영어능률ne (김성곤) 1과 주관식, 서술형중심

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심


v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과] 내용 추론 하여

For the past three years, Ethan has been 문장 만들기

schooling us all in the game of life. He always 3. 다음 글에 관한 대화문을 읽고, <조건>에 맞게 빈

reminds us (A)_________________________________________. 칸을 완성하시오.3) [1과]
(B)Instead of put all his efforts into try to be the <조건>
team's best player, he has done everything he can ◦ 본문에서 찾아 쓰되, 형태를 변형하지 말 것. (대
make the team better. As Ethan has shown us, 소문자는 변경 가능함.)
lifting up those around us in also of great worth.
◦ (A), (B) 각각 최소 5단어 이상 작성할 것.
When we help others shine, their light will shine
on us in return. Yes, sometimes there is something
Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to
better than being the best.
the team in different ways. His passion for the
game was an inspiration to all his teammates.
내용 추론 하여 Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
문장 만들기
they became his most passionate fans. Day in and
1. 위 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말을 <보기>에 주어진 day out, Seeing Ethan’s smile, positive attitude and
단어와 어구만을 모두 사용하여 완전한 문장으로 hard work lifted everyone’s spirits. Right before
서술하시오.1) every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
<보 기> of the group offering motivational words. He had a
to / though / a team's success / that / role / special talent for calming people down and
be / small / important / their / may / everyone / bringing out the best in them. Ethan was also
on the team / is / Winston High’s loudest supporter. He always
observed each play carefully from the sidelines.
He always reminds ___________________________________ Although he wasn’t the one making the actual
__________________________________________________________ plays on the field, Ethan’s mind was always right
there with his teammates. Everyone could sense his
love for football, and the coaches admired his
어법에 맞게 commitment.
완전한 문장 만들기

2. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (B)에서 어법에 맞지 않는 곳을 모 Q : Did Ethan have a positive effect on his

두 고쳐 완전한 문장으로 서술하시오.2) teammates?
A : Definitely.
__________________________________________________________ Their spirits were raised by (A)________________.
Q : What did Ethan usually do when other
teammates played on the field?
A : He (B)_________________________________________.

(A) _____________________________________________________
(B) _____________________________________________________

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

4. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 적절한 내용을 보기 6. 다음 글의 흐름 상 밑줄에 주어진 철자로 시작되는

의 단어를 모두 사용하여 완성하시오. [1과] (단어 가장 알맞은 표현을 쓰시오.6) [1과]
추가나 변형 없음)4)
W: Where are you going, David?
All eyes were on Ethan. Everything seemed to be B: There's a soccer game today. I'm meeting my
moving in slow motion, like in a Hollywood movie. friends at the field.
People kept their eyes on him as he made his way W: Did you forget the whole family is going to
to the end zone. They saw him crossing the goal clean the house this afternoon?
line right before the clock ran out. Unexpectedly, B: Oh, no! That's. today? But my friends are
everyone in the crowd leapt to their feet waiting for me!
(A)________________________________. They were bursting W: We planned this two weeks ago.
with excited shouts and unending cheers for Ethan. B: I forgot. I'm sorry, Mom.
In this moment, all of Ethan’s hard work and W: Your dad and sister will be disappointed if
dedication was being rewarded with glory. Ethan’s you don't help out.
touchdown didn’t win the game, but it will be B: Okay. I'm going to call and tell my friends that
worth remembering. I can't m__________ _____________ today.

<보기> m__________________ ___________________

air / in / hands / the / with / their

(A) : ___________________________________________________
7. 다음 글의 흐름을 보고, 보기에 주어진 모든 단어
를 사용하여 글의 빈칸을 완성하시오.7)
Although he knew he would never be a valuable
5. 다음 글을 읽고, <보기>의 주어진 단어를 모두 배 player in any of the team's games, he poured his
열하여 빈칸을 완성하시오.5) [1과] heart and soul into practice every day. Over time,
For the past three years, Ethan has been however, Ethan became valuable to the team in
schooling us all in the game of life. He always different ways. His passion for the game was an
reminds us that everyone is important to a team’s inspiration to all his teammates. Because Ethan
success, though their role on the team may be motivated and encouraged them, they became his
small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying most passionate fans. Day in and day out, seeing
to be the team’s best player, he has done Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and hard work lifted
everything he can to make the team better. As everyone's spirits. Right before every game, Ethan
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is would always be in the middle of the group
also of great worth. When we help others shine, offering motivational words. He had a special talent
their light will shine on us in return. Yes, for calming people down and bringing out the best
sometimes _________________________________________. in them. Ethan was also Winston High's loudest
supporter. He always observed each play carefully
<보기> from the sidelines. Although he wasn't the one
there / being / best / something / than / better / making the actual plays on the field, Ethan's mind
is / the was always right there with his teammates.
Everyone could sense his love for football, and the
답: _____________________________________________________ coaches admired his commitment.
For the past three years, Ethan has been
schooling us all in the game of life. He always
reminds us that __________________________________.

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

Instead of putting all his efforts into trying to be 9. 다음 글을 읽고 문맥상 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말
the team's best player, he has done everything he 을 <조건>에 맞게 완성하시오.9)
can to make the team better. As Ethan has shown
Though Ethan didn't look like a typical football
us, lifting up those around us is also of great
player, he became important to Winston High's
worth. When we help others shine, their light will
football team in different ways. His enthusiasm for
shine on us in return. Yes, sometimes there is
the game as a(n) inspiration to all his teammates.
something better than being the best.
Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
they became his most passionate fans. Day in and
보기: everyone / their role / important / small /
day out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and
to a team / is / though / may be
hard work raised everyone's spirits. Right before
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
He always reminds us that __________________________
of the group offering motivational words. He had a
special talent for _________________________ in them.
Ethan was also Winston High's loudest supporter.
He always observed each play carefully from the
8. 다음 기사를 읽고, Angela에게 보내는 칭찬댓글을
sidelines; Although he wasn't the one making the
작성하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)를 완성하시오.8) [1
과] actual plays on the field, Ethan's mind was always
right there with his teammates. Everyone could
Good evening, everyone. I’m Natalie Brown with
sense his love for football, and the coaches
The Nightly Report. It has been chilly these days,
admired his dedication.
so here’s some news to warm you right up! Earlier
today, angela Reynolds, a senior at Garland High
<조 건>
School, received the Good Citizen Award. A few
1. 주어진 단어만을 모두 한 번씩만 사용할 것
days ago, Angela saw a young child fall off the
2. 필요 시 어형 변화 가능
subway platform at park Station. She bravely
3. 어법 오류 시 오답 처리
rushed onto the subway tracks to rescue him.
Others helped pull her and the little boy back up
보기: bring / people / down / out / and / calm
to safety. Because of her quick thinking, Angela
/ the best
saved a young boy’s life. I hope her inspiring story
will encourage all of you to help your fellow
citizens in their time of need!

ID: Worldwide Handsome

Comment: Angela, if I had been there, I could not
have behaved like you! I think
10. 다음 글의 빈칸을 아래 조건에 맞게 채우시오.10)

(A)________________________________ because Along with small everyday items, much bigger

(B)________________________________. things can also be upcycled - even old buildings
((A), (B) 각각 주어와 동사로 시작하시오) that can not be used for their original purpose
anymore. The German government showed us an
(A) _____________________________________________________ excellent example of this with a former steel plant
(B) _____________________________________________________ that closed in 1985. Rather than destroy the plant's
buildings or abandon the entire facility, they
decided to give it new meaning as a series of
useful public structures. Many of the buildings kept
their original shapes, but received extra equipment
and new designs in their surrounding areas. For

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

instance, old gas tanks became pools for divers. Because of his condition, he decided to leave his
Concrete walls of iron storage towers were turned crowded high school in the big city. He moved to
into ideal training fields for rock climbers. Can you our school in the middle of his first year in high
believe a building for melting metal is now a school. That following summer, he asked the coach
viewing platform with a gorgeous 360-degree view? if he could join the football team as a sophomore.
The final result is the Landscape Park Duisburg The coach wasn't sure at first, but in the end he
Nord. It has almost 570 acres of land filled with allowed Ethan to come to practice. Regardless of
gardens, cycling paths’ and pretty lights at night, in his physical difficulties, Ethan worked just as hard
addition to its creatively repurposed buildings. This as every other player on the team.
park proves that ______________________________________
as well as the environment. __________________________________________________________

아래 보기의 표현을 모두 사용하여, 10단어 이내로 13. 다음은 라디오 방송국에 보낸 편지이다. 글을 읽
빈칸을 채워 문장을 완성하시오. 고 밑줄 친 부분을 알맞게 완성하세요.13) [1과]
M: Welcome to The Steve Johnson Radio Show!
보기: possible / the heritage of a place / it / We've got some new songs for you, but first let's
preserve ) check out a letter from one of our listeners.

________________________________________________________ "Hi! I'm Larry, and I'm a high school student. I

love hanging out with my friends and spending the
whole weekend with them. But it has become a
11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 문맥에 적절한 뜻이 problem. One day, I missed a big family event. I
되도록 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하 realized that I wasn't being a good son or older
시오.11) [1과] brother. I'm always playing games or texting while
All eyes were on Ethan. Everything seemed to be I'm with my family. And I don't ask about their
moving in slow motion, like in a Hollywood movie. lives. From now on, promise / 1 / do/ better. I'm
People kept their eyes on him as he made his way sorry, Mom, Dad, and Amy!“
to the end zone. They saw him cross the goal line
right before the clock ran out. Unexpectedly, (their 조건1. 주어진 영어단어를 활용할 것.
hands / leapt / with / everyone in the crowd / in / 조건2. 글의 내용상 알맞은 내용이 되도록 할 것.
to / the air / their feet)· They were bursting with 조건3. 문장에 알맞게 활용해야 하는 동사는 변형할
excited shouts and unending cheers for Ethan, In 것.
this moment, all of Ethan's hard work and
dedication was being rewarded` with glory.

14. 다음 글은 아나운서 Natalie Brown의 방송이다.

글을 읽고 밑줄 친 부분을 알맞게 완성하세요.14)
__________________________________________________________ [1과]
W: Good evening, everyone. I'm Natalie Brown
with The Nightly Report. It's been chilly these days,
12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 문맥에 적절한 뜻이
so here's some news to warm you right up! Earlier
되도록 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하
today, Angela Reynolds, a senior at Garland High
시오.12) [1과]
School, received the Good Citizen Award. A few
Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
days ago, Angela saw a young child fall off the
unnaturally bend away from each other. (for / walk,
subway platform at Park Station. She bravely
run, or move around / to / difficult / him / is / it).

