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8MTHB Notes


Chapter 1: Numbers
Percentage from Fractions:
(⅜)*100 = 37.5%

Percentage to Decimal:
8% = (8/100) = 0.08

Percentage to Fraction:
60% = 60/100 = ⅗

Percentage Increase/Decrease:
(80/100) * 115% = 92 [15% increase]
(80/100) * 85% = 68 [15% decrease]

Speed, Time and Distance:

Speed = Distance/Time
Distance = Speed*Time
Time = Distance/Speed

Chapter 3: Mensuration
Rectangle: Base * Width
Trapezium: ½(a+b) * Height
Kite: ½(Max Width * Height)
Circle: πr²
[Circumference: 2πr]
Sector Area: (θ/360)πr²
[Arc Length: (θ/360)2πr

Any Prism: Area of flat face * Length/Height
Sphere: 4/3πr³
Pyramid: ⅓(Base area) * Height

Surface Area:
Cylinder: 2πr² + (2πr*Height)
Sphere: 4πr²
Cone: πr² + (πr*Slant Height)

Chapter 4: Geometry
Exterior angles of a regular Polygon: 360/n
Interior Angles of a regular Polygon: [(n-2) * 180]/n

Pythagoras Theorem:

Chapter 5: Algebra 2
Direct Variation:
X varies as Y = X varies directly as Y = X is proportional to Y
x = ky
[k is known as the constant]
If x = 3 and y = 12
Then 3 = k(12)
x = ¼y
Inverse Variation:
X varies inversely as Y
x = k/y

Chapter 6: Trigonometry
Sine, Cosine, Tangent:
Sine θ = Opposite / Hypotenuse
Cosine θ = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
Tangent θ = Opposite / Adjacent

Bearing is an angle measured clockwise from North, no matter what, it will
always be from North.

Sine Rule:
Either: a/SinA = b/SinB = c/SinC
Or: SinA/a = SinB/b = SinC/c

Cosine Rule:
To find the length of a side:
a²=b²+c² - (2bc * CosA)

To find an angle when all sides are given:

CosA = (b² + c² - a²)/(2bc)

Chapter 8: Sets, vectors and functions

∩ - Intersection
∪ - Union
⊂ - Subset of
∈ - Member of
∅ - Null
A’ - “A” Prime
n(A) - No. Of Elements in “A”
Vectors are lines with a direction and a variable as the value.
Vectors multiplied by negative values will result in the direction of the line

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