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18th International Conference on Production Research


A. Giret, V. Botti
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de
Vera s/n 46022, Valencia, Spain

Research on Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS) is undergoing a huge amount of interest and
developments. In spite of the great amount of effort devoted to architectures and algorithms for holonic
control of manufacturing systems there are little work about design methodologies. In this work we present
a multi agent methodology for analysis and design of HMS, it is based on an abstract agent definition and
the PROSA reference architecture for holonic systems. The methodology is organized around five views of
the system and integrates the advantages of proven multi agent methodologies to the manufacturing field.
An industrial case example from the ceramic domain is presented to show the characteristics of the

Holonic Manufacturing Systems, Agent, Multi Agent Systems, Methodology.

1 INTRODUCTION • Self-organization - the ability of holons to collect

To date, many of the developments in HMS have been and arrange themselves in order to achieve a
conducted in an almost “empirical way”, without any production goal.
design methodology. There is a definite need to have • Holarchy - a system of holons that can cooperate
methodologies for holonic systems [11], that are based on to achieve a goal or objective. The holarchy
software engineering principles in order to assist the defines the basic rules for cooperation of the
system designer at each stage of development. This holons and thereby limits their autonomy.
methodology should provide clear, unambiguous analysis
and design guidelines. We believe that methodologies An agent is an autonomous and flexible computational
from the Multi Agent Technology are good candidates for system that is able to act in an environment [14].
modelling HMS due to the following: the similarities
between the holonic and the agent approaches, the wide Holons and agents are very similar concepts (for a
use of agents as the implementation tool for holonic detailed comparison of these two notions see [4]). In [4],
systems, and the availability of complete Multi Agent we pointed out that the recursive structure is the only
System Methodologies. However, there are some holon property that is not presented as such in the agent
extensions that must be included in a MAS methodology to definition. To cope with this limitation, in [5] we proposed
be able to model the HMS requirements in a proper way: the Abstract Agent notion as a modelling artefact for
holon recursive structure, system abstraction levels, HMS autonomous entities with recursive structures. The
specific guidelines, and a mixed top-down and bottom-up Abstract Agent extends the traditional agent definition
approach for the analysis and design steps. adding a structural perspective to the agent concept: "...
an Abstract Agent can be an agent; or it can be a MAS
In this work we present a Multi Agent Methodology for made up of Abstract Agents ...”
HMS analysis and design. Section 1, presents the holon
and agent modelling notions. In Section 2, we detail our
methodology for HMS analysis and design. Finally, in The Abstract Agent is an attempt to unify the concepts of
Section 3, we summarize the conclusions and future holons and agents and to simplify and close the gap
works. between holons and agents in the analysis and design
steps. This will make it easer to translate the modelling
products that are obtained from methodologies for HMS
2 HOLONS AND AGENTS into coding elements for the implementation of the holonic
The HMS consortium has defined the following holon system.
characteristics and holonic concepts [8]:
• Holon - an autonomous and cooperative building 3 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF HMS
block of a manufacturing system for transforming,
In our approach, the HMS is specified by dividing it in
transporting, storing and/or validating information
more specific characteristics that form different views of
and physical objects. The holon consists of an
information processing part and often a physical the system. These views are defined in terms of MAS
processing part. A holon can be part of another technology; therefore, we talk about agents, roles, goals,
holon. beliefs, organizations, etc. The way in which the views
(models) are defined is inspired by the INGENIAS
• Autonomy - the capability of a holon to create and
methodology [12] (a complete MAS methodology that has
control the execution of its own plans and/or
good performance in the development of complex
strategies (and to maintain its own functions).
systems). The extensions we have made to the INGENIAS
• Cooperation - the process whereby a set of meta-models deal with the following: the addition of the
holons develops mutually acceptable plans and Abstract Agent notion and the properties to model real-
executes them. time behaviours [10], the redefinition of some relations to
conform to the new modelling entities and the • The environment model defines the non-
dependencies between them. Here we summarize the autonomous entities with which the Abstract
models (for more information see [6, 7]): Agents interacts.
• The task/goal model describes relationships
• The agent model is concerned with the among goals and tasks, goal structures, and task
functionality of each Abstract Agent: structures.
responsibilities and capabilities.
• The organization model describes how system In Figure 1 we show the notation of our methodology.
components (Abstract Agents, roles, resources,
and applications) are grouped together.
• The interaction model addresses the exchange of
information or requests between Abstract Agents.

