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Compare discount securities to Treasury

bonds with bond equivalent yields (ibey)

● Liquid funds flow between
short-term borrowers and lenders
through money markets
● Money markets involve debt
instruments with original maturities
of one year or less
● Money market debt issued by
high-quality (i.e., low default risk)
economic units that require Convert bond equivalent yields into effective
short-term funds purchased by annual returns (EAR)
economic units that have excess
short-term funds
● Money market instruments have Money market securities that pay interest
active secondary only at maturity use single-payment yields
MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS (ispy) (e.g., jumbo CDs and CB funds)

Treasury bills (T-bills)

Overnight Reverse Repurchase

● T-Bills are short-term debt
obligations issued by the
Facility Repurchase agreements government
(repos or RP) ● The Central Banks buys and sells
T-bills to implement monetary
Commercial paper (CP) policy
● T-bills are virtually default risk free,
are highly liquid, and have little
Negotiable certificates of deposit interest rate risk
● 13- and 26-weekT-bills are auctioned
● Bids are submitted by government
securities dealers, financial and
nonfinancial corporations, and
Some money market instruments are
● Bids can be competitive or
bought and sold on a discount basis
noncompetitive competitive bids
(e.g.,Treasury bills and commercial paper)
specify the bid price and the desired
quantity of T-bills
● noncompetitive bidders get ● transactions are short-term (mostly
preferential allocation and agree to overnight) unsecured loans
pay the lowest price of the winning ● overnight borrowings between banks
competitive bids and other entities to maintain their
bank reserves
T-BILL AUCTION ● Banks with excess reserves lend
funds, while banks with deficient
reserves borrow funds

● A repurchase agreement (repo or
RP) is the sale of a security with an
agreement to buy the security back
at a set price in the future
● Repos are short-term collateralized
THE SECONDARY MARKET FOR loans (typical collateral are Treasury
T-BILLS securities)
1. The secondary market forT-bills is ● A reverse repurchase agreement is
the largest of any money market the opposite side of a repo (i.e., it is
instrument the purchase of a security with an
2. 22 primary dealers “make” a market agreement to sell it back in the
in T-bills by buying the majority future)
3. sold at auction and by creating an
active secondary market ● The yield on repurchase agreements
4. primary dealers trade for (iRA) uses a 360-day year like the
themselves and for customers discount rate, but uses the current
5. T-bill purchases and sales are price in the denominator like the
book-entry transactions conducted bond equivalent yield
over Fedwire
6. T-Bills are sold on a discount basis

T-Bill prices can be calculated from quotes A COMMERCIAL PAPER
by rearranging the discount yield equation 1. Commercial paper (CP) is the largest
P=P−i (dy) h P 0 f T − B i l l 3 6 0 f money market in terms of dollars
Or by rearranging the bond equivalent yield outstanding
equation 2. CP is unsecured short-term
corporate debt issued to raise
short-term funds (e.g., for
OVERNIGHT REVERSE working capital)
REPURCHASE (RRP) FACILITY 3. Generally sold in large
● The discount rate is the target rate in denominations (e.g., $100,000 to $1
the conduct of monetary policy million) with maturities between 1
and 270 days
4. CP is usually sold to investors 1. Minimum deposit requirement;
indirectly through brokers and 2. Stated maturity period
dealers (approximately 85% of the 3. Interest rate is higher than the ordinary
time) savings account
5. CP is usually held by investors until 4. Not payable on sight or demand, but
maturity and has no active upon maturity or in case of
secondary market pre-termination,prior notice is required
6. Yields are quoted on a discount 5. Early withdrawal penalty in the form of
basis (like T-bills) partial loss or total loss of interest in case of
● is defined as a “written BDO and Union Bank will offer long-term
acknowledgement by a bank of the negotiable certificates of deposits (LTNCDs)
receipt of money on deposit which to raise P5 billion each, according to
the bank promises to pay to the separate disclosures to the Philippine Stock
depositor, bearer or to some other Exchange.
person or order. BDO is offering P5 billion worth of
● No particular form is necessary to seven-year LTNCDs at an indicative interest
constitute a certificate of deposit. rate range of 3 to 3.25 percent a year until
● The clear and unmistakable Aug. 27. It has tapped ING Bank and
language of Section 180 of the Tax Standard Chartered Bank as joint lead
Code imposes a tax on certificates of arrangers and selling agents.
deposits drawing interest, orders for
the payment of any sum of money BANKER’S ACCEPTANCE
otherwise than at sight or on A Banker’s Acceptance (BA) is a time draft
demand payable to a seller of goods with payment
guaranteed by a bank
THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A Used in international trade transactions to
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT finance trade in goods that have yet to be
1. The bank receives money for deposit shipped from a foreign exporter (seller) to a
2. The bank acknowledges the receipt of the domestic importer (buyer)
deposit Foreign exporters prefer that banks act as
through the issuance of a gwritten payment guarantors before sending goods to
document importers
3. The bank promises to pay to the depositor Banker’s acceptances are bearer
or bearer or to some other person or order instruments and thus
the deposit upon maturity are salable in secondary markets
4. The bank imposes an early withdrawal
penalty in case of withdrawal prior to Money market funds
maturity which comes in the form of mutual funds that invest shareholder’s
reduced interest. funds in money market securities.