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

rushed onto the subway tracks to rescue him. valuable player in any of the team's games, he
Others helped pull her and the little boy back up poured his heart and soul into practice every day.
to safety. Because of her quick thinking, Angela
saved a young boy's life. I hope will encourage / <보기>
in their time of need / all of you / help / your he / run / difficult / fast
fellow citizens / her inspiring story!
답: It ___________________________________________________
조건1. 주어진 영어단어를 활용할 것.
조건2. 글의 내용상 알맞은 내용이 되도록 할 것.
조건3. 문장에 알맞게 활용해야 하는 동사는 변형할 17. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)를 <보기>의 단어를 모두 한
것. 번씩 그대로 사용하여 문맥에 맞게 완성하시오.17)
The king was not pleased with any of the

15. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 아래 주어진 우리말과 answers. (A)_______________________, the king decided

같은 뜻이 되도록 괄호안의 단어를 올바르게 배 to visit an old hermit who was famous for his
열하시오. (필요시 변형 가능, 단어추가 및 중복 wisdom. The hermit lived in a forest and met only
사용 금지)15) ordinary folk, so the king disguised himself as a
For the past three years, Ethan has been simple peasant. He ordered his bodyguards to stay
schooling us all in the game of life. He always behind while he went on alone to seek out the
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's hermit. Reaching the hermit's hut, the king found
success, though their role on the team may be the old man digging in his garden. The hermit
small. Instead of (be, efforts, his, try, into, all, to, greeted the king and continued digging. The king
put) the team's best player, he has done everything said, "I have come here to ask you three questions.
he can to make the team better. How can I learn the right time to do everything?
Whom do I most need to pay attention to? Finally,
⇨ 팀의 최고 선수가 되려고 노력하는데 그의 모든 what is the most important thing to do?"
노력을 쏟는 대신에
_______________________________________________ to his questions / to find / the best answers /

16. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>에 제시된 답: (A) _________________________________________________

단어를 반드시 사용하여 8단어 이내(it 포함)의 영
어 문장을 완성하시오. (필요시 변형 가능)16)
Well, Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs 18. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말을 <보기>의 단
unnaturally bend away from each other. It 어들을 모두 사용하여 문맥에 맞게 문장을 완성
_______________________. Because of his condition, he 하시오.18) [1과]
decided to leave his crowded high school in the For the past three years, Ethan has been
big city. He moved to our school in the middle of schooling us all in the game of life. He always
his first year in high school. That following summer, reminds us that everyone is precious to a team's
he asked the coach if he could join the football success, though their role on the team may be
team as a sophomore. The coach wasn't sure at small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying
first, but in the end he allowed Ethan to come to to be the team's best player, he has done
practice. Regardless of his physical difficulties, Ethan everything he can to make the team better. As
worked just as hard as every other player on the Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is
team. Although he knew he would never be a also of great worth. When we help others shine,

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

their light will shine on us in return. Yes,

sometimes there is (A)____________________.

than / being / something / the / better / best


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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

우리말을 약해서 그는 빨리 달릴 수 없다. Nevertheless, Ethan

영문으로 만들기 is the team’s most important player, as his great
attitude motivates everyone around him. In the
19. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 구문을 해석을
game’s final seconds, Ethan scored the last
참고하여 아래 <보기>에 주어진 단어를 한 번씩
만 사용하여 영작하시오.(어형 변화 가능)19) [1 touchdown. A teammate passed the ball to Ethan
과] so that he could score. It was a touching moment
Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to and a fantastic way to finish the season!
the team in different ways. His passion for the
game was an inspiration to all his teammates. 답: ______________________________________________________
Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them, _________________________________________________________.

they became his most passionate fans. Day in and

day out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and
hard work lifted everyone's spirits. Right before 21. 다음 주어진 우리말을 보기의 단어들을 활용하여
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle 올바른 영어문장으로 서술하시오. (필요 시 단어
변형 가능)21)
of the group offering motivational words. He had a
⇨ 곧장 앞으로 달리는 것 대신에, 그 선수는 Ethan이
special talent for 사람들을 침착하게 하고, 그들의 최
터치다운 득점을 할 수 있도록 친절하게 Ethan에
고의 능력을 끌어내는 Ethan was also Winston
게 공을 패스해주었다.
High's loudest supporter. He always observed each
play carefully from the sidelines. Although he
<보 기>
wasn't the one making the actual plays on the
field, Ethan's mind was always right there with his to / Ethan / run straight ahead / the ball /

teammates. Everyone could sense his love for instead of / that / pass / so

football, and the coaches admired his commitment.

_______________________________, the player kindly _____
________________________ he could score a touchdown.
the best / and / calm / people / them /
bring / out / down / in
22. 다음 주어진 문장을 참고하여 ‘그가 그의 팀원들
을 돕는 것은 착하다’라는 의미의 영어 문장을
: ______________________________________________________
<보기>에 제시된 단어를 모두 포함하여 작성하
⇨ It is difficult for him to walk, run, or move
20. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말을 <보기>에 주어진 around.
단어를 모두 사용하여 영작하시오.20) [1과]
< 보 기 > <보 기>
too, legs, and, tall, fast, weak, run, to, only, his kind / his teammates / help / it

Winston High finished its season with an 그가 그의 팀원들을 돕는 것은 착하다.

inspiring victory. It defeated Stark High by a score
of 20-6. About 30 seconds before the final whistle, __________________________________________________________
victory was already certain. However, the best
moment of the game began shortly after. The
coach sent all the seniors onto the field. Among
them was Ethan. He joined the team in his
sophomore year. Ethan dosen’t look like a typical
football player. 키는 5퍼트에 불과하고 다리는 너무

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

23. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 의미가 되도록 아래 문장을 작성할 것 (이 형식에 맞추어 작성하지 않

<보기>에 주어진 단어를 모두 사용하여 영작하 은 경우 오답)
시오. 단, 단어를 추가하거나 삭제, 변형 할 수 없 - 스펠링을 정확하게 보고 옮겨 적을 것 (spelling 오
음.23) 류 1개당 1점 감점)
Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
unnaturally bend away from each other. (A)그는 걷 답: _____________________________________________________.
거나 뛰는 것이 어렵다. Because of his condition, he
decided to leave his crowded high school in the
bit city. He moved to our school in the middle of 25. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (B)부분을 적절히 한글로 해석하
his first year in high school. That following summer, 시오.25)
he asked the coach if he could join the football 답: _____________________________________________________.
team asa sophomore. The coach wasn’t sure at
first, but in the end he allowed Ethan to come to
practice. Regardless of his physical difficulties, Ethan 26. 다음 우리말의 의미가 되도록 보기에 주어진 단
worked just as hard as every other player on the 어들을 순서대로 모두 배열하여 문장을 완성하시
team. Although he knew he would never be a 오. [1과] 26)
valuable player in any of the team’s games, he 그는 이전에 어떠한 경기에서도 뛰어본 적이 없었
poured his heart and soul into practice every day. 다.

<보기> 보기: never / games / before / any / had / in /

or / is / for / to / run / it / walk / difficult / him played / the / he / of /

답: ____________________________________________________. 정답 : _________________________________________________

v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]

27. 다음 우리말 ‘Ethan의 미소와 긍정적인 태도, 엄
Ethan became valuable to the team in a special 청난 노력을 보는 것은 모두의 기운을 북돋웠다.’
way. For the past three years, Ethan has been 를 <보기>의 구문을 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 영
schooling us that (A)모두가 최선을 다하는 것이 중
요하다 to make the team better. His passion for <조 건>
the game was also an inspiration to all his 1. 아래 <보기> 구문을 모두 한 번씩만 사용할 것
teammates. Because he motivated and encouraged 2. 괄호 안의 단어는 필요시 형태를 바꿀 수 있음
them, they became his most passionate fans. Before
each game, (B)Ethan would always be in the middle <보 기>
of the group offering motivational words. Ethan's smile / everyone's spirits / hard work /
(lift) / and / (see) / positive attitude
24. 위 글 (A)의 한글 뜻과 일치하는 영어문장을 아래
보기에 주어진 단어를 모두 활용하여 완성하시 (A)_______________________________________________________
보기: to do, for, it, everyone, important, is, his or
her best 28. 우리말 ‘그는 경기장에서 실제 플레이를 하는 선
수는 아니었을지라도’의 의미와 같아지도록 <보
<조건> 기>의 단어를 바르게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시
오. (대문자로 시작할 것. 단어를 추가하거나 단어
- 주어진 단어를 모두 사용할 것
의 형태를 변형할 수 없음.)28)
- 가주어, 진주어, to 부정사의 의미상 주어를 활용해

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

the one / the actual / not / although / making / 32. 다음 글의 빈칸에 “우리가 다른 사람이 빛나도록
he / on / was / plays / the field 도와주었을 때” 라는 뜻이 되도록 주어진 제시어
를 배열하여 영작하시오.32)
→ ______________________________________________________ For the past three years, Ethan has been
schooling us all in the game of life. He always
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]
success, though their role on the team may be
Well, Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying
unnaturally bend away from each other. (A)[그가 큰 to be the team's best player, he has done
도시에서 고등학교 생활에 적응하는 것이 매우 어려 everything he can to make the team better. As
웠다.] Because of his condition, he decided to leave Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is
his crowded high school in the big city. He moved also of great worth. _________________________, their
to our school in the middle of his first year in high light will shine on us in return. Yes, sometimes
school. That following summer, he asked the coach there is something better than being the best.
if he could join the football team as a sophomore.
The coach wasn’t sure at first, but in the end he <보기>
allowed Ethan to come to practice. (B)[그의 신체적 others / when / we / shine / help
어려움과 상관없이 Ethan은 그 팀의 다른 모든 선수
들만큼이나 열심히 연습했다.] Although he knew he → ______________________________________________________
would never be a valuable player in any of the
team’s games, he poured his heart and soul into
practice every day. 33. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되
도록 <보기>의 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성하
29. 위 글의 (A)부분의 우리말을 「It ― for ~ to …」 시오.33) (단 주어진 단어 외의 다른 단어를 추가
할 수 없음.)
구문을 이용하여 영작하시오.29)
Well, Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
→ It ___________________________________________________.
unnaturally bend away from each other. (A)그는 걷
고, 뛰고, 움직이는 게 어렵다. Because of his
condition, he decided to leave his crowded high
30. 위 글의 (B)부분의 우리말을 문장이 되도록 주어
school in the big city. He moved to our school in
진 표현을 알맞게 배열하시오.30)
the middle of his first year in high school. That
following summer, he asked the coach if he could
Ethan / other player / just as / his physical/ as /
join the football team as a sophomore. The coach
regardless / worked / on the team / every / hard
wasn't sure at first, but in the end he allowed
/ difficulties / of
Ethan to come to practice. Regardless of his
physical difficulties, Ethan worked just as hard as
→ ______________________________________________________
every other player on the team. Although he knew
he would never be a valuable player in any of the
team's games, he poured his heart and soul into
practice every day.
31. “다른 모든 선수들만큼이나 열심히”라는 뜻의 문
장이 되도록 6단어로 영작하시오.31)
→ ______________________________________________________ It / for / walk / or / move around / difficult / is /
to / him / run

⇒ ______________________________________________________

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34. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말과 일치하도록 주어진 37. 다음 [ ] 안의 밑줄 친 우리말을, < > 안에 주

<조건>에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.34) [1과] 어진 영어단어나 표현을 모두 사용하여 영작하시
오. (*필요시, 단어의 형태를 바꾸시오)37) [1과]
For the past three years, Ethan has been
schooling us all in the game of life. He always [그 순간에, 모든 관중들이 손을 허공에 흔들며 벌
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's 떡 일어섰다.]
success, though their role on the team may be
small. (팀의 최고선수가 되려고 노력하는 것에 모든 At that moment, <their feet / in / with / leap /

노력을 쏟아 붓는 대신에, 그는 팀을 더 좋게 만들기 the air / to / in the crowd / their hands /

위해 그가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 해왔다.) As Ethan everyone>

has shown us, lifting up those around us is also of

great worth. When we help others shine, their light → ______________________________________________________

will shine on us in return.

<조건> 38. 다음 우리말을 < > 안에 주어진 영단어나 표현

- <보기>에 주어진 단어를 모두 한 번씩만 사용할 을 모두 활용하여 영작하시오.38) [1과]

것 그가 걷고, 뛰고, 움직이는 것은 어렵다.

- 필요시 단어를 추가하거나 어형을 변화시킬 것 (빈칸 ___당 1단어)

<보기> for / move around / difficult / to

try, all his efforts, has done, everything,

→______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
the team's best player, into, make, can, put
______ ______ ______ ______ (11칸)

답: Instead of (A)______________________________________,
he (B)___________________________________________________.
39. 다음 [ ] 안의 밑줄 친 우리말을 < >에 주어진
영단어나 표현을 모두 활용하여 영작하시오. (*필
요시, 영어단어를 보충하시오)39) [1과]
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]
[오직 키와 덩치가 큰 운동선수들만이 미식축구를
For the past three years, Ethan has been
하는 것같이 보이지만, 이 스포츠는 모든 신체 형태와
schooling us all in the game of life. (A)그는 우리에
사이즈의 운동선수들이 시합에 공헌할 수 있도록 많
게 모든 사람이 팀(team)의 성공에 중요하다는 것을
은 방법들을 제공한다.]
상기시켜준다[생각나게 한다], though their role on
the team may be small. Instead of putting all his
Though it seems like only tall and big athletes
efforts into trying to be the team's best player, he
play American football, this sport <shapes and
has done everything he can to make the team
sizes / many ways / all / to contribute / offers /
better. Sometimes there is something better and
to the game / for athletes>
meaningful than (B)______________________.

→ ______________________________________________________
35. 위 글의 (A)의 우리말을 영어로 완성하시오.35)

40. 다음 [ ] 안의 밑줄 친 우리말을 < >에 주어진
36. 위 글의 흐름상 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 영단어나 표현을 모두 활용하여 영작하시오. (*필
요시, 영어단어를 보충하시오)40) [1과]
어구를 쓰시오.36)
(B)______________________________________________________ [이듬해 여름, Ethan은 감독에가 자기가 2학년으로
서 풋볼팀에 들어갈 수 있는지 물어보았다.]

