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Student 1:

Dear India,

October 11, 1953- I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making my life MISERABLE. I think it's about time that we break up because you are the one to
blame for this. I know everyone says that it is both of us who caused the damage, which may or may not be true, but i'm still blaming you. The first reason why I think
that we should break up is because you Hindus think you own the place. Just because the ruler of our country is a hindu, doesn't mean that you guys get favored. The
second reason is that you make us look like a minority compared to you. There is SOOO much for you, and barely any of us. It's unfair. The third reason why we should
break up is because yall think that your the good guys, and were the bad guy. We were kicked out of our homes, our people being killed, people stopped buying from us
just because we are Muslim. And were the ones who are bad?? Now that is what's messed up about you hindus. You think that whatever you do it good, and everyone else
is bad or worse than you. And not to mention, we are not similar at all. We eat different foods and we believe in different things. Also your prime minister was calling us
selfish and greedy, but if you were in our hands you could at least try to understand. Our leader Muhammad Ali Jinah believes that we should be able to have our own
homeland. He says that if we were together it would lead to destruction. But sadly he died about 2 months ago, a couple years after we moved. I bet you are happy about
that ... .arent you. Well overall, I do not forgive for what you have put my fellow people through and that's why i believe that we should break up. I hope you suffer like
we did soon.

September 24, 2014- Oh hey again India. I don't know if you remember or not, but in the letter back in the olden days i said that i wish yall would have to suffer like we
did. And I guess that did come true. I heard from a couple of my fellow classmates that yalls river, the Ganga, is very polluted and is causing you to get sick. I'm sorry to
hear that, but it is about time that you understand how it feels to lose a loved one.

Xoxo - your favorite ex.

Ps. Can you tell Afghanistan that I want to be their valentine💞

Dear India,
we should

I’m writing to you because I believe remain separate. My country is beginning to pick up its feet. Just now starting to seem like a nice place. And so
now you think that we want to come back because we’re struggling? Nope. Do you know how many people died because you believed I should be
pushed away. My people have suffered too much through the migration for me to just take you back. Need I remind you that it was YOU who
thought that we could never work together through anything? And it was YOU who also thought that I couldn’t provide myself with well enough
government and recouces, but then proceeded to kick me out?? You have been the villain along with Great Britain for years. Britain obviously tried to
split us apart, but you took it too far. Removing me and my people from my home was the last straw.

So no, I do not want to get back together with you. It’s bad enough that we’re right next door.
Look at me tryna be nice

Wishing you “well”


Dear India,

I request that we get back together. Why? Because I am running out of money and am currently broke my citizens are starving, there's a great
famine, the kids are dying, and the population is starting to decrease. Now no one wants to work or farm for food, it’s every man for himself. So if you do
consider hitting me up my email is Also, I promise not to try to separate myself from you anymore or not give any thought to the
other religions about their feelings. I will try to create peace among the Hindus and the other religions. We will learn to share and talk to each other, even
though we are in a minority in a Hindu majority state, I just want to get another chance. If you change your mind I will understand after all we've been at
war between the religions for a long time ever since the British left, I am sorry that I ever left you and I hope you show some mercy towards me. We also
have gifts if that makes you change your mind we will try to bring some spices and food to the country as well. Or you can just take anything you'd like I do
not care I just want to save my people. Anyways happy early valentines hope you reconsider letting us be a whole country again.

Sincerely Pakistan
Dear Hindus,

I just wanted to talk about something because I know it will happen. I apologize for my mistakes and the mistakes that our leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah
has made. I think you already know where this is going, I think we should break up. Our leader’s doings and ours have affected us, all of us in many
unforgettable ways. Again I apologize I can’t take the pain any longer. It would be best if we just go our separate ways. I have 3 reasons why I think we
should break off. First, what's the point of “sticking together” if we can’t engage with one another, we can’t marry each other, we can't even live together?
Another reason is every time we get together we fight or things get out of hand. This could lead to dangerous matters like wars. Lastly, If we go back
things won’t be anything like before, we just want peace and kindness to be spread. If we we can’t meet eachothers standards theres no point. Again we
are very sorry for what we did but just know we are not the only guilty ones. Thank you for your time.

Love, The Muslims

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