Initial capital, or the minimum investment which means you can easily and quickly
to open a money market fund. convert your investment to cash.
Additional investment,or the amount you
want to add to your investment that may Any investment still carries even a tiny
range anywhere from PHP 25 PHP to at amount of risk. Money market funds are not
least PHP 100,000, depending on your insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance
fund. Commission, unlike your savings account or
Sales load, which is charged to you time deposits.
whenever you make an additional They may also not pay more than savings
investment. accounts or time deposits, especially when
Trust fee, usually at .05% to 1% to cover you factor in all the fees and charges. Some
operations, management or banks or mutual fund companies have a
administrative expenses. high initial amount of investment, so this
Holding period, or the period of time you can be a problem for people who want to
are supposed to keep your investment in invest but don’t have the required amount.
your money market fund.
Exit fee, which is computed when you MONEY MARKET PARTICIPANTS
redeem your investment before the end of ● The Government Treasury
your holdout period. ● The Central Banks
● Commercial banks
EXAMPLE ● Money market mutual funds
Sun Life Prosperity Money Market Fund ● Brokers and dealers
Minimum investment amount: PHP 100 ● Corporations
Minimum subsequent: PHP 100 Minimum ● Other financial institutions
holding period: 7 days ● Individuals
Fee: 0.15%
Early redemption fee: 0.25% Launch date:
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All ● U.S. dollars held outside the U.S. are
Rights Reserved tracked among multinational banks
in the Eurodollar market
BPI MONEY MARKET FUND: ● The rate offered for sale on
LOW-RISK INVESTMENT FOR Eurodollar funds is the London
SHORT-TERM GOALS Interbank Offered Rate
MONEY MARKET FUNDS? ● Eurodollar Certificates of Deposits
Money market funds are good alternatives are U.S. dollar denominated CDs
to a bank savings account.They keep your held in foreign banks
money somewhere safe while earning ● Eurocommercial paper
passive income in a short period of time. (Euro-CP) is issued in Europe and
They are less risky for your short-term can be in local currencies or U.S.
financial goals because they mature in just 6 dollars
to 12 months.And they are highly liquid,


Capital markets involve equity and debt

instruments with maturities of more than
one year
Bonds are long-term debt obligations
issued by corporations and government
Bond markets are markets in which
bonds are issued and traded
-Treasury notes (T-notes) and bonds
-Municipal bonds (Munis)
-Corporate bonds

• Treasury bills (fixed-rate)
• Treasury bonds (fixed-rate
coupon-bearing and zeroes)
• Retail treasury bonds (RTBs,
fixed-rate coupon-bearing)
• Multi-currency retail treasury bonds
(MRTBs, fixed-rate coupon-bearing)
• Dollar-linked peso notes (fixed-rate)