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

That following summer, <join / if / team / he /

asked / could / the football / a sophomore /
Ethan / the coach>

→ ______________________________________________________

41. 다음 글의 빈칸에 주어진 우리말을 영작하시오.(보

기에 주어진 단어들을 모두 이용할 것)41) [1과]
For the past three years, Ethan has been
schooling us all in the game of life. He always
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's
success, though their role on the team may be
small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying
to be the team's best player, he has done
everything he can to make the team better. As
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is
also of great worth. When we help others shine,
their light will shine on us in return. Yes,
sometimes [최고가 되는 것보다 더 나은 것이 있다].

something / there / better / is / the best / than /


42. 다음 글의 빈칸에 주어진 우리말을 영작하시오.

(보기에 주어진 단어들을 모두 이용하여)42) [1과]
After a football is punted, a punt returner has to
catch it and run toward the end zone. Though it
seems like only tall and big athletes play American
football, this sport actually offers many ways for
athletes of all shapes and sizes to contribute to the
game. Smaller players are the better choice for
punt returns [빠른 것이 신장이나 덩치보다 더 가치
있기 때문이다] for this position.

more / being / is / valuable / quick / height or
width / than / because


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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

조건에 맞게 he would never be a valuable player in any of the

요약문 완성 team’s games, he poured his heart and soul into
practice every day.
43. 다음 글의 요약문을 주어진 조건에 맞게 완성하
Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to
시오.43) [1과]
the team in different ways. His passion for the
Ethan’s touchdown didn’t win the game, but you
game was an inspiration to all his teammates.
need to remember this. By now you’re probably
Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
wondering why. Ethan became valuable to the team
they became his most passionate fans. Right before
in different ways. His passion for the game was an
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
inspiration to all his teammates. Ethan motivated
of the group offering motivational words. Ethan
and encouraged the team members. He always
was also Winston High’s loudest supporter. He
reminds the team that everyone is important to a
always observed each play carefully from the
team’s success. He has done everything he can to
sidelines. Although he wasn’t the one making the
make the team better. When we help other shine,
actual plays on the field, Ethan’s mind was always
their light will shine on us in return. Yes,
right there with his teammates.
sometimes there is something better than being
the best.
(A)____________ his physical difficulties, Ethan
couldn’t contribute to the team’s success as the
one playing on the field. However, he became
- 각 빈칸을 알맞은 한 단어로 채워 완전한 문장으
very valuable to the team by (B)____________ his

teammates, (C)____________ motivational words right
- 답안지에 쓸 것
before every games, and (D)____________ the
- 지문의 단어만 사용할 것 loudest supporter of Winston High.
- 지문의 단어를 그대로 사용하거나 필요한 경우 단
어 형태를 변형시킬 것 (A) _________________________
(B) _________________________
<요약문> (C) _________________________
Ethan became _______________ by _________________ (D) _________________________
his teammates.

정답: __________________ by _____________________ 45. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다.

빈칸 (A), (B)에 어울리는 적절한 단어를 조건에
맞게 완성하시오.45) [1과]

44. 위 글을 다음과 같이 요약할 때, 빈칸에 들어갈 Winston High finished its season with an
알맞은 말을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오. (필요한 경우, inspiring victory. It defeated Stark High by score of
단어 형태 변경 가능)44) 20-6. About 30 seconds before the final whistle,
Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs victory was already certain. However, the best
unnaturally bend away from each other. It is moment of the game began shortly after. Coach
difficult for him to walk, run, or move around. sent all the seniors onto the field. Among them
Because of his condition, he left his crowded high was Ethan. He joined the team in his sophomore
school in the big city and moved to our school in year. Ethan doesn’t look like a typical football
the middle of his first year in high school. That player. He is only five feet tall and his legs are too
following summer, he asked the coach if he could weak to run fast. He is not able to walk, run, or
join the football team as a sophomore. The coach move around. Nevertheless, Ethan is the team’s
wasn’t sure ar first, but in the end he allowed most important player, as his great attitude
Ethan to come to practice. Although Ethan knew motivates everyone around him. He committed

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

himself to encouraging the team members. In the

game’s final seconds, Ethan scored the last
touchdown. A teammate passed the ball to Ethan
so that he could score. It was a touching moment
and a fantastic way to finish the season!

Thanks to Ethan’s (A)___________ to the team,

Winston High won the soccer game even though
he has a physical (B)___________.

조건: 반드시 본문의 단어를 변형하시오.

(A) __________________________ (한 단어)

(B) __________________________ (한 단어)

46. 다음 글의 내용을 <조건>에 맞게 한 문장으로

요약하시오.46) [1과]
Well, Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
unnaturally bend away from each other. It is
difficult for him to walk, run, or move around.
Because of his condition, he left his crowded high
school in the big city. He moved to our school in
the middle of his first year in high school. That
following summer, he asked the coach if he could
join the football team as a sophomore. The coach
wasn't sure at first, but in the end he allowed
Ethan to come to practice. Regardless of his
physical difficulties, Ethan worked just as hard as
every other player on the team. Although he knew
he would never be a valuable player in any of the
team's games, he poured his heart and soul into
practice every day.

<조 건>
1. <보기>의 단어를 배열하되, 위 글에 있는 두 단어
를 추가하여 완성할 것.
2. 단어 변형 없음

<보 기>
in / handicaps / of / Ethan / himself / into / his /
spite / dedicated


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부분영작 2. 어형은 2번까지 변형 가능함.

47. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 주어진 영어 단어를 이 __________________________________________________________

용하여 같은 뜻이 되도록 쓰시오. [1과] 47)
All eyes were on Ethan. ⓐ그의 손에 들린 공과
함께, everything seemed to be moving in slow 49. 다음 글의 빈칸을 주어진 조건에 맞게 완성하시
motion, like in a Hollywood movie. People kept 오.49) [1과]
their eyes on him as he made his way to the end
In volleyball, liberos receives the attack or serve
zone. They saw him cross the goal line right before
and often have the best reaction times and passing
the clock ran out.
skills on their team. Their sole purpose is to
Unexpectedly, everyone in the crowd leapt to
defend. Height is not an issue because liberos may
their feet with their hands in the air. They were
not play at the net. This gives shorter playes who
bursting with excited shouts and unending cheers
______________________ a chance to show off their
for Ethan. In this moment, all of Ethan's hard work
and dedication ⓑ보상받고 있었다 with glory.
Ethan's touchdown didn't win the game, but it a) “패스와 방어에 뛰어난”의 뜻이 되게 영작하시오.
will be worth remembering. By now you're probably
b) excel, pass, defend를 반드시 사용하시오.
wondering why.
c) 필요시, 단어의 형태를 바꾸거나 단어를 추가하시
ⓐ 그의 손에 들린 공과 함께 [with / ball / hands]
= ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 답: ______________________________________________________

ⓑ 보상받고 있었다. [reward]

= ________ ________ ________
50. 다음의 빈칸 (A), (B), (C), (D)에 들어갈 말을 채워
문장을 완성하고자 한다. <보기>의 단어를 활용
하여 주어진 우리말의 의미와 같아지도록 문장을
48. 다음 글 (A)의 밑줄 친 (a)the ball carrier 단어와 완성하시오. (단어를 추가하거나 단어의 형태를
영어 풀이이다. 주어진 조건에 맞게 영어 낱말의 바꿀 수 있음)50) [1과]
의미를 완성하시오.48)
All eyes were on Ethan. With the ball in his
(A) hands, everything seemed to be moving in slow
a. A touchdown is scored when a player carries motion, like in a Hollywood movie. People
the ball into the end zone of the opposing (A)_______ him as he (B)_______ to the end zone.
team. They saw him cross the goal line right before the
b. Each team is allowed to have eleven players clock ran out.
on the field at a time. Unexpectedly, everyone in the crowd (C)_______
c. The role of the defense is to stop (a)the ball with their hands in the air. They were bursting with
carrier and try to take the ball away. excited shouts and unending cheers for Ethan. In
d. The football field is divided into sections by this moment, all of Ethan's hard work and
white lines eve five yards. dedication was being rewarded with glory. Ethan’s
touchdown didn’t win the game, but it will
단어: (a) the ball carrier (D)______ .
영어 풀이: ____________________________________________ By now you’re probably wondering why.
(a / the football / who / play / carry)
보기: be / make / keep / remember / leap / feet /
<조 건> eyes / way / worth / to / on
1. 주어진 단어 모두 사용할 것.

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① people (A) __________ him as he (B) ________ to 53. 다음 해석에 맞게 빈칸에 들어갈 단어를 보기 모
the zone. 두 사용하여 순서대로 쓰시오.53) [1과]
(사람들은 그가 그 존을 향해갔을 때 그에게 시선을 When we help others shine, their light will (
고정했다.) ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
② everyone in the crowd (C)________ with their
hands in the air. [보기] : on, return, us, shine, in
(모든 관중들이 손을 흔들며 벌떡 일어섰다.)
③ but it will (D) ____________ [해석] : 우리가 다른 사람이 빛나도록 도와주었을
(그러나 그것은 기억할만한 가치가 있을 것이다.) 때, 그 빛은 그에 대한 보답으로 우리를 비
출 것이다.
(B)_______________________ 답: ______________________________________________________
54. 다음 주어진 [우리말 해석]을 보고 이와 일치된
영작을 하고자 할 때, [보기]에 주어진 5개의 단어
51. 다음 해석에 맞게 빈칸에 들어갈 단어를 보기에 들을 가지고 적절하게 배열하여 쓰시오. 단, 필요
서 골라 순서대로 쓰시오.51) [1과] 할 경우, 주어진 단어들의 어형을 적절히 변형시
켜 쓰세요.54) [1과]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ahead, the player
<우리말 해석>
kindly passed the ball to Ethan so that he could
이 순간, Ethan의 그 모든 노고와 헌신이 영광으로
score a touchdown.
보상 받고 있었다.

[보기] : behind, running, of, straight, instead, run

⇨ In this moment, all of Ethan’s hard work and

[해석] : 곧장 앞으로 달리는 것 대신에, 그 선수는 dedication _________ _________ _________ _________

Ethan이 터치다운 득점을 할 수 있도록 친 _________.

절하게 Ethan에게 공을 패스했다.

보기: reward / be / be / glory / with

답: ______________________________________________________
정답 : _________________________________________________

52. 다음 해석에 맞게 빈칸에 들어갈 단어를 보기에

서 골라 순서대로 쓰시오.52) [1과] 55. 다음 주어진 [우리말 해석]을 보고 이와 일치된 영
작을 하고자 한다. [보기]에 주어진 12개의 단어들
Regardless of his physical difficulties, Ethan
가운데 ( 3 ), ( 6 ), ( 9 )에 적합한 단어를 각각
worke just ( ) ( ) ( ) every other player 쓰세요. (단, 필요한 경우 어형 변화)55) [1과]
on the team.
<우리말 해석>
이것은 패스나 방어에 뛰어난 더 작은 선수들에게
[보기] : in, hard, as, hardly, of, as
그들의 능력을 자랑할 기회를 제공한다.

[해석] : 그의 신체적 한계와 상관없이, Ethan은 그

⇨ This gives ( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )( 5 )( 6 )( 7 )
팀의 다른 모든 선수들만큼 열심히 연습했
defending a chance ( 8 )( 9 )( 10 )( 11 )( 12 ).

