Brand Mastery

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Upscaling Your Brand: Building Digital Impact & Followers (for ABAP HANA & Cloud

I. Introduction (10 minutes)

What is Brand & Digital Impact? (2 minutes)

Briefly define brand (perception) and digital impact (online presence).
Why is a Strong Digital Presence Crucial? (3 minutes)
Highlight the importance for training providers to attract students online.
Mention increased visibility, credibility, and lead generation.
Case Study: (5 minutes)
Showcase a successful example of a training company leveraging social media.

II. Building Your Brand Foundation (20 minutes)

Graphic Design with Canva (FREE): (10 minutes)

Importance of visuals in branding.
Canva basics: Creating logos, social media graphics, presentations.
Design tips for a professional and consistent brand aesthetic.
The Power of AI Design Tools (Optional): (5 minutes)
Briefly introduce AI image and video creation tools like Dall-E 2 or Midjourney.
Explain how they can generate unique visuals for social media content.

III. Social Media Presence: Building Your Skeleton (20 minutes)

Platform Selection (Targeting Your Audience): (10 minutes)

Understanding your target audience (professionals, students?)
Choosing the right platforms (LinkedIn for professionals, Instagram for broader
Briefly discuss other options like Facebook groups.
Creating Optimized Profiles: (10 minutes)
Optimizing profile information (bio, keywords, visuals).
Linking website and relevant information.

IV. Content is King: Posting Strategies (30 minutes)

Content Pillars: (10 minutes)

Identify key topics related to ABAP HANA & Cloud training.
Examples: Industry trends, career advice, skill development tips.
Diversify content with a mix of informative, engaging, and promotional posts.
Post Formats & Leveraging AI Tools: (10 minutes)
Instagram: Eye-catching visuals (infographics, quotes, course previews), Stories
(live Q&A, behind the scenes).
Leverage AI image and video creation tools (Dall-E 2, Midjourney) for unique
LinkedIn: Long-form educational content (articles, case studies), industry
insights, networking opportunities.
Utilize AI writing assistants (Wordtune, Jasper) to improve writing efficiency and
suggest creative variations.
Posting Schedule & Consistency: (10 minutes)
Develop a regular posting schedule for each platform.
Importance of consistent brand voice and messaging.

V. Strategies to Gain Audience & Convert Leads (20 minutes)

Organic Growth: (10 minutes)

Use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.
Engage with followers through comments, replies, and polls.
Run contests or giveaways to boost engagement.
Collaborate with other training providers or industry influencers.
Free Workshops as Lead Magnets: (5 minutes)

Explain how free workshops can showcase expertise, attract potential students, and
generate leads for paid programs.
Briefly discuss strategies for promoting workshops and converting attendees.
Paid Advertising (Optional): (5 minutes)

Briefly discuss paid advertising options on chosen platforms.

Targeting specific demographics and interests.

VI. Measurement & Analysis (10 minutes)

Tracking Key Metrics:

Monitor reach, engagement, website traffic, and follower growth.
Analyzing Performance:
See what content resonates best with your audience.
Refine your strategy based on data insights.
Mention AI-powered social media analytics tools for deeper insights (optional).

VII. Conclusion & Q&A (10 minutes)

Recap the key takeaways for successful brand building and audience growth.
Open the floor for questions and address audience concerns.
Additional Resources:

Provide a list of helpful resources for further learning on Canva, social media
management tools, AI design/writing tools (optional).
Tailoring for ABAP HANA & Cloud Training:

Throughout the course, use relevant examples and case studies related to these
specific technologies.
Highlight how your brand's training programs can benefit the target audience.
Showcase success stories of your trainees who have landed jobs through your

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