Issued by the National Government

through Other Entities
• Debt securities issued by
government-owned and -controlled
corporations (GOCCs)
• Debt securities issued by government
Treasury notes and bonds (T-notes and ● T-notes have original maturities
T- bonds) are issued by the Government from over 1 to 10 years
Treasury to finance the national debt and ● T-bonds have original maturities
other government expenditures from over 10 years
The annual budget deficit is equal to ● Issued in minimum denominations
annual expenditures (G) less taxes (T) (multiples) of $1,000
● May be either fixed principal or
annual federal deficits:
inflation- indexed
● inflation-indexed bonds are called
The national debt (ND) is the sum of
Treasury Inflation Protection
Securities (TIPS)
● the principal value of TIPS is
adjusted by the percentage change in
the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
every six months
TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS ● Trade in very active secondary
● Prices are quoted as percentages of
Default risk free: Low returns: low facevalue,
backed by the full interest rates
faith and credit of (yields to maturity)
the governmentb reflect low default
Separate Trading of Registered
Interest rate Liquidity risk: Interest and Principal Securities
risk: because of older issued T- (STRIPS), a.k.a.Treasury zero bonds or
their long bonds and T-notes Treasury zero-coupon bonds
maturity,T-notes trade less Financial institutions and government
and T-bonds frequently than securities brokers and dealers create
experience wider newly issued T- STRIPS from T-notes and T-bonds
price fluctuations bonds and T-notes STRIPS have the periodic interest
than money market payments separated from each other and
securities when from the principal payment
interest rates one set of securities reflects interest
change payments one set of securities reflects
principal payments
STRIPS are used to immunize against
● The primary market of T-notes n
interest rate risk MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN
T-bonds is similar to that of
T-bills; the Treasury sells T-notes
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All
and T-bonds through competitive
Rights Reserved
and noncompetitive single-bid
● 2-year notes are auctioned
● 3, 5, and 10-year notes are
“Clean” prices are calculated as:
auctioned quarterly (Feb,
● May,Aug, and Nov)
● 30-year bonds are auctioned
semi-annually (Feb and Aug)
● Most secondary trading occurs
directly through brokers and
Vb = the present value of the bond
M = the par value of the bond
INT = annual interest payment (in dollars)
N = the number of years until the bond
matures m = the number of times per year MUNICIPAL BONDS
interest is paid ● Municipal bonds (Munis) are
id = interest rate used to discount cash flows securities issued by state and local
on the bond MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN governments
b m id/m,Nm -to fund imbalances between expenditures
id/m,Nm and receipts
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All -to finance long-term capital outlays
Rights Reserved Attractive to household investors because
6-12 interest is exempt from federal and most
local income taxes
TREASURY NOTES AND General obligation (GO) bonds are
BONDS backed by the full faith and credit of the
Accrued interest on T-notes and T-bonds is issuing municipality
calculated as: Revenue bonds are sold to finance
Accrued interest = INT Actual number of specific revenue
days since last coupon payment 2 Actual generating projects
number of days in coupon period
The full (or dirty) price of a T-note or T- MUNICIPAL BONDS IN THE
bond is the sum of the clean price (Vb) and PHILIPPINES
the accrued interest ● Our local government units are
expressly authorized to issue bonds,
debentures, securities, collateral
notes and other obligations to
finance self-liquidating, income-
producing development and the after-tax return for corporate
livelihood projects. bonds: ia = ib(1 – t)
● As early as 1998, the Bankers ia = after-tax rate of return on a taxable
Association of the Philippines and corporate bond ib = before-tax rate of
the Development Bank of the return on a taxable bond
Philippines created the Local t = marginal total income tax rate of the
Government Unit Guarantee bond holder
Corporation (LGUGC) to facilitate Alternately, convert Muni interest rates to
LGU bond floatation. Even before tax equivalent rates of return: ib = ia/(1 – t)
the creation of the LGUGC,there
were municipal bond MUNICIPAL BONDS
flotation—although very few—in the market. > Primary markets
● firm commitment
● The LGUGC was the first privately underwriting:a public offering of
managed local government Munis made through an investment
guarantee corporation set up in a bank,where the investment bank
developing country in Asia. guarantees a price for the newly
Among the issued bonds by buying the entire
● LGUGC-guaranteed LGU bonds issue and then reselling it to the
were those issued by the cities of public
Caloocan and Tagaytay; Puerto ● best efforts offering: a public
Princesa and the offering in which the investment
bank does not guarantee a firm price
● But while we were the first in ● private placement:bonds are sold on
Asia to come up with this initiative, a semi-private basis to qualified
our municipal bond market has not investors (generally FIs)
been fully developed and utilized as > Secondary markets: Munis trade
a tool of economic development at infrequently due mainly to a lack of
the local level. information on bond issuers
● As a matter of fact, the records of
would readily indicate that there have only
been a handful of LGU bond issuances.The
LGUGC guarantees more bank loans than ● Corporate bonds are
bond long-term bonds issued by
floatation by our LGUs. corporations
● A bond indenture is the
legal contract that specifies
the rights and obligations
of the issuer and the
MUNICIPAL BONDS ● Bearer versus registered
● Compare Muni returns with fully bonds
taxable corporate bonds by finding ● Term versus serial bonds
● Mortgage bonds are required coupon
secured debt issues to payment
submit s to the
● the correct
coupons person.
to a
BONDS and then
Bearer bonds the
● physical
Bearer REGISTERE e when
bonds D BONDS the bond
● fixed-inc ● debt the
ome instrum maturity
security ent date.
that is whose
owned bondhol
holder, informat
or ion is
bearer, kept on
rather record
than by with the
a issuing
registere party. TERM SERIAL
d owner. ● By BONDS
● The archivin
coupons g the
notes issued by ● a bond issue
for owner's
companies to the that is
interest name,
public or investors structured
payment address,
with so that a
s are and
scheduled maturity portion of
physicall other
dates. the
y details,
outstanding bonds
attached issuers
mature at regular
to the ensure
intervals until all of
security. they're
the bonds have
● The making
bondhol the
der is bond's
incvb = rate of return on a nonconvertible
● Because the
bond opcvb = value of the conversion option
Stock warrants give bondholders the
opportunity to purchase common stock at a
prespecified price
over a
period of
years, these
bonds are
used to
projects that
provide a
stream for
repayment. Debentures ● a type of
bond or
other debt
that is

Subordinated ● is an
debentures unsecured
loan or
bond that
MORTGAGE BONDS ranks below
mortgage bond is secured by a other, more
mortgage, or a pool of mortgages, that senior loans
are typically backed by real estate or securities
holdings and real property, such as with respect
equipment. to claims on
assets or
Debentures and subordinated earnings.
debentures ●
Convertible bonds versus Subordinate
non-convertible bonds d
icvb = incvb − opcvb icvb = rate of return on debentures
a convertible bond are thus also
known as
junior issuer of a
securities. non-callable bond
In the case can’t call the
of borrower bond prior to its
default, date of maturity.
who own
d debt will A Sinking fund ● provision is
not be paid a
out until requirement
after senior that the
bondholders issuer retire
are paid in a certain
full. amount of
the bond
issue early
Callable bonds ● also known as the bonds
as a approach
redeemable maturity.
bond, is a
bond that
the issuer
may redeem
before it
reaches the
maturity Primary markets are identical to that
of Munis
● A callable
Secondary markets the exchange
bond allows
the issuing
market (e.g., PSE, NYSE) the
company to over-the-counter (OTC) market
pay off their Bond ratings
debt early the two major bond rating agencies are
Moody’s and
Standard & Poor’s (S&P)
Non-callable ● Bond that is
bonds are rated by perceived default
bonds only paid
out at
maturity. bonds may be either investment or
The speculative (i.e., junk) grade
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, several countries,and issued outside
All Rights Reserved of the jurisdiction of any single
BOND MARKET INDEXES ● Eurobonds are long-term bonds
issued outside the country of the
Managed by major investment banks
currency in which they are
Reflect both the monthly capital gain
and loss on
● Foreign Bonds are long-term bonds
bonds plus any interest (coupon) income issued outside of the issuer’s home
earned country
Changes in values of bond indexes can ● Brady Bonds are bonds swapped for
be used by bond traders to evaluate an outstanding loan to a less
changes in the investment attractiveness developed country
of bonds of different types and ● Sovereign Bonds are Brady Bonds
maturities that have had their underlying
collateral removed and the
BOND MARKET creditworthiness of the country is
substituted instead
The major issuers of debt market
securities are federal, state and local
governments, and corporations
The major purchasers of capital market
securities are households, businesses,
government units, and foreign investors

