May 9 Final Chapter 2

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Research Design

The study used the descriptive survey research design. The descriptive

method sought to determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents ,

perceptions of the Person’s Deprived of Liberty to the Criminal Justice

particularly the scheme, and issues and concerns encountered by the Person’s

Deprived of Liberty at Tarlac Provincial Jail. It involved gathering data that

described events and then organized, tabulated the data. It used description as a

tool to organize data into patterns that emerged during analysis. Descriptive

research plays an important role in educational research because it has greatly

increased knowledge about what happens in the educational system.

A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research

methods to investigate one or more variables. Descriptive research is usually

defined as a type of quantitative research, though qualitative research can also be

used for descriptive purposes. The research design should be carefully

developed to ensure that the results are valid and reliable (McCombes, 2022).

Research Locale

The present study is will be limited in the following aspects: the setting of

the study will be conducted at Tarlac Provincial Jail, located at Brgy. Baras-

Baras, Tarlac City, Province of Tarlac, Philippines.

Tarlac Provincial Jail, currently the primary jail in Tarlac Province, and

charged with the mandates of the latter, that is, of safekeeping and development

of Person’s Deprived of Liberty. Based on the current record Tarlac Provincial

Jail is now holding Five-Hundred Twelve (512) Persons Deprived of Liberty

charged with different crimes and offenses, such as felonies punishable under

the Revised Penal Code, offenses committed under several special laws like

Republic Act 9262 or the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children

(VAWC), Republic Act 9165 of Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act. of 2002

and infractions in different municipalities and city within Tarlac Province.

The facility of Tarlac Provincial Jail accommodates patients experiencing

difficulties in their health that provides treatment for the PDL to recover from

their illnesses, this facility was constructed with the help of the Tarlac Provincial

Jail, the Provincial Government of Tarlac, Department of Interior, and Local

Government, Department of Social Work and Development, and Department of

Health in these settings of the study preferably conducted this study to figure out

their opinion suggestion on their temporary facility to their permanent facility in

order to enhance the program which are conducted by the Welfare and

Development Officer at Tarlac Provincial Jail. In addition, Tarlac Provincial Jail,

being a mere instrumentality of the government under the supervision of the

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology helps recover provided and secure the

well-being of Person Deprived of Liberty which helps the major programs of the

Tarlac Provincial, comprises of different Person Deprived of Liberty within

Tarlac Province who are in the process of treatment of different Health Problem,
this setting of study will be able to conduct this survey, better for the reason that

the Person Deprived of Liberty came from different municipalities and city

within Tarlac Province who knows the different procedures and activities of

Welfare and Development Program (WDP). And also, being the only treatment

facility in the Tarlac Province who accommodates Person Deprived of Liberty

with different Health Problems it is really a challenge to handle because first of

all the researcher is not merely known of the medical courses the researcher is a

registered criminologist. Tarlac Provincial Jail there are numbers increasing PDL

with health problems. The Memorandum order of the Bureau of Jail

Management and Penology, from National Headquarters to the Regional Office

came up with this jail facility because before this facility there was no other

facility within the Tarlac Province that accommodates different health issues,

especially coming from a correctional facility.

Sampling Procedures

The total enumeration simple random sampling as utilized in this study

because the researchers involve half of the participants and it is the basic

sampling technique where we selected participants of two hundred fifty (250)

for the study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen

entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of

being included in the sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same

chance of selection. An example of a simple random sample would be the names

(optional) of 250 Persons of Deprived of Liberty out of five-hundred sixty-eight

(568). In this case, the population is all 250 Person’s Deprived of Liberty, and
the sample is random because each Person’s Deprived of Liberty e has an equal

chance of being chosen.

Every participant in the sample is picked at random, and every person in

the population has an equal chance of being picked. Any sample of a certain size

has the same chance of being picked. A simple random sample would be if the

names of 250 Person’s Deprived of Liberty from the total number of 568

Person’s Deprived of Liberty at Tarlac Provincial Jail were picked out of a hat.

In this case, all 250 Person’s Deprived of Liberty make up the population, and

the sample is random because each employee has the same chance of being


Scope and Delimitation

This study aimed to determine the Perceived Correlation between

Criminal Justice and Poverty: A Substrum Scheme associated with the Person’s

Deprived of Liberty in the Tarlac Provincial Jail. To understand this goal, the

respondents’ socio-demographic profile were described along Age, Sex, Civil

Status, Highest Educational Attainment, Crime committed, and Years in prison. It

also include the level of Perceived of the Person’s Deprived of Liberty to the

Criminal Justice particularly the scheme: Basic Needs, Health Services,

Livelihood Programs, Educational Programs, Sports and Recreational Programs,

Visitation Services, TCMP (Therapeutic Community Modality Program),

Paralegal Services, Religious Services, and GCTA (Good Conduct and Time

Allowance). More so, it also includes if there a significant relationship between

the socio-demographic profile and the level of perception of the respondents and
what are the issues and concerns forwarded by the respondents with regard to the

correlation amidst of criminal justice and poverty in order to know its scheme,

associated with crime to the Person’s Deprived of Liberty of the Tarlac Provincial

Jail. Lastly, based on the findings of the study, what are the causal relationships

between criminal justice and poverty that may provide a scheme or plan of action

to address issues or concerns.