답: ______________________________________________________
who / players / shorter / excel / passing / at /
and / show / off / to / skills / their

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

(3) = __________ / (6) = __________ / (9) = __________

56. 다음 글에서 <보기>의 단어들을 모두 사용하여

빈칸을 완성하시오.(단, 필요한 경우 단어를 추가
할 것)56)
With only two minutes to play, both teams were
competing for the football. It was the last home
game for the seniors of Winston High, and they
were determined to win. As it had been a close
game the whole evening, the best players of each
team hadn't left the field. Once Winston High's
coach finally knew that victory was theirs, all the
seniors on the sidelines were allowed to play for
the last few seconds. One of the seniors, Ethan,
was especially happy. He had never played in any
of the games before. Now, Ethan was finally
getting the opportunity to step onto the grass.
When the rival team missed the ball, one of our
players recovered it and quickly ran down the field
with it. Ethan ran right after him to catch up. As
our player got closer to the end zone, he saw
Ethan behind him on his left. Instead of running
straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to
Ethan ______________________________________.

that / could / so / a touchdown

정답: ___________________________________________________

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

어법 59. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ중 어법상 어색한 것 하

나를 찾아 맞게 고치시오. [1과] 59)
57. 다음 대화를 읽고 (A)와 (B)를 문맥에 맞게 각각
고치시오.57) [1과] With only two minutes to play, both teams were
fighting for the football. It was the last home game
Q: Miss Murphy, congratulations on winning the
for the seniors of Winston High, and they were
Best Musical Actress award! Why did you
determined ⓐto win. Since it had been a close
decide to be a musical actress at first?
game the whole evening, the best players of each
A: Thank you. Well, I was good at singing and
team hadn’t left the field. Once Winston High’s
(A)[dance] when I was a child. Above all, I
coach finally knew that victory was theirs, all the
enjoyed (B)[watch] musicals!
seniors on the sidelines ⓑwere allowed to play for
Q: What did you do to achieve your dream?
the last few seconds. One of the seniors, Ethan,
A: I improved my skills by practicing every day.
was especially happy. He ⓒhas never played in any
Also, I never forget the importance of trying
of the games before. Now, Ethan was finally
my best all the time.
getting the chance to step onto the grass. When
the rival team dropped the ball, one of our players
(A)__________________ (B)__________________
recovered it and quickly ran down the field with it.
Ethan ran right after him to catch up. As our
player got closer to the end zone, he saw Ethan
58. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것(2
behind him on his left. Instead of running straight
개)을 찾아 기호를 쓰고, 밑줄 친 부분 전체를 알
맞은 표현으로 고쳐 쓰시오.58) [1과] ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to Ethan
so that he could score a touchdown.
Over time, however, Ethan became ⓐvaluable to
All eyes were on Ethan. Everything seemed to be
the team in different ways. His passion for the
moving in slow motion, like in a Hollywood movie.
game was an inspiration to all his teammates.
People kept their eyes on him as he made his way
Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
to the end zone. They saw him ⓓcrossing the goal
they became his most passionate fans. Day in and
line right before the clock ran out. Unexpectedly,
day out, ⓑseeing Ethan’s smile, positive attitude,
everyone in the crowd leapt to their feet, with their
and hard work lifted everyone’s spirits. Right before
hands in the air. They were bursting with excited
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
shouts and unending cheers for Ethan. In this
of the group offering motivational words. He had a
moment, all of Ethan’s hard work and dedication ⓔ
special talent for calming people down and ⓒbring
was being rewarded with glory. Ethan’s touchdown
out the best in them. Ethan was also Winston
didn’t win the game, but it will be worth
High’s loudest supporter. He always observed each
play carefully from the sidelines. Although he
wasn’t the one ⓓmade the actual plays on the
field, Ethan’s mind was always right there with his 1) 어색한 것 : _________________________________________
teammates. Everyone could sense his love for 2) 고친 것 : ___________________________________________
football, and the coaches ⓔadmired his
60. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 부분
을 3개 찾아 그 기호를 쓰고 바르게 고쳐 쓰시
어법상 어색한 것의 알맞은 표현으로
기호 고친 답
(1) With only two minutes to play, both teams ⓐ
(2) were fighting for the football. It was the last home
(1) __________ ___________________________________________ game for the seniors of Winston High, and they
(2) __________ ___________________________________________ were determined to win. Since it had been a close

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

game the whole evening, the best players of each the middle of his first year in high school. That
team ⓑhadn’t left the field. Once Winstone High’s following summer, he asked the coach if he could
coach finally knew that victory was theirs, all the join the football team as a sophomore. The coach
seniors on the sidelines were allowed to play for wasn’t sure ar first, but in the end he allowed
the last few seconds. One of the seniors, Ethan, ⓒ Ethan to come to practice. Although Ethan knew
were especially happy. He had never played in any he would never be a valuable player in any of the
of the games before. Now, Ethan was finally team’s games, he poured his heart and soul into
getting the chance to step onto the grass. When practice every day.
the rival team dropped the ball, one of our players Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to
recovered it an quickly ⓓto run down the field the team in different ways. His passion for the
with it. Ethan ran right after him to catch up. As game was an ⓑinspire to all his teammates.
our player got closer to the end zone, he saw Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
Ethan behind him on his left. Instead of ⓔrun they became his most passionate fans. Right before
straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
Ethan so that he could score a touchdown. of the group offering motivational words. Ethan
was also Winston High’s loudest supporter. He
답: 틀린 부분 기호 ( ) 바른 답 ___________________ always observed each play carefully from the
틀린 부분 기호 ( ) 바른 답 ___________________ sidelines. Although he wasn’t the one ⓒmake the
틀린 부분 기호 ( ) 바른 답 ___________________ actual plays on the field, Ethan’s mind was always
right there with his teammates.

61. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ중 어법상 어색한 것을 ⓐ _________________________

찾아서 바르게 고치시오.61) [1과] ⓑ_________________________
Q: Miss Murphy, congratulations on ⓐwinning the ⓒ_________________________
Best Musical Actress Award! Why did you
decide ⓑto be a musical actress at first?
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]
A: Thank you. Well, I was good at ⓒsinging and
dancing when I was a child. Above all, I Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to
enjoyed watching musicals! the team in different ways. His passion for the
Q: What did you do ⓓto achieve your dream? game was an inspiration to all his teammates. ⓐ
A: I improved my skills by practicing every day. Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
Also, I never forgot the importance of ⓔtry (A)they became his most passionate fans. Day in
my best all the time. and day out, ⓑseeing Ethan’s smile, positive
attitude, and hard work lifted everyone’s spirits.
어색한 번호 수정한 것 Right before every game, ⓒEthan would always be
________________ → _____________________________________ in the middle of the group offered motivational
words. He had a special talent for calming people
down and bringing out the best in them. Ethan
62. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓒ를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 was also Winston High’s loudest supporter. ⓓHe
쓰시오.62) always observed each play carefully from the
Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs sidelines. ⓔAlthough he wasn’t the one making the
unnaturally bend away from each other. It is actual plays on the field, Ethan’s mind was always
difficult for him ⓐwalk, run, or move around. right there with his teammates. Everyone could
Because of his condition, he left his crowded high sense his love for football, and the coaches
school in the big city and moved to our school in admired his commitment.

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63. 위 글의 ⓐ~ⓔ중 어법상 어색한 표현이 들어있는 기호 올바른 표현

문장을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.63) (1) _______ → ____________________

정답 : _________________________________________________
(2) _______ → ____________________

64. 위 글의 (A)they가 가리키는 대상을 본문에서 찾

아 세 단어로 쓰시오.64)
67. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 표현 중 어법상 어색한 표현
정답 : _________________________________________________ 을 2개를 찾아 고치고 그 이유를 우리말로 설명
하시오.67) [1과]
65. 다음 글을 읽고 어법상 어색한 단어를 찾아 바르 Ethan moved to our school in the middle of his
게 고쳐 쓰시오.65) [1과] first year in high school. That following summer, he
From their seat at the front of the boat, asked the coach ⓐwhether he could join the
coxswains steer, pass on the coach’s orders, and football team as a sophomore. The coach wasn’t
shouts out commands to the crew. sure at first, but in the end he allowed Ethan ⓑ
come to practice. Regardless of his physical
정답 : ________________을(를) ________________ (으)로 difficulties, Ethan worked just as ⓒhard as every
고쳐 써야 한다. other player on the team. Although he knew he
would never be a valuable player in any of the
team’s games, he poured his heart and soul into
66. 다음 글의 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 2개 골 ⓓpractice every day. Over time, however, Ethan
라 문맥에 맞게 고치시오.66) became valuable to the team in different ways. His
When the rival team dropped the ball, one of our passion for the game was an inspiration to all his
players recovered it and quickly ran down the- field teammates. Because Ethan motivated and
with it. Ethan ran right after him to catch up:' As encouraged them, they became his most passionate
our player got closer to the end zone, he saw fans. Day in and day out, seeing Ethan’s smile,
Ethan behind him on his left. Instead of ⓐrunning positive attitude, and hard work ⓔlifting everyone’s
straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to spirits.
Ethan so that he could score a touchdown. All eyes
ⓑwas on Ethan. With the ball in his hands, 1) ________________ → ________________
everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, 이유: ___________________________________________________
like in a Hollywood movie. People kept their eyes
on him as he made his way to the end zone. They 2) ________________ → ________________
이유: ___________________________________________________
saw him ⓒcross the goal line right before the
clock ran out. Unexpectedly, everyone in the crowd
leapt to their feet with their hands in the air. They
were bursting with excited shouts and ⓓunending 68. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친, ⓐ~ⓓ을 적절한 형태로 고
cheers for Ethan. In this moment, all of Ethan’s
hard work and dedication ⓔwas being rewarding Along with small everyday items, much bigger
with glory. Ethan’s touchdown didn’t win the game, things can also be ⓐupcycle - even old buildings
but it will be worth remembering. By now you’re that can not be used for their original purpose
probably wondering anymore. The German government showed us an
why. excellent example of this with a former steel plant
that closed in 1985. Rather than destroy the plant's
조건 : 어색한 표현의 알파벳 소문자 기호와 올바른 buildings or abandon the entire facility, they
표현을 함께 적으시오. decided ⓑgive it new meaning as a series of

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

useful public structures. Many of the buildings kept ________________________________________________________

their original shapes, but received extra equipment
and new designs in their ⓒsurround areas. For _______________________________________________________
instance, old gas tanks became pools for divers.
Concrete walls of iron storage towers were turned _______________________________________________________

into ideal training fields for rock climbers. Can you

believe a building for melting metal is now a
viewing platform with a gorgeous 360-degree view? 72. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분에서 어법 상 어색한 세
부분을 찾아 바르게 고친 표현을 쓰시오.72) [1과]
The final result is the Landscape Park Duisburg
Nord. It has almost 570 acres of land ⓓfill with For the past three years, Ethan has been
gardens, cycling paths’ and pretty lights at night, in schooling us all in the game of life. He always
addition to its creatively repurposed buildings. reminds us that everyone is important to a team's
success, though their role on the team may be
small. Instead of put all his efforts into try to be
the team's best player, he has done everything he
v 다음 글을 읽고, 주어진 물음에 답하시오. [1과] can make the team better. As Ethan has shown us,
All eyes were on Ethan. With the ball in his lifting up those around us is also of great worth.
hands, everything seemed to be moving in slow When we help others shine, their light will shine
motion, like in a Hollywood movie. People kept on us in return. Yes, sometimes there is something
their eyes on him as he made his way to the end better than being the best.
zone. They saw him to cross the goal line right
before the clock ran out. Unexpectedly, everyone in (1)___________________________
the crowd leapt to their feet with their hands in
the air. They were bursting with excited shouts and
unending cheers for Ethan. In this moment, all of
Ethan’.s hard work and dedication was being
rewarded with glory. Ethan’s touchdown didn't win
73. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ중 어법상 어색한 부분
을 찾아 고쳐 그 부분이 포함된 밑줄 전체를 바
the game, but it will be worth remembering. By
르게 다시 쓰시오.73)
now you’re probably wondering why.
With only two minutes to play, both teams were
fighting for the football. It was the last home game
69. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 잘못된 것을 하
for the seniors of Winston High, and they were
나 찾아 쓰시오.69)
determined to win. ⓐSince it had been a close
game the whole evening, the best players of each
team hadn't left the field. Once Winston High's
coach finally knew that victory was theirs, all the
70. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어색한 것을 어법에 맞 seniors on the sidelines were allowed to play for
게 고쳐 쓰시오.70) the last few seconds. One of the seniors, Ethan,
was especially happy. ⓑHe had never played in any
( ) → ( ) of the games before. Now, Ethan was finally
getting the chance to step onto the grass. When
71. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 고친 이유를 우리말 30 the rival team dropped the ball, one of our players
자 이내로 쓰시오.71) recovered it and quickly ran down the field with it.
(영어 단어를 쓰는 경우 한 단어를 하나의 글자로 Ethan ran right after him to catch up. As our
인정함) player got closer to the end zone, he saw Ethan
behind him on his left. ⓒInstead of running

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to 75. 다음 글의 (A)~(C)의 주어진 단어를 활용하여 어
Ethan so that he could score a touchdown. All eyes 법에 적절하게 바꿔 쓰시오.75)
were on Ethan. With the ball in his hands,
Ethan became valuable to the team in different
everything seemed to be moving in slow motion,
ways. His passion for the game was an (A)inspire
like in a Hollywood movie. People kept their eyes
to all his teammates. Because Ethan motivated and
on him as he made his way to the end zone. ⓓ
encouraged them, they became his most passionate
They saw him crossed the goal line right before
fans. Day in and day out, seeing Ethan's smile,
the clock runs out. Unexpectedly, everyone in the
positive attitude, and hard work lifted everyone's
crowd leapt to their feet with their hands in the
spirits. Right before every game, Ethan would
air. They were bursting with excited shouts and
always be in the middle of the group (B)offer
unending cheers for Ethan. In this moment, ⓔall of
motivational words. He had a special talent for
Ethan's hard work and dedication was being
calming people down and (C)bring out the best in
rewarded with glory. Ethan's touchdown didn't win
them. Ethan was also Winston High's loudest
the game, but it will be worth remembering. By
supporter. He always observed each play carefully
now you're probably wondering why. Well, Ethan is
from the sidelines. Although he wasn't the one
only five feet tall, and his legs unnaturally bend
making the actual plays on the field, Ethan's mind
away from each other. It is difficult for him to
was always right there with his teammates.
walk, run, or move around.