businessesandfinancialfirms(e.g.,banks,i MORTGAGE
nsurancecompanies,and mutual funds)
are the major suppliers of funds for
Munis and corporate bonds
foreign investors and governments are MORTGAGES AND MORTGAGE-
the major suppliers of funds for T-notes BACKED SECURITIES
and T-bonds ● Mortgages are loans to individuals or
MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN businesses to purchase homes, land,
6-31 or other real property
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All
INTERNATIONAL BONDS AND ● Many mortgages are securitized
MARKETS ● mortgages are packaged and sold as
● International bond markets involve assets backing publicly traded or
unregistered bonds that are privately held debt instruments (i.e.,
internationally syndicated,offered mortgage-backed securities (MBSs))
simultaneously to investors in
mortgages are backed by a specific piece of MORTGAGE CHARACTERISTICS
real property ● Conventional mortgages are
primary mortgages have no set size or mortgages that are not government
denomination insured
primary mortgages generally involve only a ● Amortized mortgages have fixed
single investor principal and interest payments that
comparatively little information exists on fully pay off the mortgage by its
mortgage borrowers maturity date
● fully amortized mortgage maturities
are usually either 15 or 30 years
● Balloon payment mortgages require
PRIMARY MORTGAGE fixed monthly
MARKET ● interest payments for 3 to 5 years
Four basic types of mortgages are whereupon full payment
issued by financial institutions ● of the mortgage principal is due
● home mortgages are used to
purchase one- to four- family MORTGAGE CHARACTERISTICS
dwellings ● Fixed-rate mortgages lock in the
● multifamily dwellings mortgages are borrower’s interest rate required
used to purchase apartment monthly payments are fixed over the
complexes, townhouses, and life of the mortgage lenders assume
condominiums interest rate risk
● commercial mortgages are used to ● Adjustable-rate mortgages
finance the purchase of real estate (ARMs) tie the borrower’s interest
for business purposes rate to some market interest rate or
● farm mortgages are used to finance interest rate index
the purchase of farms ● required monthly payments can
change over the life of the mortgage
yearly interest rate changes are often
● Collateral: lenders place liens ● borrowers assume interest rate risk
against properties that remain in ● ARMs can increase default risk
place until loans are fully paid off
● A down payment is a portion of the MORTGAGE
purchase price of the property a CHARACTERISTICS
financial institution requires the Discount points are fees or payments
borrower to pay up front made when a mortgage loan is issued
● private mortgage insurance (PMI) is ● each point costs the borrower 1
generally required when the percent of the principal value
loan-to-value ratio is more than 80% ● the lender reduces the interest rate
used to determine the payments
HOUSING LOANS PHILIPPINES on the mortgage in exchange for points paid
● application fee The present value of a mortgage can be
● title search written as:
● title insurance PV = principal amount borrowed
● appraisal fee PMT = monthly mortgage payment
● loan origination fee PVIFA = present value interest factor of an
● closing agent and review fees other annuity
fees r = monthly interest rate on the mortgage
MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN t = number of monthly payments over the
7-11 life of the mortgage
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All Rearrange to isolate the payment:
Mortgage refinancing t
when a borrower takes out a new mortgage PV = PMT = PMT(PVIFA ) PV
and uses r,t
the proceeds to pay off an existing mortgage ©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All
mortgages are most often refinanced when Rights Reserved
an existing mortgage has a higher interest 7-14
rate than prevailing rates
borrowers must balance the savings of a OTHER TYPES OF
lower monthly payment with the costs (fees) MORTGAGES
of refinancing ● Automatic rate-reduction mortgages
an often-cited rule of thumb is that the new ● Graduated-payment mortgages
interest (GPMs)
rate should be 2 percentage points less than ● Growing-equity mortgages (GEMs)
the ● Second mortgages and home equity
refinanced mortgage rate loans Shared-appreciation
7-12 ● Equity-participation mortgages
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All (EPMs)
Rights Reserved Reverse-annuity mortgages (RAMs)