Research Instrument

The key of research instruments is a checklist on the demographic profile

of persons deprived of liberty. Upon securing the approval, the instruments were

used to 250 persons deprived of liberty at the Tarlac Provincial Jail. The first

questionnaire checklist in terms of Perceived of the Person’s Deprived of Liberty

to the Criminal Justice particularly the scheme is comprises of 45-item-four point

Likert scale (4) highly implemented, (3) implemented, (2) least implemented and

(1) Not implemented. The second checklist questionnaire on the various

encountered issue or concern by the person’s deprived of liberty at Tarlac

Provincial Jail was prepared by the researcher. The checklist consisted of 26-item

four-point Likert scale, wherein the respondents answered (1) not serious, (2) least

serious, (3) serious, and (4) very serious. The checklist was validated by five

experts – the College of Criminal Justice Teacher Dean, Criminology Department

Chairperson, Criminology Professor, Researcher in Deped, and the Warden of

Tarlac Provincial Jail.

The data were summarized and analyzed carefully to get the information

necessary to the completion of flexible learning strategic plan. To supplement the

data gathered through the questionnaire, interviewed was used.

Data-Gathering Procedures

Letters are prepare for the respondents to ask their permission and

cooperation in the study. Upon the approval of the Criminal Justice Education Dean

to conduct research on “Perceived Correlation between Criminal Justice and

Poverty: A Substrum Scheme associated with the Person’s Deprived of Liberty in

the Tarlac Provincial Jail “. The researcher made another request letter for the

warden of Tarlac Provincial Jail to distribute the questionnaires through the

assistance of a jail officer to the Person’s Deprived of Liberty. Upon securing the

approval of the authorities concerned, the researcher personally distributed the

questionnaire through the help of a jail officer to the Person’s Deprived of Liberty

for security purposes. They were asked to answer the questions honestly and be

assured that their identity was held confidential.

Upon retrieval, the questionnaire was fielded all the data were collected

and subjected to statistical analysis in order to facilitate an objective

interpretation. This provided reliable answers to the research problems. Data were

organized and presented through tables followed by textual interpretations.

Data Management and Analysis

The conforming scoring template as attached in Perceived Correlation

between Criminal Justice and Poverty: A Substrum Scheme associated with the
Person’s Deprived of Liberty in the Tarlac Provincial Jail Questionnaire was

used to get the level of with the Person’s Deprived of Liberty.

Frequency and Percentage distribution will be used to classify, analyze,

tabulate and interpret the data that was obtained from the Perceived Correlation

between Criminal Justice and Poverty of questionnaires. Frequency distribution

is any arrangement of the data that shows the frequency occurrence of different

values of failing within arbitrary defined rangers of variables, also known as


In statistics, a frequency distribution is a list of the values that a variable

takes in a sample. It is usually a list, ordered by quantity, showing the number of

times each value appears.

For the first research question, the level of awareness on the 45-item tests were

shown through a frequency distribution table. The arithmetic mean was used to measure

the central tendency of scores, and to determine the variation among students scores, the

standard deviation was used.

total gathered scores

Mean =
total number of participants ( N )

Level of Perceived Correlation between Criminal Justice and Poverty of

Persons Deprived of Liberty questionnaires were characterized as follows:

Level of Perceived Score Range

Highly Implemented 4.51 – 5.00
Implemented 3.51 – 4.50
Least Implemented 2.51 – 3.50
Not Implemented 1.00 – 2.50
For the first research question, the mean scores of the person’s deprived

of liberty’s respondent on survey questionnaire to determine the level of

Perceived Correlation between Criminal Justice and Poverty associated with the

Person’s Deprived of Liberty in the Tarlac Provincial Jail.

According to Calmorin (2007), the weighted mean is applicable to

options different weight. This will help to interpret the weights from the level of

Perceived Correlation between Criminal Justice and Poverty associated and

answered by the Person’s Deprived of Liberty in the Tarlac Provincial Jail.

For the second research question, the arithmetic mean was used to

compute the means of the issue and concern encountered by the Person’s

Deprived of Liberty in the Tarlac Provincial Jail. Based on the Likert scale, the

limit of indices that will be utilized to determine the verbal description for the

computed means:

Weighted Mean is a measurement of central tendency. It represents the

average of given data. This helped to interpret the weights from the researchers-

made questionnaire answered by the teachers using the formula below.

Weighted Mean:

x=f / Fx

x = weighted mean

Fx = sum of all the product of f and x

f =sum of all the subjects or respondents

Weighted mean was used to describe the issue and concern encountered

by the Person’s Deprived of Liberty at Tarlac Provincial Jail. The following

scale was utilized in interpreting their issues and concerns.


4.50 - 5.00 Very serious Problem

3.59 – 4.49 Serious problem

2.50 – 3.49 Least serious Problem

1.00 – 2.49 Not Serious Problem

Ethical Consideration

The respondents were informed about the study and that all data gathered

are protected. They were encouraged to read and understand the provided

informed consent so they knew that all information obtained from them was kept

confidential. No intimidation or force will be employed. Everything will be done

voluntarily in answering the questionnaires. If any question made the respondent

uncomfortable, they were allowed not to answer it.

There was no token or compensation given to the respondents in the

study. In the survey questionnaire itself, the participants were required to answer

the personal information asked by the researcher’s participation in the study will

be voluntary, and no means of force was employed.

The researcher respected the participants’ requests regarding handling

the information they gave out; with their consent and permission, the
information gathered was kept confidential. To ensure that the researcher

considers all the research ethics and did not violate any, the draft research

proposal paper and the questionnaires will be checked by the provincial warden

up to check all the processes that will be done throughout the conduct of the


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