Figure 1: Notation

Following, we present the specification of the analysis and stage which is a bottom-up process to produce the System
design phases of our methodology. We also, illustrate the Architecture from the Analysis Models of the previous
development process with modelling diagrams from a stage.
Ceramic Tile Factory case study . The tile factory is
divided into departments each of which is in charge of a In the analysis phase (Figure 3), the designer must specify
specific function (marketing, tile design, production the HMS in terms of the five models described before and
planning, factory, raw material warehouse, finished tile the UML Use Case Diagrams. This is a top-down,
warehouse, etc.). The tile production process is as follows: recursive, incremental process. The main goal of the
the clay is obtained, mixed, refined, dried, pressed or analysis phase is to identify the constituent holons and to
extruded, decorated/glazed and baked in ovens known as provide an initial holon specification.
kilns. The HMS for the Tile Factory must: (i) integrate the
different departments of the company, (ii) arrange factory
resources for both on-demand (60%) and stock (40%)
production orders, and (iii) automate resources and
processes controls at different levels in the company. System Requirements
Figure 2 presents the analysis and design phases of our Analysis
methodology. The first stage, System Requirements
Analysis and the second stage Holon Identification and
Specification define the analysis phase of our approach.
The aim of the analysis phase is to provide high-level HMS
specifications from the problem Requirements, which are Holon
specified by the Client/User and which can be updated by Analysis
Models Identification and
any development stage. The analysis adopts a top-down Specification
recursive approach. One advantage of a recursive
analysis is that its results, i.e. the Analysis Models, provide
a set of elementary elements and assembling rules. The
next step in the development process is the Holon Design
Holon Design
The ceramic tile sector is recognized at the national and
international levels as being a very dynamic sector in both
the number of exports and the high investment capacity in System
advanced research technologies. The continuous market Architecture
changes in this sector have motivated a great increase in
product variety and ad hoc product properties. The case
study requirements where defined in a joint research
project between the GTI-IA group and the CIGIP group of
the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Figure 2: Analysis and Design Stages
18th International Conference on Production Research

The designer must produce the Analysis Models from the

Requirements Set and the Domain Definition. Each
iteration of the analysis phase identifies and specifies
holarchies of different levels of recursion (holons made up
of holons). The first iteration identifies an initial holarchy, Requirements
which is made up of holons that cooperate to fulfil the Guidelines
global system requirements. At the end of every iteration,
the designer must analyze each holon in order to figure
out the advantages of decomposing it into a new holarchy.
In this way, each new iteration will has as many concurrent Determine Use
processes as constituent holons of the previous iteration Cases
that was decided to decompose. This process is repeated
until every holon is completely defined and there is no
need for further decompositions.

An iteration definition is as follows. Specify Use Case

• The first step is to Determine Use Cases by
building a Use Case Model from the system Analysis
Requirements. We have defined the HMS UC Models
Guidelines to help the designer to identify
domains cooperation [3] and the system goals as Identify Holons
use cases. Use cases can be considered as
simpler sub-problems that taken together define
the entire system. Figure 5a shows an initial Use
Case Diagram of the Tile Factory which is a work
product of the first iteration of the analysis phase. Specify
• These use cases are analyzed in the step Specify Relations
Use Cases Realization. In this step every use
case is represented as an Abstract Agent and the
interaction and relationships among them are PROSA
modelled by building Interaction Models (Figure Guidelines
5b) and Organization Models. Figure 6a
illustrates the corresponding Organization Model
obtained from the Use Case model of Figure 5a.