Each fixed monthly payment consists partly SECONDARY MORTGAGE
of repayment of the principal and partly of MARKETS
the interest on the outstanding mortgage FIs remove mortgages from their
balance balance sheets through one of two
An amortization schedule shows how the mechanisms
fixed monthly payments are split between ● by pooling recently originated
principal and interest mortgages together and selling them
in the secondary market
● by securitizing mortgages (i.e.,
by issuing securities backed by MORTGAGE SALES
newly originated mortgages) Mortgage sellers: money center banks,
Advantages of securitization smaller banks, foreign banks, investment
● FIs can reduce the liquidity risk, banks
interest rate risk, and Mortgage sales allow FIs to manage credit
● credit risk of their loan portfolios risk, achieve better asset diversification, and
● FIs generate income from improve their liquidity and interest rate risk
origination and service fees positions
FIs are encouraged to sell loans for
SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKETS economic and regulatory reasons
● The U.S. government established sold mortgages can still generate fee
the Federal National Mortgage income for the bank
Association (FNMA or Fannie sold mortgages reduce the cost of reserve
Mae) in the 1930s to buy mortgages and capital requirements
from thrifts so they could make more Mortgage buyers: foreign and domestic
mortgage loans banks, insurance companies, pension funds,
● FHA and VA insured loans make closed-end bank loan mutual funds, and
securitization easier nonfinancial corporations
● Government National
“Ginnie Mae”) and Federal Home ● Pass-through securities “pass
Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC or through” promised principal and
“Freddie Mac”) created in the 1960s interest payments to investors
● encouraged continued expansion of ● Three agencies are directly involved
the housing market in the creation of pass-through
● provided direct and indirect securities
guarantees that allow for the Ginnie Mae Fannie Mae Freddie Mac
creation of mortgage-backed Private mortgage pass-through issuers
securities create pass-throughs from nonconforming
FIs have sold mortgages among themselves MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES
for over 100 years Collateralized mortgage obligations
A large part of correspondent banking (CMOs) are multiclass pass-throughs with
involves small banks selling parts of large multiple bond holder classes or tranches
loans to larger banks each bond holder class has a different
Large banks often sell parts of their loans guaranteed coupon
(i.e., participations) to smaller banks mortgage prepayments retire only one
Mortgage sales occur when an FI tranche at a time, so all
originates a mortgage and sells it to an other trances are sequentially prepayment
outside buyer protected
a loan sale is made with recourse if the loan Mortgage-backed bonds (MBBs)
buyer can sell the loan back to the originator MBBs allow FIs to raise long-term low-cost
should it go bad funds without removing
a group of mortgage assets is pledged as ● Dividends are discretionary and
collateral against a MBB issue, but there is are thus not guaranteed
no direct link between the cash flows of the ● Common stockholders have the
mortgages and the cash flows on the MBB lowest priority claim in the event
mortgages from their balance sheets of bankruptcy (ex. residual claim)
MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN ● Limited liability implies that
7-21 common stockholders can lose no
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All more than their original
Rights Reserved investment
● Common stockholders control the
INTERNATIONALTRENDS IN firm’s activities indirectly by
SECURITIZATION exercising their voting rights in
Foreign investors participate in U.S. the election of the board of directors
mortgage and MBS markets, but the value Dual-class firms have two classes of
held has decreased since 1992 common shares outstanding, with different
Europe is the world’s second largest and voting rights assigned to each class.
most developed securitization market - With cumulative voting, the
the United Kingdom is the biggest MBS number of votes assigned to each
issuer in the European market, followed by stockholder equals the number of
Germany shares held multiplied by the
the advent of the Euro has accentuated the number of directors to be elected
increased trend in securitization in Europe A proxy vote allows stockholders to vote by
Mortgage lending has grown in Russia since absentee ballot (e.g., by mail)
the early
2000s because of changes in property PREFERRED STOCK
ownership laws - Preferred stock is a hybrid
security that has characteristics of
both bonds and common stock
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All
Generally has fixed dividends that
Rights Reserved
are paid quarterly
- Generally does not have voting
rights unless dividend payments
are missed
©2009, The McGraw-Hill Companies, All
Rights Reserved
- Nonparticipating versus

- Cumulative versus

- Primary markets are markets

● Common stock is the fundamental where corporations raise funds
ownership claim in a public or through new issues of stock, most
private corporation
of the time through investment - is an organized and regulated
banks market, wherein trading of stocks
- Investment banks act as takes place between buyers and
distribution agents in best efforts sellers in a safe, transparent and
underwriting systematic manner.
- act as principals in firm - Exchange itself
commitment underwriting - Well established companies
- Has Physical location
- High transparency
A syndicate is a group of investment - Standardized contracts
banks working in concert to issue OTC (OVER THE COUNTER)
stock; the lead underwriter is the - is a decentralized dealer market
originating house wherein brokers and dealers transact
directly via computer networks and
An initial public offering (IPO) is the - Dealer
first public issue of financial instruments by - Small companies
a firm - No physical location
Seasoned offering - 24×7
- Unlisted Stocks Low Customized
- is the sale of additional
- Low transparency
securities by a firm whose
- Customized contracts
securities are already publicly traded
- pre-emptive rights give existing
stockholders the ability to maintain EXCHANGES EXAMPLES
their proportional ownership The U.S. has three major stock markets:
- A red herring prospectus is a - New York Stock Exchange Euronext
preliminary version of the (NYSE Euronext)
prospectus that describes a new - National Association of Securities
security issue Dealers Automated Quotation
Shelf registration allows firms to offer (NASDAQ)
multiple issues of stock over a two-year - American Stock Exchange (AMEX)
period with only one registration statement The Philippine Stock exchange