(A) ____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ (B) ____________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (C) ____________________________________________________

74. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ중 어법에 맞지 않는 것 76. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 용법으로 사용

을 고르고, 알맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.74) 된 예를 보기에서 모두 골라 그 번호를 쓰시오.76)
Although he wasn't the one ⓐmaking the actual [1과]
plays on the field, Ethan's mind was always right Graduating from Brooklyn College in 1946, she
there with his teammates. Everyone could sense his began her career as a teacher.
love for football, and the coaches admired his
commitment. For the past three years, he has been <보 기>
schooling us all in the game of life. He always ① From next week_ you will be working in the
reminds us ⓑwhat everyone is important to a Marketing Department.
team's success, though their role on the team may ② We are looking forward to seeing excellent
be small. Instead of ⓒput all his efforts into trying work from you in your new department.
to be the team's best player, he has done ③ Glaciers, wind, and flowing water help move
everything he can ⓓto make the team better. As the rocky bits along.
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us ⓔ ④ Volunteering helps to reduce loneliness in two
is also of great worth. When we help others shine, ways.
their light will shine on us in return.
⑤ Clothing that is appropriate for exercise and
the season can improve your exercise
( ) : ________________ → ___________________
⑥ When putting together a new team or hiring
team members, we need to look at each
⑦ Once this opinion is formed, when opposing

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

evidence is presented it can be discounted by 79. 다음 순서에 맞게 단어를 배열하여 의미에 맞는

attributing later performance to some other 영어문장을 쓰시오.79) [1과 문법]
(hard / to adapt / is / it / for you) to high
school life?
<조 건>
당신이 고등학교 생활에 적응하는 것이 어렵나요?
- 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 용법, 같은 종류의 구문으로
제한함. __________________________________________________________

정답: _______________________________________________
80. 다음 문장을 우리말로 해석하시오.80) [1과 문법]

It was hard for him to control his students.

77. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ를 각각 어법
에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오. (필요시 어형변화 가능)77)
With only two minutes to play, both teams were
fighting for the football. It was the last home game
for the seniors of Winston High, and they were
81. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 우리말을 영어로
determined to win. Since it had ⓐbe a close game 영작하시오.81) [1과 문법]
the whole evening, the best players of each team
나는 아침 7시에 일어나는 것에 익숙하다.
hadn't left the field. Once Winston High's coach
(be used to / get up)
finally knew that victory was ⓑtheir, all the seniors
on the sidelines were allowed to play for the last
few seconds. One of the seniors, Ethan, was
especially happy. He had never played in any of
the games before. Now, Ethan was finally getting
82. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 것을
the chance ⓒstep onto the grass. When the rival
세 개 찾아 그 번호를 쓰고, 각각 바르게 고치시
team dropped the ball, one of our players 오.82) [1과]
recovered it and quickly ran down the field with it.
All eyes were on Ethan. With the ball in his
Ethan ran right after him to catch up. As our
hands, everything seemed to be moving in slow
player ⓓget closer to the end zone, he saw Ethan
motion, like in a Hollywood movie. People kept
behind him on his left. Instead of running straight
their eyes on him as he made his way to the end
ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to Ethan
zone. They saw him ⓐcrossed the goal line right
so that he could ⓔscoring a touchdown.
before the clock ran out. ⓑUnexpectedly, everyone
in the crowd leapt to their feet with their hands in
ⓐ: _______________________ ⓑ: _______________________
the air. They were bursting with excited shouts and
ⓒ: _______________________ ⓓ: _______________________
ⓒunending cheers for Ethan. In this moment, all of
ⓔ: _______________________
Ethan's hard work and dedication was being ⓓ
rewarding with glory. Ethan's touchdown didn't win
the game, but it will be worth ⓔremembered.
78. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 우리말에 맞게 문
장을 완성하시오.78) [1과 문법]
(1) 틀린 번호: _______ / 수정 후: ____________________
We are looking forward to ____________(hear) their (2) 틀린 번호: _______ / 수정 후: ____________________
news in person. (3) 틀린 번호: _______ / 수정 후: ____________________
우리는 직접 그들의 소식을 듣기를 고대하고 있다.


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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

우리말 해석 문장 전환

83. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 문장을 우리말로 해석하시 85. 다음 문장을 가주어 it으로 시작하는 문장으로 바
오.83) [1과] 르게 바꿔 쓰시오.85)
Well, Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs To lift up those around us is also of great worth
unnaturally bend away from each other. It is
difficult for him to walk, run, or move around. 답: it___________________________________________________.
Because of his condition, he decided to leave his
crowded high school in the big city. He moved to
our Winston school in the middle of his first year 86. 다음 두 문장의 의미가 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞
in high school. That following summer, he asked 은 말을 영어로 쓰시오. (단, 각 빈칸에 한 단어씩
the coach if he could join the football team as a 쓸 것)86) [1과 변형]
sophomore. The coach wasn't sure at first, but in He had the kindness to lend the money to her
the end he allowed Ethan to come to practice. to buy a new house.
Regardless of his physical difficulties, Ethan worked
just as hard as every other player on the team. He ___________ ___________ the money to her
Although he knew he would never be a valuable ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
player in any of the team's games, he poured his ___________ a new house.
heart and soul into practice every day.

→ ______________________________________________________ 주제문 영작
87. 다음 글의 주제를 <보기>의 제시어를 사용하여
<조건>에 맞게 기술하시오.87)
Sometimes, lifting up those who are around us is
84. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 영어문장을 우리말로 번
of great worth. The story of an American football
역 하시오.84)
player, Ethan, shows us this very well.
For the past three years, (A)Ethan has been
Ethan is a highschool student whose legs
schooling us all in the game of life. He always
unnaturally bend away from each other. So, it is
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's
difficult for him to walk, run, or move around.
success, though their role on the team may be
However, he joined the football team. Even though
small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying
he couldn't make the actual plays on the field, he
to be the team's best player, he has done
became valuable to the team in different ways.
everything he can to make the team better. As
For example, his teammates were inspired by
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is
seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and hard
also of great worth. When we help others shine,
work day in and day out. In addition, right before
their light will shine on us in return. Yes,
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
sometimes there is something better than being
of the group offering motivational words. He had a
the best.
special talent for calming people down and
bringing out the best in them. Moreover, he always
reminds his teammates that everyone is important
to a team's success, though their role on the team
may be small.
In short, instead of putting all his efforts into
trying to be the team's best player, Ethan has done
everything he can to make the team better.

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

Everyone could sense his love for football, and the

coaches admired his commitment. <조건>
1. <보기>에 주어진 모든 단어를 한 번씩 사용하고
<조 건> 새로운 단어를 추가하지 말 것
1. <보기>의 제시어만을 각각 한 번씩 모두 사용하 2. 어법상 어색한 한 곳을 찾아 고쳐 쓸 것
2. <보기>의 제시어 이외의 단어를 추가하지 마시오. 정답: Don't let ________________________________________.
3. 필요시 제시어를 변형하여 사용하시오.
4. 문장의 형태로 작성하시오.

<보 기>
be / the best / other / as / as / people /
inspiring / becoming / important


88. 다음 글에서 배울 수 있는 교훈을 <조건>에 맞

게 영작하시오.88)
Once Winston High's coach finally knew that
victory was theirs, all the seniors on the sidelines
were allowed to play for the last few seconds.
Ethan was one of them. He had never played in
any of the games before due to his size and
athletic limitations. He is only five feet tall and he
has an abnormal outward curvature of his legs.
Now, Ethan was finally getting the chance to step
onto the grass. When the rival team dropped the
ball, one of our players recovered it and quickly
ran down the field with it. Ethan ran right after ⓐ
him to catch up. As ⓑour player got closer to the
end zone, he saw Ethan behind ⓒhim on his left.
Instead of running straight ahead, ⓓthe player
kindly passed the ball to Ethan so that ⓔhe could
score a touchdown. All eyes were on Ethan. With
the ball in his hands, everything seemed to be
moving in slow motion, like in a Hollywood movie.
People kept their eyes on him as he made his way
to the end zone. They saw him cross the goal line
right before the clock ran out. They were bursting
with excited shouts and unending cheers for Ethan.

love / stopped / any limitation / you / from /
what / doing / you

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글의 제목/요지 정하기
89. 다음 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 적절한 표현을 1) 관계대명사룰 추가하여 서술할 것.
본문에서 찾아 글의 제목을 완성하시오. (필요시
2) <보기>의 주어진 단어를 사용하되, 필요한 단어
어형을 바꾸시오.)89) [2과]
를 어법에 맞게 변형하여 15단어 이내의 완전한
A New Approach to Manage Waste!
문장으로 작성할 것.
(A)_______ : much more (B)_______ than (C)_______

Every day during lunch, some people enjoy a
for themselves / be considered / more valuable/
soft drink and have a decision to make: “What
people / than / for others / do one's best / can
should I do with the empty can?” Many people
would answer, “Recycle it!” Obviously, recycling is
답: ______________________________________________________
good for many reasons. We can reduce the
amount of trash thrown away, use less energy than
we would to make new products, and conserve
natural resources by recycling. However, recycling is
91. 다음 글을 읽고 이끌어 낼 수 있는 요지를 <조
건>에 맞게 쓰시오.91) [1과]
not a perfect way to dispose of waste. It still
Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
requires large amounts of energy to purify used
unnaturally bend away from each other. It is
resources and convert them into new products. So,
difficult for him to walk, run, or move around.
what about trying to creatively reuse, or “upcycle,”
Because of his condition, he decided to leave his
them instead? This new method is becoming more
crowded high school in the big city. He moved to
popular since it is even more environmentally
our school in the middle of his first year in high
friendly than recycling. What’s more, it can also be
school. That following summer, he asked the coach
fun! Here are some inspiring examples of how
if he could join the football team as a sophomore.
people have creatively upcycled old, used things.
The coach wasn't sure at first, but in the end he

(A) ____________________ (한 단어) allowed Ethan to come to practice. Regardless of

his physical difficulties, Ethan worked just as hard
(B) ____________________ ____________________ (두 단어) as every other player on the team. Although he
knew, he would never be a valuable player in any
(C) ____________________ (한 단어) of the team's games, he poured his heart and soul
into practice every day.

90. 다음 글의 요지를 조건에 맞게 영어로 쓰시오.90) ⇨ Although ____________________________________________

[1과] ________________________________________________________.
For the past three years, Ethan has been
schooling us all in the game of life. He always <조건>
reminds us that everyone is important to a team’s - 주어, 동사가 갖춰진 완전한 문장으로 작성
success, though their role on the team may be - Ethan, have, do one’s best, on the team을 반드
small. Rather than putting all his efforts into trying 시 사용하되, 필요하면 단어 변형 가능
to be the team’s best player, he has done - 추가로 필요한 단어는 본문에서 찾아 추가 가능
everything he can to make the team better. As
- 주어진 단어를 포함하여 총 14단어 이하로 작성
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is
also of great worth. When we help others shine,
their light will shine on us in return. Yes, sometime
92. 다음 글의 요지를 완성하고자 한다. 다음 문장의
there is something better than being the best.
빈칸 (A), (B)에 각각 들어갈 적절한 한 단어를 본

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

문에서 찾아 그대로 쓰시오. (단, 기호와 함께 답

안을 작성하시오.)92)
For the past three years, Ethan has been
schooling us all in the game of life. He always
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's
success, though their role on the team may be
small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying
to be the team's best player, he has done
everything he can to make the team better. As
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us
is also of great worth. When we help others
shine, their light will shine on us in return. Yes,
sometimes there is something better than being
the best.

