* how to cook your favorite dish


Topic Sentence:
Support 1 & Step 1:

Support 2 & Step 2:


Support 3 & Step 3:


Support 4 & Step 4:


Concluding Sentence:


After you write the first draft of your process paragraph, you should use revising and editing checklists
below; and answer the following questions about your paragraph to make necessary corrections.

Process Revising Checklist

1. Does your paragraph have an effective topic sentence

that introduces the topic? Yes □ No □

2. Have you included all the main steps? Yes □ No □

3. Are all the steps in the process in a logical order? Yes □ No □

4. Have you used transition words efficiently and correctly? Yes □ No □

5. Are all sentences about the topic? Is there any sentence that does not Yes □ No □
belong here?

6. Does my concluding sentence give a positive result of the previous steps? Yes □ No □

Editing Checklist

A) Paragraph Layout
Is your paragraph indented? Yes □ No □

B) Use of Language
Do all main verbs agree with the subject? Yes □ No □
Is the verb tense correct? Yes □ No □
Is the word order of your sentences correct? Yes □ No □
Do you use articles and prepositions correctly? Yes □ No □
Do you spell the words correctly? Yes □ No □
Do you use a variety of words accurately? Yes □ No □
Do you use transition words accurately? Yes □ No □

C) Punctuation
Do all your sentences begin with capital letters? Yes □ No □
Are periods and commas used correctly? Yes □ No □

*Have you double-checked all your corrections and Yes □ No □

proofread your writing one final time?


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