- are the markets in which stocks,
once issued, are traded among NYSE EURONEXT
investors - Created by the merger of NYSE
- EXCHANGE vs. Over the Group, Inc. and Euronext N.V. on
Counter(OTC) April 4, 2007 to become the first
truly global stock market
BASIS FOR COMPARISON - Over 3,200 different stocks trade on
- Trading occurs at a specific place on ● Low
the floor of the exchange called a ● Close
trading post ● Net Chg % Chg
- Each stock has a special market ● Volume
maker called a specialist that ● 52 Wk High 52 Wk Low Div
maintains liquidity for the stock at ● Yield
all times ● P/E
● YTD % Chg
- Three types of transactions occur at AMEX
trading posts - lists smaller firms than NYSE
- a market order is an order to Euronext
transact at the best price available - Operates as a broker-specialist
when the order reaches the trading market-maker system like NYSE
post Euronext
- a limit order is an order to transact - Pioneered exchange traded funds
at a specified price (ETFs)
- specialists transact for their own - ETFs are index funds that are listed
account on an exchange and can be traded
Program trading is the simultaneous intraday
buying and selling of a portfolio of at least
15 different stocks valued at more than $1
million using computer programs to initiate NASDAQ AND OTC MARKETS
the trades - is the world’s first electronic market
Circuit breakers give investors time to and has no physical trading floor
make informed choices during periods of - Provides continuous trading for the
high market volatility most active stocks traded over the
counter (OTC)
TRADING ON NYSE EURONEXT AND - Primarily a dealer market in which
AMEX often more than 20 dealers act as
market makers
- A small order execution system
(SOES) provides automatic order
execution for orders of less than or
equal to 1,000 shares
- The NASD maintains an electronic
“OTC bulletin board” and “pink
sheets” for small firms that are not
part of the NASDAQ


● Name Choice of market listings
● Symbol Open NYSE has extensive listing requirements
● High (e.g.,firm market value
and trading volume) index, such as the Phisix and the
AMEX listing requirements are less PSE Composite Index.
stringent than NYSE and NASDAQ
requirements are even less so
Electronic communication networks ● Households, mutual funds, and
(ECNs) private pension funds are the largest
normal trading occurs between 9:30 a.m. holders of corporate stock
and 4:00 p.m. eastern
standard time ● Market efficiency is the speed with
extended-hours trading occurs through which financial security prices adjust
computerized to unexpected news
alternative trading systems (ATSs) a.k.a. • weak form market efficiency
ECNs • semistrong form market efficiency
Online trading via the internet is becoming • strong form market efficiency
popular to both individual and professional Stock Market Regulation:
- The Securities and Exchange
STOCK MARKET INDEXES Commission (SEC) is the primary
A stock market index is the composite value regulator of stock markets
of a group of secondary market-traded - The SEC delegates certain regulatory
stocks responsibilities to the exchanges for
Price-weighted index the day-to-day surveillance of
the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), activity
composed of 30 companies, is the most - The main emphasis of SEC
widely know stock market index regulation is on full and fair
Value-weighted indexes NYSE Composite disclosure of information on
Standard & Poor’s 500 NASDAQ securities
Composite - Recently imposed regulations aim to
Wilshire 5000 reduce excessive price fluctuations
and increase auditing oversight


- is the main index of the Exchange. It MARKETS
is composed of the 30 largest and - U.S. stock markets are the world’s
most active common stocks listed at largest
the PSE. - European markets have increased
- By gauging changes in the stock their share of the global market with
prices of select listed companies, the the advent of a common
PSEi provides a snapshot of the currency,the Euro
market’s overall condition. - Growth has recently strengthened in
- In the past, various names were used the U.K., Canada, Japan, and Pacific
to refer to the Exchange’s main Basin countries
- International stock markets allow Market for Foreign Currency (Pounds)
investors to diversify by holding Depreciation is a decrease in the value of a
stocks issued by corporations in currency relative to another currency.
foreign countries P
- International diversification can Dollar Price of 1 Pound
increase risk due to incomplete 0
information about foreign stocks as LO: 12-3
well as foreign exchange and Sl
political risk $3
Dollar Depreciates (Pound Appreciates)
Dollar Appreciates (Pound Depreciates)
Exchange Rate: $2 = £1
Foreign Exchange Markets
Q see picture
Appreciation is an increase in the value of
a currency relative to another currency.
Foreign Exchange Markets Quantity of Pounds
Foreign exchange markets are markets in l
which cash flows from the sale of products Dl
or assets denominated in a foreign Q
currency are transacted 12-11

Foreign exchange markets

Foreign Exchange Risk
● facilitate foreign trade
● facilitate raising capital in foreign Foreign exchange risk is the risk that cash
markets flows will vary as the actual amount of
● facilitate the transfer of risk between LOCAL CURRENCY received on a foreign
market participants investment changes due to a change in
● facilitate speculation in currency foreign exchange rates
values 9- 12