Making the team (A)___________ through your

dedication and passion is more (B)___________ than
being the best player.

(A) ______________________________
(B) ______________________________

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

내용 이해 sidelines as Winston High's loudest supporter.

93. 다음 글의 질문에 관한 알맞은 답을 어법에 맞게 <조건>

- 본문을 읽고 (A)를 설명하는 근거 4가지를 본문에
When the rival team dropped the. ball, one of 서 찾아 쓰기
our players recovered it and quickly ran down the - 각각 20자 내외의 우리말로 작성 (띄어쓰기 미포
field with it. Ethan ran right after him to catch up. 함)
As our player got closer to the end zone, ⓐhe saw
Ethan behind him on his left. Instead of running (1) ______________________________________________________
straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to (2) ______________________________________________________
Ethan so that ⓑhe could score a touchdown. All (3) ______________________________________________________
eyes were on Ethan. With the ball in ⓒhis hands, (4) ______________________________________________________
everything seemed to be moving in slow motion,
like in a Hollywood movie. People kept their eyes
on ⓓhim as he made his way to the end zone. 95. 다음 글의 내용을 바탕으로 적절한 단어나 문장
They saw ⓔhim cross the goal line right before the 을 넣어 인터뷰를 완성하시오. (단어 수 제약 없
clock ran out. Unexpectedly, everyone in the crowd 음)95) [1과]
leapt to their feet with their hands in the air. They Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
were bursting with excited shouts and unending unnaturally bend away from each other. It is
cheers for Ethan. difficult for him to walk, run, or move around.
Because of his condition, he decided to leave his
Q: Why did the player pass the ball to Ethan? crowded high school in the big city. He moved to
A: He passed the ball to help ______________________. our school in the middle of his first year in high
school. That following summer, he asked the coach
__________________________________________________________ if he could join the football team as a sophomore.
The coach wasn't sure at first, but in the end he
allowed Ethan to come to practice. Regardless of
94. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 (A)를 설명하는 세부적인 his physical difficulties, Ethan worked just as hard
근거 4가지를 본문에서 찾아 우리말로 쓰시오.94) as every other player on the team. Although he
[1과] knew he would never be a valuable player in any
That following summer, he asked the coach if he of the team's games, he poured his heart and soul
could join the football team as a sophomore. The into practice every day.
coach wasn't sure at first, but in the end he Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to
allowed Ethan to come to practice. Although he the team in different ways. His passion for the
knew he would never be a valuable player in any game was an inspiration to all his teammates.
of the team's games, he poured his heart and soul Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them,
into practice every day. they became his most passionate fans. Day in and
Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to day out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and
the team in (A)different ways. Because Ethan hard work lifted everyone's spirits. Right before
motivated and encouraged his teammates, they every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
became his most passionate fans. Day in and day of the group offering motivational words. He had a
out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and special talent for calming people down and
hard work lifted everyone's spirits. Right before bringing out the best in them. Ethan was also
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle Winston High's loudest supporter. He always
of the group offering motivational words. Besides, observed each play carefully from the sidelines.
Ethan always observed each play carefully from the Although he wasn't the one making the actual

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

plays on the field, Ethan's mind was always right could show our abilities to the fullest.
there with his teammates. Everyone could sense his What we learned from him most is that
love for football, and the coaches admired his (F)________________.
For the past three years, Ethan has been 정답:
schooling us all in the game of life. He always (A) ____________________________________________________
reminds us that everyone is important to a team's (B) ____________________________________________________
success, though their role on the team may be (C) ____________________________________________________
(D) ____________________________________________________
small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying
(E) ____________________________________________________
to be the team's best player, he has done
(F) ____________________________________________________
everything he can to make the team better. As
Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is
also of great worth. When we help others shine,
their light will shine on us in return. Yes,
96. 다음 글을 참조하여 다음 질문 "How did Ethan
become valuable to the team?"에 대한 답변으로
sometimes there is something better than being 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.96)
the best.
Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to the
team in different ways. His passion for the game
was an inspiration to all his teammates. Because
Interviewer: Congratulations on winning the game.
Ethan motivated and encouraged them, they
Why did you decide to be a football
became his most passionate fans. Day in and day
out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and
Ethan: Among many sports, I love (A)____________
hard work lifted everyone's spirits. Right before
so much and I wanted to be a member of
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle
our school team. I think I tried to find a
of the group offering motivational words. He had a
way to overcome my (B)___________
special talent for calming people down and
bringing out the best in them. Ethan was also
Interviewer: What do you think your role was on
Winston High's loudest supporter. He always
your team?
observed each play carefully from the sidelines.
Ethan: I tried to do my best to (C)_____________.
Although he wasn't the one making the actual
Interviewer: Here is one of Ethan's teammates,
plays on the field, Ethan's mind was always right
Kevin, who passed Ethan the ball so
there with his teammates. Everyone could sense his
that he could score a touchdown.
love for football, and the coaches admired his
Helio, Kevin. Congratulations on your
team's victory.
Kevin: Thank you. I was so happy to see Ethan's
touchdown today. Actually, we are all huge Answer: He became valuable by (A)___________ and
fans of him. He's the hidden gem of our (B)___________ his teammates.
Interviewer: Wow, you're saying a lot of good (A) ____________________________________________________
(B) ____________________________________________________
things about Ethan. How did he
become valuable to the team?
Kevin: First of all, before every game, he always
gave us (D)______________ words and also, 97. 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 알맞은 답으로 <보기>에
주어진 말을 모두 사용하여 빈칸을 완성하시오.
whenever we got too excited or conflict
(단, 필요시 어형을 변화시킬 것)97) [1과]
among us was created for some reasons,
Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to
he made us (E)______________ so that we

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1학기 중간고사 내신대비 - 주관식, 서술형 중심

the team in different ways. His passion for the The coach wasn't sure at first, but in the end he
game was an inspiration to all his teammates. allowed Ethan to come to practice. Regardless of
Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them, his physical difficulties, Ethan worked just as hard
they became his most passionate fans. Day in and as every other player on the team. Although he
day out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and knew he would never be a valuable player in any
hard work lifted everyone's spirits. Right before of the team's games, he poured his heart and soul
every game, Ethan would always be in the middle into practice every day.
of the group offering motivational words. He had a
special talent for calming people down and 답 : _________________________________________________
bringing out the best in them. Ethan was also
Winston High's loudest supporter. He always
observed each play carefully from the sidelines.
Although he wasn't the one making the actual
plays on the field, Ethan's mind was always right
there with his teammates.

and / motivational / offer / words / by /
teammates / encourage / his

Q: How did Ethan become valuable to the team?

A: He became the team's most valuable player


98. 다음 글의 밑줄 부분의 이유를 1문장 이상의 영

어 문장으로 서술하시오.98) [1과]
Unexpectedly, everyone in the crowd leapt to
their feet with their hands in the air. They were
bursting with excited shouts and unending cheers
for Ethan. In this moment, all of Ethan's hard work
and dedication was being rewarded with glory.
Ethan's touchdown didn't win the game, but it will
be worth remembering. By now you're probably
wondering why.
Well, Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs
unnaturally bend away from each other. It is
difficult for him to walk run, or move around.
Because of his condition, he decided to leave his
crowded high school in the big city. He moved to
our school in the middle of his first year in high
school. That following summer, he asked the coach
if he could join the football team as a sophomore.

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지칭 대상

v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]

With only two minutes to play, both teams were

fighting for the football. It was the last home game
for the seniors of Winston High, and they were
determined to win. Since it had been a close game
the whole evening, the best players of each team
hadn’t left the field. Once Winston High’s coach
finally knew that victory was theirs, all the seniors
on the sidelines were allowed to play for the last
few seconds. One of the seniors, Ethan, was
especially happy. ⓐHe had never played in any of
the games before. Now, Ethan was finally getting
the chance to step onto the grass. When the rival
team dropped the ball, one of our players
recovered it and quickly ran down the field with it.
Ethan ran right after ⓑhim to catch up. As our
player got closer to the end zone, ⓒhe saw Ethan
behind ⓓhim on ⓔhis left. Instead of running
straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to
Ethan so that ⓕhe could score a touchdown.

99. 위 글의 밑줄 친 they 가 가리키는 대상을 본문

에서 찾아 쓰시오.99)
→ ______________________________________________________

100. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓕ 중 Ethan을 지칭하는

것의 개수를 쓰시오.100)
→ ______________________________________________________

- 30 -
것을 상기시키다’의 의미를 나타내므로 that절을
2015년 개정 1학년 One reminds의 목적절로 구성하고 종속접속사 though
영어-NE능률(김성곤) 가 이끄는 절을 내용에 알맞게 연결한다.
8) (예시정답)
<쪽-바탕쪽에서 수정가능> (A) it is surprising for her not to hesitate to help
the baby.
본 자료는 해당 출판사의 동의를 얻어 이그잼포유 ⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for her, 진주어 to help
에서 제작하였습니다. 저작권법에 의하여 무단전재 를 사용하여 문장을 완성한다. : 그녀가 아기를
나 무단복제 및 전송을 금하며, 도서로의 모든 출 돕는 것을 망설이지 않는다는 것은 놀랍다.
판권파일 전송권은 이그잼포유에 있습니다. (B) it could put her in danger to rescue him on
the subway tracks, too.
⇨ 가주어 it, 진주어 to rescue로 문장을 구성한다. :
1) that everyone is important to a team’s success, 그를 지하철 선로에서 구조하는 것도 또한 그녀를
though their role on the team may be small 위험에 처하게 할 수 있었다.
⇨ ‘remind that 주어 동사’의 형태로 ‘주어가 동사할
9) calming people down and bringing out the best
것을 상기시키다’의 의미를 나타내므로 that절을
⇨ 전치사 for의 목적어로 동명사가 필요하고 내용상
reminds의 목적절로 구성하고 종속접속사 though
‘진정시켜(calm down), 최선을 다하도록 만든다.’의
가 이끄는 절을 내용에 알맞게 연결한다.
내용이므로 calming people down and bring out
2) Instead of putting all his efforts into trying to the best로 표현한다.
be the team’s best player, he has done
10) It's possible to preserve the heritage of a
everything he can to make the team better.
⇨ 전치사 instead of의 목적어로 동명사가 필요하므
⇨ 가주어 it과 진주어 to preserve를 사용하여 문장
로 put을 putting으로 표현해야 하며, 또한 전치사
을 완성한다. : ‘한 장소의 유산을 보존하는 것은
into 다음에도 동명사가 필요하므로 trying이 적절
하다. 또한 make의 앞에 to를 써서 '팀을 더 좋게
11) Everyone in the crowd leapt to their feet with
만들기 위해‘의 의미를 나타내어야 한다. can의 다
their hands in the air.
음에는 do가 생략되어 있고 he can do이하의 문
⇨ 내용상 everyone이 주어이고, 동사는 leapt 밖에
장이 everything을 수식하는 구조이다. he의 앞에
없으므로 이를 기준으로 ‘무리 속의 모든 사람들
는 목적격관계대명사가 생략되어 있다.
은 손을 흔들며 기뻐 날뛰었다.’의 문장을 구성한
3) (A) seeing Ethan’s smile, positive attitude and
다. leap to one's feet은 ‘기뻐 펄쩍 뛰다’의 의미
hard work 또는 Ethan’s smile, positive attitude
를 나타낸다.
and hard work (B) (always) observed each play
12) It is difficult for him to walk, run or move
carefully from the sidelines 또는 always
observed each play carefully
⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 ‘for 명사의 목적격’, 진주
4) (A) with their hands in the air
어 ‘to 동사원형’으로 문장을 구성한다. 3개의 진주
⇨ ‘상태(~한 채로)’의 의미를 나타내는 전치사 with를
어는 등위접속사 or로 연결하여 표현한다.
쓰고 그 목적어로 their hands를 쓰면 부사구 in
13) I promise to do better.
the air를 연결하여 ‘허공에 양 손을 들고’의 의미
⇨ ‘promise + to 부정사’의 형태로, ‘’to 부정사‘할 것
를 나타낸다.
을 약속하다’의 의미를 나타낸다.
5) there is something better than being best
14) her inspiring story will encourage all of you to
⇨ ‘there + be동사 + 주어’의 형태로 ‘주어가 있다’의
help your fellow citizens in their time of need!
의미를 나타내므로 there is something이 완성되며
⇨ ‘주어 + encourage + 목적어 + to 부정사’의 형태
something은 형용사의 후치수식을 받으므로 형용
로 ‘주어는 목적어가 'to 부정사’하도록 장려하다
사의 비교급 better을 something 뒤에 쓰며 비교
‘의 의미를 나타내므로 그에 준해 내용에 알맞게
대상을 나타내기 위해 than being best를 연결한
구성한다. in time of need는 ’어려움에 처한‘의 의
미를 나타낸다.
6) make it
15) putting all his efforts into trying to be
⇨ 'make it'은 ‘(모임 등에 가다’의 의미로 사용된다.
⇨ 전치사 instead of(~ 대신에) 다음에는 동명사가
7) everyone is important to a team though their
필요하고, put efforts는 ‘노력을 기울이다’의 의미
role may be small
를 나타내며 전치사 into 다음에도 동명사가 필요
⇨ ‘remind that 주어 동사’의 형태로 ‘주어가 동사할
한 것에 근거해 문장을 구성한다.