• In the third step, Identify Holons, the designer Figura 3: Analysis Phase
works with the work products of the previous
step, the system Requirements, and the PROSA
Guidelines to identify any new Abstract Agent and In the design phase the initial system architecture, i.e.
to categorize the identified Abstract Agents. The Analysis Models, must be completed with details of the
PROSA Guidelines are defined based on PROSA target implementation platform (Figure 4).
types of holons [13]. Some sample rules for • The first step, Refine Holons Specification, is
identifying holons are: (i) Each production means dedicated to complete analysis models without
(a factory, a department, a shop, machine, taking into account platform modelling issues.
conveyor, pipeline, component, tool, tool holder, The designer must focus on the “atomic" holons
personnel, etc.) and the information processing of the previous phase in order to complete their
that controls it, is modelled as an Abstract Agent; definitions. The Agent Model must be revised to
(ii) Each product definition or recipe is modelled include the internal execution states of the holon
as an Abstract Agent; (iii) Each task in the and their transitions. The Task/Goal Model must
manufacturing system (customer order, make-to- be analyzed to ensure that each agent goal has a
stock order, prototype-making order, order to corresponding task that pursues it. Pre and post
maintain and repair resources, etc.), is conditions has to be identified for every modelled
represented as an Abstract Agent. Based on task. The Environment Model must be detailed to
these rules the designer must refine both the include the resource attributes and the agents
Organization model and the Interaction model by perceptions in terms of application events. Once
adding new or modified relations and interactions every atomic holon is completely specified, the
among holons in the cooperation domains. Figure designer must move up to the nearest abstraction
5b shows the Interaction Model to define a new level in the holarchy structure, i.e., to the
schedule for an order, or to modify a previously cooperation domain in which the given holon
defined schedule due to factory failures or new interacts. Dependencies among cooperation
orders. The Agent Model (Figure 6b) is built to domains/holarchies are refined in the
specify holon capabilities and responsibilities in Organization Model. The Interaction Model is
terms of tasks and goals which are described in enhanced with preconditions, task executions and
detail in the Task/Goal Model. effects on the environment and on interacting
holons. This bottom-up process must be repeated
• The Environment Model is built in the fourth step, until there is no higher cooperation domain in the
Specify Environment Relations, to represent non- Analysis Models.
autonomous domain entities with which the
holons have to work. • The last design step is Build System Architecture.
Our approach defines design guidelines to
implement the HMS as proposed by Christensen
in [2]. For high-level control (intra-holon
information processing and inter-holon
cooperation), our methodology provides design Analysis
guidelines for JADE [1]. For the low level control Requirements
(physical operations), our methodology provides
design guidelines for function blocks (IEC 61499
series of standards) [9]. The work product of this
step is the System Architecture composed of the
Design Models (built in the previous step), the
JADE Agent Templates and the Function Block Refine Holon
Interface Specification. A JADE Agent Template Specification
is produced for each agent in the Design Models.
The Function Block Interface Specification is
produced for the physical processing part of each
agent representing physical processes, Build System
equipment or machines. The JADE Agent Architecture
Template contains JADE specific characteristics
such as agent identifiers, agent behaviours,
agent communication and services. The Function
Block Interface Specification contains a table so FB
that there is an ordered list of corresponding
System Guidelines
physical device commands and responses for
every agent physical action (task).


Figure 4: Design Phase

Figure 5: Use Case Model and Interaction Model of the Ceramic Tile Factory
18th International Conference on Production Research

Figure 6: Organization Model and Agent Model of the Ceramic Tile Factory

In this work, we have presented the notation and [1] Bellifemine, F., Poggi, A., Rimassa, G. (2001):
development process of a MAS methodology for HMS. In Developing multi-agent systems with JADE. Intelligent
our approach the HMS is specified by dividing it in more Agents VII 89-103.
specific characteristics that form different views of the [2] Christensen, J. (2003): HMS/FB Architecture and Its
system. These views are defined based on INGENIAS (a Implementation. In: Agent-Based Manufacturing.
proven MAS methodology for complex systems) [12]. We Advances in the Holonic Approach. Springer Verlag
have extended the INGENIAS models to be able to model 53-88.
the HMS requirements properly. These extensions include [3] Fletcher, M., Garcia-Herreros, E., Chritensen, J., Deen,
the notion of Abstract Agent [5] and the properties to S., Mittmann, R. (2000): An Open Architecture for
model real-time behaviours [10]. They also include the Holonic Cooperation and Autonomy. Proceedings of
redefinition of some relations to conform to the new HoloMAS'2000
modelling entities and the dependencies among them. The [4] Giret, A., Botti, V. (2004): Holons and Agents. Journal
development process we have proposed is a mixed top- of Intelligent Manufacturing 15 645-659.
down and bottom-up approach. The aim of the analysis [5] Giret, A., Botti, V. (2004): Towards an Abstract
phase is to provide high-level HMS specifications from the Recursive Agent. Integrated Computer Aided
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Client/User and which can be updated by any [6] Giret, A., Botti, V. (2004): Towards a Recursive Agent
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a set of elementary elements and assembling rules. The models for analysis of large-scale MAS. In: Multiagent
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stage which is a bottom-up process to produce the System [8] HMS, P.R. (1994): HMS Requirements,
Architecture from the Analysis Models of the previous
stage. Our approach provides HMS-specific guidelines to [9] IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission (2001):
help the designer in every development step. Function Blocks, Part 1 – Soft ware Tool
Requirenments.PAS 61499-2.
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[12] Pavon, J., Gomez, J. (2003): Agent Oriented Software
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[14] Wooldridge, M., Jennings, N.R. (1995): Intelligent
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LNAI 890

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