A foreign exchange rate is the price at Currency depreciation occurs when a

which one currency can be exchanged for country’s currency falls in value relative to
another currency other currencies
McGraw-Hill/Irwin domestic goods become cheaper for foreign
9-7 buyers
foreign goods become more expensive for
In the market for foreign currency, the domestic purchasers
intersection of the demand for McGraw-Hill/Irwin
foreign currency and the supply of Currency appreciation occurs when a
foreign currency determine the exchange country’s currency rises in value relative to
rate. other currencies
Determinants of Exchange Rates 9- 24
Factors that cause a country’s currency to
appreciate or depreciate are:
Tastes Foreign Exchange Markets
Relative Income
Relative Price Levels (INFLATION) Relative Foreign exchange25 markets are the largest
Interest Rates of all financial markets: turnover averaged
Speculation LO: 12-3 $3.2 trillion per day in 2007
12-14 London accounts for 42.5%
New York accounts for 23.8%
France accounts for 7.1%
Determinants of Exchange Rates
Factors that cause a country’s currency to
appreciate or depreciate are: ● Prior to 1972, the only channel
● Tastes through which foreign exchange
● Relative Income occurred was through banks
● Relative Price Levels ● twenty-four hours a day
(INFLATION) over-the-counter (OTC) market
● Relative Interest Rates among major banks
● Speculation LO: 12-3 ● electronic trading of spot and
12-17 forward contracts
● over 90% of contracts are settled
with delivery of currency
9- 26

Foreign Exchange Markets

Foreign Exchange History Organized markets have existed since
McGra 1972
Foreign exchange markets 9- 27
w-Hill/Irwin ● International Money Market (IMM)
operated under the gold standard through (a subsidiary of the Chicago
most of the 1800s Mercantile Exchange (CME)) is
U.K. was the dominant international trading based in Chicago
country until WWII forced it to deplete its ● derivative trading in foreign
gold reserves to purchase arms and currency futures and options
munitions from the U.S. ● less than 1% of contracts are
9- 23 completed with delivery of the
underlying currency
1944: Bretton Woods Agreement fixed
exchange rates within 1% bands In 1982 the Philadelphia Stock
1971: Smithsonian Agreement increased Exchange (PHLX) became the first
bands to 2 1⁄4% exchange to offer around-the-clock trading
1973: Smithsonian Agreement II of currency options
introduced “managed” free float
National currency Unless interfered by BSP (Central Bank)
Money of a country is its symbol and
Price or exchange rate is determined by
market forces of demand and supply
USA= dollar ($)
Increase in exchange rate $ to PHP
Germany=Deutschmark (DM)
• Dollar appreciated
Great Britain= British Pound (α)
• Peso depreciated (also called devaluation)
Japan= Yen (Y)
European Union= Euro (€)

Forex Peeged fixed

BSP buys and sells dollars to maintain a
certain exchange rate

Over valued: BSP rate < market rate

EXCHANGE RATE Undervalued:
Price of one currency expressed in terms of BSP rate > market rate
another currency
Managed float exchange rate
Direct quote= local /foreign Indirect
quote= 1/ direct BSP interferes during disorderly or erratic
quote fluctuations of exchange rates
Ask rate= selling rate by banks
Bid rate= buying rate by banks Dirt vs clean float
Cross rate= computation of exchange rate CLEAN FLOAT= interferences only due to
for a currency from the exchange rate of erratic rates
two other currencies DIRTY FLOAT=Interference to achieve
objectives other than erratic rates

Floating. Pegged
Foreign Exchange. Transactions External economic ● Decline in
spot foreign exchan transactions disturbance investments
1. involve the immediate exchange of Effect on Big ● Internal
currencies at current exchange rates exports economic
forward foreign exchange transactions ● Business disturbance
involve the exchange of currencies at a uncertaintie ● Open
specified exchange rate at a specific date in s economy (
the future ● big Imports)
9- g3e2 Fluctuations ● Product
in diversificati
TYPES OF EXCHANGE RATES commodity on Similar
Determined by market forces of demand prices rate of
and supply ● Cost push inflation
>> FLOATING RATE inflation
● Increase in ● with trading
foreign debt partner
● Decline in Requires
investments High DERIVATIVES
reserves ● A derivative security is an agreement
Inelastic between two parties to exchange a
demand or standard quantity of an asset at a
● supply predetermined price at a specific
date in the future
● Derivative securities markets are the
markets in which derivative
Alternative policy proposals securities trade
● Dollar exchange control Selective Derivatives involve the buying and
imports selling (i.e., the transfer of) risk,
● Tight credit policy which results in a positive impact on
● Sound fiscal policies ( expenditures, the economic system
taxes , balanced budget Derivatives are used for hedging and
for speculation MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN

Derivative securities are securities that are
neither debt nor equity and whose values
are derived from the values of other,
related securities.
Derivative securities are not used by
corporations to raise funds.
Rather, they serve as a useful tool for
managing certain aspects of firm risk.
Two of the most popular types of derivative
securities are options and financial futures.