- 31 -
16) It is difficult for him to run fast. 팀의 중간에 있곤 했다.
⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for him, 진주어를 to 26) He had never played in any of the games
run으로 하여 문장을 구성한다. before.
17) Wishing to find the best answers to his ⇨ 주어를 He로 하고 ‘경험’을 나타내는 동사로 had
questions. played의 과거완료를 사용하며 부정어는 조동사
⇨ ‘wish + to 부정사’는 ‘~하기를 바라다’의 의미를 had와 played의 사이에 위치시킨다. ‘어떤 경기에
나타내며, answer to ~'는 ‘~에 대한 대답’의 의미 도’의 의미로 in any of the game을 쓰고 부사
를 나타낸다. 뒤의 주절과 연결하는 접속사가 없 before로 마무리한다.
으므로 분사구문으로 표현하며, 주절의 주어 the 27) Seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and hard
king과 wish의 관계가 능동이므로 현재분사가 이 work lifted everyone's spirits.
끄는 분사구문으로 나타낸다. ⇨ 주어로 동명사 seeing을 사용하여 ‘보는 것은’의
18) something better than being the best 의미를 나타내며, 동명사의 목적어로 Ethan's
⇨ ‘there + be동사 + 주어’의 형태로 ‘주어가 있다’의 smile, positive attitude, and hard work를 쓰고
의미를 나타내므로, there is something으로 표현 동사로 lift의 과거형 lifted를 사용한 다음 그 목적
하고 something은 형용사의 후치수식을 받으므로 어로 everyone's spirit을 표현한다.
something 다음에 형용사의 비교급 better를 연결 28) Although he wasn't the one making the actual
한다. 이어서 비교대상을 나타내는 than being the plays on the field.
best를 표현한다. ⇨ 접속사 although로 시작하여 주어로 he, 동사
19) calming people down and bringing out the wasn't 보어로 the one을 표현하다. 현재분사
best in them making을 사용하여 the actual plays on the field
⇨ 전치사 for 다음에는 동명사가 필요하고 ‘침착하게 를 이끌고 the one을 수식하도록 한다.
하다’는 calm down이므로 calming people down 29) It was very difficult[hard] for him to adapt to
으로 ‘사람들을 침착하게 한다.’의 의미를 나타내고 high school life in the big city.
이어서 등위접속사 and를 써서 2개의 동명사를 연 ⇨ It(가주어), for him(의미상의 주어), ‘to 동사원형(진
결하여 표현한다. 주어)’의 구문을 사용하여 'adapt to ~'는 ‘~에 적
20) He is only five feet tall and his legs are too 응하다’의 의미를 나타내므로 It was very
weak to run fast. difficult[hard] for him to adapt to high school
⇨ ‘too 형용사 + to 부정사’의 의미로 ‘너무 형용사 life in the big city.로 완성한다.
해서 ’to 부정사‘하다.’의 의미를 나타낸다. 30) Regardless of his physical difficulties, Ethan
21) Instead of running straight ahead, passed the worked just as hard as every other player on
ball to Ethan so that the team.
⇨ '~하는 것 대신에‘의 의미를 나타내는 전치사 ⇨ '~와 관계없이‘의 의미를 나타내는 'regardless of'
instead of 다음에는 동명사가 필요하므로 로 시작하여, 그 목적어로 his physical difficulties
running straight ahead를 연결하여 표현하고, 를 표현한다. 이어서 주어로 Ethan을 동사로
passed the ball to Ethan으로 ’Ethan에게 공을 worked를 쓰고, 이어서 'as ~ as -'는 ’-만큼 ~한
패스했다‘의 의미를 표현한 후에 ’~하기 위해서 ‘의 의미를 나타내므로 just as hard as every
‘의 의미를 나타내는 접속사 so that을 연결한다. other player on the team을 표현한다.
22) It is kind of him to help his teammates. 31) as hard as every other player
⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 of him, 진주어 to help ⇨ ‘as ~ as -'의 형태로, '-만큼 ~한[하게]’의 의미를
를 써서 완성한다. He is kind to help his 나타낸다.
teammates.의 관계가 성립하므로 의미상의 주어는 32) When we help others shine
of him으로 표현한다. ⇨ 'help + 목적어 + 동사원형(목적보어)‘의 형태로 ’
23) It is difficult for him to run or walk. 목적어가 목적보어하도록 돕다‘의 의미를 나타낸
⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for him, 진주어 to run 다.
or walk를 써서 완성한다. 33) It is difficult for him to walk, run or move
24) It is important for everyone to do his or her around.
best. ⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for him, 진주어 to walk,
⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for everyone, 진주어 to run or move를 써서 완성한다.
do를 사용하여 표현한다. 'do one's best'는 ‘최선 34) (A) putting all his efforts into trying to be the
을 다하다’의 의미를 나타낸다. team's best player
25) Ethan은 동기를 부여하는 말을 제공하면서 항상 ⇨ ‘~하는 대신에’의 의미를 나타내는 전치사 instead

- 32 -
of 다음에는 동명사를 써야 하고, put efforts는 ⇨ ‘there + be동사 + 주어’의 형태로 ‘주어가 있다’의
‘노력을 기울이다’의 의미를 나타내므로, putting 의미를 나타내므로 there is something이 완성되
all his efforts를 표현한 다음에, ‘~쪽으로’의 의미 며 something은 형용사의 후치수식을 받으므로 형
를 나타내는 전치사 into를 쓰고, 전치사 다음에 용사의 비교급 better을 something 뒤에 쓰며 비
는 동명사가 와야 하므로 trying to be the 교대상을 나타내기 위해 than being best를 연결
team's best player를 표현한다. 한다.
(B) he has done everything he can to make 42) because being quick is more valuable than
the team better height or width
⇨ he has done everything으로 ‘그는 모든 것을 다 ⇨ ‘because + 주어 + 동사’의 형태로, '왜냐하면 주
했다’의 의미를 나타내고 he can의 목적격관계 대 어가 동사하기 때문이다‘의 의미를 나타내므로, 접
명사절을 연결한다. 이 때 he의 앞에는 목적격관 속사 because를 먼저 쓰고 이어서 주어로 being
계대명사가 생략되어 있고 can의 다음에는 do가 quick(빠른 것), 동사로 is를 표현한다. is의 보어로
생략되어 있다. 이어서 to make the team better 비교급 more valuable을 쓴 다음, 비교대상을 나
를 써서 마무리한다. 이 때 to make는 ‘목적’을 나 타내는 than height or width로 마무리한다.
타낸다. 43) Ethan became valuable(important, helpful) by
35) He always reminds us that everyone is motivating(inspiring, encouraging) his
important to the team's success. teammates.
⇨ ‘주어 + remind + 목적어 that절’‘의 형태로, ’주어 ⇨ Ethan은 그의 팀원들에게 동기를 부여함으로써 중
는 목적어에게 that절을 상기시키다‘의 의미를 나 요한 존재가 되었다.
타내므로 이에 준하여 문장을 구성한다. 44) because of / encouraging / offering / being
36) being the best ⇨ (A) (Because of) his physical difficulties, Ethan
37) everyone in the crowd leapt to their feet with couldn’t contribute to the team’s success as
their hands in the air the one playing on the field. However, he
⇨ ‘everyone(모든 사람들) in the crowd(무리)’로 주 became very valuable to the team by (B)
어를 표현하고 leap to one's feet은 ‘벌떡 일어서 (encouraging) his teammates, (C)(offering)
다’의 의미를 나타내므로 leap to their feet을 연 motivational words right before every games,
결한다. 이어서 with their hands in the air로 ‘공 and (D)(being) the loudest supporter of
중에 손을 흔들며’를 표현한다. Winston High. : 그이 신체적 어려움 때문에,
38) It is difficult for him to walk, run or move Ethan은 경기장에서 경기하는 선수로서 팀의 성
around. 공에 기여할 수 없었다. 그러나 그는 팀원들에게
⇨ ⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for him, 진주어 to 용기를 주고, 모든 게임 바로 전에 동기를 부여하
walk, run or move (around)를 써서 완성한다. 는 말을 제공하고, Winston High의 가장 큰 지원
39) offers many ways for athletes of all shapes and 자가 됨으로써 그 팀에 아주 중요한 존재가 되었
sizes to contribute to the game 다.
⇨ '제공하다‘는 offer가 나타내므로, 문장의 동사로 45) (A) motivation
offers를 쓰고, 그 목적어로 many way(많은 방법 (B) weakness
들)을 표현한다. 이어서 'to 부정사’를 사용하여 ⇨ Thanks to Ethan’s (A)(motivation) to the team,
many way를 수식하여 ‘경기에 공헌하는 많은 방 Winston High won the soccer game even
법들’의 의미를 나타내어야 하므로 to contribute though he has a physical (B)(weakness).
to the game을 표현한다. to contribute하는 주체 ⇨ 팀에 대한 Ethan의 동기부여 덕택에, Winston
는 ‘모든 신체 형태와 사이즈의 운동선수들’이므로 High는 비록 그가 신체적 약점이 있었지만 축구
이를 'to 부정사‘ 앞에 'to 부정사’의 의미상의 주 경기에서 승리했다.
어로 표현한다. 따라서 for athletes of all shapes 46)In spite of his physical handicaps, Ethan
and sizes to contribute to the game으로 표현한 dedicated himself into practice
다. ⇨ 그의 신체적 장애에도 불구하고, Ethan은 연습에
40) Ethan asked the coach if he could join the 몰두했다[전념했다].
football team as a sophomore 47) ⓐ With(with) the ball in his hands / ⓑ was
⇨ ‘주어 + ask + 목적어 + if절’의 형태로, ‘주어는 being rewarded
목적어에게 if절인지 아닌지를 묻다’의 의미를 나 ⇨ (A) ‘~을 가지고’의 의미를 가진 전치사 with를 쓰
타낼 수 있다. 고, 그 목적어로 the ball을 사용하고 부사구 in
41) there is something better than being the best his hands로 마무리한다. (B) '~하고 있다‘는 의미