A spot contract is an agreement to
transact involving the immediate exchange
of assets and funds
A forward contract is a
non-standardized agreement to transact
involving the future exchange of a set
amount of assets at a set price
A futures contract is a standardized
exchange traded agreement to transact
involving the future exchange of a set exchange (for regulatory reasons, through a
amount of assets for a price that is subsidiary or via joint venture) for more
settled daily than 20 years—ever since the Securities and
MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN Exchange Commission (SEC) first proposed
10-9 the issuance of rules for the reopening of a
futures exchange in the Philippines, only
FINANCIAL FUTURES five years after the MIFEI scandal.
A financial futures contract is a contract But PSE never actually launched futures
in which one party agrees to deliver a trading partly for regulatory reasons.
specified about of a specified financial It is also doubtful whether the Philippines
instrument to the other party at a specified is ready to reopen futures trading 25 years
price and date. after the country’s first and only futures
The buyer of the financial futures contract exchange was ordered by the SEC to cease
receivesw operations.
the financial instrument on the settlement
The seller delivers the financial instrument Futures contract trading occurs in trading
and receives payment on the settlement “pits” using an open-outcry auction among
date. exchange members
floor brokers place trades for the public
professional traders trade for their own
Futures contracts are usually traded on position traders take a position in the
organized exchanges futures market based on their expectations
Exchanges indemnify counterparties about the future direction of the prices of
against credit (i.e., default) the underlying assets
risk day traders take a position within a day and
Futures are marked to market daily liquidate it before day’s end
marked to market describes the prices on scalpers take positions for very short
outstanding futures contracts that are periods of time, sometimes
adjusted each day to reflect current futures only minutes,in an attempt to profit from
market conditions active trading
The five major U.S. exchanges are the MCGRAW-HILL/IRWIN
The principal regulator of futures markets
is the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC)
10-11 Figure 21.5
Source: Wall Street Journal, January 20,
Atty. Rafael Padilla, 14 October 2023 OPTIONS
The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) has
been interested in setting up a futures
AqohbU&list=RDCMUCFCEuCsyW European-style call options are options that
P0YkP3CZ3Mr01Q&start_radio=1&rv=VJg can be exercised only on the expiration date.
OPTIONS = a right but not a obligation Figure 21.1
=exercise price =x Source: Wall Street Journal, January 21,
2000, p. C13.
An option is an instrument that provides its
holder with an opportunity to purchase or CLASSIFYING CALL OPTIONS
sell a specified asset at a stated price on or Table 21.1
before a set expiration date.
Options are probably the most popular type ACTIVITY 1: SPECULATING WITH
of derivative security. CALL OPTIONS
Three basic forms of options are rights, Bill Warden purchased a call option on
warrants, and calls and puts. Flight stock for $4 per share, with an
This session will focus on call and put exercise price of $60 per share.
options. He plans to exercise his option at the
expiration date of the stock price at the time
CALL OPTIONS it is above $60.
A call option is an option to purchase a He plans to sell immediately the stock he
specified number of shares of stock receives from exercising the option.
(typically 100) on or before a specified Bill wants to determine what his profit per
future date at a stated price. share would be under various possible
They usually have initial lives of 1 to 9 outcomes
months. for the price of Flight stock.
The striking price is the price at which the
holder of a call can buy the stock at any time SPECULATING WITH CALL OPTIONS
prior Table 21.2
to the option’s expiration date.
The striking price is usually set at or near SPECULATING WITH CALL OPTIONS
the prevailing market price of the stock at Figure 21.2
the time it is issued.
Executing Call Option Transactions
Investors purchase call options in the same SPECULATING WITH CALL OPTIONS
way Table 21.4
they purchase stocks—by calling their
broker. The price of the call option is called SPECULATING WITH CALL OPTIONS
an option Figure 21.3
American-style call options are call options SPECULATING WITH CALL OPTIONS
that can be exercised at any time throughout Factors that Affect the Call Option Premium
the life of the option. Stock price relative to exercise price Time to
Stock price volatility Factors that Affect the Put Option Premium
Stock price relative to exercise price Time to
PUT OPTIONS expiration
A put option is an option to sell a specified Stock price volatility
number of shares of stock (typically 100) on
or before a specified future date at a stated CLACK- SCHOLES OPTION PRICING
price. MODEL
They usually have initial lives of 1 to 9
The striking price is the price at which the PASSAGE)
holder of a put can sell the stock at any time What is the significance of the Bible
prior to the option’s expiration date. passage taken from Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 in
The striking price is usually set at or near your life as you explore merger, acquisition,
the prevailing market price of the stock at and risk management?
the time the put option Two are better than one, because they have
is issued. a good reward for their toil. For if they fall,
one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him
CLASSIFYING PUT OPTIONS who is alone when he falls and has not
Table 21.5 another to lift him up! Again, if two lie
together, they keep warm, but how can one
ACTIVITY 2: SPECULATING WITH PUT keep warm alone? And though a man might
OPTIONS prevail against one who is alone, two will
Emma Rivers purchased a put option on withstand him—a threefold cord is not
Zector stock for $3 per share, with an quickly broken.
exercise price of $40 per share. She plans to
exercise her option at the expiration date if
the stock price at that time is below $40.
She plans to purchase the stock just before
exercising her put option. Emma wants to
determine what her profit per share would
be under various possible outcomes for the
price of Zector stock.


Table 21.6


Figure 21.4


Table 21.7



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