- 33 -
를 나타내는 현재 진행형 ’be ~~ing‘에서 수동의 ⇨ (A) 전치사 at의 목적어로 동명사가 필요하다. (B)
의미를 나타내어야 하므로 'be being 과거분사’로 enjoy는 목적어를 동명사의 형태로 취해야 한다.
표현해야 한다. 따라서, was being rewarded가 적 58) ⓒ bringing out the best / ⓓ making the
절하다. actual plays
48) A player who carries the football → ⓒ 전치사 for의 목적어로 동명사가 필요하다. 등
⇨ the ball carrier는 '축구공을 소유하고 있는 경기자 위접속사 and가 2개의 동명사 calming과 bringing
‘를 의미한다. 을 병렬구조로 연결한다. ⓓ 현재분사 making으로
49) excel at passing and defending 표현하여 앞의 명사 the one을 능동의 의미로 수
⇨ 'excal at ~'의 형태로 ‘~에 뛰어 난’의 의미를 나 식하여야 한다.
타내고 전치사 at의 다음에는 동명사로 표현되어 59) 1) c / 2) had never played
야 한다. defend는 ‘방어하다’의 의미를 나타낸다. ⇨ 글의 기준 시점은 과거이고, 해당 문장은 과거 이
50) (A) kept their eyes on 전부터 기준 되는 과거 시점까지의 일에 대한 언
(B) made his way 급이므로 과거완료로 표현해야 한다.
(C) leapt(leaped) to their feet 60) (C) → was / (D) → ran / (E) → running
(D) be worth remembering ⇨ (C) 주어가 one으로 단수이므로 동사도 단수동사
⇨ 모든 시선이 Ethan을 향했다. 그의 손에 들린 공과 was로 일치되어야 한다. (D) 주어 one에 대한 동
함께, 모든 것이 할리우드 영화의 한 장면처럼 천 사로 표현되어야 하므로 ran이 적절하다. 등위접속
천히 움직이는 듯 했다. 사람들은 그가 엔드존을 사 and가 2개의 동사 recovered와 ran을 병렬구조
(B)향해갈 때 (B)그에게 시선을 고정했다. 그들은 로 연결한다. (E) 전치사 instead of 다음에는 동명
Ethan이 경기 종료 직전 골 라인을 넘어선 것을 사가 필요하므로 running이 적절하다.
보았다. 뜻밖에 모든 관중들이 손을 흔들며 (C)벌 61) ⓔ → trying
떡 일어섰다. 그들은 Ethan을 향한 들뜬 외침과 끝 ⇨ 전치사 of 다음에는 동명사가 필요하므로 trying이
없는 환호성을 터뜨렸다. 이 순간, Ethan의 그 모 적절하다.
든 노고와 헌신이 영광으로 보상 받고 있었다. 62) ⓐ to talk / ⓑ inspiration / ⓒ making
Ethan의 터치다운으로 경기에서 이긴 것은 아니었 ⇨ ⓐ 가주어 It에 대한 진주어가 필요하므로 to talk
지만, 그것은 (D)기억할만한 가치가 있을 것이다. 가 적절하다. ⓑ 동사 was에 대한 보어가 필요하
이쯤 되면 여러분은 아마 이유를 궁금해할 것이다. 므로 명사 inspiration으로 표현되어야 한다. ⓒ 현
51) Instead of running straight 재분사 making으로 표현하여 앞의 명사 the one
⇨ '~ 대신에‘의 의미를 나타내는 전치사 instead of를 을 능동의 의미로 수식하여야 한다.
쓰고 전치사 다음에는 동명사가 와야 하므로 63) ⓒ offered ⇨ offering
running을 연결하여 표현한다. ⇨ 문장의 주어 Ethan이 ‘제공하는’ 능동의 관계이므
52) as hard as 로 현재분사 offering으로 표현되어야 한다.
⇨ ‘as ~ as -'의 형태로 ’-만큼 ~한[하게]‘의 의미를 64) all his teammates
나타낸다. 65) shouts → shout
53) shine on us in return 66) (1) ⓑ → were
⇨ ‘비추다’의 의미를 가진 동사는 shine이므로 will 다 (2) ⓔ → was being rewarded
음에 연결하고 ‘우리에게’의 의미로 on us를 쓴다. ⇨ ⓑ 주어가 all eyes로 복수이므로 복수동사 were로
다음에 ‘보답으로’의 의미로 in return을 표현한다. 일치되어야 한다. ⓔ 내용상 ‘보상받고 있었다.’
54) was being rewarded with glory 의 내용을 표현하고자 하며, 이는 ‘진행형 수동
⇨ ‘보답[보상]하다’의 의미는 reward가 나타내고, ‘~하 태(be being 과거분사)’로 표현한다.
고 있다’는 진행형으로 표현해야 한다. ‘보상받다’ 67) ⓑ come → to come, ⓔ lifting → lifted,
의 수동의 의미이므로 ‘be being 과거분사’의 ‘진 ⇨ ⓑ 동사 allow가 목적격 보어로 to부정사를 사용하
행형 수동태’로 표현한다. '영광으로‘의 의미로 with 기 때문이다. ⓔ 동사 자리이므로 lifting이 아닌
glory를 써서 마무리한다. lifted를 사용한다.
55) (3) → who, (6) → passing, (9) → show 68) ⓐ upcycled ⓑ to give ⓒ surrounding ⓓ filled
⇨ This gives shorter playes who excel at passing ⇨ ⓐ 내용상 수동태가 되어야 하므로 can be
and defending a chance to show off their skills. upcycled로 표현되어야 한다. ⓑ decide + ‘to 동
56) so that he could score a touchdown 사원형’의 형태로 ‘~하기로 결심하다’의 의미를
⇨ 그가 터치다운을 득점할 수 있도록 ; so that은 접 나타낸다. ⓒ 이어진 명사를 수식하기 위해 현재
속사로 ‘~하기 위해서’의 의미를 나타낸다. 분사 surrounding으로 표현되어야 한다. ⓓ 수동
57) (A) dancing / (B) watching

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의 의미를 나타내는 과거분사 filled로 표현되어 특정한 시점에 있었던 일에 대한 언급이므로 과거
앞의 명사 land를 수식하여야 한다. 동사 got으로 표현되어야 한다. ⓔ could는 조동
69) to cross 사이고 조동사 다음에는 동사원형이 와야 하므로
70) to cross → cross score가 적절하다.
71) saw는 지각동사이므로 목적격 보어 자리에 동사 78) hearing
원형 cross를 써야한다. ⇨ ‘look forward to 명사/동명사’의 형태로 ‘~하는 것
72) (1) putting 을 학수고대하다’의 의미를 나타내므로 hearing이
(2) trying 적절하다.
(3) to make 79) Is it hard for you to adapt
⇨ 전치사 instead of의 목적어로 동명사가 필요하므 ⇨ 가주어 it, 의미상의 주어 for you, 진주어 to
로 put을 putting으로 표현해야 하며, 또한 전치사 adapt를 사용하여 의문문을 만든다. 'adapt to~'
into 다음에도 동명사가 필요하므로 trying이 적절 는 ‘~에 적응하다’의 의미를 나타낸다.
하다. 또한 make의 앞에 to를 써서 '팀을 더 좋게 80) 그가 그의 학생들을 통제하는 것은 어렵다.
만들기 위해‘의 의미를 나타내어야 한다. can의 다 ⇨ 가주어 it은 자리만 차지하고 뜻이 없고, to
음에는 do가 생략되어 있고 he can do이하의 문 control이 진주어이고, for him은 to control의 의
장이 everything을 수식하는 구조이다. he의 앞에 미상의 주어[행위 주체]이므로 그에 따라 해석한
는 목적격관계대명사가 생략되어 있다. 다.
73) They saw him cross(crossing) the goal line right 81) I am used to getting up at 7 a.m.
before the clock ran out. ⇨ 'be used to ~ing'의 형태로 ‘~하는 것에 익숙하
⇨ saw는 지각동사이고 지각동사는 목적어와 목적보 다’의 의미를 나타낸다.
어의 관계가 능동일 때 목적보어 자리에 동사원형 82) ⓐ cross ⓓ rewarded ⓔ remembering
이나 현재분사를 사용해야 한다. ⇨ ⓐ saw는 지각동사이고 지각동사는 목적어와 목적
74) ⓑ what - that 보어의 관계가 능동일 때 목적보어 자리에 동사원
⇨ 이어진 문장이 완전한 절이므로 접속사 that으로 형을 사용해야 하므로 cross가 적절하다. ⓓ 내용
표현되어야 한다. 관계대명사 what 다음에는 불완 상 ‘보상받고 있었다.’를 표현하고자 하므로 진행형
전한 절이 와야 한다. 의 수동태로 표현되어야 한다. 따라서 was being
75) (A) inspiration rewarded가 적절하다. ⓔ worth ~ing의 형태로 ‘~
(B) offering / to offer 할 만한 가치가 있는’의 의미를 나타내므로
(C) bringing / brought remembering이 적절하다.
⇨ (A) 동사 was에 대한 보어가 필요하므로 명사 83) 그의 신체적인 장애에 관계없이 Ethan은 단지 팀
inspiration으로 표현되어야 한다. (B) 주어 Ethan 에 모든 다른 선수들처럼 열심히 일했다.
과 능동관계를 나타내는 현재분사 offering으로 ⇨ ‘regardless of ~’는 ‘~에 관계없이’의 의미를 나타
표현되어야 한다. 또는 to offer로 표현하여 ‘제공 내고 physical은 ‘신체적인’의 의미이다. as ~ as -'
하기 위해’의 의미를 나타낼 수도 있다. (C) 전치 는 ‘-만큼 ~한’의 의미를 나타낸다.
사 for의 목적어로 동명사가 필요하므로 bringing 84) Ethan은 삶이라는 경기에서 우리에게 가르침을
으로 표현되어야 한다. 또는 주어 he에 대한 동사 주고 있다.
로 brought로 표현할 수도 있다. ⇨ have[has] been ~ing는 ‘과거부터 현재까지 (계속)
76) ⑥번 ~하고 있는 중이다’의 의미를 나타낼 때 사용되는
⇨ 주어진 문장의 graduating은, 주절의 주어 he와 능 현재완료진행형 시제이다.
동관계를 나타내는 현재분사로 분사구문을 유도한 85) It is also of great worth to lift up those
다. 이와 같은 용법으로 사용된 것은 ⑥번의 around us.
putting이며 앞의 접속사 when은 분사구문에서 접 ⇨ 주어 자리에 있는 ‘to 부정사 어구’를 문장 끝으로
속사의 의미를 분명히 하기 위해 생략되지 않았다. 돌리고 그 자리에 가주어 it을 사용한다.
77) ⓐ: been / ⓑ: theirs / ⓒ: to step / ⓓ: got / 86) kindly, lent, so, that, she, could, buy
ⓔ: score ⇨ ‘have the kindness to 부정사’는 ‘아주 친절해서
⑥ ⓐ 앞의 조동사 had와 어울려서 과거완료로 표현 to 부정사할 수 있다.’의 의미로 표현할 수 있다.
되어야 하므로 been이 적절하다. ⓑ 동사 was의 ‘so 형용사 that 주어 can 동사원형’에서 that은
보어가 필요하므로 소유대명사 theirs(그들의 것)이 ‘그래서’의 의미를 나타내는 ‘결과’의 접속사이다.
적절하다. ⓒ 앞의 명사 a chance를 수식해야 하 87) Inspiring other people is as important as
므로 형용사의 기능을 하는 ‘to 부정사’로 표현되 becoming the best.
어야 한다. 따라서 to step이 적절하다. ⓓ 과거 ⇨ 다른 사람들을 격려하는 것은 최고가 되는 것만큼

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중요하다. ‘as ~ as -'는 ’-만큼 ~한‘의 의미를 나타
88) Any limitations stop you from doing what you
⇨ 어떠한 한계라도 당신이 사랑하는 것을 하지 못하
도록 막을 수 있다.
89) (A) Upcycle
(B) environmentally friendly
(C) recycling
90) People who do their best for others can be
considered more valuable than for themselves.
⇨ 타인을 위해 최선을 다하는 사람들은 자신을 위해
최선을 다하는 사람들보다 더 가치있게 여겨질 수
91) (Although) Ethan had physical difficulties, he
did his best on the team.
⇨ 비록 Ethan은 신체적 장애를 가지고 있었지만 그
는 팀에서 자신의 최선을 다했다.
92) (A) better / (B) important
⇨ 당신의 헌신과 열정을 통해 팀을 (A)더 좋게 만드
는 것은 최고의 선수가 되는 것보다 더 (B)중요하
93) Ethan score a touchdown
⇨ 그는 ‘Ethan이 터치다운을 기록하는 것을’ 돕기 위
해 공을 패스했다.
94) (1) Ethan이 선수들에게 동기를 부여하고 격려했

(2) 매일매일 Ethan의 미소와 긍정적인 태도, 엄
청난 노력을 보는 것은 모두의 기운을 북돋웠다.
(3) 매 경기 직전에, Ethan은 의욕을 높이는 말을
해주며 항상 팀의 중심에 있곤 했다
(4) Ethan은 항상 사이드라인에서 각 플레이를 유
심히 관찰했다
95) (A) football / (B) physical / (C) encourage my
teammates / (D) motivational / (E) calm down
/ (F) everyone is important to a team's success,
though their roles on the team may be small
96) (A) motivating / (B) encouraging
⇨ 그는 그의 팀원들에게 (A)동기를 부여하고 (B)격려
함으로써 가치 있는 존재가 되었다.
97) by encouraging his teammates and offering
motivational words
⇨ 그는 그의 팀원들을 격려하고 동기가 부여되는 말
을 해주어서 그 팀의 가장 중요한 선수가 되었다.
98) It is because of his physical difficulties.
99) the seniors of Winston High
100) 2개
⇨ ⓐ, ⓕ

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